How to create visualisation on the fly using a script in Kibana 4 - elasticsearch

I have some requirement where I need to create different visualization for different users which will differ very slightly on the query param. So, I am considering to create a script which will enable me to do this.Have anyone done this on Kibana 4. Some pointers on how to create visualization using query would be of great help.
I would also like to create Dashboards on the fly but that can wait till I get this one sorted out.

If you want to go ahead with Java plugin (as mentioned in comments), here are the steps:
Create different visualizations with different X-axis parameters. Visualizations are basically json strings so you can write a java code which changes the value of x aggregation based on the mapping that you have. Now each chart will have different ids.
While you are creating a custom dashboard based on the user, check the mapping between user and the visualization and use the following command to add the visualization:


I want to use Elasticserach and kibana alerts to detect line passing

We would like to implement a system that draws a line on a map displayed by kibana in advance and detects when a moving object (such as a boat) passes through the line.
I believe a possible way to do this is to set up rules using Elasticsearch query from kibana's rule creation.
But I don't know how to realize it.
I drew a line by selecting create index in add layer from maps in kibana.
A json file containing location, speed, and time information was imported into elasticserch and displayed on a map.

Is there a way to import data (csv data) to the winlogbeat kibana dashboard?

I had just started learning about ElasticSearch and Kibana. I created a Winlogbeat dashboard where the logs are working fine. I want to import additional data (CSV data) which I created using Python. I tried uploading the CSV file but I am only allowed to create a separate index and not merge it with the Winlogbeat data. Does anyone know how to do this?
Thanks in advance
In many use cases, you don't need to actually combine into a single index. Here's a few ways you can show combined data, in approximate order of complexity:
Straightforward methods, using separate indices:
Use multiple charts on a dashboard
Use multiple indices in a single chart
More complex methods that combine data into a single index:
Pivot indices using Data Transforms
Combine at ingest-time
Roll your own
Use multiple charts on a dashboard
This is the simplest way: ingest your data into separate indices, make separate visualizations for them, then add those visualisations to one dashboard. If the events are time-based, this simple approach could be all you need.
Use multiple indices in a single chart
Lens, TSVB and Timelion can all use multiple data sources. (Vega can too, but that's playing on hard mode)
Here's an official Elastic video about how to do it in Lens: youtube
Create pivot indices using Data Transforms
You can use Elasticsearch's Data Transforms functionality to fetch, combine and aggregate your disparate data sources into a combined data structure which is then available for querying with Kibana. The official tutorial on Transforming the eCommerce sample data is a good place to learn more.
Combine at ingest-time
If you have (or can add) Logstash in the mix, you have several options for combining datasets during the filter phase of your pipelines:
Using a file-based lookup table and the translate filter plugin
By waiting for related documents to come in then outputting a combined document to Elasticsearch with the aggregate filter plugin
Using external lookups with filter plugins like elasticsearch or http
Executing arbitrary ruby code using the ruby filter plugin
Roll your own
If you're generating the CSV file with a Python program, you might want to think about incorporating the python Elasticsearch DSL lib to run queries on the winlogbeat data, then ingest it in its combined state (whether via a CSV or other means).
Basically, Winlogbeat is a data shipper to Elasticsearch. Which ships windows specific data to an index named winlogbeat with a specific schema and document structure.
You can't merge another document with a different schema into winlogbeat index.
If your goal is to correlate different data points. Please use Time-series visual builder to overlay two different datasets to visualize.

Kibana not displaying any data

I created visualizations on fly through curl. However, it does not display data.
I have created visualizations by doing as follows
1. Exporting an already built visualization in JSON
2. Modifying the index_name and field names of JSON
3. Importing back the visualization
The visualizations are created in Kibana, they have the same visualization name and refer the index pattern and fields I want. However it does not display any data (graphs)
Can anyone explain what is the problem with the way I am doing ?
The problem was with the variable. I used for find and replacs. The variable I used was also being used to filter data and hence replacing it was not showing any data. My bad

How to create new Kibana visualization through REST?

I want to automate the creation of a set visualizations for new kibana/elasticsearch installations.
So I need to know if I can automate this, independent the programming language.
There are no APIs yet in Kibana to manage the searches, visualizations and dashboards. Some feature requests have been suggested (here and here) but they are still being discussed.
However, since Kibana visualizations are stored in the .kibana index with the visualization mapping type, you can definitely GET them, learn how they are built, modify them and PUT them again.
For a visualization named "Top consumers by country", you can get the visualization spec using
curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/.kibana/visualization/Top-consumers-by-country
You'll get a document containing the title of your visualization, another field called visState containing the specification of your visualization (obvisouly different for each visualization) and finally a field named kibanaSavedObjectMeta which contains the Elasticsearch query and index details.
You can also view/edit/export the same data in Settings > Objects > Visualizations

Kibana 4 Metric visualization show latest value

I'm new to Kibana and Elastic Search and i have run into this problem:
My ES contains (among other stuff) also data containing the current value of one custom performance counter and i would like my dashboard to show this value, e.g., as a big number - therefore i tried to use the Metric visualization, but i have no idea on how to show only the last value. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
We had a similar issue for our use case. We found two ways to handle it:
If the data is periodically generated then you can use the Kibana feature of showing data of recent n days to see the latest data.
In our case, the above option was not possible so we went with a hack where we have a property in our documents called "IsLatest" so we apply a filter "IsLatest":true in all our charts where we need latest info. We have written our code which feeds data to ElasticSearch in such a way that it updates the older data and sets it's "IsLatest" to false.
Hope it helps
