how to change joomla article link - joomla

in default joomla showing the linked articles in contents at the main page , how we can change it some where else ?
Example :
OLD : http://localhost/newjoomla/index.php/2-uncategorised
NEW : http://localhost/newjoomla/index.php/menu-2/2-uncategorised

Altough your question isn't that clear ill try to answer.
1 - Go to: System > Global Configuration > "SEO Settings" Tab
2 - Then activate both Search Engine Friendly URLs and Use URL Rewriting
3 - Rename your htaccess.txt to .htaccess in order for SEF urls to work
By then your url's will probably be much nicer, without the "index.php" thing in the middle.
Hope it helps! :)


Joomla - Use index.php instead of "/" as homepage

test.tld = domain
test.tld/index.php = my Joomla home page
test.tld/ = a pre-release page (index.html) that isn't Joomla
Now Joomla always wants to go to test.tld/ as homepage so I basically get lost (because it isn't Joomla)
How to set Joomla so that the Menu to homepage is "test.tld/index.php" not assume I want "test.tld/" ?
I already tried making a dummy homepage on an invisible menu so that the "home" on the navigation isn't really a "home"
Is there no better way? Thanks
You can solve this issue in two ways:
Recommended: Your web-server default index is set to index.html file. You can change that based on your web-server (Apache, Nginx, whatever).
NOT Recommended: You can disable Rewrite URLs feature in Global Configuration of your site, this will show index.php on every page.

Eliminating index.php from URL in Joomla 2.5

I am using Joomla 2.5. The problem is, every link has 'index.php', like:
How do i remove the '.../index.php/...' from my URLs?
My SEO settings under Global Configuration are:
Search Engine Friendly URLs Yes
Use Apache mod_rewrite Yes
Adds Suffix to URL No
Unicode Aliases No
Include Site Name in Page Titles No
I have changed htaccess.txt to .htaccess. I have tried everything, but still can't remove 'index.php' from the URLs. Please help me. My apologies if this exists elsewhere.
Go into your Joomla administration panel.
1. Select Site > Global Configuration
2. Under SEO Settings set Use URL Rewriting to Yes
3. Click Save
The next step is to rename the htaccess.txt file that came with the installation to .htaccess
thats it. Hope this helps .
Did you change the setting on the administrator backend or the actual configuration file? Sometimes if you directly modify the configuration.php this wont work. If you did it from backend panel then check your configuration.php to make sure the changes are reflecting.
Also check with your hosting to have mod_rewrite available on the Apache server.
Very unlikely but it could be a small mistake on renaming process of the htaccess.txt , double check the renamed file.

Custom short URLs in Joomla 1.5

I had a long ugly long URLs for Joomla articles. Being advised here to enable SEF, I got:
Nicer, but I also want custom short URL for specified article, like:
Is this possible in Joomla 1.5? Simply adding rule to .htaccess is possible but not what I'd like, because:
I'd prefer that the short URL remains in the Location bar after the page is loaded
Joomla to use that short URL whenever the articles is clicked from news etc.
(P.S.: if it's not possible, then I'd be happy with some simple URL "aliaser" for Joomla, which would work similarly to .htaccess, but preferably with short URL remaining in the browsers' location bar.)
As Trev mentioned you need to turn on SEF URLs. In the admin, in the Site menu click on Global Configuration. In the Site configuration you should see a box for SEO settings. Turn on all 3 options unless you don't want the .html suffix, that one can be left off.
Now Joomla will create URLs like this -
If the menu item is linking directly to an article, then it would be -
Have you enabled SEF and htaccess in the Global Configuration? If you do then the URLs to any articles is controlled by the article's alias. e.g. if you want an article to be just open the article in the article manager and change the Alias field to my-url

Set up a cms page for Magento

I've been trying to set up a CMS page in magento to be the home page, and it's just killing me - how hard should this be? no matter what I set up, I get a 404.
Can somebody tell me basic steps to set up a CMS page as the home page for a Magento install, living at:
I can't have the url key for the CMS page be empty, but setting the default page in the System->Config->Default Pages->CMS Home Page (which seems like it should work), still gives me a 404.
thx for any help
Hours of head banging later .... I’ve changed the parameter “Use Web Server Rewrites” on System -> Configuration -> Web from Yes to No. And it worked! My provider set this by default, so had to change it. Only downside is that I now get the /index.php extension added.
Did you check to make sure that the page was enabled and visible in your store view?
Ok - figured it out. In the System->Config->Web, the Default Web URL needs to be 'cms' (no quotes) - I guess that tells Magento to use the cms page instead of a default url.
In csm - pages create some html in the page, eg start simple with My Homepage.
Give it a name and take care the url is "home" (without the quotes.
Now go to system - configuration - web and select your homepage (name) from the dropdown where in lets you choose the homepage.
That should do it.
Your CMS Page Identifier should be home
I was running into the same issue. No matter what I did, the home page came back as a 404. I had it working on a test server (with a different database) and compared the options side by side. Absolutely nothing worked, the home page, named 'home' and the 'cms' was properly set, mod_rewrite working, htaccess file just peachy...but wouldn't work. after a few hours I saw that did, though I swear it hadn't been.
Finally I wiped the blood off the keyboard where I'd been smashing my head against it and went into url rewrite management and set id path to '/', request path to '/' and target path to '/home/' and it works like it should have all along. Hope this helps someone else!

URL rewriting in joomla

I need to rewrite url in joomla. But the url should not be showing "index.php" and no numbers (0-9) as well.
1st condition:
The url cannot be "" rather than it should be "".
2nd condition:
the url cannot be "" where it contains 9 number .
How can this be done?
Joomla comes with htaccess.txt, and the option to rewrite urls. So you have to first change the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess on the server, then login and in the configuration settings change SEF to on, and use .htaccess to on.
In support of the answers from gnomeontherun and Hennie. You have some control over how the url is made up by joomla, through the menu structure and the alias for the each menu.
Sometimes it's worth creating menu items even if you don't show them on a menu on your site.
Menu structure:
-Latest News *(Could be a category blog view)*
--News article 1 *(Link to article but this level need not be shown on menu)*
--News article 2 *(Link to article but this level need not be shown on menu)*
url should look like:
/latest-news *(for the blog view)*
/latest-news/news-article-1 *(for the article view)*
If there is no menu item which relates to an article, Joomla makes up the url itself using category+id/article-alias+id etc. If it does find a menu item, it will use the structure of the menu instead.
Joomla uses the alias of the menus for the actual content:
i.e. menu-alias-level1/menu-alias-level2/news-article-1
Using this method from the beginning will allow you to keep your urls consistent whether they are accessed through the blog page route or directly. This will help with your SEO.
Of course it can be a pain to create a menu item for every article but I know some Joomla guys who swear by it and will do it even for thousands of pages...
for the index part ...
Perhaps this will work for you too
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ [R=301,L]
Redirect 301 /index.php
To get rid of the 'index.php':
Rename the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess
In the backend, turn on SEF URLs and URL rewrite
Joomla will then show your article using something like "", unless you assign a menu item to that article. There is no need to show that menu, so you can create new menu, call it 'hidden' (or any other valid name) and do not publish the module.
A more comfortable option is to use one of the many SEF components, which make it much easier to manage the URLs. Most if them additionally provide meta data control.
