Xcode 7: crash on breakpoint stop - xcode

I have an extremely annoying problem!
Xcode 7 crashes almost on every breakpoint when it tries to symbolicate.
I have done several things including deleting Xcode and reinstalling it...
I also had the same issue on the previous Xcode 6.X
Any clue? I am wondering if I should reinstall mac OS from scratch...

I solved the issue by changing the optimization level in the build settings, make sure it is set to None for Debug configuration and make sure your RUN scheme uses Debug configuration.


Using SpriteKit crashes Xcode 8, is there a way to resolve?

Whenever I try and add any SpriteKit elements to my project, Xcode crashes. The files are created but not added to the project and if adding them manually, it still crashes when trying to open them. After some searching it looks as though previous versions have suffered with the same issue. I had the same issue with 8 beta 6 too.
Is there anything I can do to help with the issue? I can't find anything on the most up to date version so I'm guessing it's either something I'm doing or a problem with my setup.
I've the same issue when I try to maintain 2 Xcode versions in the same system, it is possible but you should install them into separate directories, for example Xcode_731 and Xcode_8 (my actual version is 8A218a GM, I haven't any crash).
This should be unuseful without crashes, but try also to free some memory (quit also simulator app after your crash), in your terminal:
sudo purge

Tests don't work on Xcode 8, beta 2

When I run tests on my project in XCode, it builds, and then says Testing... which never ends.
When I use the stop button, the process stops with this text in the console:
*** If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the log file at /Users/MY.NAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/APPNAME-gcsubmsjksdbljcswbefkgugjray/Logs/Test/C53D8988-3564-4C2B-A535-075D26D1E4A7/Session-APPNAMETests-2016-07-13_140704-t3DFd5.log
However, I am unable to run the tests again, and have to relaunch xcode to run them.
Is this an issue on XCode that may be known to the Apple developers?
So, I figured, the simulator is not launching in time, and that fails the xcode to run the tests. It might be an installation bug with the simulator.
As I anticipated in my edit to the question the first time, XCode installation did not install the simulator correctly.
I trashed the old installed version and reinstalled XCode. And now everything works fine.
Thanks for all the help.
I found that the tests never ran if I was running anything other than iOS10 on the simulator, so use iOS 10. I guess backwards compatibility doesn't really matter.

Xcode 7.3 crashes when breakpoint set or app crashes

I am having this issue and when I searched it on Stack Overflow I saw that many people have had this before:
First of all, you can find the crash report here: http://pastebin.com/c726EUip
What I've tried so far:
I set the "Enable Clang Module Debugging" in Build Setting to NO
I did pod update
Tried to change LLDB to GDB but i think xcode no longer has this option
This is the list of frameworks:
Here are links to questions from people with the same issue:
Xcode 4.3-4.4 crashes with breakpoints using LLDB, breakpoints useless with GDB
Xcode 7.3 crashing when debugging with breakpoints
iOS App crashes when setting breakpoint in Xcode
I am totally desperate on this, as I cannot debug my work properly.
Anyone have ideas?
Try going through all these steps in the exact same order https://stackoverflow.com/a/28371711/821053 This solved my debugging problems a couple of times.

Xamarin.iOS crash on 6.1 simulator

i recently received my Macbook and wanted to start developing iOS apps with it.
I Created a default Master-Detail App using the Templates in Xamarin.Studio and everything worked.
Now today i wanted to actually do something in the app, but didn't change a single line of code, still the app doesn't show up anymore in the simulator as long as i want it to use the 6.1 sdk for ios. if i use any other (6.0 etc) it works fine.
I already tried clearing my Cache in /Users/MYNAME/Library/Xamarin/ but this didn't change anything.
What would you suggest me to do now? can i simply reinstall the 6.1 sdk?if so, how would i do this?
Thanks for your help
I had a similar problem where the environment hang when I was trying to debug in the simulator (just showing the spinning ball). I found out that it only occured if I had my phone connected to the computer. Perhaps not valid in your case, but it might be a lead in your problem solving.
I'm using the latest version of everything. :)
From within Xamarin Studio (or MonoDevelop):
Project -> Your.Application.Name Options
Build -> iOS Build (iPhone Build in MonoDevelop)
SDK version: -> 6.1 (it's probably still on 6.0)
This fixed it for me. Also, it wouldn't hurt to make sure the target build in info.plist is set to 6.1.
Delete this folder:
/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1
And if your Library folder is hidden:
sudo chflags nohidden ~/Library/
I have experienced this problem several times again and my previous answer doesn't solve it. Ya know what does? Rebooting the computer. Works every time. shrug
You need to fill the Application name, Identifier, Version # in the project setting.
I had the same problem and got it solved that way.

XCode 3.2.4 buggy debugger?

i'm developing iPhone apps. Yesterday i updated leopard to snow leopard. Alongside i made the jump from XCode 3.1.4 to 3.2.4
I was always quite happy with XCode - working most of the time under windows, I really appreciate how well the XCode toolchain works together.
however - i'm not happy with 3.2.4 at all. i experience a lot of flaws, mainly with debugging. When an error arises, the debugger often stops at another place than the actual error happened. Sometimes the debugger does not trap into breakpoints at all and i get after some time a Error from Debugger: mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack - whatever that means. And also I get invisible breakpoints which i can't remove anymore.
Does anyone experience similar things with XCode 3.2.4? if so, which is the newest release that works well?
Usually the problem is to do with level of debug symbols or some compiler optimization (which shouldn't be applied in debug builds). Maybe the information here will help.
Also try a complete clean (delete the build folder, remove the app from the device/simulator) & rebuild. Ensure you're working with the Debug configuration.
