Cannot see javascript files in Monodevelop Unity 5.2 - unityscript

Since upgrading to Unity 5.2 javascript (unityscript) files are not showing in the Monodevelop Solution explorer (see image below). Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?

I have fixed these same issues with the following steps.
Create Backup
Make a copy of your project folder in case something is mistakenly deleted.
Delete Scripting Files
In the root of your project folder, delete only the following files:
Files beginning with Assembly-
Files beginning with your project name, i.e. kickoff3d01
Sync Scripts
In the Unity Editor, go to Assets -> Sync MonoDevelop Project.
Locate in MonoDevelop
In MonoDevelop, they should be listed under Assembly-UnityScript.


Package target doesn't include bin\x64 folder but VS2019 did

I think I have various beads on why this may be happening, but I can't quite put all the clues together.
We were building an ASP.NET app in VS 2019 with a nuget dependency (Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI.1.0.19235.1 if it matters). I've used msbuild -t:package and in VS 2019, it would spit out bin\x86 and bin\x64 folders with the DLL from that nuget package. That package step would spit out a zip file and opening that up you can see the x86/x64 folders in there.
We upgraded to VS 2022 and the CPU arch folders are no longer there. I can see them get created in the working directory, but not in the package output.
Nothing in the project has changed. It's set to target "AnyCPU" and Framework 4.6.2. The command we're using to build hasn't changed either. As far as I can tell, it's just the upgrade to VS 2022.
I know VS 2022 is now 64-bit native, so I have a suspicion that's in play here. Any ideas on why those CPU-architecture folders are no longer included in the zip package? And how to get them back in there?
According to your description I make some test, hope it can help you:
Check your Configuration Manager under Build in the menu and add new Platform you need.
Build the project in Batch Build under Build in the menu.
We can see that .dll files are created in the same path so it will be covered.
Open the project file.(Right click on the project and Unload Project then right click again an choose edit project file)
You can see code like this:
Change the OutputPath to “bin\x64\Debug\”, ”bin\x64\Release\” and so on.
Reload the project and rebuild the project in Batch Build.
About how to Pack multiple platforms into one package you can see this(Pack multiple platforms into one package, using dotnet pack ).
If it helps anyone, since my problem was specifically with the SNI.dll not being emitted in the x64/x86 folders, my workaround solution was to upgrade the Microsoft.Data.* libraries to a newer version. The x64/x86 folders are still not emitted, but I now see Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI.x64.dll and Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI.x86.dll files in the root bin folder.
It doesn't answer the original question, but at least it got me moving.

Xamarin project won't build after moving folder path

I have created a new Xamarin Forms application using the latest Xamarin Studio for OSX and I have build errors caused by the following:
1. Moving the project on my local machine
2. Putting the project in source control and restoring to another machine
If I type xbuild in the terminal I can see that my project is referencing a file path from my other computer (now on the 2nd computer after restoring from source control).
I cannot find the file path information in any of the files inside of the Xamarin Forms solution so I can't tell where it is picking up this file path from!!
/Users/x/Documents/Work/Wire%20Mobile/src/Wire.sln: error : Could not
find a part of the path "/Users/x/Documents/Work/Wire
Can anyone advise how i can store a project in source control without having hard links to the file path that it used to reside on in the old machine please? Also I've tried this on two projects now, could it be a bug in Xamarin?
the xbuild doesn't support file paths with %20 in them. Visual Studio Team Services is quite fond of these types of file paths however!
removed %20 from the path and now it works fine.
also affects Unity projects and Visual Studio for Mac projects.

Can I exclude/ignore files from Multi-Device Hybrid App build? (In order to prevent EBUSY error when building)

I'm getting this error when building my Multi-Device Hybrid App.
EXEC : error : EBUSY, resource busy or locked 'C:\path\to\project\bld\Debug\www\.svn\wc.db'
Suspected cause:
From what I can gather, when the Multi-Device Hybrid Apps Visual Studio extension builds the app it seems to grab all files in the project directory (except for some specific files/folders e.g. bld/bin directories and the .jsproj file) and add them to the package. That's ok, but not ideal, it really should only be grabbing the files in the VS project. The problem I'm experiencing is becuase it's grabbing my SVN .db file and adding it to the package, TortoiseSVN status cache then picks up this file and locks it - resulting in my error.
This is my specific issue, but I believe others could experience similar issues if they have any other files in the directory that they don't want included in the app bundle. I'd suggest it could be fixed by somehow setting excluded files/folders from the build or by the build script not grabbing everything, only those files included in the visual studio project. I'm not sure how to request that, so hopefully the developers will see this post...
So, my question is: Does anyone know of any way to tell the Multi-Device Hybrid Apps Visual Studio extension build process (or vs-mda\vs-cli) to ignore certain files or folders?
Or, does anyone have any suggestions as to how to make SVN and this VS extension play nice?
Unfortunately Visual Studio includes all the files under project directory except bin\bld folder. Currently only simple workaround would be to keep the files which you want to be excluded from package outside project directory. You can add the file to solution explorer by using Add --> Existing Item --> Add as link in case you want the file to appear in solution explorer but not included for build or packaging.
it seems folder with test as its name will be considered differently, and it will be excluded from package.

How do I install this Visual Studio project template?

I can't for the life of me figure this out. The "how to" video shows two .zip files in the ProjectTemplates/Visual C# folder, but I can't find them on this GitHub page... the instructions say under the "downloads tab up above ... download both of the project templates" and I can't even find the tab or the download option for the zip files seen in the video.
Here's what I've tried:
downloaded the single .zip file that contains both projects and put that .zip in the ProjectTemplates/Visual C# folder. Restart VS2010 - New Project, I don't see it as an option
Zipped the nested project, put that in the same folder as above. Restart VS2010 - New Project, but it's not an option
There is no .msi or .vsix file in the download.
Any help is appreciated
The downloads tab that the instructions refer to doesn't exist any longer, which probably explains why you're having trouble finding it.
Luckily, you can still find the downloads here:
Once you've downloaded those and added the zips to your templates folder, you should be good to go.

Visual Studio and TortoiseHg: folder not visible in VS

I created a C# project and added it to source control (mercurial). I can edit files in VS, commit it and push it using TortoiseHg. It goes to the server. When some one pulls they get the files.
In my visual studio I added a folder and a file inside that folder. I used TortoiseHg and it saw the new file in the new folder. I committed it and pushed it.
However, now someone pulled the latest code from the server - and they got the new file (it is visible through windows explorer), but when they open the solution in VS, they don't see the file.
Does someone have an idea what is wrong here? or things I should check? Thank you for the help.
P.S. I have visual studio 2010 express (so I can't use the VisualHg plugin).
Visual Studio caches changes to the solution and project until an explicit save or a build. In your comment:
In my visual studio I added a folder and a file inside that folder. I used TortoiseHg and it saw the new file in the new folder. I committed it and pushed it.
I see that an updated .sln or .vcproj file was not mentioned and checked in. Did you see an update to either of these files via TortoiseHg? If not, make sure to build or save your project after a change like this.
Did you make sure that the Visual Studio Project File or Solution file is being updated and committed?
VS solution contains projects and each project select managed files by metadata(***.vcproj file). It's not the way include all files from root directory.
So, your co-workers can see new added files by in following two ways.
1) share project file(***.vcproj)
2) manually add files in each person's VS instance.
