Using a Regex against a simple list with `ElemMatch` in MongoDB .NET -

Given a document with a list of strings, how would you assemble a C# MongoDB query to regex against each list item?
For example, here's some data.
"_id": {
"$oid": "4ded270ab29e220de8935c7b"
// ... some other stuff ...
"categories": [
"Some Category",
"Another Category",
"Yet Another Category",
"One Last Category"
Ultimately, how would I structure a query like this that could be strongly-typed through the MonoDB LINQ provider?
{ "categories": { $elemMatch: { $regex: someSearch, $options: "i" } } }
I'm trying to make this work with ElemMatch, but I can't seem to structure a BsonRegularExpression to work with that method. If the data was a list of keyed elements, it looks like I could make this work for some key, say itemName.
// Doesn't translate to a list of raw strings.
Query.ElemMatch ("categories", Query.Match("itemName", new BsonRegularExpression (new Regex (someSearch, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)));
As soon as I try to make that regex work directly on ElemMatch, though, I can't match the overloads.
// Doesn't compile: cannot convert BsonRegularExpress to IMongoQuery.
Query.ElemMatch ("categories", new BsonRegularExpression (new Regex (someSearch, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)));
Is there some method for converting a BsonRegularExpression into an IMongoQuery object directly?
Or is there some Matches syntax for applying the current iterated element in a list that would allow for a hybrid of the two? Something like this made up code.
// Doesn't work: totally making this up.
Query.ElemMatch ("categories", Query.Matches (iteratorElement, new BsonRegularExpression (new Regex (someSearch, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)));
I was hoping to avoid just sending a raw string into the MongoDB driver, both so I can escape the search string from injection and so the code isn't littered with magic string field names (instead limited to just the BsonElement attribute on the DB model fields).

This might not be 100% what you are after (as it's not IQueryable); but it does achieve what you want (strongly typed regex filtering of a collection, using Linq):
var videosMongo = DbManager.Db.GetCollection<Video> ("videos");
var videosCollection = videosMongo.AsQueryable<Video> ();
videosMongo.Insert (new Video () {
Id = new ObjectId (),
Tags = new string[]{ "one", "two", "test three", "four test", "five" },
Name = "video one"
videosMongo.Insert (new Video () {
Id = new ObjectId (),
Tags = new string[]{ "one", "two", "test three", "four test", "five" },
Name = "video two"
videosMongo.Insert (new Video () {
Id = new ObjectId (),
Tags = new string[]{ "one", "two" },
Name = "video three"
videosMongo.Insert (new Video () {
Id = new ObjectId (),
Tags = new string[]{ "a test" },
Name = "video four"
var videos = videosCollection.Where (v => v.Name == "video four").ToList ();
var collection = DbManager.Db.GetCollection<Video> ("videos");
var regex = new BsonRegularExpression ("test");
var query = Query<Video>.Matches (p => p.Tags, regex);
var results = collection.Find (query).ToList ();
I worked this out by using the excellent resource here :


Filter by Distinct Values in Gatsby

I am trying to display a list of unique subject categories on a Gatsby site, which I will use to create unique pages. These will serve as taxonomy terms, of sorts. A limited version of my source json file looks like:
"BookID": "4176",
"Title": "Book Title 1",
"Subject": {
"subjectID": "HR",
"name": "Civil War & Reconstruction"
"BookID": "3619",
"Title": "Book Title 2",
"Subject": {
"subjectID": "AR",
"name": "Fine Art & Photography"
"BookID": "3619",
"Title": "Book Title 3",
"Subject": {
"subjectID": "AR",
"name": "Fine Art & Photography"
In my gatsby-node.js file, I can create pages using a list of distinct values of IDs to serve as the slugs to create my subject categories. As below:
allSubjects: allBooksJson {
distinct(field: Subject___subjectID)
However, I also need the name associated with these. I have not yet seen a way to use this as a filter, in order to deduplicate the results of a query.
So what I would ultimately like to is return all the unique subject objects so I can use the subjectID as a slug and the full name where needed on the individual pages.
Still learning Gatsby, so this may be the wrong approach, and any advice would be appreciated.
The idea of creating dynamic pages, is to get all the needed values in your gatsby-node.js using a GraphQL query, to create a bunch of pages and then, use the context to send a unique identifier to the template, to filter again the pages to get the specific data for each entry (books in your case). So:
const path = require(`path`)
const { createFilePath } = require(`gatsby-source-filesystem`)
exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions
const result = await graphql(`
query {
allBookJson {
edges {
node {
`){ node }) => {
path: `books/${node.Subject.subjectID}`, // change it as you wish
component: path.resolve(`./src/templates/book.js`), // change it as you wish
context: {
subjectID: node.fields.slug,
Note: adapt the snippet (query, loop, and variables) to your needs. You don't need to filter anything at this point, since you are only fetching the subjectID of all books.
If the values are likely to be repeated, use the new Set to remove the duplicates, then, you can loop through them to create pages dynamically:
let unique = [ Set(];
You are sending the subjectID to your templates/book.js file via context, so it will be available to be used as a pageContext.
Anytime you want just to get a list of all books, you can create a page query or a static query and loop through them at any time.
import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "gatsby"
import Layout from "../components/layout"
export default function Book({ data }) {
const books = data.allBookJson
return (
return <div>book.title</div>
export const query = graphql`
query($subjectID: String) {
allBookJson(Subject___subjectID: { eq: $subjectID } ) {
Note: again, test your query and adapt it to your needs at localhost:8000/___graphql. If you have duplicate results use the new Set.
It's difficult to guess your data structure without knowing it properly, the idea is to create a unique query based on the context value subjectID and filter the values. Use the GraphQL playground as support to know how the query and the filters should look like.
Further details:

In FormFlow, How do i get the form values after form is done?

I have a complete Form that has different fields. Name, phone and so on.
Before complition, I would like to send the fields to a method then then sends an email. More specificly, I want to put the values on a dictionary and then pass it to the method.
Where are those values stored in the Form so I can get them?
This is my code
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "tileid", "open" },
{ "src", "Facebook" },
{ "chid", "9" },
{ "apply-first-name", "xxx" },
{ "apply-last-name", "xxx" },
{ "apply-email", "xxx" }
return form.Build();
I found the answer. All values are inside the ”state” objekt passed to the oncompletion method.

NEST (ElasticSearch) matching Highlights to documents

I'm using C# NEST with ElasticSearch. I'm able to query an index of Products and look in their Name and CategoryName fields for matches. I can also extend the query using Highlights.
Now in my IQueryResponse response I have two collections: (1) .Documents and (2) .Highlights.
e.g.: Consider the search for: "cat" which has 3 document results:
{ Name: "Cat product", CategoryName: "Category1" },
{ Name: "Some product", CategoryName: "Category2" },
{ Name: "Some product2", CategoryName: "Category3" }
But now I have 4 highlight results:
{ Field: "name", Highlights: ['"<u>Cat</u> product"'] },
{ Field: "categoryName", Highlights: ['"<u>Cat</u>egory1"'] },
{ Field: "categoryName", Highlights: ['"<u>Cat</u>egory2"'] },
{ Field: "categoryName", Highlights: ['"<u>Cat</u>egory3"'] }
They seem to be in no way related to each other. How do I know which Highlight item belongs to which Document item?
IQueryResponse also exposes .DocumentsWithMetaData of type IEnumerable<IHit<T>> where T is the type of your document
This is basically the unwrapped view of the results as return by elasticsearch IHit<T> has many useful properties such as the Highlights.
I've added a DocumentId result to the highlight class Highlight so that no matter how you get to the highlight you can relate it back easily to the hit.
So use .DocumentsWithMetaData for now, the next release will have a more logical API for highlights.
here is an updated answer for version 7.x. You receive two collections as before, .Documents and .Hits .
Within .Hits each one has an .Id that matches the _id of the index in elasticsearch. Note: if you request more than one highlighting .NumberofFragments in your query, you will just keep overwriting the result.title and result.content in the code below, so take this as a loose example to indicate how you can match the highlight result to the correct document result, and then overwrite the document field with the one containing the highlighting.
if (response.Documents.Count > 0)
foreach (MyResultClass result in response.Documents) //cycle through your results
foreach (var hit in response.Hits) // cycle through your hits to look for match
if (hit.Id == //you found the hit that matches your document
foreach (var highlightField in hit.Highlight)
if (highlightField.Key == "title")
foreach (var highlight in highlightField.Value)
result.title = highlight.ToString();
else if (highlightField.Key == "content")
foreach (var highlight in highlightField.Value)
result.content = highlight.ToString();

Map reduce to count tags

I am developing a web app using Codeigniter and MongoDB.
I am trying to get the map reduce to work.
I got a file document with the below structure. I would like to do a map reduce to
check how many times each tag is being used and output it to the collection files.tags.
"_id": {
"$id": "4f26f21f09ab66c1030d0000e"
"basic": {
"name": "The filename"
"tags": [
"updated_at": "2012-02-09 11:08:03"
I tried this map reduce command but it does not count each individual tag:
$map = new MongoCode ("function() {
emit({tags: this.tags}, {count: 1});
$reduce = new MongoCode ("function( key , values ) {
var count = 0;
values.forEach(function(v) {
count += v['count'];
return {count: count};
$this->mongo_db->command (array (
"mapreduce" => "files",
"map" => $map,
"reduce" => $reduce,
"out" => "files.tags"
Change your Map function to:
function map(){
if(!this.tags) return;
emit(tag, {count: 1});
Yea, this map/reduce simply calculate total count of tags.
In mongodb cookbook there is example you are looking for.
You have to emit each tag instead of entire collection of tags:
map = function() {
if (!this.tags) {
for (index in this.tags) {
emit(this.tags[index], 1);
You'll need to call emit once for each tag in the input documents.
MongoDB documentation for example says:
A map function calls emit(key,value) any
number of times to feed data to the reducer. In most cases you will
emit once per input document, but in some cases such as counting tags,
a given document may have one, many, or even zero tags.

Translating JSON into custom dijit objects

I am looking for an example where JSON constructed from the server side is used to represent objects that are then translated into customized widgets in dojo. The JSON would have to be very specific in its structure, so it would not be a very general solution. Could someone point me to an example of this. It would essentially be the reverse of this
First of all let me point out that JSON produced by dojo.formToJson() is not enough to recreate the original widgets:
{"field1": "value1", "field2": "value2"}
field1 can be literally anything: a checkbox, a radio button, a select, a text area, a text box, or anything else. You have to be more specific what widgets to use to represent fields. And I am not even touching the whole UI presentation layer: placement, styling, and so on.
But it is possible to a certain degree.
If we want to use Dojo widgets (Dijits), we can leverage the fact that they all are created uniformly:
var myDijit = new dijit.form.DijitName(props, node);
In this line:
dijit.form.DijitName is a dijit's class.
props is a dijit-specific properties.
node is an anchor node where to place this dijit. It is optional, and you don't need to specify it, but at some point you have to insert your dijit manually.
So let's encode this information as a JSON string taking this dijit snippet as an example:
var myDijit = new dijit.form.DropDownSelect({
options: [
{ label: 'foo', value: 'foo', selected: true },
{ label: 'bar', value: 'bar' }
}, "myNode");
The corresponding JSON can be something like that:
type: "DropDownSelect",
props: {
options: [
{ label: 'foo', value: 'foo', selected: true },
{ label: 'bar', value: 'bar' }
node: "myNode"
And the code to parse it:
function createDijit(json){
throw new Error("type is missing!");
var cls = dojo.getObject(json.type, false, dijit.form);
// we couldn't find the type in dijit.form
// dojox widget? custom widget? let's try the global scope
cls = dojo.getObject(json.type, false);
throw new Error("cannot find your widget type!");
var myDijit = new cls(json.props, json.node);
return myDijit;
That's it. This snippet correctly handles the dot notation in types, and it is smart enough to check the global scope too, so you can use JSON like that for your custom dijits:
type: "my.form.Box",
props: {
label: "The answer is:",
value: 42
node: "answer"
You can treat DOM elements the same way by wrapping dojo.create() function, which unifies the creation of DOM elements:
var myWidget = dojo.create("input", {
type: "text",
value: "42"
}, "myNode", "replace");
Obviously you can specify any placement option, or no placement at all.
Now let's repeat the familiar procedure and create our JSON sample:
tag: "input",
props: {
type: "text",
value: 42
node: "myNode",
pos: "replace"
And the code to parse it is straightforward:
function createNode(json){
throw new Error("tag is missing!");
var myNode = dojo.create(json.tag, json.props, json.node, json.pos);
return myNode;
You can even categorize JSON items dynamically:
function create(json){
if("tag" in json){
// this is a node definition
return createNode(json);
// otherwise it is a dijit definition
return createDijit(json);
You can represent your form as an array of JSON snippets we defined earlier and go over it creating your widgets:
function createForm(array){
dojo.forEach(array, create);
All functions are trivial and essentially one-liners — just how I like it ;-)
I hope it'll give you something to build on your own custom solution.
