Import kml file with the Fusion Tables API (v2) - google-api

On the fusion tables website, when creating a new table, you can choose a .kml file. Google will automatically create a name, description and geometry column.
Can you accomplish the same using the importTable call in the API ? When I try uploading a kml file this way, I get the following error:
Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError: Content is empty.[400]
Or do I first have to create the table manually using insert, parse the kml file, and then use importRows call ?
Additionally: if it's possible using ImportTable, is there a way to retrieve the tableId ? It's not in the returned ResumableUploadProgress object.


upload and dowanload Files in ORACLE APEX

i have costumer's every one i have to upload mullite files
so is there any way to get it?
i create table with
i see many video's but they aren't useful for me
You need to create a Page Item with the type File Browse.... Then, under Storage Type, you can use your own custom table or you can use APEX_APPLICATION_TEMP_FILES.
If you use APEX_APPLICATION_TEMP_FILES it will automatically save information about the file type such as file name, mime type, etc. If you use a custom table, you will need to designate which column in the table should hold which file attribute.
You will also need a button or some way of submitting the page. Once the page is submitted, the files will be uploaded and saved to the database.

apex_util.get_blob was not found on this server

I am trying to develop an interactive report in which I am using blob column to download the blob file (that could be jpeg or pdf). I created the download field on the blob column but, when I clicked on it, it gives an error as mentioned below.
"The requested URL /apex/apex_util.get_blob was not found on this server"
Note: I am using oracle apex 5.1.2.
Can anybody please help me to resolve this error.
Suppose that BLOB column is named BLOB_COLUMN, and it contains JPEG or PDF. It is one of column in SELECT statement you used to create an interactive report.
By default, BLOB_COLUMN's type is "Plain text". If you just changed it to Download BLOB and filled required BLOB attributes, well - it won't work.
Instead, you should create yet another column in IR's SELECT:
select ...,
dbms_lob.getlength(blob_column) download_blob
from ...
and apply BLOB attributes to it. I've just tried it on, works as expected. If it still doesn't work for you, please, create an example on the same site, provide credentials so that someone of us might have a look.
at the BLOB attributes there is a Primary key column. The get_blob uses the same column value from the report to fetch the blob from the given table. So, if you have two ID columns in two tables (joined report) you have to create a view for the other table and use an other column name as ID in it. Use this view and the new ID column name as a PK.

How to fetch data in tabular form in _new page

I'm creating a project in ruby on rails. Is it possible to add data just like normal form and save them in database in show page? Is it possible to add data in tabular form and let the user save the data in batch (i.e. 5-6 record at a time) for the same employee? If so, then how can I achieve this functionality?
You can read all needed information from file and parse it into the array of objects, and then use gem for insert it in db (for production).
also, you may look into db/seeds.rb file for adding new data in develop. data import with objectId preserved

Is there a way to import data, preferably Json into Parse database with preserving objectIds and existing relationships?
I found many old post that mention you can only preserve objectId if I use the data browser button from the UI tools, however I would like to do this programmatically in order to automate this task.
Of course you can do that. You would just get your existing object IDs and create new objects using the same IDs and save them on your new table/parse project.

Save HTML table Data in .csv file without using table id using java script

I am trying to get html table data from this website
and save it in .csv file but I can't do it by using sahi automation tool and java script coz table id is not given.
If you want to access a table without any attributes which make it unique, you can use relational accessors:
You could e.g. access the table with
_table($index, _in($someUniqueElement));
