Docker quickstart terminal not opening - windows

I am new to this Docker world.I have installed Docker toolbox 1.8.2a on my windows machine.It has created desktop icon of docker terminal,Virtual box and Kitematic.
Now when i click on docker quickstart terminal its not opening giving error.
"C:/Program" is not recognised as internal or external operable program or batch file.

all you need to do is put " around your path, i.e. "C:\Program Files\...\...". The space in Program Files isn't automatically detected as belonging together. C:\Program will be evaluated as a prgram call, which will obviously fail.


Apache Guacamole starting intial wine program

I am trying to setup a remote desktop using Apache Guacamole on Ubuntu 20.4 but I only want the initial program accessible to the user. The program is a Windows program and I am using WINE.
So far I have tried invoking wine via a bash script. And then placing that script path in the initial program settings in the connection settings of Apache Guacamole.
The initial program path looks like /home/frank/ in the guacamole connection settings.
The bash script looks like below. I simply copied the command settings in the shortcut that is on my desktop. For simplicity I have it chmod 777.
env WINEPREFIX="/home/frank/.wine" wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /Unix /home/frank/.wine/dosdevices/c:/users/Public/Desktop/myprogram\ V4.lnk
The above script works fine from the terminal when on the desktop. But not with Guacamole.
I have also tried in the bash script
wine "/home/frank/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/myprogramfolder/myprogram.exe"
and it doesn't work.
If I simply put
wine myprogram.exe and run it in the same directory it works. But not in others.
What am I doing wrong?

Docker: Mount volume on Windows host - Windows Container

I seem to be running the least supported combination of docker. Im running on a windows host machine and a windows container.
I want to mount C:\temp -> C:\temp
I have tried
docker run ... -v C:\temp:C:Temp
docker run ... -v C:/temp:C/:Temp
docker run ... -v //C:\temp://C/:Temp
Im supposed to go to docker settings "Shared Volumes". But that is not available for Windows containers
When I try to read from that directory in my application, the directory does not exist
I too was not able to mount C drive inside windows container to my
host OS C drive. The solutions given on mounting drives seems to be
related to Linux containers running on windows which is not expected
There is a workaround I did to access the host C drive from inside the
container and copy the files to a folder outside the container and
watch them in explorer(If that is the behavior which solves you
purpose). Below are the steps I performed.
1) docker exec -it container(name/id) powershell (open powershell
inside container)
2) net use X: \SERVER\Share (X is the name of the network drive. You
can choose any name. SERVER is the IP address of your host machine.
Share is the folder name which is present in the host machine. In your
case it is c:\temp) Example: X:\ \XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX\c$\temp You will be
prompted to enter your username and password
3) Once you have this setup, you can browse your network drive (X:).
Anything on your host temp folder will be accessible inside your
container. You can copy the files and folders to and from this network
drive and it would be visible in your C:\temp folder on your host
Hope this helps!

Windows Command Prompt Change

I'm trying to follow this tutorial and part of it involves working in the Windows Command Prompt. I'm running Windows 7 on a 64 bit machine and running cmd.exe as an administrator. The issue is this line:
../nw/nw.exe app.nw
The file/folder dependency is like this:
Where nw.exe is located in folder nw and I am executing the line of code from hellowWorld. app.nw is located in the helloWorld folder. The error I recieve is '..' is not recognized as an internal or external command. Any thoughts on how to execute this would be helpful.
Use ..\nw\nw.exe app.nw (inverted slash, which is the Windows standard path separator).

How to run remote bat file without prompt

I have a remote drive mapped to my local Z:\ drive.
When running using this:
It opens a prompt as to whether or not to open the file. How do I disable this setting in windows or get around it using c#?

TeamCity error 'tscon.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I'm using tscon.exe to unlock a remote machine locally before I can run automation tests. When I run my command via RDC it works as expected and unlocks the remote machine locally:
C:>tscon.exe %sessionname% /dest:console
But I need this to run as my first TeamCity build step. Doing so either as a direct TeamCity Custom Script or starting a .bat file, both return the error:
[16:50:22][Step 1/11] in directory: C:\BuildAgent\work\e4249c2d6a4e9e8d
[16:50:22][Step 1/11] 'tscon.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
Why is tscon.exe not recognised when used via TeamCity?
I just had same issue and moving the exe out of System32 is not an option for me.So I have to dig deeper.
Turns out the problem is not Teamcity. It's windows.
"The windows filesystem redirection forces 32-bit application attempts to be installed into or accessed from %windir%\System32, been intercepted and get redirected or re-pointed to %windir%\SysWOW64 instead."
The solution is to use an alias name ( %windir%\Sysnative ) for that directory which windows will not redirected.
Try this :
C:\Windows\Sysnative\tscon.exe %sessionname% /dest:console
For more detailed Reference :
Here is the solution:
Copy tscon.exe to any location other than %windir%\System32\
i.e. C:\TeamCity\tscon.exe
Add TC build step as below (ensure to include Working Dir):
Now the remote machine will login locally before completing the TC steps
