I have solution that contain two projects - client and server. Currently I need to debug client side, but to debug it I need to run server one. Additionally it would be nice to have possibility to place breakpoints and go through them in server application side while debugging client side.
How to run server application when starting debug client side?
Multiple startup projects to the rescue - this setting is available from the solution context menu.
If I have hosted application, and at client side (.exe is hosted), if I see that the application is having performance issue, then how will I identify the issues.
Note:- If only application is hosted, no database is connected.
I have a WebAPI project running on local machine that is calling server side codes via remote proxy (local machine) on service layer. The profiler was able to trace the hotspot but up to service layer only and the hotspot is all pointing to methods calling server side methods.
How can I let the profiler trace the bottlenecks in server side codes?
Things to note:
1. Controller and service layer = .Net4.5
2. Server Side = .Net 3.5
3. Remote Proxy is using local web service.
Things I did
1. Profile the whole project
2. Profile the web service
3. Run the remote agent locally
You can run multiple dotTrace standalone at the same time. One dotTrace for each side (WebAPI and server). If you attach to the server side process, you will be able to find the hotspots
What server do you use to host the server-side code? If it is IIS or IIS Express, you need to profile it from the corresponding section of dotTrace Home.
Anyway, you can start profiling from ".NET Process" section of dotTrace Home - in this mode any managed application that is started after clicking Run will be profiled (you just need to select the right application in profiling controller and get a snapshot). See this page for details: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/profiler/Profiling_Guidelines__dotNET_Process.html
We are developing a java plugin to make an Odata feed available as a data source using Olingo. There are authorization issues for the specific data provider we want to connect to, but we can not get into the tiny details to debug what is going wrong (we get a 401 authorization error and it is not so obvious on what is wrong).
We have found the advise to use Fiddler to check the network traffic, but we do not know how to use it to check the traffic between the iccube.exe process (background) and the odata provider source (https).
So the question is:
How can you debug the data traffic between icCube and the data provider (source)?
You need to debug icCube application as a remote java process with your favorite IDE (e.g. IDEA). For this you'll need to change the configuration file (icCube.ini or icCube.sh) and restart icCube in debug mode (check here - JRE Configuration ).
A post on the setttings for debugging remotely in Java :
Remote debugging a Java application
I have got a web application with the following topology.
A (Web application) ---calls---> B (Local Web Api) ---calls---> C (Remote Web Api)
I am trying to capture the traffic from B to C in chrome DEV tools - network tab, but nothing is logged. It only showing one server request. I want to see the subsequent calls made by that server request. Is it possible?
B is a web site hosted locally on my dev box in IIS.
You are currently only debugging your client side app, so DevTools will only show the single request to your local web API. In order to debug the middle layer, you need to debug the API.
If you are using Node JS for this, you can use the v8 inspector by running node --inspect and then use the debugging URL to open up DevTools. Alternatively you can fallback to using Node Inspector
If you are using .NET Web API, you can use the debugger in Visual Studio to see the subsequent calls to the remote API, but Fiddler is a very handy tool as well, especially for mocking.
I have an asp.net MVC4 WEB API project as a service for a WPFclient , both projects run when I press F5 so the browser opens , and I can not avoid this behavior.
Any suggestions?
Check the startup project's configurations, or solution configuration, to ensure you don't have more than one application or project starting simultaneously in development.
This is similar to setting to Azure Web Roles where you can set your web role to startup both the HTTP and HTTPS endpoints so you can end up with two browsers starting up in debug (F5) mode. Easily fixed by accessing the project's properties where it's configured.