Inverting small matrix - performance

I have a piece of code in Fortran 90 in which I have to solve both a non-linear (for which I have to invert the Jacobian matrix) and a linear system of equations. When I say small I mean n unknowns for both operations, with n<=4. Unfortunately, n is not known a priori. What do you think is the best option?
I thought of writing explicit formulas for cases with n=1,2 and using other methods for n=3,4 (e.g. some functions of the Intel MKL libraries), for the sake of performance. Is this sensible or should I write explicit formulas for the inverse matrix also for n=3,4?


The more efficient way to compute XSX^T and XSy

I need to compute the following matrices:
V = XSy
what I'd like to know is the more efficient implementation using blas, knowing that S is a symmetric and definite positive matrix of dimension n, X has m rows and n columns while y is a vector of length n.
My implementation is the following:
I compute A = XS using dsymm and then with dgemm is obtained M=AX^T while dgemv is used to obtain V=Ay.
I think that at least M can be computed in a more efficient way since I know that M is symmetric and definite positive.
Your code is the best BLAS can do for you. There is no BLAS operation, that can exploit the fact that M is symmetric.
You are right though you'd technically only need to compute the upper diagonal part of the gemm product and then copy the strictly upper diagonal part to the lower diagonal part. But there is no routine for that.
May I inquire about the sizes? And may I also inspire some other sources for performance gains: Own build of your BLAS implementation, comparison with MKL, ACML, OpenBLAS, ATLAS. You could obviously code your own version that would use AVX, FMA intrinsics. You should be able to do better that some generalised library. Also what is the precision of your floating point variable?
I seriously doubt that you might gain too much by coding it yourself anyway. But what I would definitely suggest is converting everything to floats and testing if float precision is not giving you the same result with significant speed up in compute time. Very seldom have I seen such cases, which were more in the ODE solving domain and numeric integration of nasty functions.
But you did not address my question regarding the BLAS implementation and machine type.
Again, the optimisation beyond this point is not possible without more skills :(. But seriously, don't be to worried about this. There is a reason, why BLAS does not the optimisation you ask for. It might not be worth the hassle. Go with your solution.
And don't forget to investgate the use of floats rather than double. On R convert everything to float. For the Lapack commands use only sgemX
Without knowing the detail of your problem, it can be useful to recognize the zeros in the matrices. Partitioning the matrices to achieve this can provide significant benefits. Is M the sum of many XSX' sub matrices ?
For V = XSy, where y is a vector and X and S are matrices, calculating S.y then X.(Sy) should be better, unless X.S is a necessary calculation for M.

Definition of matrix-vector division operator of Julia

I stumbled upon something, which I consider very strange.
As an example consider the code
A = reshape(1:6, 3,2)
A/[1 1]
which gives
3×1 Array{Float64,2}:
As I understand, in general such division gives the weighted average of columns, where each weight is inversely proportional to the corresponding element of the vector.
So my question is, why is it defined such way?
What is the mathematical justification of this definition?
It's the minimum error solution to |A - v*[1 1]|₂ – which, being overconstrained, has no exact solution in general (i.e. value v such that the norm is precisely zero). The behavior of / and \ is heavily overloaded, solving both under and overconstrained systems by a variety of techniques and heuristics. Whether this kind of overloading is a good idea or not is debatable, but it's what people have come to expect from these operations in Matlab and Octave, and it's often quite convenient to have so much functionality available in a single operator.
Let A be an NxN matrix and b be a Nx1 column vector. Then \ solves Ax=b, and / solves xA=b.
As Stefan mentions, this is extended to underdetermined cases as the least squares solution. This is done via the QR or SVD decompositions. See the details on these algorithms to see why this is the case. Hint: the linear form of the OLS estimator can actually be written as the solution to matrix decompositions, so it's the same thing.
Now you might ask, how does it actually solve it? That's a complicated question. Essentially, it uses a matrix factorization. But which matrix factorization is used is dependent on the matrix type. The reason for this is because Gaussian elimination is O(n^3), and so treating the problem generally is usually not good. But whenever you can specialize, you can get speedups. So essentially \ (and /, which transposes and calls \) check for a bunch of special types and pick a factorization or other algorithm (LU, QR, SVD, Cholesky, etc.) based on the matrix type. The flow chart from MATLAB explains this very well. There's a lot of details here, and it gets even more details when the matrix is sparse. Also IterativeSolvers.jl should be mentioned because it's another set of algorithms for solving Ax=b.
Most applied math problems reduce down to linear algebra, with solving Ax=b being one of the most important and difficult problems, which is why there is tons of research on the subject. In fact, you can probably say that the vast majority of the field of numerical linear algebra is devoted to finding fast methods for solving Ax=b on specific matrix types. \ essentially puts all of the direct (non-iterative) methods into one convenient operator.

Can Scip solve MIP subject to matrix equations?

My questions concerns the Mixed integer programming (MIP) in Scip:
I have the following code:
$\min trace(X)$
subject to
d_i \in \left\{0,1\right\} \mbox{ for } i=1,\ldots,n$$
where A is a n*n matrix and $D=diag(d_1,\ldots,d_n)$ is a diagonal matrix.
Since the matrix constraints are linear the equation can be transformed to a system of linear equations (via Kronecker product and vectorize operation), but this is limited to small n. Is it possible to solve the matrix equation directly with Scip? Is there a way to embed an external solver? Or do I have to write my own solver for the continuous lyapunov matrix equation?
You could try using the pip file format used for polynomial constraints and objective. See and
You would have to do the matrix operations yourself or use ZIMPL
Matrix equations cannot be handled in SCIP. You would need to transform them into linear equations. Also, all the data has to be loaded into an LP solver at some time and needs to be formulated as usual constraints here as well. So even if SCIP itself would be able to handle matrix equations you are sooner or later to required to expand the problem.

compute determinant of complex matrix fortran90

I need to compute the determinant of complex matrix which is symmetric. Size of matrix ranges from 500*500 to 2000*2000. Is there any subroutine for me to call? By the way, I use ifort to compile.
The easiest way would be to do an LU-decomposition as described here. I would suggest using LAPACK for this task...
This article has some code in C doing that for a real-valued symmetric matrix, so you need to exchange dspsv by zspsv to handle double-precision complex matrices.

Is there a special type of multivariate regression for multiple-parameter predictions?

I am trying using multivariate regression to play basketball. Specificlly, I need to, based on X, Y, and distance from the target, predict the pitch, yaw, and cannon strength. I was thinking of using multivariate regression with multipule variables for each of the output parameter. Is there a better way to do this?
Also, should I use solve directly for the best fit, or use gradient descent?
ElKamina's answer is correct but one thing to note about this is that it is identical to doing k independent ordinary least squares regressions. That is, the same as doing a separate linear regression from X to pitch, from X to yaw, and from X to strength. This means, you are not taking advantage of correlations between the output variables. This may be fine for your application, but one alternative that does take advantage of correlations in the output is reduced rank regression(a matlab implementation here), or somewhat related, you can explicitly uncorrelate y by projecting it onto its principle components (see PCA, also called PCA whitening in this case since you aren't reducing the dimensionality).
I highly recommend chapter 6 of Izenman's textbook "Modern Multivariate Statistical Techniques: Regression, Classification, and Manifold Learning" for a fairly high level overview of these techniques. If you're at a University it may be available online through your library.
If those alternatives don't perform well, there are many sophisticated non-linear regression methods that have multiple output versions (although most software packages don't have the multivariate modifications) such as support vector regression, Gaussian process regression, decision tree regression, or even neural networks.
Multivariate regression is equivalent to doing the inverse of the covariance of the input variable set. Since there are many solutions to inverting the matrix (if the dimensionality is not very high. Thousand should be okay), you should go directly for the best fit instead of gradient descent.
n be the number of samples, m be the number of input variables and k be the number of output variables.
X be the input data (n,m)
Y be the target data (n,k)
A be the coefficients you want to estimate (m,k)
XA = Y
A = inverse(X'X)X'Y
X' is the transpose of X.
As you can see, once you find the inverse of X'X you can calculate the coefficients for any number of output variables with just a couple of matrix multiplications.
Use any simple math tools to solve this (MATLAB/R/Python..).
