Spring Boot - Writing media (image, mp3, mp4) file to response output stream - spring

I am new to Servlets and Spring Framework.
I try to get media files from directory through Rest Service.
For videos/mp4 I couldn't find anything.
For audio I did this:
Writing mp3 file to response output stream
For images I did this:
public ResponseEntity<InputStreamResource> getTmp(#PathVariable("uuid") String uuid)
throws IOException {
Path path = Paths.get("/media/psmaster/HDD/TUC-IPS/" + uuid);
String contentType = Files.probeContentType(path);
FileSystemResource file = new FileSystemResource("/media/psmaster/HDD/TUC-IPS/" + uuid);
return ResponseEntity
.body(new InputStreamResource(file.getInputStream()));
Can someone please help to figure out the problem?

If you are using Spring 4.2 you can use StreamingResponseBody, Have a look at this post

You can also give Spring Content a look. It allows you to build content services very quickly and easily using similar programming techniques to Spring Data. You can also pair it with Spring Data to additionally store and search metadata for your videos. By defining a single interface and including the appropriate Spring Content dependency in your project you can create a set of REST endpoints that allow you to manage the full lifecycle of a video including streaming.

You can write media using streams and HttpServletResponse:
#RequestMapping(value = "/image/{imgName}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void getImageAsByteArray(#PathVariable String imgName , HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
InputStream in = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/images/" + imgName);
IOUtils.copy(in, response.getOutputStream());
The example above serves an image file.
Hope this helps


How to stream video from GridFS with Spring Webflux?

I want to get video from GridFS server and then stream it as .mp4 to user via REST endpoint. I am using Spring Webflux. As for now I have used code from some tutorial but the result isn't what I wanted. After sending GET request I get a page filled with weird symbols, instead of mp4 video. This is code for my logic:
public Flux<Void> read(#PathVariable String id, ServerWebExchange exchange) {
return this.reactiveGridFsTemplate.findOne(new Query(Criteria.where("filename").is(id)))
.flatMapMany(r -> exchange.getResponse().writeWith(r.getDownloadStream()));
and for my controller:
#GetMapping(value = "/videos/{name}")
public Flux<?> getVideo(#PathVariable String name, ServerWebExchange exchange){
return gridStorageService.read(name, exchange);
You have to set Content-Disposition header in the response with the value attachment and the file name, so that the client can identify that it should be downloaded as a file, also set produces to MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE) or "video/mp4".
#GetMapping(value = "/videos/{name}", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<?> getVideo(#PathVariable String name, ServerWebExchange exchange){
exchange.getResponse().getHeaders().add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment;filename=" + name);
return gridStorageService.read(name, exchange);

Is there a change to return a png file like response.png instead of response.bin

The aim of my code is to retrieve an image from a third-party service.
I struggled a little for endpoint of download to work and only partially succeeded. When I call the endpoint via postman the answer is a .bin file, but what I need is to have a .png file. The greatest success is being able to get a .png file being able to customize the name as well. But personalization of the is not strictly necessary.
The project is built with the initializer and has the following dependencies:
Below is the source code of my endpoint:
public Mono<byte[]> retrieveImage(ImageRequest request) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException {
MultiValueMap<String, String> queryParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
queryParams.add("attribute", request.getAttribute()); // fake for query string setting.
Mono<byte[]> image = webClient
.uri(uriBuilder -> uriBuilder
.flatMap(clientResponse -> clientResponse.bodyToMono(byte[].class)
.doOnSuccess(body -> {
if (clientResponse.statusCode().isError()) {
log.error("HttpStatusCode = {}", clientResponse.statusCode());
log.error("HttpHeaders = {}", clientResponse.headers().asHttpHeaders());
log.error("ResponseBody = {}", body);
return image;
You can also add the mime type of the file to the produces section of the #GetMapping annotation, it should look something like this:
#GetMapping(path = "/retrieve-image",
produces = "image/png")
Additionally, instead of returning a Mono<byte[]>, you can wrap your response in a ResponseEntity<Resource>. This gives you the possibility to add Headers and tell the browser the name of your file. For example:
HttpHeaders header = new HttpHeaders();
"attachment; filename=image.png");
header.add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition");
return ResponseEntity.ok().
One last thought: If you add both spring-boot-starter-web and spring-boot-starter-webflux to your dependencies, the app will work, but it doesn't use Netty from Webflux, instead the usual Tomcat. So you don't benefit from the reactive features.

How to create an Open API 3.0.1 Specification

I am new to swagger documentation etc
Please, could you share any good resource or steps for creating an open api spec for the following endpoint, which is an endpoint of a spring boot microservice:
#PostMapping(path = "/pdf", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_PDF_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<ByteArrayResource> createReport(#RequestParam MultipartFile template, #RequestParam MultipartFile templateDataAsJson) throws IOException {
log.info("Triggering PDF Generation and Download");
log.info("Step 1 Starts : Sending Json data to the template data binder microservice: Request:{}", templateDataAsJson);
String completedHtmlJson = restClient.populateTemplate(template, templateDataAsJson);
log.info("Steps 2 Starts: Sending populated html template to html-to-pdf microservice for rendering:{}", completedHtmlJson);
ResponseEntity<ByteArrayResource> response = restClient.html2PdfGeneration(completedHtmlJson);
return ResponseEntity.ok().contentType(APPLICATION_PDF).body(response.getBody());
Any help or references will be appreciated.
Thanks all.
You can look at SpringDoc
It will generate the documentation on the fly for for you.

Cannot get Spring Boot to lazily resolve a multipart file

I have created a Spring Boot 2 demo application with the Spring Initializr and added the controller below:
public class UploadController {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UploadController.class);
public ResponseEntity<String> uploadFile(
#RequestParam("metadata") MultipartFile metadata,
#RequestParam("payload") MultipartFile payload) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map metadataMap = mapper.readValue(metadata.getInputStream(), Map.class);
LOG.info("Received call to upload file {}", metadataMap.get("filename"));
LOG.info("File size: {}", payload.getBytes().length);
LOG.info("File {} successfully uploaded", metadataMap.get("filename"));
return ResponseEntity.ok().build();
I then added an application.yaml file containing this configuration:
max-file-size: 2000000MB
max-request-size: 2000000MB
resolve-lazily: true
My goal is to have the controller parse and log the metadata file before it starts reading the payload file, but the resolve-lazily setting seems to be ignored by Boot: the code inside the controller won't be executed until the whole body is read.
I use the command below to test the controller:
curl -F metadata=#metadata.json -F payload=#payload.bin http://localhost:8080/demo/upload
Is there anything wrong with my code/configuration? Am I getting the meaning of the setting right?
At present, if you want to avoid reading (and buffering) the whole body all at once, I think you will have to provide your own parser, as described in the answers here. What would be really interesting (but generally unnecessary) would be to do so in the form of a new MultipartResolver implementation.
There are two existing implementations documented for interface MultipartResolver, and both supply a function setResolveLazily(boolean) (standard), (commons). I have tried with both, and neither seem to allow for parsing or streaming multipart files or parameters independently.
Default is "false", resolving the multipart elements immediately, throwing corresponding exceptions at the time of the resolveMultipart(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) call. Switch this to "true" for lazy multipart parsing, throwing parse exceptions once the application attempts to obtain multipart files or parameters.
Despite what it says in the documentation, I have found that once you call resolveMultipart, the entire body is parsed and buffered before the call returns. I know this because I can watch the temp-files being created.
One note about "Is there anything wrong with my code"...
Answer: Yes, because by using #RequestParam you have indirectly asked Spring to resolve your parameters ahead of time, before your controller is ever called. What you should be able to do instead (if the documentation were correct) is request the parameters independently from inside your controller:
Configuration (application.properties):
spring.servlet.multipart.enabled = true
spring.servlet.multipart.resolve-lazily = true
#PostMapping(path = "/upload", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<Void> postUpload(HttpServletRequest rawRequest) {
multipartResolver.setResolveLazily(true); // unclear why this is exists
MultipartHttpServletRequest request = multipartResolver.resolveMultipart(rawRequest);
String p1 = request.getParameter("first-parameter");
String p2 = request.getParameter("second-parameter");
System.out.println("first-parameter="+p1+", second-parameter"+p2);
return new ResponseEntity<Void>(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
One useful aspect of resolve-lazily that I have discovered is that it allows you to write your own parser for some rest controllers while using the built-in parser for others (see my answer here). In other words, you don't have to use spring.servlet.multipart.enabled = false to get your parser to work. This is a minor breakthrough relative to other advice that I had seen previously.

Stream the data content directly from database to the HTTP

Right now we are holding file in our postgresql database and mapping that content using byte[] field in our entity. I need to investigate if we could
stream the content data direct from the database to the HTTP output stream, and do the same thing in opposite way so stream binary data from HTTP into database using jpa Blob data type. I know that Blob has methods getBinaryStream and setBinaryStream so its may work, and we do not need hold data into memory.
What I am concern are database transaction, because we are mapping entity into DTO, and the second thing is broken Http request and data may be lost in some point.
Is there are anybody who had any experience with that solution ?
Solution for stream-reading data from BLOBs:
Existing BLOB data are streamed by passing OutputStream (provided by the servlet container) into transactional method which writes entity blob data to the stream from inside transaction. Note that the content type of response is set before writing the data.
Entity class:
public class Attachment {
private java.sql.Blob data;
public java.sql.Blob getData() { return data; }
Service method:
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public void copyContentsTo(long attachmentId, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
Attachment dbAttachment = attachmentRepository.findOne(attachmentId);
try (InputStream is = dbAttachment.getData().getBinaryStream()) {
IOUtils.copy(is, outputStream);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new ParameterException("Cannot extract BLOB for attachment #" + attachmentId, e);
REST API Spring Controller method:
#GetMapping(value = "/api/project-attachment/{attachment-id}/content")
public void getAttachmentContent(
#PathVariable("attachment-id") long attachmentId,
HttpServletResponse response,
OutputStream stream) throws IOException {
attachmentService.copyContentsTo(attachmentId, stream);
Lucasz, Spring Content for JPA does exactly what you are asking. Designed to make it really easy to create Spring applications that handle content (documents, images, video's etc). It supports a range of backend stores one of which being relational DBs and obviously they uses BLOBs.
This JPA module will stream uploaded files from the request input stream directly to the database and vice versa thus it never stores the entire file in-memory which would obviously cause problems with very large files.
It would save you from having to write ANY of the code in #tequilacat's answer.
Probably worth a look.
