Iterate through list in bash and run multiple grep commands - bash

I would like to iterate through a list and grep for the items, then use awk to pull out important information from each grep result. (This is the way I thought to do it, but awk and grep aren't necessary if there is a better way).
The input file contains a number of lines that looks similar to this:
chr1 12345 . A G 3e-12 . AB=0;ABP=0;AC=0;AF=0;AN=2;AO=2;CIGAR=1X;
I have a number of locations that should match some part of the second column.
locList="123, 789"
And for each matching location I would like to get the information from columns 4 and 5 and write them to an output file with the corresponding location.
So the output for the above list should be:
123 A G
Something like this is what I'm thinking:
for i in locList; do
grep i inputFile.txt | awk '{print $2,$4,$5}'

Invoking grep/awk once per location will be highly inefficient. You want to invoke a single command that will do your parsing. For example, awk:
awk -v locList="12345 789" '
# parse the location list, and create an array where
# the locations are the array indexes
n = split(locList, a)
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) locations[a[i]] = 1
$2 in locations {print $2, $4, $5}
' file
revised requirements
awk -v locList="123 789" '
BEGIN { n = split(locList, patterns) }
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
if ($2 ~ "^" patterns[i]) {
print $2, $4, $5
' file
The ~ operator is the regular expression matching operator.
That will output 12345 A G from your sample input. If you just want to output 123 A G then print patterns[i] instead of $2.

awk -v locList='123|789' '$2~"^("locList")" {print $2,$4,$5}' file
or if you prefer:
locList='123, 789'
awk -v locList="^(${locList//, /|})" '$2~locList {print $2,$4,$5}' file
or whatever other permutation you like. The point is you don't need a loop at all - just create a regexp from the list of numbers in locList and test that regexp once.

What I would do :
locList="123 789"
for i in $locList; do awk -vvar=$i '$2 ~ var{print $4, $5}' file; done


combining numbers from multiple text files using bash

I'm strugling to combine some data from my txt files generated in my jenkins job.
on each of the files there is 1 line, this is how each file look:
testsuite name="mytest" cars="201" users="0" bus="0" bike="0" time="116.103016"
What I manage to do for now is to extract the numbers for each txt file:
awk '/<testsuite name=/{print $3, $4, $5, $6}' my-output*.txt
Result are :
cars="193" users="2" bus="0" bike="0"
cars="23" users="2" bus="10" bike="7"
cars="124" users="2" bus="5" bike="0"
cars="124" users="2" bus="0" bike="123"
now I have a random number of files like this:
I would like to create single command just like the one I did above and to sum all of the files to have the following echo result:
cars=544 users=32 bus=12 bike=44
is there a way to do that? with a single line of command?
Using awk
$ cat script.awk
FS="[= ]"
} {
for (i=1;i<NF;i++)
if ($i=="cars") cars+=$(i+1)
else if($i=="users") users+=$(i+1);
else if($i=="bus") bus+=$(i+1);
else if ($i=="bike")bike+=$(i+1)
} END {
print "cars="cars,"users="users,"bus="bus,"bike="bike
To run the script, you can use;
$ awk -f script.awk my-output*.txt
Or, as a ugly one liner.
$ awk -F"[= ]" '{gsub(/"/,"");for (i=1;i<NF;i++) if ($i=="cars") cars+=$(i+1); else if($i=="users") users+=$(i+1); else if($i=="bus") bus+=$(i+1); else if ($i=="bike")bike+=$(i+1)}END{print"cars="cars,"users="users,"bus="bus,"bike="bike}' my-output*.txt
1st solution: With your shown samples please try following awk code, using match function in here. Since awk could read multiple files within a single program itself and your files have .txt format you can pass as .txt format to awk program itself.
Written and tested in GNU awk with its match function's capturing group capability to create/store values into an array to be used later on in program.
awk -v s1="\"" '
match($0,/[[:space:]]+(cars)="([^"]*)" (users)="([^"]*)" (bus)="([^"]*)" (bike)="([^"]*)"/,tempArr){
for(i in values){
val=(val?val OFS:"") (indexes[i-1]"=" s1 values[i] s1)
print val
' *.txt
In start of GNU awk program creating variable named s1 to be set to " to be used later in the program.
Using match function in main program of awk.
Mentioning regex [[:space:]]+(cars)="([^"]*)" (users)="([^"]*)" (bus)="([^"]*)" (bike)="([^"]*)"(explained at last of this post) which is creating 8 groups to be used later on.
Then once condition is matched running a for loop which runs only even numbers in it(to get required values only).
Creating array values with index of i and keep adding its own value + tempArr values to it, where tempArr is created by match function.
Similarly creating indexes array to store only key values in it.
Then in END block of this program traversing through values array and printing the values from indexes and values array as per requirement.
Explanation of regex:
[[:space:]]+ ##Matching spaces 1 or more occurrences here.
(cars)="([^"]*)" ##Matching cars=" till next occurrence of " here.
(users)="([^"]*)" ##Matching spaces followed by users=" till next occurrence of " here.
(bus)="([^"]*)" ##Matching spaces followed by bus=" till next occurrence of " here.
(bike)="([^"]*)" ##Matching spaces followed by bike=" till next occurrence of " here.
2nd solution: In GNU awk only with using RT and RS variables power here. This will make sure the sequence of the values also in output should be same in which order they have come in input.
awk -v s1="\"" -v RS='[[:space:]][^=]*="[^"]*"' '
gsub(/^ +|"/,"",RT)
if(arr[1]!="time" && arr[1]!="name"){
if(!(arr[1] in values)){
val=(val?val OFS:"") (indexes[i]"=" s1 values[indexes[i]] s1)
print val
' *.txt
You may use this awk solution:
awk '{
for (i=1; i<=NF; ++i)
if (split($i, a, /=/) == 2) {
gsub(/"/, "", a[2])
sums[a[1]] +=a[2]
for (i in sums) print i "=" sums[i]
}' file*
found a way to do so a bit long:
awk '/<testsuite name=/{print $3, $4, $5, $6}' my-output*.xml | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/ /g' -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g' | tr -s ' ' | awk '{bus+=$1;users+=$2;cars+=$3;bike+=$4 }END{print "bus=" bus " users="users " cars=" cars " bike=" bike}'
M. Nejat Aydin answer was good fit:
awk -F '[ "=]+' '/testsuite name=/{ cars+=$5; users+=$7; buses+=$9; bikes+=$11 } END{ print "cars="cars, "users="users, "buses="buses, "bikes="bikes }' my-output*.xml

How to add an if statement before calculation in AWK

I have a series of files that I am looping through and calculating the mean on a column within each file after performing a serious of filters. Each filter is piped in to the next, BEFORE calculating the mean on the final output. All of this is done within a sub shell to assign it to a variable for later use.
for example:
variable=$(filter1 | filter 2 | filter 3 | calculate mean)
to calculate the mean I use the following code
... | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;}{s=s+$5;}END{print s/NR;}'
So, my problem is that depending on the file, the number of rows after the final filter is reduced to 0, i.e. the pipe passes nothing to AWK and I end up with awk: fatal: division by zero attempted printed to screen, and the variable then remains empty. I later print the variable to file and in this case I end up with BLANK in a text file. Instead what I am attempting to do is state that if NR==0 then assign 0 to the variable so that my final output in the text file is 0.
To do this I have tried to add an if statement at the start of my awk command
... | awk '{if (NR==0) print 0}BEGIN{s=0;}{s=s+$5;}END{print s/NR;}'
but this doesn't change the output/ error and I am left with BLANKs
I did move the begin statement but this caused other errors (syntax and output errors)
Expected results:
given that column from a file has 5 lines and looks thus, I would filter on apple and pipe into the calculation
apple 10
apple 10
apple 10
apple 10
apple 10
vairable=$(awk -F"\t" '{OFS="\t"; if($1 ~ /apple/) print $0}' | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;}{s=s+$5;}END{print s/NR;}')
then I would expect the variable to be set to 10 (10*5/5 = 10)
In the following scenario where I filter on banana
vairable=$(awk -F"\t" '{OFS="\t"; if($1 ~ /banana/) print $0}' | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;}{s=s+$5;}END{print s/NR;}')
given that the pipe passes nothing to AWK I would want the variable to be 0
is it just easier to accept the blank space and change it later when printed to file - i.e. replace BLANK with 0?
The default value of a variable which you treat as a number in AWK is 0, so you don't need BEGIN {s=0}.
You should put the condition in the END block. NR is not the number of all rows, but the index of the current row. So it will only give the number of rows there were at the end.
awk '{s += $5} END { if (NR == 0) { print 0 } else { print s/NR } }'
Or, using a ternary:
awk '{s += $5} END { print (NR == 0) ? 0 : s/NR }'
Also, a side note about your BEGIN{OFS='\t'} ($1 ~ /banana/) { print $0 } examples: most of that code is unnecessary. You can just pass the condition:
awk -F'\t' '$1 ~ /banana/'`
When an awk program is only a condition, it uses that as a condition for whether or not to print a line. So you can use conditions as a quick way to filter through the text.
The correct way to write:
awk -F"\t" '{OFS="\t"; if($1 ~ /banana/) print $0}' | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;}{s=s+$5;}END{print s/NR;}'
is (assuming a regexp comparison for $1 really is appropriate, which it probably isn't):
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} $1 ~ /banana/{ s+=$5; c++ } END{print (c ? s/c : 0)}'
Is that what you're looking for?
Or are you trying to get the mean per column 1 like this:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} { s[$1]+=$5; c[$1]++ } END{ for (k in s) print k, s[k]/c[k] }'
or something else?

awk match substring in column from 2 files

I have the following two files (real data is tab-delimited instead of semicolon):
db.txt updated
TG9281;Cstring|2742|foofoofoofoofoo Dstring|2929|foofoofoo
So, column1 of input.txtis a substring of column2 of db.txt. Only two "fields" separated by | is important here.
I want to use awk to match these two columns and print the following (again in tab-delimited form):
This is my code:
awk -F'[\t]' 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$1}$1 in a {print $0"\t"$1}' input.txt db.txt
column2 of db.txt contains strings of column1 of input.txt, delimited by a space. There are many more strings in the real example than shown in the short excerpt.
You can use this awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} NR==FNR{
split($2, b, "|"); a[b[1] "|" b[2]]=$1; next}
$1 in a {print $0, a[$1]}' db.txt input.txt
Astring|2042 MAR0303 foo1 B TG9284
Dstring|2929 MAR0283 foo2 C TG9281
As per your comment you can use:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} NR==FNR {
a[$2]=$1; next} {for (i in a) if (index(i, $1)) print $0, a[i]}' db.txt input.txt
Astring|2042 MAR0303 foo1 B TG9284
Dstring|2929 MAR0283 foo2 C TG9281
Going with the semicolons, you can replace with the tabs:
$ awk -F\; '
NR==FNR { # hash the db file
for(i in a) # for each record in input file
if($1~i) { # see if $1 matches a key in a
print $0 ";" a[i] # output
# delete a[i] # delete entry from a for speed (if possible?)
break # on match, break from for loop for speed
}' db input # order order
For each record in input script matches the $1 against every entry in db, so it's slow. You can speed it up by adding a break to the if and deleteing matching entry from a (if your data allows it).

Using Awk and match()

I have a sequencing file to analyze that has many lines like the following tab separated line:
chr12 3356475 . C A 76.508 . AB=0;ABP=0;AC=2;AF=1;AN=2;AO=3;CIGAR=1X;DP=3;DPB=3;DPRA=0;EPP=9.52472;EPPR=0;GTI=0;LEN=1;MEANALT=1;MQM=60;MQMR=0;NS=1;NUMALT=1;ODDS=8.76405;PAIRED=0;PAIREDR=0;PAO=0;PQA=0;PQR=0;PRO=0;QA=111;QR=0;RO=0;RPP=9.52472;RPPR=0;RUN=1;SAF=3;SAP=9.52472;SAR=0;SRF=0;SRP=0;SRR=0;TYPE=snp GT:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/1:3:0:0:3:111:-10,-0.90309,0
I am trying to use awk to match particular regions to their DP value. This is how I'm trying it:
awk '$2 == 33564.. { match(DP=) }' file.txt | head
Neither the matching nor the wildcards seem to work.
Ideally this code would output 3 because that is what DP equals.
You can use either ; or tab as the field delimiter. Doing so you can access the number in $2 and the DP= field in $14:
awk -F'[;\t]' '$2 ~ /33564../{sub(/DP=/,"",$14);print $14}' file.txt
The sub function is used to remove DP= from $14 which leaves only the value.
Btw, if you also add = to the set of field delimiters the value of DP will be in field 21:
awk -F'[;\t=]' '$2 ~ /33564../{print $21}' file.txt
Having worked with genomic data, I believe that the following will be more robust than the previously posted solution. The main difference is that the key-value pairs are treated as such, without any assumption about their ordering, etc. The minor difference is the carat ("^") in the regex:
awk -F'\t' '
$2 ~ /^33564../ {
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) {
if (b[1]=="DP") {print $2, b[2]} }}'
If this script is to be used more than once, then it would be better to abstract the lookup functionality, e.g. like so:
awk -F'\t' '
function lookup(key, string, i,n,a,b) {
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) {
if (b[1]==key) {return b[2]}
$2 ~ /^33564../ {
val = lookup("DP", $8);
if (val) {print $2, val;}

Bash script to grep through one file for a list names, then grep through a second file to match those names to get a lookup value

Somehow, being specific just doesn't translate well into a title.
Here is my goal, using BASH script in a cygwin environment:
Read text file $filename to get a list of schemas and table names
Take that list of schemas and table names and find a match in $lookup_file to get a value
Use that value to make a logic choice
I basically have each item working separately. I just can't figure out how to glue it all together.
For step one, it's
grep $search_string $filename | awk '{print $1, $5}' | sed -e 's~"~~g' -e 's~ ~\t~g'
Which gives a list of schema{tab}table
For step two, it's
grep -e '{}' $lookup_file | awk '{print $3}'
Where $lookup_file is schema{tab}table{tab}value
Step three is basically, based on the value returned, do "something"; file a report, email a warning, ignore it, etc.
I tried stringing part one and two together with xargs, but it treats the schema and the table name as filenames and throws errors.
What is the glue I'm missing? Or is there a better method?
awk -v s="$search_string" 'NR == FNR { if ($0 ~ s) { gsub(/"/, "", $5); a[$1, $5] = 1; }; next; } a[$1, $2] { print $3; }' "$filename" "$lookup_file"
NR == FNR { if ($0 ~ s) { gsub(/"/, "", $5); a[$1, $5] = 1; }; next; } targets the first file, searching for valid matches on it, and save key values in array a.
a[$1, $2] { print $3; } targets the second file and prints the value in its third column if it finds matches with the first and second column of the file and the keys in array a.
awk -v search="$search_string" '$0 ~ search { gsub(/"/, "", $5);
print $1"\t"$5; }' "$filename" |
while read line
result=$(awk -v search="\b$line\b" '$0 ~ search { print $3; } ' "$lookup_file");
# Do "something" with $result
