Is there an algorithm to derive the vertices of a polygon if you have all of the points within? - algorithm

Say I have two-dimensional grid with evenly-spaced integer coordinates, and each grid position (x,y) can either be ON or OFF. Is there a way to define what shape is created by the ON positions, as a list of vertices of the polygon? With the ON grid positions roughly creating the outline of a rectangles or triangle it isn't too hard. With more complex polygons, and perhaps non-convex ones (or perhaps even two polygons side-by-side) I cannot seem to wrap my head around how to approach this.
I've seen algorithms for point-in-polygon but I'm actually looking for the opposite I guess.
It's worth mentioning that no line created by the vertices could overlap a grid point that isn't ON because, well, otherwise it would be on. i.e. if a line overlapped at (2.8, 3.1), this would imply that grid position (2, 3) would have to be on.


CGAL arrangements: compute the ordered intersection of a polyline with a grid

Given a general polyline and an orthogonal grid, I would like to compute a simpler polyline whose vertices lie on the grid edges/vertices. This can look like this:
Left: A dense polyline as input, Right: A coarser polyline whose vertices lie on the intersection of the input polyline with the grid edges/vertices
(Sorry about the link to the image, but stack overflow apparently doesn't allow me to embed pictures before getting 10 credit points).
The grid is always orthogonal but its vertices do not necessarily have integer coordinates as some x or y lines might have coordinates defined by a previous geometric intersection computation. The initial curve can be represented as a polyline (though it would be nice to have also bezier curve support), not necessarily x-monotone, and it might intersect the grid also along whole edges.
My first thought was to call CGAL::compute_subcurves(..) with the grid lines and the curve I'm adding. I was hoping to get back a list of polylines, each composed of maximal multiple segments inside a face of the original grid. In practice even if the input is composed of polylines and the output of monotone polylines, I get back a list of separated segments. These include also the grid segments and also the polyline segments, and these are not ordered by "walking on the curve segments" as needed to compute the ordered interesection points. If they would have been ordered, a solution would be to iteratively go over them and check which one intersects the original grid, and then save the points.
Another option I thought of is to start with an arrangement of the grid lines, incrementally add polyline segements and have a notification mechanism notifying me on new edges that are pairwise disjoint in their interior, but in the case an edge of the intersected polylines is an original edge of the grid I won't get a notification and I'll miss it. Incrementally adding segments and checking for collisions also doesn't seem to be straightforward as the arrangement API do_intersect(..) seems to return at most a single point, while a given segment of the input polyline might easily intersect two grid lines next to a corner or even lie entirely on a grid segment.
I'm probably missing some simple solution. Can someone give me a pointer, or some api call that might help here?
Edit: There might have been a confusion. The grid is orthogonal but not necessarily regular and might have coordinates that could not globally scale to integers such as here.
Use Arrangement_with_history_2 (instead of Arrangement_2); see After you compute the arrangement, you can use point location to locate the end points of your polylines in the arrangement. Then, for each one, you can easily follow the original curve. If you are concerned with performance, you can try inserting (at least) the grid lines incrementally. Another option is to extend the halfedge records and insert the grid lines and each polyline separately. With the appropriate observer, you can mark the generated halfedges that correspond to a given polyline uniquely. I think you can even save the extra point location, by locating one of the two end points of a polyline before inserting it, and then provide the resulting location to the (incremental) insertion function.

Polygon congruence algorithm

Does anyone know an algorithm which checks for congruence between two sets of polygons? To be more specific, see the figure below.
I'm looking for a way to check whether a given set of colored triangles is congruent to another set, i.e. whether a given set (e.g. the blue triangles) via a number of translations, rotations or reflections can be superimposed on another set (e.g. the red triangles). In the example above, all 3 sets of triangles (blue, red and green) are congruent.
The actual triangle I'm working on is larger than this and has more sets.
I've googled and found this paper, but it concerns 3-D polygons and isn't directly (in my view) implementable.
Any constructive ideas or links would be welcome.
Just to clarify, each set of triangles must be treated as a whole connected figure, i.e. each triangle in the set is fixed in it's position relative to the other triangles in the set.
Also, I only need an algorithm which could determine whether one set of triangles is congruent to another set, but with a much larger triangle than the one above and with many more sets. Imagine a triangle with side length N and a total of N^2 smaller triangles, divided into N differently colored sets of N triangles.
A combination of rotations and reflections can be represented by a rotation and at most one reflection, so you can ignore reflections if you run a rotation-only algorithm twice, once with the original figure and once with a reflected figure.
The centre of gravity of the triangles (or, easier, the centre of gravity of a figure which has mass only at the vertices of the triangles) is not affected by rotation, so I would start by computing the centre of gravity of each figure. Now represent the figure by a list giving the direction and distance of each point in the figure from its centre of gravity.
If the set of distances are different the figures cannot be rotations of each other, and I guess most non-congruencies will be spotted at this stage. For total cost N^2 you can consider rotating a vertex in one figure to each possible vertex of the other figure and then applying this calculated rotation to all of the other vertices and seeing if they match up. Possibly some version of could be used to speed this up. It may help to represent directions by the angle between the directions to vertices after sorting them into order.

Algorithm for finding triangles within a region

I am working on small project that requires me to quickly find which triangles within a set of triangles is either partially or entirely contained within a given rectangular region. I am interested in optimizing for fast searches - I am not memory limited.
This is not an area I am too familiar with, so all I've been able to do thus far is to poke around on Google for standard algorithms for dealing with this problem. The closest I've gotten to so far is to use two interval trees. This is a bit clumsy, since I have to perform a test for interval overlap between the edges of each triangle and the edges of the rectangular region in both directions x and y.
Can someone point me to any resource where the 'correct' way of dealing with this problem is?
Edit: I forgot to mention that the rectangular regions I am currently using are parallel to the coordinate axes x and y. For the time being, I am happy with any solution that exploits this constraint. Generally, though, a solution with completely arbitrary rectangles would be great to know about.
You can use an AABBTree (AABB stands for Axis Aligned Bounding Box tree), the
idea is to enclose each triangle in its axis aligned bounding box, then build a tree that has the initial triangles as leafs, and where upper nodes have a bounding box that is the union of the bounding boxes of its children. Then when searching which triangles have a non-empty intersection with "something", you check whether the "something" has an intersection with the bounding box of a node, and go down the tree to test its children when it's the case (recursive function).
You can find efficient implementations of AABBTrees in:
the GEOGRAM library that I am writing:
Assuming the rectangle is axis aligned, I'd do this:
Compare the bounding box of a triangle to the region. If it is inside, the triangle is inside. If there is no overlap at all, it's not. Use an interval tree for each dimension for this step if you need to check the same set of triangles with different regions.
We have checked the two simple cases in step one, so we know the region and bounding box overlap. Check if any of the points of the triangle is inside the rectangle. If so, the triangle is inside.
Check the four sides of the rectangle with the three sides of the triangle for line segment intersections
If no preprocessing of the set of triangles is allowed, there is nothing better you can do than comparing exhaustively every triangle to the window.
To solve the triangle/rectangle overlap problem easily (or just to reason about it), you can form the Minkowski sum of the two polygons, to turn the problem in a "point-in-convex-polygon" instance.
Of course, an initial axis-aligned bounding box test is welcome.
If your window is a rotated rectangle, you can "unrotate" the whole scene to make the window axis-aligned and revert to the first problem.

algorithm for optimal subdivision (i.e. tessellation / partitioning) of 2d polygons into smaller polygons?

I've got some 2D polygons, each as a list of clockwise coordinates. The polygons are
simple (i.e. they may be concave but they don't intersect themselves) and they don't overlap eachother.
I need to subdivide these polygons into smaller polygons to fit a size constraint. Just like the original polygons, the smaller ones should be simple (non-self-intersecting) and the constraint is they should each fit within one 'unit square' (which, for sake of simplicity, I can assume to be 1x1).
The thing is, I need to do this as efficiently as possible, where 'efficient' means the lowest number of resulting (small) polygons possible. Computation time is not important.
Is there some smart algorithm for this? At first I thought about recursively subdividing each polygon (splitting it in half, either horizontally or vertically whichever direction is larger) which works, but I don't seem to get very optimal results with this. Any ideas?
Draw a circle with a center of one of the initial points of initial polygon and radius of your desired length constraint.
The circle will intersect at least two lines at two points. Now you have your first triangle by the biggest as possible. Then choose those intersections as next target. Do until there is no initial points left outside. You have your triangles as large as possible(so as few as possible)
Do not account the already-created triangle edges as an intersection point.
Resulting polygons are not always triangle, they can be quads too. Maybe larger point-numbers too!
They all just nearly equal to the desired size.
Fine-tuning the interior parts would need some calculation.
I suggest you use the following:
Triangulate the polygon, e.g. using a sweep line algorithm.
Make sure all the triangles do not violate the constraint. If one violates the constraint, first try edge-flips to fix it, otherwise subdivide on the longest edge.
Use dynamic programming to join the triangles, while maintaining the constraint and only joining adjacent polygons.

Area of Intersection of Two Rotated Rectangles

I have two 2D rectangles, defined as an origin (x,y) a size (height, width) and an angle of rotation (0-360°). I can guarantee that both rectangles are the same size.
I need to calculate the approximate area of intersection of these two rectangles.
The calculation does not need to be exact, although it can be. I will be comparing the result with other areas of intersection to determine the largest area of intersection in a set of rectangles, so it only needs to be accurate relative to other computations of the same algorithm.
I thought about using the area of the bounding box of the intersected region, but I'm having trouble getting the vertices of the intersected region because of all of the different possible cases:
I'm writing this program in Objective-C in the Cocoa framework, for what it's worth, so if anyone knows any shortcuts using NSBezierPath or something you're welcome to suggest that too.
To supplement the other answers, your problem is an instance of line clipping, a topic heavily studied in computer graphics, and for which there are many algorithms available.
If you rotate your coordinate system so that one rectangle has a horizontal edge, then the problem is exactly line clipping from there on.
You could start at the Wikipedia article on the topic, and investigate from there.
A simple algorithm that will give an approximate answer is sampling.
Divide one of your rectangles up into grids of small squares. For each intersection point, check if that point is inside the other rectangle. The number of points that lie inside the other rectangle will be a fairly good approximation to the area of the overlapping region. Increasing the density of points will increase the accuracy of the calculation, at the cost of performance.
In any case, computing the exact intersection polygon of two convex polygons is an easy task, since any convex polygon can be seen as an intersection of half-planes. "Sequential cutting" does the job.
Choose one rectangle (any) as the cutting rectangle. Iterate through the sides of the cutting rectangle, one by one. Cut the second rectangle by the line that contains the current side of the cutting rectangle and discard everything that lies in the "outer" half-plane.
Once you finish iterating through all cutting sides, what remains of the other rectangle is the result.
You can actually compute the exact area.
Make one polygon out of the two rectangles. See this question (especially this answer), or use the gpc library.
Find the area of this polygon. See here.
The shared area is
area of rectangle 1 + area of rectangle 2 - area of aggregated polygon
Take each line segment of each rectangle and see if they intersect. There will be several possibilities:
If none intersect - shared area is zero - unless all points of one are inside the other. In that case the shared area is the area of the smaller one.
a If two consecutive edges of one rectactangle intersect with a single edge of another rectangle, this forms a triangle. Compute its area.
b. If the edges are not consequtive, this forms a quadrilateral. Compute a line from two opposite corners of the quadrilateral, this makes two triangles. Compute the area of each and sum.
If two edges of one intersect with two edges of another, then you will have a quadrilateral. Compute as in 2b.
If each edge of one intersects with each edge of the other, you will have an octagon. Break it up into triangles ( e.g. draw a ray from one vertex to each other vertex to make 4 triangles )
#edit: I have a more general solution.
Check the special case in 1.
Then start with any intersecting vertex, and follow the edges from there to any other intersection point until you are back to the first intersecting vertex. This forms a convex polygon. draw a ray from the first vertex to each opposite vetex ( e.g. skip the vertex to the left and right. ) This will divide it into a bunch of triangles. compute the area for each and sum.
A brute-force-ish way:
take all points from the set of [corners of
rectangles] + [points of intersection of edges]
remove the points that are not inside or on the edge of both rectangles.
Now You have corners of intersection. Note that the intersection is convex.
sort the remaining points by angle between arbitrary point from the set, arbitrary other point, and the given point.
Now You have the points of intersection in order.
calculate area the usual way (by cross product)
