i am trying to convert my dstream to Dataframe.here is the code that am using to convert my dstream to Dataframe
val ssc = new StreamingContext(spark.sparkContext, Seconds(10))
val kafkaParams = Map[String, Object](
"bootstrap.servers" -> "ffff.dl.uk.fff.com:8002",
"security.protocol" -> "SASL_PLAINTEXT",
"key.deserializer" -> classOf[StringDeserializer],
"value.deserializer" -> classOf[StringDeserializer],
"group.id" -> "1",
"auto.offset.reset" -> "latest",
"enable.auto.commit" -> (false: java.lang.Boolean)
val topics = Array("mytopic")
val from_kafkastream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String,
Subscribe[String, String](topics, kafkaParams)
val strmk = from_kafkastream.map(record =>
val splitup2 = strmk.map{ case (line1, line2) =>
case class Record(name: String, trQ: String, traW: String,traNS:
String, traned: String, tranS: String,transwer: String, trABN:
String,kafkatime: Long)
object SQLContextSingleton {
#transient private var instance: SQLContext = _
def getInstance(sparkContext: SparkContext): SQLContext = {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new SQLContext(sparkContext)
splitup2.foreachRDD((rdd) => {
val sqlContext = SQLContextSingleton.getInstance(rdd.sparkContext)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val requestsDataFrame = rdd.map(w => Record(w(0).toString,
w(1).toString, w(2).toString,w(3).toString, w(4).toString,
w(5).toString,w(6).toString, w(7).toString,w(8).toString)).toDF()
// am getting issue here
I am getting error saying following
can someone help how to convert my dstreams to DF as i am new spark world
Maybe the mistake is when build the Record object because , you don't pass the kafkatime , only string values, and also is tuple you can't access to the atribute array of this form.
You can try this :
import session.sqlContext.implicits._
val requestsDataFrame = rdd.map(w => Record(
w._1(1).toString, w._1(2).toString, w._1(3).toString, w._1.toString,
w._1(5).toString, w._1(6).toString, w._1(7).toString, w._2))
I have successfully created the model and wanted to export it to be used for prediction from java client but while invoking the prediction using prediction stub from java it errors out as i need to place the serialized example into a placeholder object while calling prediction!
You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'input_example_tensor' with dtype string and shape [?]
if anyone can help me out in creating a tensorplaceholders using protobuff in java?
there is an error as below -
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: INVALID_ARGUMENT: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'input_example_tensor' with dtype string and shape [?]
[[Node: input_example_tensor = Placeholder[dtype=DT_STRING, shape=[?], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"]()]]
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.toStatusRuntimeException(ClientCalls.java:221)
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.getUnchecked(ClientCalls.java:202)
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingUnaryCall(ClientCalls.java:131)
at tensorflow.serving.PredictionServiceGrpc$PredictionServiceBlockingStub.predict(PredictionServiceGrpc.java:332)
My Signature Definition used is as below using saved_model_cli -
The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following input(s):
inputs['inputs'] tensor_info:
dtype: DT_STRING
shape: (-1)
name: Placeholder:0
The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following output(s):
outputs['classes'] tensor_info:
dtype: DT_STRING
shape: (-1, 2)
name: dnn/head/Tile:0
outputs['scores'] tensor_info:
dtype: DT_FLOAT
shape: (-1, 2)
name: dnn/head/predictions/probabilities:0
Method name is: tensorflow/serving/classify
Please find the code below used in java to create a request object -
long start1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
HashMap<String, Feature> inputFeatureMap = new HashMap();
ByteString inputStr = null;
List<ByteString> inputList = new ArrayList<ByteString>();
HashMap<String, Object> inputData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
inputData.put("bid", Float.parseFloat("-1.628"));
inputData.put("day_of_week", "6");
inputData.put("hour_of_day", "5");
inputData.put("connType", "wifi");
inputData.put("geo", "0");
inputData.put("size", "Phone");
inputData.put("cat", "arcadegame");
inputData.put("os", "7");
inputData.put("conv", Float.parseFloat("4"));
inputData.put("time", Float.parseFloat("650907"));
inputData.put("conn", Float.parseFloat("5"));
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : inputData.entrySet()) {
Feature feature = null;
String featureName = entry.getKey();
Object featureValue = entry.getValue();
if (featureValue instanceof Float) {
feature = Feature.newBuilder()
} else if (featureValue instanceof String) {
feature = Feature.newBuilder()
} else if (featureValue instanceof Integer) {
feature = Feature.newBuilder()
if (feature != null) {
inputFeatureMap.put(featureName, feature);
Features features = Features.newBuilder().putAllFeature(inputFeatureMap).build();
inputStr = Example.newBuilder().setFeatures(features).build().toByteString();
TensorProto.Builder asyncReBuilder = TensorProto.newBuilder();
TensorShapeProto.Dim idsDim2 = TensorShapeProto.Dim.newBuilder().setSize(inputList.size()).build();
TensorShapeProto idsShape2 = TensorShapeProto.newBuilder().addDim(idsDim2).build();
TensorProto allReqAsyncProto = asyncReBuilder.build();
TensorProto proto = allReqAsyncProto;
// Generate gRPC request
com.google.protobuf.Int64Value version = com.google.protobuf.Int64Value.newBuilder().setValue(modelVersion)
Model.ModelSpec modelSpec = Model.ModelSpec.newBuilder().setName(modelName).setVersion(version).build();
Predict.PredictRequest request = Predict.PredictRequest.newBuilder().setModelSpec(modelSpec)
.putAllInputs(ImmutableMap.of("inputs", proto)).build();
// Request gRPC server
PredictResponse response;
try {
response = blockingStub.predict(request);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
long diff = end - start1;
System.out.println("diff:"+ diff);
System.out.println("Response output count is - "+response.getOutputsCount());
System.out.println("outputs are: - " + response.getOutputs());
// response = asyncStub.predict(request);
System.out.println("PREDICTION COMPLETE>>>>>>");
} catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
NOTE: I have used and successfully exported the model using the following export function() -
def _make_serving_input_fn(working_dir):
"""Creates an input function reading from raw data.
working_dir: Directory to read transformed metadata from.
The serving input function.
raw_feature_spec = RAW_DATA_METADATA.schema.as_feature_spec()
# Remove label since it is not available during serving.
def serving_input_fn():
raw_input_fn = tf.estimator.export.build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn(
raw_features, _, default_inputs = raw_input_fn()
# Apply the transform function that was used to generate the materialized
# data.
_, transformed_features = (
os.path.join(working_dir, transform_fn_io.TRANSFORM_FN_DIR),
serialized_tf_example = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string,
shape=[None] )
receiver_tensors = {'examples': serialized_tf_example}
return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(transformed_features, receiver_tensors)
return serving_input_fn
Anyways i resolved it using a different serving export function()- as given below
def _make_serving_input_fn(working_dir):
"""Creates an input function reading from raw data.
working_dir: Directory to read transformed metadata from.
The serving input function.
raw_feature_spec = RAW_DATA_METADATA.schema.as_feature_spec()
# Remove label since it is not available during serving.
def serving_input_fn():
raw_input_fn = input_fn_utils.build_parsing_serving_input_fn(
raw_feature_spec, default_batch_size=None)
raw_features, _, inputs = raw_input_fn()
# Apply the transform function that was used to generate the materialized
# data.
_, transformed_features = (
os.path.join(working_dir, transform_fn_io.TRANSFORM_FN_DIR),
return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(
transformed_features, inputs)
return serving_input_fn
The change was get the inputs from deprecated function from contrib - input_fn_utils and then apply transformation then following with creating an ServingInputReceiver() function and returning it!
We have a table with a CLOB column (to save JSON data)
As we understand (from the docs) slick support LOB types (http://slick.lightbend.com/doc/3.1.1/schemas.html)
We are able to query the table succesfuly. Including the CLOB column.
We are not able to insert a register with a Clob. We are converting a String to java.sql.Clob with:
private java.sql.Clob stringToClob(String source)
return new javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob(source.toCharArray());
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Could not convert string to a CLOB",e);
return null;
but in the end the exception from slick is the following:
java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob cannot be cast to oracle.sql.CLOB
Is this possible?
We finally found a workaround as follows:
According to the column definition in slick
def column[C](n: String, options: ColumnOption[C]*)(implicit tt: TypedType[C]): Rep[C]
You can specify how the column is going to be translated between the driver and your code. If you want to use the out-of-the-box translations fine but for Oracle the translation for the CLOB type doesn't seem to work properly.
What we did was to define the column as a String but letting Slick to handle the translation with our custom code. The column definiton is the following:
def myClobColumn = column[String]( "CLOBCOLUMN" )( new StringJdbcType )
Being StringJdbcType our custom code to solve the translation between our String to be inserted (up to 65535 bytes) and an Oracle CLOB.
The code for StringJdbcType is as follows:
class StringJdbcType extends driver.DriverJdbcType[String] {
def sqlType = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
// Here's the solution
def setValue( v: String, p: PreparedStatement, idx: Int ) = {
val conn = p.getConnection
val clob = conn.createClob()
clob.setString( 1, v )
p.setClob( idx, clob )
def getValue( r: ResultSet, idx: Int ) = scala.io.Source.fromInputStream( r.getAsciiStream( "DSPOLIZARIESGO" ) )( Codec.ISO8859 ).getLines().mkString
def updateValue( v: String, r: ResultSet, idx: Int ) = r.updateString( idx, v )
override def hasLiteralForm = false
The setValue function was our salvation because we could build an Oracle CLOB with the already instantiated PreparedStatement and the String comming from our domain. In our implementation we only had to do the plumbing and dirty work for the Oracle CLOB.
In sum, the extension point offered by Slick in driver.DriverJdbcType[A] was what we actually used to make the thing work.
These are some improvements related to the solution: close resources and stream inspection
class BigStringJdbcType
extends profile.DriverJdbcType[String] {
def sqlType: Int = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
def setValue(v: String, p: PreparedStatement, idx: Int): Unit = {
val connection = p.getConnection
val clob = connection.createClob()
try {
clob.setString(1, v)
p.setClob(idx, clob)
} finally {
def getValue(r: ResultSet, idx: Int): String = {
val asciiStream = r.getAsciiStream(idx)
try {
val (bufferEmpty, encoding) = getInputStreamStatus(asciiStream)
if (bufferEmpty) {
convertInputStreamToString(asciiStream, encoding)
} else ""
} finally {
def updateValue(v: String, r: ResultSet, idx: Int): Unit =
r.updateString(idx, v)
override def hasLiteralForm: Boolean = false
Some utilities to complement the solution
def getInputStreamStatus(stream: InputStream): (Boolean, String) = {
val reader = new InputStreamReader(stream)
try {
val bufferEmpty = reader.ready()
val encoding = reader.getEncoding
bufferEmpty -> encoding
} finally {
def convertInputStreamToString(
stream: InputStream,
encoding: String
): String = {
I tried to use JDBC driver of Apache Drill programatically.
Here's the code:
import java.sql.DriverManager
object SearchHbaseWithHbase {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val zkIp = ""
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection(s"jdbc:drill:zk=${zkIp};schema:hbase")
val st = connection.createStatement()
val rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Label")
while (rs.next()){
I have set the database schema with type : hbase, Like:
But it fails with the error code:
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: VALIDATION ERROR:
From line 1, column 15 to line 1, column 19: Table 'Label' not found
SQL Query null
The Label table is exactly exit in my hbase.
I can find My data when I use sqline like:
sqline -u jdbc:drill:zk....
use hbase;
input :select * from Label;
I have solved this problem. I confused the drill's schema and jdbc driver schema......
the correct codes should be like:
object SearchHbaseWithHbase{
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val zkIp = ""
val p = new java.util.Properties
// val connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo
val url = s"jdbc:drill:zk=${zkIp}"
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, p)
// connection.setSchema("hbase")
// println(connection.getSchema)
val st = connection.createStatement()
val rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Label")
while (rs.next()){
I'm trying to insert and update some data on MySql using Spark SQL DataFrames and JDBC connection.
I've succeeded to insert new data using the SaveMode.Append. Is there a way to update the data already existing in MySql Table from Spark SQL?
My code to insert is:
If I change to SaveMode.Overwrite it deletes the full table and creates a new one, I'm looking for something like the "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" available in MySql
It is not possible. As for now (Spark 1.6.0 / 2.2.0 SNAPSHOT) Spark DataFrameWriter supports only four writing modes:
SaveMode.Overwrite: overwrite the existing data.
SaveMode.Append: append the data.
SaveMode.Ignore: ignore the operation (i.e. no-op).
SaveMode.ErrorIfExists: default option, throw an exception at runtime.
You can insert manually for example using mapPartitions (since you want an UPSERT operation should be idempotent and as such easy to implement), write to temporary table and execute upsert manually, or use triggers.
In general achieving upsert behavior for batch operations and keeping decent performance is far from trivial. You have to remember that in general case there will be multiple concurrent transactions in place (one per each partition) so you have to ensure that there will no write conflicts (typically by using application specific partitioning) or provide appropriate recovery procedures. In practice it may be better to perform and batch writes to a temporary table and resolve upsert part directly in the database.
A pity that there is no SaveMode.Upsert mode in Spark for such quite common cases like upserting.
zero322 is right in general, but I think it should be possible (with compromises in performance) to offer such replace feature.
I also wanted to provide some java code for this case.
Of course it is not that performant as the built-in one from spark - but it should be a good basis for your requirements. Just modify it towards your needs:
myDF.repartition(20); //one connection per partition, see below
myDF.foreachPartition((Iterator<Row> t) -> {
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
final int batchSize = 100000;
int i = 0;
while (t.hasNext()) {
Row row = t.next();
try {
// better than REPLACE INTO, less cycles
statement.addBatch(("INSERT INTO mytable " + "VALUES ("
+ "'" + row.getAs("_id") + "',
+ "'" + row.getStruct(1).get(0) + "'
+ "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE _id='" + row.getAs("_id") + "';"));
if (++i % batchSize == 0) {
} catch (SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException e) {
//should not occur, nevertheless
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
int[] ret = statement.executeBatch();
System.out.println("Ret val: " + Arrays.toString(ret));
System.out.println("Update count: " + statement.getUpdateCount());
overwrite org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc JdbcUtils.scala insert into to replace into
import java.sql.{Connection, Driver, DriverManager, PreparedStatement, ResultSet, SQLException}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.{DriverRegistry, DriverWrapper, JDBCOptions}
import org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.{JdbcDialect, JdbcDialects, JdbcType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row}
* Util functions for JDBC tables.
object UpdateJdbcUtils {
val logger = Logger(this.getClass)
* Returns a factory for creating connections to the given JDBC URL.
* #param options - JDBC options that contains url, table and other information.
def createConnectionFactory(options: JDBCOptions): () => Connection = {
val driverClass: String = options.driverClass
() => {
val driver: Driver = DriverManager.getDrivers.asScala.collectFirst {
case d: DriverWrapper if d.wrapped.getClass.getCanonicalName == driverClass => d
case d if d.getClass.getCanonicalName == driverClass => d
}.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Did not find registered driver with class $driverClass")
driver.connect(options.url, options.asConnectionProperties)
* Returns a PreparedStatement that inserts a row into table via conn.
def insertStatement(conn: Connection, table: String, rddSchema: StructType, dialect: JdbcDialect)
: PreparedStatement = {
val columns = rddSchema.fields.map(x => dialect.quoteIdentifier(x.name)).mkString(",")
val placeholders = rddSchema.fields.map(_ => "?").mkString(",")
val sql = s"REPLACE INTO $table ($columns) VALUES ($placeholders)"
* Retrieve standard jdbc types.
* #param dt The datatype (e.g. [[org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType]])
* #return The default JdbcType for this DataType
def getCommonJDBCType(dt: DataType): Option[JdbcType] = {
dt match {
case IntegerType => Option(JdbcType("INTEGER", java.sql.Types.INTEGER))
case LongType => Option(JdbcType("BIGINT", java.sql.Types.BIGINT))
case DoubleType => Option(JdbcType("DOUBLE PRECISION", java.sql.Types.DOUBLE))
case FloatType => Option(JdbcType("REAL", java.sql.Types.FLOAT))
case ShortType => Option(JdbcType("INTEGER", java.sql.Types.SMALLINT))
case ByteType => Option(JdbcType("BYTE", java.sql.Types.TINYINT))
case BooleanType => Option(JdbcType("BIT(1)", java.sql.Types.BIT))
case StringType => Option(JdbcType("TEXT", java.sql.Types.CLOB))
case BinaryType => Option(JdbcType("BLOB", java.sql.Types.BLOB))
case TimestampType => Option(JdbcType("TIMESTAMP", java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP))
case DateType => Option(JdbcType("DATE", java.sql.Types.DATE))
case t: DecimalType => Option(
JdbcType(s"DECIMAL(${t.precision},${t.scale})", java.sql.Types.DECIMAL))
case _ => None
private def getJdbcType(dt: DataType, dialect: JdbcDialect): JdbcType = {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Can't get JDBC type for ${dt.simpleString}"))
// A `JDBCValueGetter` is responsible for getting a value from `ResultSet` into a field
// for `MutableRow`. The last argument `Int` means the index for the value to be set in
// the row and also used for the value in `ResultSet`.
private type JDBCValueGetter = (ResultSet, InternalRow, Int) => Unit
// A `JDBCValueSetter` is responsible for setting a value from `Row` into a field for
// `PreparedStatement`. The last argument `Int` means the index for the value to be set
// in the SQL statement and also used for the value in `Row`.
private type JDBCValueSetter = (PreparedStatement, Row, Int) => Unit
* Saves a partition of a DataFrame to the JDBC database. This is done in
* a single database transaction (unless isolation level is "NONE")
* in order to avoid repeatedly inserting data as much as possible.
* It is still theoretically possible for rows in a DataFrame to be
* inserted into the database more than once if a stage somehow fails after
* the commit occurs but before the stage can return successfully.
* This is not a closure inside saveTable() because apparently cosmetic
* implementation changes elsewhere might easily render such a closure
* non-Serializable. Instead, we explicitly close over all variables that
* are used.
def savePartition(
getConnection: () => Connection,
table: String,
iterator: Iterator[Row],
rddSchema: StructType,
nullTypes: Array[Int],
batchSize: Int,
dialect: JdbcDialect,
isolationLevel: Int): Iterator[Byte] = {
val conn = getConnection()
var committed = false
var finalIsolationLevel = Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE
if (isolationLevel != Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE) {
try {
val metadata = conn.getMetaData
if (metadata.supportsTransactions()) {
// Update to at least use the default isolation, if any transaction level
// has been chosen and transactions are supported
val defaultIsolation = metadata.getDefaultTransactionIsolation
finalIsolationLevel = defaultIsolation
if (metadata.supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(isolationLevel)) {
// Finally update to actually requested level if possible
finalIsolationLevel = isolationLevel
} else {
logger.warn(s"Requested isolation level $isolationLevel is not supported; " +
s"falling back to default isolation level $defaultIsolation")
} else {
logger.warn(s"Requested isolation level $isolationLevel, but transactions are unsupported")
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) => logger.warn("Exception while detecting transaction support", e)
val supportsTransactions = finalIsolationLevel != Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE
try {
if (supportsTransactions) {
conn.setAutoCommit(false) // Everything in the same db transaction.
val stmt = insertStatement(conn, table, rddSchema, dialect)
val setters: Array[JDBCValueSetter] = rddSchema.fields.map(_.dataType)
.map(makeSetter(conn, dialect, _))
val numFields = rddSchema.fields.length
try {
var rowCount = 0
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val row = iterator.next()
var i = 0
while (i < numFields) {
if (row.isNullAt(i)) {
stmt.setNull(i + 1, nullTypes(i))
} else {
setters(i).apply(stmt, row, i)
i = i + 1
rowCount += 1
if (rowCount % batchSize == 0) {
rowCount = 0
if (rowCount > 0) {
} finally {
if (supportsTransactions) {
committed = true
} catch {
case e: SQLException =>
val cause = e.getNextException
if (cause != null && e.getCause != cause) {
if (e.getCause == null) {
} else {
throw e
} finally {
if (!committed) {
// The stage must fail. We got here through an exception path, so
// let the exception through unless rollback() or close() want to
// tell the user about another problem.
if (supportsTransactions) {
} else {
// The stage must succeed. We cannot propagate any exception close() might throw.
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => logger.warn("Transaction succeeded, but closing failed", e)
* Saves the RDD to the database in a single transaction.
def saveTable(
df: DataFrame,
url: String,
table: String,
options: JDBCOptions) {
val dialect = JdbcDialects.get(url)
val nullTypes: Array[Int] = df.schema.fields.map { field =>
getJdbcType(field.dataType, dialect).jdbcNullType
val rddSchema = df.schema
val getConnection: () => Connection = createConnectionFactory(options)
val batchSize = options.batchSize
val isolationLevel = options.isolationLevel
df.foreachPartition(iterator => savePartition(
getConnection, table, iterator, rddSchema, nullTypes, batchSize, dialect, isolationLevel)
private def makeSetter(
conn: Connection,
dialect: JdbcDialect,
dataType: DataType): JDBCValueSetter = dataType match {
case IntegerType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setInt(pos + 1, row.getInt(pos))
case LongType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setLong(pos + 1, row.getLong(pos))
case DoubleType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setDouble(pos + 1, row.getDouble(pos))
case FloatType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setFloat(pos + 1, row.getFloat(pos))
case ShortType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setInt(pos + 1, row.getShort(pos))
case ByteType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setInt(pos + 1, row.getByte(pos))
case BooleanType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setBoolean(pos + 1, row.getBoolean(pos))
case StringType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setString(pos + 1, row.getString(pos))
case BinaryType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setBytes(pos + 1, row.getAs[Array[Byte]](pos))
case TimestampType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setTimestamp(pos + 1, row.getAs[java.sql.Timestamp](pos))
case DateType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setDate(pos + 1, row.getAs[java.sql.Date](pos))
case t: DecimalType =>
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
stmt.setBigDecimal(pos + 1, row.getDecimal(pos))
case ArrayType(et, _) =>
// remove type length parameters from end of type name
val typeName = getJdbcType(et, dialect).databaseTypeDefinition
(stmt: PreparedStatement, row: Row, pos: Int) =>
val array = conn.createArrayOf(
stmt.setArray(pos + 1, array)
case _ =>
(_: PreparedStatement, _: Row, pos: Int) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Can't translate non-null value for field $pos")
val url = s"jdbc:mysql://$host/$database?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8"
val parameters: Map[String, String] = Map(
"url" -> url,
"dbtable" -> table,
"driver" -> "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
"numPartitions" -> numPartitions.toString,
"user" -> user,
"password" -> password
val options = new JDBCOptions(parameters)
for (d <- data) {
UpdateJdbcUtils.saveTable(d, url, table, options)
ps: pay attention to the deadlock, not update data frequently, just use in re-run in case of emergency, I think that's why spark not support this official.
If your table is small, then you can read the sql data and do the upsertion in spark dataframe. And overwrite the existing sql table.
zero323's answer is right, I just wanted to add that you could use JayDeBeApi package to workaround this:
to update data in your mysql table. It might be a low-hanging fruit since you already have mysql jdbc driver installed.
The JayDeBeApi module allows you to connect from Python code to
databases using Java JDBC. It provides a Python DB-API v2.0 to that
We use Anaconda distribution of Python, and JayDeBeApi python package comes standard.
See examples in that link above.
In PYSPARK I was not able to do that so I decided to use odbc.
url = "jdbc:sqlserver://xxx:1433;databaseName=xxx;user=xxx;password=xxx"
df.write.jdbc(url=url, table="__TableInsert", mode='overwrite')
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};Server=xxx;Database=xxx;Uid=xxx;Pwd=xxx;', autocommit=False)
crsr = cnxn.cursor()
crsr.execute("DELETE FROM Table")
crsr.execute("INSERT INTO Table (Field) SELECT Field FROM __TableInsert")