I am currently using tkEclipse for my prolog and am currently stuck at this question.
Given base cases of an item with their name and number, I need to be able to find the smallest number without using rules such as if statements.
eg. anime(gundam, 1978), anime(steins_gate, 2011), anime(prison_school, 2015). and the answer would say gundam is the smallest number. This must not be hard coded because if you were to change the knowledge base then it should also change answer. Also, it should work if there are only two animes in the knowledge base.
I was thinking of something like this to start:
anime(X, Y), anime(A,B), Y < B, but things after that get tricky because not allowed to use :-
findall(N, anime(A, N), S),
setof(X, member(X,S), [Min|_]).
Or, in one line:
setof(N, A^anime(A, N), [Min|_]).
For instance, say I have this program (only tested in swi-prolog):
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
% Sorted has the same elements as List and is also sorted
clpfd_sort(List, Sorted) :-
same_length(List, Sorted),
chain(Sorted, #=<),
permutation(List, Sorted).
Where could I find enough information on how clpfd works to know whether this is an efficient solution? It might be greedy to ask such a simple solution to be n lg(n) but for all I know it's 10^n.
I've looked at sources such as this and they all do a great job of explaining the magic of clpfd but none of them explain enough of how it's implemented for me to get an idea of which programs will run quickly and which will run slowly. clpfd apparently uses attributes to hook into unification? I don't know enough about attributes to know what that means for the complexity of the programs I write. Is there somewhere I could find out?
Example experiment:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
call_time(G,T) :-
T is T1 - T0.
% Sorted has the same elements as List and is also sorted
same_length(List, Sorted),
chain(Sorted, #=<),
permutation(List, Sorted).
n_randoms_times(NumberOfExperiments,Random_Lists,Times) :-
?- n_randoms_times(15,R,T),write(T).
So it looks like the time doubles as we add one to the size of the list ...
The best way to tackle with complexities of a Prolog or clpfd program is to avoid the actual mechanisms within and concentrate on concrete answers or sets of answers first. After all, if such an analysis already indicates a very large O, any further details are just futile, as is the case in your program.
Consider a list of n equal numbers. In this case, we will get n valid permutations. Thus worst-case complexity is at least O(n!). That seems to be bad enough to reconsider your approach.
The best in this case would be to develop a constraint that relates that list of integers to the actual list directly. If my memory does serve me well such has been implemented in the context of Prolog IV.
I am trying to print out a matrix in the following format but I am not sure how to. So this is the format I want to print it in.
This is how I am creating my matrix, what would I need to change in order to print out it like the above?
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
%Create Matrix
setMatrix(N, Matrix) :-
length(Matrix, N),
maplist(length_list(N), Matrix).
length_list(L, Ls) :- length(Ls, L).
Before I answer the actual question, a few additional points:
Think in terms of relations between entities, and describe what holds. Wording like "create", "set" etc. make no sense in this view: The described entities come into existence by describing them in any number of ways, for example, by writing them down directly.
Taking into account the earlier point, you can for example use:
n_matrix(N, Matrix) :-
length(Matrix, N),
maplist(same_length(Matrix), Matrix).
Notice that n_matrix/2 can be used in all directions, including: using a partially filled matrix, determining N from a given or partially instantiated matrix, testing whether a matrix is an N×N matrix etc. Therefore, we have chosen a name that encompasses all such use cases simultaneously by stating what each argument stands for, using declarative wording.
And now in response to the actual question:
Try to answer the simpler question:
How would you print a single row of this matrix in the way you want?
One way to do it is:
print_row(Ls) :- maplist(write, Ls), nl.
And now you can easily apply this to print the entire matrix:
?- n_matrix(N, Ms), maplist(print_row, Ms).
When describing relations over lists, it is often a good strategy to first define the relation for single element, and then to use the meta-predicates maplist/2 or maplist/N to describe the relation for the whole list.
This is probably the most trivial implementation of a function that returns the length of a list in Prolog
count([], 0).
count([_|B], T) :- count(B, U), T is U + 1.
one thing about Prolog that I still cannot wrap my head around is the flexibility of using variables as parameters.
So for example I can run count([a, b, c], 3). and get true. I can also run count([a, b], X). and get an answer X = 2.. Oddly (at least for me) is that I can also run count(X, 3). and get at least one result, which looks something like X = [_G4337877, _G4337880, _G4337883] ; before the interpreter disappears into an infinite loop. I can even run something truly "flexible" like count(X, A). and get X = [], A = 0 ; X = [_G4369400], A = 1., which is obviously incomplete but somehow really nice.
Therefore my multifaceted question. Can I somehow explain to Prolog not to look beyond first result when executing count(X, 3).? Can I somehow make Prolog generate any number of solutions for count(X, A).? Is there a limitation of what kind of solutions I can generate? What is it about this specific predicate, that prevents me from generating all solutions for all possible kinds of queries?
This is probably the most trivial implementation
Depends from viewpoint: consider
count(L,C) :- length(L,C).
Shorter and functional. And this one also works for your use case.
library CLP(FD) allows for
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
count([], 0).
count([_|B], T) :- U #>= 0, T #= U + 1, count(B, U).
?- count(X,3).
X = [_G2327, _G2498, _G2669] ;
(further) answering to comments
It was clearly sarcasm
No, sorry for giving this impression. It was an attempt to give you a synthetic answer to your question. Every details of the implementation of length/2 - indeed much longer than your code - have been carefully weighted to give us a general and efficient building block.
There must be some general concept
I would call (full) Prolog such general concept. From the very start, Prolog requires us to solve computational tasks describing relations among predicate arguments. Once we have described our relations, we can query our 'knowledge database', and Prolog attempts to enumerate all answers, in a specific order.
High level concepts like unification and depth first search (backtracking) are keys in this model.
Now, I think you're looking for second order constructs like var/1, that allow us to reason about our predicates. Such constructs cannot be written in (pure) Prolog, and a growing school of thinking requires to avoid them, because are rather difficult to use. So I posted an alternative using CLP(FD), that effectively shields us in some situation. In this question specific context, it actually give us a simple and elegant solution.
I am not trying to re-implement length
Well, I'm aware of this, but since count/2 aliases length/2, why not study the reference model ? ( see source on SWI-Prolog site )
The answer you get for the query count(X,3) is actually not odd at all. You are asking which lists have a length of 3. And you get a list with 3 elements. The infinite loop appears because the variables B and U in the first goal of your recursive rule are unbound. You don't have anything before that goal that could fail. So it is always possible to follow the recursion. In the version of CapelliC you have 2 goals in the second rule before the recursion that fail if the second argument is smaller than 1. Maybe it becomes clearer if you consider this slightly altered version:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
count([], 0).
count([_|B], T) :-
T #> 0,
U #= T - 1,
count(B, U).
Your query
?- count(X,3).
will not match the first rule but the second one and continue recursively until the second argument is 0. At that point the first rule will match and yield the result:
X = [_A,_B,_C] ?
The head of the second rule will also match but its first goal will fail because T=0:
X = [_A,_B,_C] ? ;
In your above version however Prolog will try the recursive goal of the second rule because of the unbound variables B and U and hence loop infinitely.
Hey guys I'm new to prolog and learning it myself.
I found this question on the internet but without any answers.
I have this database
countries([belgium, france, germany, italy, luxembourg, netherlands]).
weight(france, 4).
weight(germany, 4).
weight(italy, 4).
weight(belgium, 2).
weight(netherlands, 2).
weight(luxembourg, 1).
Now I made this program to see if a list of countries have enough votes to get over the threshold.
winning([], 0).
winning([Head | Tail], N):-
weight(Head, N1),
winning(Tail, N2),
N is N1 + N2.
winning(Y, N),
N >= X.
Now I need to write a program critical/2, first argument a country, second argument a list of countries. Is the first country needed to get over the threshold or not.
?- critical(netherlands, [belgium, france, germany]).
?- critical(netherlands, [france, germany, italy]).
for this program I need to check first, if the second argument is winning already. And if so it will fail. If not i need to get the value of the first argument add it to the second value and then check if its over the threshold. If it won't be enough it will fail. If it is enough it will succeed.
N1 is N+Value,
N1 >= X.
I'm doing alot of things wrong here but I have no idea how to fix it.
You are quite close to the solution. A few hints:
First, a good naming convention helps you keep track of which argument is what:
critical(C, Cs) :-
This makes clear that the first argument is a single country, and the second is a list of zero or more countries.
So, let us first relate Cs to their total weight. Again, it helps to have a good naming convention, making clear which argument is what:
country_weight(france, 4).
country_weight(germany, 4).
country_weight(italy, 4).
country_weight(belgium, 2).
country_weight(netherlands, 2).
country_weight(luxembourg, 1)
Now, to relate multiple countries to their respective weights, we use the meta-predicate maplist/3:
maplist(country_weight, Cs, Ws)
and to sum the weights, we use sum_list/2:
sum_list(Ws, Sum)
It is obvious how to describe that Sum must be below the threshold (left as an exercise).
Finally, to denote that the sum plus the weight of the country denoted by the first argument is greater than the threshould, we use:
country_weight(C, W),
W + Sum > Threshold
This completes the definition. Notice that it was not necessary to describe which countries exist at all. Therefore, you can omit the first predicate of your program.
I'm new to prolog and every single bit of code I write turns into an infinite loop.
I'm specifically trying to see if X is in the range from 0 to K - 1.
range(X,K) :- K0 is K - 1, range(X,K0).
My idea behind the code is that I decrement K until K0 equals X, then the base case will kick in. I'm getting an infinite loop though, so something with the way I'm thinking is wrong.
Welcome to the wondrous world of Prolog! It seems you tried to leapfrog several steps when learning Prolog, and (not very surprisingly) failed.
Ideally, you take a book like Art of Prolog and start with family relations. Then extend towards natural numbers using successor-arithmetics, and only then go to (is)/2. Today, (that is, since about 1996) there is even a better way than using (is)/2 which is library(clpfd) as found in SICStus or SWI.
So let's see how your program would have been, using successor-arithmetics. Maybe less_than_or_equal/2 would be a better name:
less_than_or_equal(N,s(M)) :-
?- less_than_or_equal(N,s(s(0))).
N = s(s(0))
; N = s(0)
; N = 0.
It works right out of the box! No looping whatsoever. So what went wrong?
Successor arithmetics relies on the natural numbers. But you used integers which contain also these negative numbers. With negative numbers, numbers are no longer well ordered (well founded, or Noetherian), and you directly experienced that consequence. So stick with the natural numbers! They are all natural, and do not contain any artificial negative ingredients. Whoever said "God made the integers, all else is the work of man." must have been wrong.
But now back to your program. Why does it not terminate? After all, you found an answer, so it is not completely wrong. Is it not? You tried to reapply the notions of control flow you learned in command oriented languages to Prolog. Well, Prolog has two relatively independent control flows, and many more surprising things like real variables (TM) that appear at runtime that have no direct counterpart in Java or C#. So this mapping did not work. I got a little bit suspicious when you called the fact a "base case". You probably meant that it is a "termination condition". But it is not.
So how can we easily understand termination in Prolog? The best is to use a failure-slice. The idea is that we will try to make your program as small as possible by inserting false goals into your program. At any place. Certain of the resulting programs will still not terminate. And those are most interesting, since they are a reason for non-termination of the original program! They are immediately, causally connected to your problem. And they are much better for they are shorter. Which means less time to read. Here are some attempts, I will strike through the parts that are no longer relevant.
range(X,K) :-
K0 is K - 1, false,
Nah, above doesn't loop, so it cannot tell us anything. Let's try again:
range(X,X) :- false.
range(X,K) :-
K0 is K - 1,
range(X,K0), false.
This one loops for range(X,1) already. In fact, it is the minimal failure slice. With a bit of experience you will learn to see those with no effort.
We have to change something in the visible part to make this terminate. For example, you might add K > 0 or do what #Shevliaskovic suggested.
I believe the simplest way to do this is:
range(X,K) :- X>0, X<K-1.
and here are my results:
6 ?- range(4,4).
true .
7 ?- range(5,8).
8 ?- range(5,4).
The simple way, as has been pointed out, if you just want to validate that X lies within a specified domain would be to just check the condition:
range(X,K) :- X >= 0 , X < K .
Otherwise, if you want your range/2 to be generative, would be to use the built-in between/3:
range(X,K) :- integer(K) , K1 is K-1 , between(0,K1,X).
If your prolog doesn't have a between/3, it's a pretty simple implementation:
% the classic `between/3` wants the inclusive lower and upper bounds
% to be bound. So we'll make the test once and use a helper predicate.
between(Lo,Hi,N) :-
_between(Lo,Hi,Lo) :- % unify the lower bound with the result
Lo =< Hi % - if we haven't yet exceeded the inclusive upper bound.
. %
_between(Lo,Hi,N) :- % otherwise...
Lo < Hi , % - if the lower bound is less than the inclusive upper bound
L1 is Lo+1 , % - increment the lower bound
_between(L1,Hi,N) % - and recurse down.
. %