How to count number of white pieces or patches accurately? - image

Hi tried using this code for removing noise and blur.
J = double(imread('C:\Users\sai_praneeth7777\Desktop\project\real123.jpg'));
L= imnoise(J,'salt & pepper',0.02);
k = im2bw(I);
cc = bwconncomp(bw,4);
number1 = cc.NumObjects;
BW1 = imfill(bw,'holes');
cc = bwconncomp(BW1,4);
number2 = cc.NumObjects;
Here is the original image
Here is the processed image
The problem is there is still some noise remaining and also some divisions are not clear,like in the top right the partitions are gone.I want to count number of white pieces so i will be getting wrong answer.I am new to matlab and image processing.

I would start with a median filter, then you can make an opening a little bit bigger and then a small closing in order to regularize the contours. But as the borders are fuzzy, you cannot have a very precise/neat segmentation.
If you want to separate the different components, you can compute a distance map and use the local maxima in a watershed.


Image differences detection in matlab

I'm trying to find the broken ligaments for these two photos. Because the patten it got I can use the conv2 function find the general broken areas. However, it is really hard for me think how to make it tell the exact broken ligaments. Can you guys give me some idea for how to find which ligaments are broken please?
Because I'm new to this website, I can not post more photos with 2-D convolution results.
Original Picture
Broken Picture
Make a region growing algorithm inside each perfect square.
Once you get that, calculate the area of that section.
Once you find this, calculate the remaining areas. The larger values will be the broken ligaments :)
img = imread('unbroke.jpg');
level = graythresh(rgb2gray(img));
BW = im2bw(rgb2gray(img),level);
BW2= imdilate(imerode(BW, ones(5)), ones(5));
BW3 = bwmorph(BW2,'remove');
figure, imshow(BW2), hold on[![enter image description here][1]][1]
[H,T,R] = hough(BW2);
P = houghpeaks(H,15,'threshold',ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));
x = T(P(:,2)); y = R(P(:,1));
lines = houghlines(BW2,T,R,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',7);
max_len = 0;
for k = 1:length(lines)
xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2];
% Plot beginnings and ends of lines
% Determine the endpoints of the longest line segment
len = norm(lines(k).point1 - lines(k).point2);
if ( len > max_len)
max_len = len;
xy_long = xy;
lines from unbroken image
lines from broken image
Now, you know what the line segments are do some matching. Or else find pairs of segments that would be connected (same slope + same x/y intercept) within a threshold.
This may be an interesting way to do this too. I saved the second image only as 'image.jpg'.
I = imread('image.jpg');
J = imbinarize(rgb2gray(I)); % Threshold to get a BW image.
BW = bwpropfilt(~J, 'Area', [35001, 1013283]);
For selecting the area thresholds easily, I used
If you don't have a recent MATLAB version where imbinarize or bwpropfilt doesn't exist, you can use equivalent thresholding functions, and regionprops to extract all objects within the area range.

How do I efficiently created a BW mask for this microscopic image?

So some background. I was tasked to write a matlab program to count the number yeast cells inside visible-light microscopic images. To do that I think the first step will be cell segmentation. Before I got the real experiment image set, I developed an algorithm use a test image set utilizing watershed. Which looks like this:
The first step of watershed is generating a BW mask for the cells. Then I would generate a bwdist image with imposed local minimums generated from the BW mask. With that I can generate the watershed easily.
As you can see my algorithm rely on the successful generation of BW mask. Because I need to generate the bwdist image and markers from it. Originally, I generate the BW mask following the following steps:
generate the Local standard deviation of image sdImage = stdfilt(grayImage, ones(9))
Use BW thresholding to generate the initial BW mask binaryImage = sdImage < 8;
use imclearborder to clear the background. Use some other code to add the cells on the border back.
Background finished. Here is my problem
But today I received the new real data sets. The image resolution is much smaller and the light condition is different from the test image set. The color depth is also much smaller. These make my algorithm useless. Here is it:
Using stdfilt failed to generate a good clean images. Instead it generate stuff like this (Note: I have adjusted parameters for the stdfilt function and the BW threshold value, following is the best result I can get) :
As you can see there are light pixels in the center of the cells that not necessary darker than the membrane. Which lead the bw thresholding generate stuff like this:
The new bw image after bw thresholding have either incomplete membrane or segmented cell centers and make them unsuitable to the other steps.
I only start image processing recently and have no idea how should I proceed. If you have an idea please help me! Thanks!
For your convience, I have attached a link from dropbox for a subset of the images
I think there's a fundamental problem in your approach. Your algorithm uses stdfilt in order to binarize the image. But what that essentially means is you're assuming there is there is low "texture" in the background and within the cell. This works for your first image. However, in your second image there is a "texture" within the cell, so this assumption is broken.
I think a stronger assumption is that there is a "ring" around each cell (valid for both images you posted). So I took the approach of detecting this ring instead.
So my approach is essentially:
Detect these rings (I use a 'log' filter and then binarize based on positive values. However, this results in a lot of "chatter"
Try to remove some of the "chatter" initially by filtering out very small and very large regions
Now, fill in these rings. However, there is still some "chatter" and filled regions between cells left
Again, remove small and large regions, but since the cells are filled, increase the bounds for what is acceptable.
There are still some bad regions, most of the bad areas are going to be regions between cells. Regions between cells are detectable by observing the curvature around the boundary of the region. They "bend inwards" a lot, which is expressed mathematically as a large portion of the boundary having a negative curvature. Also, to remove the rest of the "chatter", these regions will have a large standard deviation in the curvature of their boundary, so remove boundaries with a large standard deviation as well.
Overall, the most difficult part will be removing regions between cells and the "chatter" without removing the actual cells.
Anyway, here's the code (note there are a lot of heuristics and also it's very rough and based on code from older projects, homeworks, and stackoverflow answers so it's definitely far from finished):
cell = im2double(imread('cell1.png'));
if (size(cell,3) == 3)
cell = rgb2gray(cell);
figure(1), subplot(3,2,1)
% Detect edges
hw = 5;
cell_filt = imfilter(cell, fspecial('log',2*hw+1,1));
% First remove hw and filter out noncell hws
mask = cell_filt > 0;
hw = 5;
mask = mask(hw:end-hw-1,hw:end-hw-1);
rp = regionprops(mask, 'PixelIdxList', 'Area');
rp = rp(vertcat(rp.Area) > 50 & vertcat(rp.Area) < 2000);
mask(:) = false;
mask(vertcat(rp.PixelIdxList)) = true;
% Now fill objects
mask1 = true(size(mask) + hw);
mask1(hw+1:end, hw+1:end) = mask;
mask1 = imfill(mask1,'holes');
mask1 = mask1(hw+1:end, hw+1:end);
mask2 = true(size(mask) + hw);
mask2(hw+1:end, 1:end-hw) = mask;
mask2 = imfill(mask2,'holes');
mask2 = mask2(hw+1:end, 1:end-hw);
mask3 = true(size(mask) + hw);
mask3(1:end-hw, 1:end-hw) = mask;
mask3 = imfill(mask3,'holes');
mask3 = mask3(1:end-hw, 1:end-hw);
mask4 = true(size(mask) + hw);
mask4(1:end-hw, hw+1:end) = mask;
mask4 = imfill(mask4,'holes');
mask4 = mask4(1:end-hw, hw+1:end);
mask = mask1 | mask2 | mask3 | mask4;
% Filter out large and small regions again
rp = regionprops(mask, 'PixelIdxList', 'Area');
rp = rp(vertcat(rp.Area) > 100 & vertcat(rp.Area) < 5000);
mask(:) = false;
mask(vertcat(rp.PixelIdxList)) = true;
% Filter out regions with lots of positive concavity
% Get boundaries
[B,L] = bwboundaries(mask);
% Cycle over boundarys
for i = 1:length(B)
b = B{i};
% Filter boundary - use circular convolution
b(:,1) = cconv(b(:,1),fspecial('gaussian',[1 7],1)',size(b,1));
b(:,2) = cconv(b(:,2),fspecial('gaussian',[1 7],1)',size(b,1));
% Find curvature
curv_vec = zeros(size(b,1),1);
for j = 1:size(b,1)
p_b = b(mod(j-2,size(b,1))+1,:); % p_b = point before
p_m = b(mod(j,size(b,1))+1,:); % p_m = point middle
p_a = b(mod(j+2,size(b,1))+1,:); % p_a = point after
dx_ds = p_a(1)-p_m(1); % First derivative
dy_ds = p_a(2)-p_m(2); % First derivative
ddx_ds = p_a(1)-2*p_m(1)+p_b(1); % Second derivative
ddy_ds = p_a(2)-2*p_m(2)+p_b(2); % Second derivative
curv_vec(j+1) = dx_ds*ddy_ds-dy_ds*ddx_ds;
if (sum(curv_vec > 0)/length(curv_vec) > 0.4 || std(curv_vec) > 2.0)
L(L == i) = 0;
mask = L ~= 0;

Resize an image with bilinear interpolation without imresize

I've found some methods to enlarge an image but there is no solution to shrink an image. I'm currently using the nearest neighbor method. How could I do this with bilinear interpolation without using the imresize function in MATLAB?
In your comments, you mentioned you wanted to resize an image using bilinear interpolation. Bear in mind that the bilinear interpolation algorithm is size independent. You can very well use the same algorithm for enlarging an image as well as shrinking an image. The right scale factors to sample the pixel locations are dependent on the output dimensions you specify. This doesn't change the core algorithm by the way.
Before I start with any code, I'm going to refer you to Richard Alan Peters' II digital image processing slides on interpolation, specifically slide #59. It has a great illustration as well as pseudocode on how to do bilinear interpolation that is MATLAB friendly. To be self-contained, I'm going to include his slide here so we can follow along and code it:
Please be advised that this only resamples the image. If you actually want to match MATLAB's output, you need to disable anti-aliasing.
MATLAB by default will perform anti-aliasing on the images to ensure the output looks visually pleasing. If you'd like to compare apples with apples, make sure you disable anti-aliasing when comparing between this implementation and MATLAB's imresize function.
Let's write a function that will do this for us. This function will take in an image (that is read in through imread) which can be either colour or grayscale, as well as an array of two elements - The image you want to resize and the output dimensions in a two-element array of the final resized image you want. The first element of this array will be the rows and the second element of this array will be the columns. We will simply go through this algorithm and calculate the output pixel colours / grayscale values using this pseudocode:
function [out] = bilinearInterpolation(im, out_dims)
%// Get some necessary variables first
in_rows = size(im,1);
in_cols = size(im,2);
out_rows = out_dims(1);
out_cols = out_dims(2);
%// Let S_R = R / R'
S_R = in_rows / out_rows;
%// Let S_C = C / C'
S_C = in_cols / out_cols;
%// Define grid of co-ordinates in our image
%// Generate (x,y) pairs for each point in our image
[cf, rf] = meshgrid(1 : out_cols, 1 : out_rows);
%// Let r_f = r'*S_R for r = 1,...,R'
%// Let c_f = c'*S_C for c = 1,...,C'
rf = rf * S_R;
cf = cf * S_C;
%// Let r = floor(rf) and c = floor(cf)
r = floor(rf);
c = floor(cf);
%// Any values out of range, cap
r(r < 1) = 1;
c(c < 1) = 1;
r(r > in_rows - 1) = in_rows - 1;
c(c > in_cols - 1) = in_cols - 1;
%// Let delta_R = rf - r and delta_C = cf - c
delta_R = rf - r;
delta_C = cf - c;
%// Final line of algorithm
%// Get column major indices for each point we wish
%// to access
in1_ind = sub2ind([in_rows, in_cols], r, c);
in2_ind = sub2ind([in_rows, in_cols], r+1,c);
in3_ind = sub2ind([in_rows, in_cols], r, c+1);
in4_ind = sub2ind([in_rows, in_cols], r+1, c+1);
%// Now interpolate
%// Go through each channel for the case of colour
%// Create output image that is the same class as input
out = zeros(out_rows, out_cols, size(im, 3));
out = cast(out, class(im));
for idx = 1 : size(im, 3)
chan = double(im(:,:,idx)); %// Get i'th channel
%// Interpolate the channel
tmp = chan(in1_ind).*(1 - delta_R).*(1 - delta_C) + ...
chan(in2_ind).*(delta_R).*(1 - delta_C) + ...
chan(in3_ind).*(1 - delta_R).*(delta_C) + ...
out(:,:,idx) = cast(tmp, class(im));
Take the above code, copy and paste it into a file called bilinearInterpolation.m and save it. Make sure you change your working directory where you've saved this file.
Except for sub2ind and perhaps meshgrid, everything seems to be in accordance with the algorithm. meshgrid is very easy to explain. All you're doing is specifying a 2D grid of (x,y) co-ordinates, where each location in your image has a pair of (x,y) or column and row co-ordinates. Creating a grid through meshgrid avoids any for loops as we will have generated all of the right pixel locations from the algorithm that we need before we continue.
How sub2ind works is that it takes in a row and column location in a 2D matrix (well... it can really be any amount of dimensions you want), and it outputs a single linear index. If you're not aware of how MATLAB indexes into matrices, there are two ways you can access an element in a matrix. You can use the row and column to get what you want, or you can use a column-major index. Take a look at this matrix example I have below:
A =
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
If we want to access the number 9, we can do A(2,4) which is what most people tend to default to. There is another way to access the number 9 using a single number, which is A(11)... now how is that the case? MATLAB lays out the memory of its matrices in column-major format. This means that if you were to take this matrix and stack all of its columns together in a single array, it would look like this:
A =
Now, if you want to access element number 9, you would need to access the 11th element of this array. Going back to the interpolation bit, sub2ind is crucial if you want to vectorize accessing the elements in your image to do the interpolation without doing any for loops. As such, if you look at the last line of the pseudocode, we want to access elements at r, c, r+1 and c+1. Note that all of these are 2D arrays, where each element in each of the matching locations in all of these arrays tell us the four pixels we need to sample from in order to produce the final output pixel. The output of sub2ind will also be 2D arrays of the same size as the output image. The key here is that each element of the 2D arrays of r, c, r+1, and c+1 will give us the column-major indices into the image that we want to access, and by throwing this as input into the image for indexing, we will exactly get the pixel locations that we want.
There are some important subtleties I'd like to add when implementing the algorithm:
You need to make sure that any indices to access the image when interpolating outside of the image are either set to 1 or the number of rows or columns to ensure you don't go out of bounds. Actually, if you extend to the right or below the image, you need to set this to one below the maximum as the interpolation requires that you are accessing pixels to one over to the right or below. This will make sure that you're still within bounds.
You also need to make sure that the output image is cast to the same class as the input image.
I ran through a for loop to interpolate each channel on its own. You could do this intelligently using bsxfun, but I decided to use a for loop for simplicity, and so that you are able to follow along with the algorithm.
As an example to show this works, let's use the onion.png image that is part of MATLAB's system path. The original dimensions of this image are 135 x 198. Let's interpolate this image by making it larger, going to 270 x 396 which is twice the size of the original image:
im = imread('onion.png');
out = bilinearInterpolation(im, [270 396]);
The above code will interpolate the image by increasing each dimension by twice as much, then show a figure with the original image and another figure with the scaled up image. This is what I get for both:
Similarly, let's shrink the image down by half as much:
im = imread('onion.png');
out = bilinearInterpolation(im, [68 99]);
Note that half of 135 is 67.5 for the rows, but I rounded up to 68. This is what I get:
One thing I've noticed in practice is that upsampling with bilinear has decent performance in comparison to other schemes like bicubic... or even Lanczos. However, when you're shrinking an image, because you're removing detail, nearest neighbour is very much sufficient. I find bilinear or bicubic to be overkill. I'm not sure about what your application is, but play around with the different interpolation algorithms and see what you like out of the results. Bicubic is another story, and I'll leave that to you as an exercise. Those slides I referred you to does have material on bicubic interpolation if you're interested.
Good luck!

Counting the squama of lizards

A biologist friend of mine asked me if I could help him make a program to count the squama (is this the right translation?) of lizards.
He sent me some images and I tried some things on Matlab. For some images it's much harder than other, for example when there are darker(black) regions. At least with my method. I'm sure I can get some useful help here. How should I improve this? Have I taken the right approach?
These are some of the images.
I got the best results by following Image Processing and Counting using MATLAB. It's basically turning the image into Black and white and then threshold it. But I did add a bit of erosion.
Here's the code:
%The output image BW replaces all pixels in the input image with luminance greater than level with the value 1 (white) and replaces all other pixels with the value 0 (black). Specify level in the range [0,1].
se = strel('line',6,0);
img2 = imerode(img2,se);
se = strel('line',6,90);
img2 = imerode(img2,se);
imshow(img1, 'InitialMag', 'fit')
% Make a truecolor all-green image. I use this later to overlay it on top of the original image to show which elements were counted (with green)
green = cat(3, zeros(size(img1)),ones(size(img1)), zeros(size(img1)));
hold on
h = imshow(green);
hold off
%counts the elements now defined by black spots on the image
[B,L,N,A] = bwboundaries(img2);
%imshow(img2); hold on;
set(h, 'AlphaData', img2)
text(10,10,strcat('\color{green}Objects Found:',num2str(length(B))))
%this produces a new image showing each counted element and its count id on top of it.
imshow(img2); hold on;
colors=['b' 'g' 'r' 'c' 'm' 'y'];
for k=1:length(B),
boundary = B{k};
cidx = mod(k,length(colors))+1;
plot(boundary(:,2), boundary(:,1), colors(cidx),'LineWidth',2);
%randomize text position for better visibility
rndRow = ceil(length(boundary)/(mod(rand*k,7)+1));
col = boundary(rndRow,2); row = boundary(rndRow,1);
h = text(col+1, row-1, num2str(L(row,col)));
And these are some of the results. One the top-left corner you can see how many were counted.
Also, I think it's useful to have the counted elements marked in green so at least the user can know which ones have to be counted manually.
There is one route you should consider: watershed segmentation. Here is a quick and dirty example with your first image (it assumes you have the IP toolbox):
Icomp = imcomplement(raw);
I3 = imhmin(Icomp,20);
L = watershed(I3);
axis image
Result shown with a colormap:
You can then count the cells as follows:
count = numel(unique(L));
One of the advantages is that it can be directly fed to regionprops and give you all the nice details about the individual 'squama':
r=regionprops(L, 'All');
for k=2:numel(r)
if r(k).Area>100 % I chose 100 to filter out the objects with a small are.
rectangle('Position',r(k).BoundingBox, 'LineWidth',1, 'EdgeColor','b', 'Curvature', [1 1]);
Which you could use to monitor over/under segmentation:
Note: special thanks to #jucestain for helping with the proper access to the fields in the r structure here

Male/Female Classification with Matlab- About Finding Mean Image

I am working on a project which is about pattern (male/female)classification with matlab.I have a problem, I need your help, please.
My program should find mean images of datasets. First dataset is women,second dataset is men. So first mean image has to look like a woman and second a man.I have different datasets which all have format of jpeg. I am trying different datasets for my program to check if it is working but when I use different datasets I can not see true mean images all the time, for ex:
They are mean images from a dataset:
But when I use another dataset my mean images are like this, they have no meanings, I mean they dont look like face:
What can be the reason for this? I should work with different datasets. Please help.
filenamesA = dir(fullfile(pathfora, '*.jpg'));
Train_NumberA = numel(filenamesA);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Finding Image Vectors for A
imagesA= [];
for k = 1 : Train_NumberA
str = int2str(k);
str= strcat(str);
str = strcat('\',str,'b','.jpg');
str = strcat(pathfora,str);
imgA = imread(str);
imgA = rgb2gray(imgA);
[irowA icolA] = size(imgA);
tempA = reshape(imgA',irowA*icolA,1); % Reshaping 2D images into 1D image vectors
imagesA = [imagesA tempA]; % 'imagesA' grows after each turn
`%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Calculate the MEAN IMAGE VECTOR for A
mean_vectorA= mean(imagesA,2); % Computing the average vector m = (1/P)*sum(Tj's) (j = 1 : P)
mean_imageA= reshape(mean_vectorA,irowA,icolA); % Average matrix of training set A
-------------------------------------And same for dataset B (male)
You could use a 3D matrix to store the images. I also cleaned up the code a bit. Not tested.
filenamesA = dir(fullfile(pathfora, '*.jpg'));
Train_NumberA = numel(filenamesA);
imagesA = [];
for k = 1:Train_NumberA
imgA = imread(strcat(pathfora, '\', int2str(k), 'b', '.jpg'));
imgA = rgb2gray(imgA);
imagesA = cat(3, imagesA, imgA);
double command moved out of loop.
imagesA = double(imagesA);
Calculate the mean over the 3rd dimension of the imagesA matrix to get the mean 2D image.
meanimage_A = mean(imagesA, 3);
Convert to grayscale image.
meanimgA = mat2gray(meanimage_A);
I think rot90 is not needed here...
imshow(meanimgA, 3);
Use a 3D array or cell array of images instead of reshaping 2D images into single rows of a matrix. The reshaping is unnecessary and can only add bugs.
If all your images are the same size, you can use a multidimensional array: Matlab documentation on multidimensional arrays
Otherwise, use a cell array: Matlab documentation on cell arrays
