Guys I am still having following issue with remote webdriver. Can you please help me in this:
DesiredCapabilities capability = new DesiredCapabilities();
capability.SetCapability(CapabilityType.BrowserName, DesiredCapabilities.InternetExplorer());
capability.SetCapability(CapabilityType.Platform, new Platform(PlatformType.Windows));
capability.SetCapability("", #"E:\WebDriver\Browser\");
string host = "localhost:4444/wd/hub";
RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri("http://" + host),capability);
Then I get following error:
Additional information: The path to the driver executable must be set by the property; for more information, see
The latest version can be downloaded from
It looks like you don't have the IEDriverServer executable on your path. Try downloading the IE Driver from, extract the zip file to a folder on your machine, and add this folder to your PATH variable on your system.
This must be done on the machine on which you intend to actually run the test in a browser. If you're running a selenium-standalone-server on your local machine, you'll need the above performed on your local machine. If you're expecting a browser on a remote machine (A Grid Node), then you'll have to perform this operation on that machine in order for it to work.
You can then simplify your DesiredCapabilities a bit.
capability.SetCapability(CapabilityType.BrowserName, "internet explorer");
This will instruct the RemoteWebDriver to use a machine with IE available. As you've done in your example, you can also then further tune your capabilities with a Platform and Browser Version if need be.
I want to use Perf when Clion connects to a remote server. I want to know how to set it up? Perf has been installed in the remote server (Ubuntu). But the configuration path of Perf can only detect the local paht (windows), not set to the server path.
I saw that Clion said that Profiling in remote mode has been used since the 2021.2 EAP version, but didnot say how to set the path to the remote server path.
local: windows 10; remote server: Ubuntu20.04
Clion 2022.2.4
I look forward to your answers, thank you very much!
The SSH configuration, toolchain, and cmake have all been set up successfully. I can already develop remotely. The source code is stored in the local, mapped to the server and updated in real time.
I was trying to manually run selenium server standalone on MAC and then run my tests with intern-runner in Chrome browser. As I've been advised on intern User Guide:
"To use ChromeDriver and IEDriver with a Selenium server, the driver executable must either be placed somewhere in the environment PATH, or their locations must be given explicitly to the Selenium server using the (ChromeDriver) and (IEDriver) flags upon starting the Selenium server."
I started the Selenium server and put path to chrome driver on my machine, but got error:
"Unknown option:"
any idea on why seleinum unable to recognize the options?
Is there any other solution on how to run chrome webdriver/IE webDriver from command line with selenium standalone server?
Where the driver executable could be placed in the environment PATH on MAC?
I was able to run chrome driver separately with out any issues using:
./node_modules/.bin/chromedriver --port=4444 --url-base=wd/hub
For selenium3 you need to use option first.
java -jar selenium_server_file
To avoid any path issues better download both files in the same directory and run from there.
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar
Also have Chrome browser installed.
Is drive instead of driver
We have a Jenkins instance running on Ubuntu that has several slaves in different systems. One of them is a Windows 7 host, having jenkins slave instance configured as a service.
We have a problem that when that machine is rebooted, master Jenkins doesn't realize it's gone. It looks to be just fine in the nodes view. Then, when a build is issued that is supposed to use that slave it gets stuck. If that is stopped, the next build fails immediately
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Ping started at 1457016721684 hasn't completed by 1457016961684
... 2 more
[EnvInject] - [ERROR] - SEVERE ERROR occurs: channel is already closed
When the slave has started up and it tries to connect back to master, connection is refused, and in the logs there is an error saying connection with that name already exists:
Server didn't accept the handshake: xxx is already connected to this master. Rejecting this connection.
There is issue JENKINS-5055 which claims a fix was committed allowing the same JNLP slave to reconnect without getting rejected, apparently this commit, and according to changelog, it was introduced in version 1.396 (2011/02/02). We are however using version 1.639 and seeing this. Somebody else seems to be seeing it as well. By looking at current codebase, I see where the error is coming from, but don't see the fix done in Jenkins-5055.
Any ideas on resolving this?
Edit: also asked on jenkins user mailing list, but no responses.
We faced the same issue. Used as workaround
Reinstalling the slave on a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine shows no signs of this behavior, so it seems that either there was a mistake done during installation steps or this is something caused by using a workstation Windows version.
Regardless, here were the steps to get it working, assuming a brand new installation of Windows, with no network connectivity, and master instance using a self-signed certificate:
Install JRE on the machine. If you have 64-bit operating system, install both 32-bit and 64-bit, otherwise go with 32-bit. Download link here
Install .NET 3.5 on the machine. This is needed by the Jenkins service. You can follow the steps outlined by my other answer for this.
Install Jenkins using Windows installer (.zipped) to C:\Jenkins. It can be downloaded from here.
Check your installation is responding by navigating to http://localhost:8080 . In case of trouble, check for logs in the jenkins folder. If there is a port conflict, edit jenkins.xml and change the httpPort to something else.
From the Windows computer, navigate to your master jenkins and configure a new node there.
Start a slave agent using Java Launch Agent in configure -> node screen (you need to be still using your Windows slave computer)
You should see a visible window opening. From there, select File -> Install as a service. (details and screenshots) If you experience an error without proper explanation, confirm .NET 3.5 is properly installed. If you see "WMI.WmiException: AccessDenied", save the jnlp file locally and start it from administrator prompt or otherwise with elevated privileges (details).
From the Administrative tools -> Services, stop and disable the Jenkins service, and stop Jenkins Slave Agent but leave it on Automatic so it will start up when starting up the computer.
This is only relevant if you're using a self-signed or otherwise problematic certificate:
download the previously mentioned Java Launch Agent file (.jnlp file) again and save it to C:\jenkins
open c:\jenkins\jenkins-slave.xml to your editor
change it to refer to your local .jnlp file by changing jnlp url parameter (file:/C:/jenkins/jenkins-slave.jnlp)
add -noCertificateCheck to parameters
replace the -secret parameter with -auth "user:pass", since otherwise automatic url get parameters will be added which will mess finding the .jnlp file
Start the Jenkins Slave Agent service again
For problems with jenkins slave service, check out jenkins-slave.err.log. For Windows Server 2012 R2, you can get the functionality of tail by using Get-Content .\jenkins-slave.err.log -Wait -Tail 10 in Powershell prompt. For older versions of Powershell, leave out -Tail 10.
Im trying to follow in order to setup the server to accept external connections (org.neo4j.server.webserver.address= on conf/ according to that docs).
I downloaded the installer from here Note that this is an installer not a archive(rar, bz or whatever).
The "conf" directory does not appear. I have been working around (pass vm arguments at the startup etc but im going nowhere). Until now i have found:
C:\Documents and Settings[myuser]\Datos de
C:\Documents and
Settings\xp\Datos de programa\Neo4j Community[direcory with a logs
C:\Documents and Settings[myuser]\Mis
documentos\Neo4j\default.graphdb[directory for default graphdb i
think, here is a files, is this the files that docs tell me?]
C:\Archivos de programa\Neo4j Community[directory with
.install4j,bin,jre(i dont have java installed on system)
The bin folder on C:\Archivos de programa\Neo4j Community just contain:
- neo4j-community.exe
- neo4j-community.vmoptions
- neo4j-community-user-vmoptions.loc
- neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar
As you could see there is nothing here like the so mentioned (on docs) Neo4j.bat.
My neo4j server its running perfectly. Even i played a while with the so fun webadmin on localhost:7474. But when i needed to connect from a ubuntu pc and went to docs for help run into the misterious case of missing conf directory.
Are this docs not related to community edition or at least not to the windows 1.9.4 installer?
Right now i just need to connect from a external client, not localhost, but tomorrow i could want to fly in a cow and i suspect for that i will need the conf directory. Any help, in the particular case of remote connection to neo4j server or the general case of missing conf directory will be appreciated.
PS.I found neo4j community V1.9.4 - how to configure IP address and default database location? just a few seconds before i finished to write this. Where i could download the distribution and not the installer? In the official site dont seems to be more choices tan 32/64 bit installer???
If you want to download the distribution, you can download from here
In community version if you notice, there will be option to download "Installer" or "Binary"
just download the binary package and extract, everything (including conf folder) are inside that.
Btw, If you using the window installer, Neo4J will provide you with user-friendly GUI, if you notice, there will be "Settings.." button there for you to configure your server,
To change the server address for ex, you need to modify
Configuration will be the same, just the location of the config file is different.
Iam facing one problem while connecting the timesten client to the server The SQL Exception which Iam getting is pasted below:-
Problems with loading native library/missing methods: no ttJdbcCS in java.library.path
I am working with MAC OS X 10.7.2 and my timesten client version is
I have also changed the Java Preferences from 64-bit to 32-bit but still whenever i tried to connect with the SQL Developer it gives me the above error.
Please help me as it is required for my graduation project!!!!
I don't know OS X. On linux I use next
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/TimesTen/timesten/lib/
(directory where located)
Java must be same "bithes" (32 or 64) as TimesTen installation
I solved the by doing the following:-
The key things you need to be sure to do (in a terminal window) are:
Be sure to . in the TimesTen environment script /bin/ to set the full TT environment.
Change directory to
Run 'sh -J-d32'
and all should be fine.
Thanks all for their help!!!!