X509Certificates in UWP - windows

Is it possible to use System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates in an UWP application? I get a reference error, but can't seem to find any existing library that includes this? Maybe a NuGet package?

You can’t use the System.Security.Cryptography in the Universal Windows Platform App. It is included in the full .NET (desktop .NET), and the .NET for UWP does not have it.
As CryptoGuy suggested, you can use the Certificate class which is provided by the Windows Runtime Components.
UPDATE (11/2/2016)
According to the latest document .NET for UWP Apps, X509Certificates is included in .NET for UWP.


No portable class library folder found in Xamarin Forms

I am a newbie working with Xamarin Forms in Visual studio 2019.
When I create a blank page for Mobile App(Xamarin.Forms) , I do not see a Xamarin.forms portable template app in my project solution.
There is no PCL anymore. PCL is outdated. Just use the Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms) template. It will create all you need.
The core project (that contains your shared code) will be a .net standard project.
.net standard is way better than PCL, because you don't have a artificially limited set of APIs.
this creates the following 3 projects
Your shared code should go into the App8 project

Cannot find "cross-platform using PCL" while creating a xamarin app

I want to create a xamarin cross platform using PCL. I do not find this option while creating a project. Am I missing any installations?
Is "Xamarin.UITest Cross Platform Test Project" similar to that? But that does not open Android and IOS directories in it
The PCL option is deprecated .
From the official documentation:
Portable Class Libraries (PCLs) are considered deprecated in the
latest versions of Visual Studio. While you can still open, edit, and
compile PCLs, for new projects it is recommended to use .NET Standard
libraries to access a larger API surface area.
If you wan't to create a Xamarin.Forms solution, you must select the Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms) template. Nowadays, everything moved to .netstandard 2.0

Not able to find out Portable Class Libraries project in visual studio 2017 when creating cross platform app

Hi when i am going to create new xamarin forms app I'm not able to see Protable Class Library in the Sharing Code Strategy options in VS 2017 .enter image description here
Please help me in this
That's the expected behavior, it's no longer possible to create a PCL library with Visual Studio 2017 as they've been replaced by .NET Standard libraries, see here for more details.
Also, the roadmap and the comparison with PCL profiles is available here, so you can determine the right .NET Standard version for you depending on your target framework and the APIs you need to place in the shared library.
.NET Standard libraries are the replacement for Portable Class Libraries. They allow you access to more of the framework than pcl did. You can still manually create a PCL project and reference it in a Xamarin app if you would like to use PCLs in new mobile apps with Xamarin.

No PCL option for Xamarin project

I'm just getting into Xamarin Forms based app development and most of the articles -- if not all -- that I've come across suggest I create a new Xamarin Forms project using Portable Class Library (PCL) approach.
I'm running the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 15.5.1 and when I start a new Xamarin Forms project, I get the following screen with no PCL option.
Am I missing something?
You Can Select .Net Standard. it is Replacement of PCL.
NET Standard is a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available on all .NET runtimes (such as .NET Framework, Mono, and .NET Core)
For More Details Please visit : https://blog.xamarin.com/building-xamarin-forms-apps-net-standard/

Xamarin IDE and visualstudio for windows +Mvvmcross

I have some confusions About the IDE to use for MvvmCross
a) VisualStudio (VS) uses Xamrarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android plugin for iOS and Android development. But can we also use PCL(Portable Class libraries) and MVVMCross/Monocross frameworks in VS? I see the PCL option on VS but, i don't see the support for Android & iOS. Do i need to install additional plugin for PCL to support these two platforms as well?
b) Xamarin IDE supports Android and iOS development on Mac but, is it true that Xamarin doesn't support Mono.iOS on windows? Isn't it strange that Visual studio can use the network mac for iOS development but why not Xamarin Studio?
Thank You for your time.
a) VisualStudio (VS) uses Xamrarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android plugin for iOS and Android development. But can we also use PCL(Portable Class libraries) and MVVMCross/Monocross frameworks in VS? I see the PCL option on VS but, i don't see the support for Android & iOS. Do i need to install additional plugin for PCL to support these two platforms as well?
MvvmCross currently uses Profile104 for Portable Class Library development. You can easily develop for this profile without installing Android and iOS. The mapping of PCL profile to platforms is, however, quite confusing (it's not exactly obvious) so the easiest way I find to create a Profile104 PCL is:
to create any PCL
then to manually edit the csproj file to say Profile104 - look for a line like: https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross-Tutorials/blob/master/Babel/Babel.Core/Babel.Core.csproj#L14 in the csproj
I have customers who develop in medium size teams where only some people have the Xamarin tools installed - most people have just Windows tools and work on the PCLs using Unit Tests and using WindowsPhone/Store user interfaces.
b) Xamarin IDE supports Android and iOS development on Mac but, is it true that Xamarin doesn't support Mono.iOS on windows?
Yes, this is true.
Isn't it strange that Visual studio can use the network mac for iOS development but why not Xamarin Studio?
This may feel strange, but I believe this is actually this is Xamarin listening to their customers.
I believe, that the reason customers wanted Windows support for iOS was because they wanted to use Visual Studio and they wanted to use plugins like Resharper. Xamarin provided this in their 2.0 release.
It is true that they could also have added iOS functionality to XamarinStudio for Windows as well - but this (I believe) wasn't what any of their customers were asking for - so adding it would have created more work (both in creating and maintaining it) without adding any significant benefit (IMO)
