Issue using nested kendo-tabstrip - kendo-tabstrip

Hello I am using kendo ui , I have one jsp page with tabstrip one of its tab is other jsp file that contains more tabs.. But it is giving me error
NotSupportedError: Failed to execute 'registerElement' on 'Document': Registration failed for type 'kendo-surface'. A type with
that name is already registered. in BidsScreenUpdated.jsp


Orbeon Form - reCAPTCHA Field required error after submitting form

I'm struggling to make reCAPTCHA work in my Orbeon form.
I'm using ORBEON 2018.2.3.201905172253 PE within SAP Commerce (Hybris).
After submitting the form, I get the error "Please check your answer to the CAPTCHA challenge" even though the captcha is correct.
Created a common Form and added reCAPTCHA as per official Orbeon documentation:
Added my private and public keys to the properties file
Added the reCAPTCHA property to my form:
This is the process executed when clicking the SUBMIT button:
<property as="xs:string" name="">
then save
then send(
uri = "https://myurl",
method = "PUT"
then navigate(uri = "https://myurl")
I see the reCAPTCHA at the bottom of my form as expected
When I click SUBMIT after filling up the form and completing the captcha successfully, I see a popup saying "There are validation errors. Please retry once all fields have been properly filled-out."
And the form displays this error for the captcha field:
"Please check your answer to the CAPTCHA challenge."
So I'm clearly missing something. I know there are some configurations needed for the fr-verify-done and fr-verify-error to be added, but the Orbeon documentation does not specify how to configure those through PROPERTIES. They only say how to add those event listeners while adding the captcha component by hand (editing the source code of the form through Form Builder).
Things that I tried and didn't work:
Dispatching an fr-verify event when submitting:
xf:dispatch(name = "fr-verify", targetid = "captcha")
then validate-all
then save
then send(
uri = "https://myurl",
method = "PUT"
then navigate(uri = "https://myurl")
Adding the reCAPTCHA component to the form source code as per Orbeon documentation:
<fr:recaptcha id="my-captcha">
<xf:send ev:event="fr-verify-done" submission="save-submission"/>
<xf:action ev:event="fr-verify-error">
<xf:toggle case="failure-case"/>
<xf:dispatch target="my-captcha" name="fr-reload"/>
When I click SAVE after adding the excerpt above, the Form Builder crashes. Same happens if I try to add the same excerpt to a form through the online demo form builder provided by Orbeon :
That is super weird since I'm adding code provided by them using the online last version of the form builder, and it still crashes when trying to save it. So that makes me think the problem I have is not related to my platform, but with Orbeon itself.
This is the error I get in the online demo for Form Builder after adding the recaptcha excerpt to the source code of the form: "Cannot read property 'call' of undefined'
There're no relevant LOGS that I can provide, I activated debug level logs for Orbeon and I'm not getting any useful info.
I would really appreciate if someone can guide me through with either:
- Configuring the fr-verify events without changing the source code of the form using Form Builder, OR
- Adding the reCAPTCHA component through Form Builder successfully without making it crash, OR
- Anything you can come up with to make my form with captcha work
Thanks in advance,
SAP Hybris 6.6 includes Orbeon Forms 2017.1.1, which uses Google's reCAPTCHA 1, which Google doesn't support anymore. Your options are either:
To upgrade to a version of SAP Hybris that includes Orbeon Forms 2018.1 or 2017.2.2 or newer (those version use Google's reCAPTCHA 2).
To use the SimpleCaptcha instead of reCAPTCHA.

Getting exception kendo angular grid

Exception: Call to Node module failed with error: Error: Template parse errors:
Can't bind to 'filterable' since it isn't a known property of 'kendo-grid'.
If 'kendo-grid' is an Angular component and it has 'filterable' input, then verify that it is part of this module.
If 'kendo-grid' is a Web Component then add "CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA" to the '#NgModule.schema' of this component to suppress this message.
<kendo-grid [data]="gridData" [ERROR ->][filterable]="true">
You're using an older version of the Kendo UI Grid for Angular 2. The filterable option was added not that long ago. From the changelog it seems it was added in version 0.20.0 on March 24th, 2017.
What version are you using?

Removing file in Kendo Upload . Error in jquery.min,js file

I have used the following code to remove the uploaded file on the Remove function of Kendo Upload control
But I'm getting an error in jquery.min.js:
Unable to get property 'length' of undefined or null reference
Recently i had updated Kendo version to 2014.3.1411 and the error is occuring only after this update
Try this
$(".k-file:has([title='" + e.files[0].name + "']) .k-icon").removeClass("k-retry").addClass("k-delete").click();

jqgrid server exception error messages

Is there a way to show custom exception messages sent from the server in my jqGrid???? One of my function does a throws clause and throws some exception. I need to disoplay the error message relative to this thrown exception... Is there a way to do that in jqGrid???
You don't spectify in what jqGrid operation the exception could be throwen. There are different event handler which you can use to receive the text of the error message from the exception and decode it.
For example loadError(xhr,st,err) can be used to display the error messege which appears on the server during the loading of the jqGrid. I mean here the errors returned by the server on the ajax requests.
Additionally errorTextFormat(data) can be used to decode errors come up from the server during the ajax requests of the form editing. or errorfunc(rowid,res,stat) for the inline editing and errorCell(serverresponse,status) for cell editing.
So you can use the corresponding event handler functions in different places to decode the text of the exception message.

Internet Explorer Error

The main error shown in IE is : ' Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101.'
The error is displayed when the ExtJS framework tries to load a page containing a Ext grid component through an ajax request.
It works without problems in Firefox and Chrome.
Another error which is shown by IE is 'Expected identifier, string or number' which points to the line containing HTML inline style definition which is perfectly valid. I am not sure why this error is shown. I feel IE is pointing this error to the wrong place.
Could anyone please help me out on this?
"Could not complete the operation" errors in IE are usually caused by trying to modify the DOM before it is ready.
Move the JS so it fires in (for example) the onload event, or a JS library's ondomready event.
If you are loading a page using ajax and it has a inline script file like below add // before
the open comment tag
<script type="text/javascript">
// <!--
// -->
