Bundle producing no output with "bundle exec cap deploy deploy" command - ruby

I'm trying to deploy a site using bundler and capistrano.
I updated to the latest version of Ruby (I was using 1.9.3 and now using 2.3.0)
I updated bundler to 1.10.6.
Before these updates when I ran this command "bundle exec cap production deploy" it would work, now when I run that command there is NO output whatsoever.
I haven't been able to find anything online that deals with this issue.
Any help is appreciated!


Jekyll build failing on GH-pages

I'm having an intermittent issue where my Jekyll site fails to build due to a gem installer error:
Gem::InstallError: public_suffix requires Ruby version >= 2.0.
My understanding is that Pages runs Ruby 2.x, but Travis shows v1.9.3 during the failed build.
I haven't built the site locally - just forked a repo, bumped a few files via prose.io, and the build fails. I had the same issue a couple of days ago on committing a new post, but it seemed to resolve itself.
Any suggestions as to how to correct this?
Per this issue (the very first result when I googled your error message), you need to explicitly specify your Ruby version in .travis.yml:
The current TravisCI default Ruby 1.9.3 is now too old for the pages gem (see http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/ruby/#Supported-Ruby-Versions), so we should ask TravisCI to use Ruby 2.1.1 to match what is currently used on GitHub pages (https://pages.github.com/versions/).
i.e. your .travis.yml should include:
language: ruby
rvm: 2.1.1
script: "bundle exec jekyll build"

Capistrano deploy bundle: command not found

I am running Capistrano with a Wordpress website that I work on locally and deploy to a staging server or a production server on Digital Ocean. I've been working on it for months now. And today all of a sudden, the simple deployment script doesn't worK scripts/deploy staging
It's worked just fine & now it's not. Any ideas of what would cause it to break?
I get the error:
scripts/deploy: line 3: bundle: command not found
The command on line 3 is:
(bundle exec cap $1 deploy)
I'm using ruby 2.0.0p645
And it looks like Capistrano gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.2.0'
I actually have 3 websites that use this command and none of them are working all of a sudden. Did Cap do an update or could my system have an error somehow?
Simply try on the remote site:
gem install bundler

Heroku: where did my gems go?

I have been deploying a Rails 3.2 application to heroku for several weeks now. I have also been executing rake tasks on the Cedar stack where my application is located.
One day after a deploy I noticed that rake was no longer working. I get, for example, the following:
$:~/dev/my_project$ heroku run rake -T
Running `rake -T` attached to terminal... up, run.7566
bundler: command not found: rake
Install missing gem executables with `bundle install`
Trying to run commands with bundle exec yields the same results.
What I've tried:
heroku run bundle install. This works and informs me that gems were installed into ./vendor/bundle. However, heroku run ls ./vendor/bundle yields only the following:
$:~/dev/my_project$ heroku run ls ./vendor/bundle/
Runningls ./vendor/bundle/attached to terminal... up, run.3458
bin ruby
bundle package. Although the deployment works it does not help my problem.
fiddling around with the rubygems-bundler gem (although I think this is now part of core bundler). This does not seem to have any effect.
On Heroku, gems are installed within the vendor/bundle/ruby/<version>/gems directory. I just checked my Heroku instance and confirmed this.
You are going to want to use bundle exec rake task because the gems are not in the users PATH.

Find which version of Capistrano is running

I'm on a shared application environment and there's several ruby versions and gemsets installed (managed via RVM). I need to validate both the Capistrano gem version and ruby version on my deploy since, for example, there's incompatibilities with the 2.14.1 version of Capistrano and ree-1.8.7.
Is there any simple or even hacky way of doing this? I'm executing the call cap _2.13.5_ production deploy to deploy, but I wanted to quit execution with a message back to user if the environment is not correctly set. Seems overkill, but it's a client requirement.
If you're asking what version of capistrano will run
when you run capistrano, then run "cap -v":
Capistrano Version: 3.10.0 (Rake Version: 12.3.0)
add capistrano to Gemfile and execute using bundle exec cap production deploy
as for production - put your server configuration into the production task/stage and capistrano will fail to deploy because o the missing server.

bundle command not found heroku

I am trying to use ruby 1.8.7 in my heroku application but the application does not launch. Heroku shows following errors in the console:
2012-10-30T13:29:08+00:00 app[web.2]: bash: bundle: command not found
heroku run "bundle --version" also returns in command not found:
heroku run "bundle --version"
Running `bundle --version` attached to terminal... up, run.1
bash: bundle: command not found
Any ideas on what might be issue here ?
The code will look like this with the newest version:
heroku config:add GEM_PATH=vendor/bundle/1.8
Have you installed a new ruby version? Good chance that ruby version doesnt have bundler installed, use
heroku run 'gem install bundler'
after installing a new ruby!
You need to have the supported Ruby buildpack set:
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/ruby
