Microsoft Azure Mobile Services OrderBy function - sorting

How can I retrieve the last 10 records from a table using azure mobile services. I tried the following but it's syntactically wrong
I know that I have to use the CreatedAt attribute, but I can't figure out how it's done

Something like


How do you obtain the click share data on Google Ads API?

How do you obtain the click share data on Google Ads API?
When you see this Google Ads API, it states that 'There's metrics that you can't use ad_group with FROM. ' The click share falls under this and we don't know how to obtain the data. Anyone have any idea how?
You could try their query in this query builder provided by Google.
From my experience, you can't query some field together. My guess is some fields are like group by in SQL so there is no way you can query both at once. Using the query builder, you could find out which field are exclusive to each other.

Bot Framework [Direct Line]: Saving and retrieving userData based on custom ID

I'm using Bot Framework's Direct Line channel to integrate my bot to a custom front end.
The bot asks the user questions similar to a web form. Ex: Name, phone, email etc.
A major use case that I want to accomplish with this is to be able to save a user's "userData" (and possibly "conversationData") based on one of these custom fields, say, the phone number. Hence, it should be then also be possible to retrieve the userData in the future just using the phone numbers as well.
An example flow could work like:
Ask for name
Ask for email
Ask for Phone, then create the userData doc on, say, an Azure CosmosDB instance.
I can't seem to wrap my head around how to accomplish this on a directline setting, where you don't have the inbuilt channel-userID identifiers (found in Facebook, Skype etc), that make the data-bag storage and retrieval work.

Getting column names of a view using CRM web API

I’m using the CRM Online 2016 Web API. Now the only information I have is a savedQuery or userQuery record. With this I can get all records of the view, but I also want the column names of this view.
Is there an easy way to get column names using the web API with only the information of a savedQuery/userQuery record?
I already have an indirect way of getting the column names(using the LayoutXML).
Have a look into Use the Web API with Dynamics 365 metadata, this allows you get to information about the entity structure.
Not 100% if this will be better than using the Layout XML, but worth considering.

How to get FB Ads Insights filtered by campaign objective

I am trying to reproduce the Facebook Ads Manager web interface Filter-by-Objective function -- I am using v2.6 of the Marketing API to download Ads Insights data, and I have tried various variations of
but nothing seems to be a valid operator for field objective.
Have you tried to change the operator ANY to IN?

Why does Amazon's Product Advertising API return "Request from throttled."?

I have a registered key from Amazon's Product Advertising API (formerly ECS). I query the API to get information about the product listing for my mobile application. It was working perfectly fine. Today I have noticed that the API returns
"Request from throttled".
I am well within the API call limit. What could be the reasons for this message? Has anyone experienced this?
I still dont know on what basis Amazon API black listed me. But i have figured out a solution around it. Make a new key pair.
