Swift/OSX - Disabling Focus Ring on customized NSSecureTextField - macos

I'm trying out some styling of NSTextFields to get Single Line Text Fields like the Material Design ones. With normal NSTextFields I have no problems, it works out pretty well. I'm subclassing the NSTextFieldCell and draw my custom cell (simply with a 1px border at the bottom).
The code is like this:
override func drawWithFrame(cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) {
//let path:NSBezierPath = NSBezierPath.init(rect: cellFrame)
var customRect = cellFrame
customRect.origin.y = cellFrame.size.height - 1
customRect.origin.x = 0;
let usedColor:NSColor = NSColor.grayColor()
let path = NSBezierPath.init(rect: customRect)
super.drawWithFrame(cellFrame, inView: controlView);
I'm adding the subclass in the interface builder and assign it to my TextField(Cell). Everything works fine with normal textfields.
But now I want to do the same with NSSecureTextFields, but the outcome is weird.
The focus ring is visible, even though I set it to NONE.
The source code of the NSSecureTextFieldCell is the same as the one above (of course with the difference that I subclassed NSSecureTextFieldCell and not NSTextFieldCell), but why doesn't it show me the line at the bottom of the cell? And why do I get the damn focus ring when I assign my CustomCell-Class to the Cell? I just don't understand it and that makes me nuts.
Download Xcode Project File here (36 KB)

You can use the following code to remove the focus ring in the viewDidLoad
self.SecuredTextField.focusRingType = NSFocusRingType.None

I had the same issue and I solved it by using a standard NSTextField with a NSSecureTextFieldCell subclass as its cell class.


NSButton: blue background [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Xcode set default button on enter when making a form
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I want to make my NSButton look like Xcode's commit button
But there doesn't seem to be any way to easily change the background color for a NSButton. You have to change the 'border' to No, then set the button's backgroundColor, and set the 'attributedTitle' for the button to make the textColor white. But when I do this, the results don't look close at all:
The button doesn't have any shadow; the text doesn't look centered; it also doesn't support changing backgroundColor when the button is selected, like the button in Xcode does.
This should surely by easy to replicate, since I believe I've seen similar buttons all over the system.
Here is the NSButton subclass I wrote for this:
override func awakeFromNib() {
self.wantsLayer = true
self.isBordered = false //Important
self.layer?.backgroundColor = backgroundColor.cgColor
self.layer?.cornerRadius = 6.0
let font = NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14, weight: .medium)
let fontColor = NSColor.white
let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
paragraphStyle.alignment = .center
self.attributedTitle = NSAttributedString(string: self.title, attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor : fontColor,
NSAttributedString.Key.font: font, NSAttributedString.Key.paragraphStyle : paragraphStyle]) // to update text, have to update the attributeString's mutableString property
Would love to get pointers for where I'm going wrong with this. I would have thought a regular 'push' button with borders and shadow effect is what I need, but with a blue background, but that doesn't seem straigtforward from what I can see.
So found the 'easy' solution I was looking for: there's no need to do any NSButton layer tweaking. You just have to set the key equivalent to the 'return' key!
[self.editButton setKeyEquivalent: #"\r"];
This sets the button background color to blue, and works as I had hoped for. If you want some other background color, I guess you have to customize the button like above.

How to Set the Paragraph Property Width of NSTextView

My English is terrible, and I don't know how to describe it.
Please look at the picture I uploaded first. This is a screenshot from Ulysses.
This should be a NSTextView control. After selecting all the text, I found that it could control the left-hand offset of a particular paragraph.
I tried to imitate it.
But I found that NSMutable Paragraph Style does not seem to achieve such an effect, it can only achieve the effect similar to that of the following picture.
Simply put, I want to achieve the effect of the previous picture, but only the effect of the second picture.
I looked at another question, but it was mainly about background color, and I wanted to know the question of indentation so that I could achieve more results.
NSTextView selection highlights all characters even paragraph indents
How is Ulysses implemented?
You can modify drawing rectangles of selection by overriding fillBackgroundRectArray(_: count:forCharacterRange:color:) in your NSLayoutManager subclass.
class MyLayoutManager: NSLayoutManager {
override func fillBackgroundRectArray(_ rectArray: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, count rectCount: Int, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange, color: NSColor) {
// selection rects to draw a highlight.
var rects: [NSRect] = Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: rectArray, count: rectCount))
// modify rects here...
// call super and pass in your custom rects array.
super.fillBackgroundRectArray(&rects, count: rectCount, forCharacterRange: charRange, color: color)
And you can achieve something like this:
BTW, you can replace text view's layout manager by using:

Autolayout support for custom text view

This question is about supporting a variable-height, custom text view using constraints and the view's intrinsicContentSize for autolayout. Before you click that 'duplicate' button, hear me out.
I have a custom text view (from scratch, inherits from NSView). It supports many of the usual NSTextView features, the most relevant here being multiple lines and laying out its content based on width available. The app it's built for loads a couple of these text views into each row of a table view. The issue is that the height doesn't get set properly according to its intrinsicContentSize.
I created a sample project that simplifies the problem. It uses a "pseudo" text view with a fixed number and size of characters used to determine width/height required. In the sample, there is a table view of one column whose cell view has only one subview, a PseudoTextView. The text view is pinned to the edges of its cell view with a little padding. How can I get the system to recognize that the text view should abide by the constraints that define the width while allowing the text view to grow in height, wrapped tightly by the cell view? Here's the text view code:
class PseudoTextView: NSView {
#IBInspectable var characterCount: Int = 0
#IBInspectable var characterWidth: CGFloat = 5
#IBInspectable var characterHeight: CGFloat = 8
#IBInspectable var background: NSColor = .blue {
didSet {
layer?.backgroundColor = background.cgColor
required init?(coder decoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: decoder)
wantsLayer = true
layer?.backgroundColor = background.cgColor
override var intrinsicContentSize: NSSize {
let requiredWidth = characterWidth * CGFloat(characterCount)
let lineCount = (requiredWidth / frame.width).rounded(.up)
let usedHeight = lineCount * characterHeight
let charactersPerLine = (frame.width / characterWidth).rounded(.down)
let usedWidth = charactersPerLine * characterWidth
return NSSize(width: usedWidth, height: usedHeight)
This version returns the appropriate size based on the frame of the view. This obviously doesn't work because it's accessed during the updateConstraints phase of layout when the frame hasn't been set. I've also tried using NSView.noIntrinsicMetric for the width, but this will drive the text view to zero width and the height never recovers. There are an enormous number of other attempts I've made, but I won't bore you with them all.
NSTextField does something different (assuming 'Editable' is off, 'Wrap' is on). It's intrinsicContentSize reports the full width of the text on a single line (even if it's much longer than the width available), but it is somehow resized to the correct width. Once resized, the intrinsicContentWidth then still reports the full single-line width, but the height is adjusted to account for multiple lines. There is some magic somewhere I haven't been able to divine.
I've read every line of related documentation. If there's a blog post on the topic, I've probably read it. If there's a question on SO on the topic, I've probably read it. If you wrote a book on the topic, I've probably bought it. All of these sources tease at the problem I'm having, but none of them answer the question of how to handle this particular situation. Desperate.
After reading an old blog post by Jonathon Mah (http://devetc.org/code/2014/07/07/auto-layout-and-views-that-wrap.html) I created an example that uses his approach. Here's another project that mimics his technique and works correctly. This is the top portion of the app. It's a fixed container view that's adjusted with a slider. The patchwork are the pseudo characters of the custom view whose background is the pink color.
However, when inserted into a self-sizing table view, the custom view correctly matches the width of its cell, but the cell is not adjusted to respect the intrinsic height. If you change the custom view's bottom constraint to be optional (say, with a >= relation) the custom view does shrink to the correct height, but the cell view remains fixed. How do I convince the cell view to shrink its height to respect the intrinsicContentSize.height of its subview?
I have a solution for your problem, although it may not be optimal, since I do not have too much experience with macos specifics. So, first of all, let's define that the table view should use automatic row heights:
override func awakeFromNib() {
tableView.usesAutomaticRowHeights = true
In your second sample the tableView outlet was not not connected to TableViewController, but it probably should be, so do not forget to connect it.
Now, in your WrappingCellView, you override layout(), but the value that you set for preferredMaxLayoutWidth is incorrect. I think it should be the width of the superview:
override func layout() {
// 16 is used for the sake of example
wrappingView.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = (superview?.frame.width ?? 16) - 16
Next part is the one I am not sure about:
func tableViewColumnDidResize(_ notification: Notification) {
There should be a better API to recalculate row heights. I hope you or someone else can suggest something :)
These three adjustments result in proper recalculation of the cell height:

Override the Autolayout center values of UIButton in a Subview # viewDidLayoutSubviews

I use Autolayout for a fairly complex Menu and really need it. All Buttons, UIViews etc. of my Menu are in a separate UIView called "menuSubview".
If the user presses a button the whole "menuSubview" shifts to another position to reveal other parts of the menu. Sometimes the buttons in the menuSubview move as well. I always save the "Menu State" (with Userdefaults in the get-set variable "lastMenu") and have a function to set the alphas and centers according to the saved "Menu State".
I tried calling the "openLastMenu" function in viewDidAppear, viewDidLayoutSubview - all the "viewDid" functions of the ViewController. The "menuSubview" center and alphas of the buttons always behave as expected... but the centers of the buttons simply won't - no matter what "viewDid" I call the function in.
(the code is a lot more complex - I boiled it down to debug and state my point)
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
if lastMenu != nil {openLastMenu()}
func openLastMenu(){
menuSubview.center.x = view.center.x //works
menuSubview.center.y = view.center.y + 200 //works
button1.center.x = view.center.x - 50 //why you no behave???
button2.center.x = view.center.x + 50 //why you no behave???
button3.alpha = 0 //works
button4.alpha = 0 //works
For debugging I even made a button Subclass to fetch the "center" values with a "didSet" if they change. Seems like after taking the correct values they change once more to their Autolayout-Position.
...oh and ignoring the constraints with "translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints" on the buttons always fucks up the whole menu. I'm starting to get crazy here :)
If you position views using autolayout, any changes to the frame, like what you do here with the center property, will be ignored.
What you need to do is identify the constraints that are you need to change to move the views in the desired position. Example:
You want to move button1 50 points to the left of view.center. Assuming view is the superview of menuSubview, you would
1) deactivate the the constraint responsible for button1's horizontal placement. How you do this mainly depends on whether you created the constraints in code or Interface Builder. The latter will require you to create outlets for some of the constraints.
2) create a new constraint between button1's centerX anchor and view's centerX anchor with a constant of -50, like so (iOS 9 code)
button1.centerXAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(view.centerXAnchor, constant: -50.0).active = true

Xcode - viewDidLayoutSubviews

i have a view inside a viewController, i wanted to start the smaller view outside the viewController in the left, and animate it to the centre when i press a button. so i made it like this:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
smallView.center = CGPointMake(smallView.center.x - 400, smallView.center.y)
And it works perfectly!, the problem is i have a text view inside that smaller view, and every time i start editing it it jumps outside of the main viewController right where it was, and i have to press the button again to bring it inside.
How to fix this?
PS: i tried positioning it to the centre when i start editing the text view like this:
func textViewDidBeginEditing(textView: UITextView) {
smallView.center = CGPointMake(smallView.center.x + 400, smallView.center.y)
But it doesn't work. and the method is connected to the textView properly(delegate)
PS2: i also have imagePickerController inside my viewController.
OK, as you're using Auto Layout.
The first rule of Auto Layout (you will see this in any Auto Layout book) is that you absolutely cannot touch the frame or center of a view directly.
// don't do these
myView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100);
// ever
myView.center = CGPointMake(50, 50);
You can get the frame and center but you can never set the frame or center.
In order to move stuff around using Auto Layout you need to update the constraints.
For instance if I set up a view called myView and want it to grow and shrink in height I would do something like...
Set the top constraint to the superview at 0.
Set the left constraint to the superview at 0.
Set the right constraint to the superview at 0.
Set the height constraint to 50 (for example) and save it in a property called heightConstraint.
Now to animate the change in height I do this...
self.heightConstraint.constant = 100;
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
animations:^ {
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
This will then animate the height from 50 (where it was when I set it) to 100.
This is the same for ANY animation of views using Auto Layout. If (for instance) I had saved the left constraint I could change that and it would increase and decrease the gap from the left edge of the superview to myView.
There are several really good tutorials about AutoLayout on the Ray Wenderlich site. I'd suggest you take a look at them.
Whatever you do, I'd strongly suggest not just disabling Auto Layout. If you don't know how to use Auto Layout then you will very quickly fall behind with iOS 8 and the new device sizes.
