No build notifications with VS 2015? - visual-studio

We used to set up our dev machines to receive build notifications in the task bar.
However, the process we've followed - as per this description - doesn't apply any more with Visual Studio 2015 as the Build Notification app is no longer part of the package?
Any ideas what happened to it? Replacements? Work-arounds?
Update 4/2016: Nothing appears to have changed with Update 2 - new build definitions still don't show up..

The BuildNotificationApp is still a part of the VS 2015 and can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\BuildNotificationApp.exe. However, it looks like only XAML build definitions are visible to this tool.
The new vNext features can be accessed via the new REST API. I failed to find the explicit confirmation from the official source, but most likely the app was not made compliant with this new approach.
Basically, you have the mail notifications as the only option. Make sure the mail server settings are configured properly for the application tier, and create the appropriate email alert.


Telerik's AppBuilder not grouping files

I am using the AppBuilder to create a NativeScript app. I am at the point that I need to start looking into environment settings to get the app ready for QA and production.
I followed the article: in order to set the config.js file I have that contains some configuration information. I created config.debug.js and config.release.js but Visual Studio only added the debug version under the config.js file group.
So, when I build in Debug mode, the app picks up config.debug.js and everything is fine. When I try to build in release mode, the app crashes because it cannot find config.js. Attached is a screenshot that shows how Visual Studio sets the files.
It seems to me that since the release version is not included in the file group nativescript does not recognize it during the build.
I am using Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise. App Builder 2017.1.202.9
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
As suggested by Preslav from Telerik, I deleted the .debug.abproject from the root of my application and also removed the reference to it in MyProject.iceproj.
Once this was done, I was able to create the .debug.js and .release.js files without any further issues.

Visual Studio 2015 multiple uwp apps with same code

I am trying to run multiple apps with the same code, the only differences are application names, icons and the splashscreen.
I am already 100 % sure that my approach must be complete crap, but here is my approach:
I copied the excisting project specific configuring files, changed all file names to the new project, replaced references inside these files and imported this project back to the solution, because creating a complete new product within the solutions ignores all yet created files so I wanted to save some time. Now have 1 solution (I thought of this as the product) and 1 projekt for each customer, all targets sharing all code, except the project configs with the ids, names and icons etc..
But when I try to build any of the project I get these errors
Error occurred while restoring NuGet packages:
The process cannot access the file
because it is being used by another process.
Or the assembly is used by another application.
So, this can't be the right way to do what I want to do by Visual Studio, I'm looking for the right way to handle 1 base-product but many customer-specific-apps with Visual Studio 2015.
Sadly I couldn't find any tutorial for that yet.
Maybe I'm searching with the wrong description or naming, I thought of projects as targets in Xcode.
A link to a proper tutorial would already do the job for me.
According to your description, I think what you want is building multiple branded apps from a single Visual Studio solution. If so, here is a nice article: Multi-Branded Apps in Visual Studio (Windows 10 UWP) you can refer to.
The key point here is using separate build configurations for each app and then using Pre-build commands to create the app package.
For more info, please see Understanding Build Configurations and Specifying Custom Build Events in Visual Studio.

TFS to Release Management - Release from Build

I am so close yet so far from getting my Visual Studio (MVC) application released through TFS & Release Management. I am using Version 2013 and have my build definition setup as follows:
As you can see it is using the TfvcTemplate.12.xaml as its template, and as such I cannot see the options for Release as I have been finding in all other examples online - eg:
I have gone into Release Management and setup my Release Template to reference this build definition and selected 'Can Trigger a Release from a Build'... but I have nothing happen in RM when I Build in Visual Studio.
What I have also found is that because the application I am building is MVC with Windows Authentication - every time I run a manual release, the Web Site gets rebuilt (as per my release template), but the website is always rebuilt with Windows Authentication Disabled... Which is a pain as I keep having to go into IIS after every release to enable Windows Authentication.
So, my questions are...
1) What am I doing wrong with my version of the Build Definition setup that it will not prompt a release?
2) Do I have to Remove and Create my website on the Release Template... and if so...
3) How do I get around the fact I always have to revisit IIS to enable Windows Authentication after each release?
You need to switch your build template to ReleaseTfvcTemplate.12.xaml.
You can find that file in the folder:
Program Files (x86)\ Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\ReleaseManagement\bin
You need to check that into your TFS repo, then switch your build definition over to use it.

vs2013 azure cloud service project fails to add a role

I'm having troubles with VS 2013 and Azure SDK 2.2 respectively.
I've created an empty Cloud Service.
When I add a new Web Role (or Worker Role — it ends the same way) the new project starts being created, but the process fails with dialog message
Windows Azure Tools For Visual Studio
The following Nuget packages could not be installed in project 'projectname':
WindowsAzure.Storage (version ''): One or more errors occured.
After pressing OK i get another dialog containing a NullReferenceException message
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
and after that end up with inconsistent content of the ServiceConfiguration and ServiceDefinition files: some of them contain mentions of the half-created project, others do not contain.
So, it is impossible for me now to create any Web or Worker roles. Does anyone have any ideas how to cope with it?
It appears to be the broken installation.
After uninstalling Azure SDK and VS 2013, and installing both again, the issue vanished.
I just had the same problem (with VS 2015). I was able to get rid of it by installing the Azure SDK from here. I´m pretty sure I installed the SDK before from Visual Studio. But after installing the one from the link it worked.
Hope this helps if someone else has the same problem.

the application for project is not installed

I'm opening a solution that was apparently built on Visual Studio 2003 (not sure, I don't know anything about it) and trying to migrate to 2010. When trying to migrate I get the message:
the application for project '' is not installed make sure the application for the project type (.csproj) is installed.
If I open each one of the single projects of the solution they migrate fine but not the solution itself.
Right-click on the project file, then "Reload"
If your solution opens, but your project is showing as "incompatible", it may need to just reload. This worked for me when running an update from VS, and it did not recognize my njsproj
I know this is an old question, but it is still occurring in VS 2013.
I had an old VS 2003 web application. I opened it in VS 2013 (Ultimate) and had the error message:
Could not find the server on the local machine.
Creating a virtual directory is only supported on the local IIS server
along with
The application for project is not installed.
Yes, I am upgrading, and yes, I don't have some other elements ready. Giving me errors is fine - but why are you not completing the migration/load of the project. I can't fix the other issues if you don't LOAD ANYTHING! You loaded the subprojects, and then you told me that I should choose a later .NET Framework. Great, I did that. So why didn't you just finish loading the main project and let me fix the errors?
Lots of attempts to fix this failed. My final solution, just to get the project loaded was {arrow pierces chest, dies with Arghhhhhh on his lips}...
I located the {project}.csproj file. I found the <Reference> sections. The paths to the .NET Framework components were no longer valid and referred to old versions no longer installed (yeah, upgrading, remember?). I manually changed the paths to refer to .NET Framework 4.5 components. The project still didn't load.
Then I located the {project}.csproj.webinfo file. It referred to http://localhost/{stuff}/{project}.csproj, so I just set it to {project}.csproj. No luck. Then I just renamed the webinfo file to hide it. Eureka, the project was hot!
The project loaded, I got the "You have completed the first step in converting your Visual Studio .NET 2003 web project. To complete the conversion, please select your project in the Solution Explorer and choose the 'Convert to Web Application' context menu item." Which, of course, is not present, but is present as the very last item in the Project menu. Then I got the "This action will add designer and code behind files required for converting Web site projects to Web application projects. Do you want to continue?" You bet your posterior I want to continue! And now I have a project I can actually start to fix. Thanks, Microsoft, for the informative error messages.
If your projects individually migrate fine, then create a new blank visual studio 2010 solution, and add new projects individually (right click on solution->add->existing project)
But I'm not sure that your projects will load fine individually. There are project types that require some additional software to be installed in order to be supported. The most frequent problems I face are old projects built with old versions of mvc (1 or 2) and I have mvc 3 installed...or really old projects built with ajax...In those cases, you have to install that additional software and then import project, or find a tool to upgrade that project type to a newer version.
I found a solution that worked for Visual Studio 2017.
In Visual Studio, go to Tools > Extensions and updates. At the upper-right search box, search for "integration". It should come up with Analysis or Diagnostic Tools (or similar). Click Disable, then Enable. Exit the dialog, and close Visual Studio. Relaunch and open your solution again. Your projects will still complain they can't be loaded because of incompatibilities, but now you can right-click them individually and select "Reload Project" and they should load fine.
Credit goes to Paul Potter and Paul Shaughnessy at - I just did the verification work, condensing the information, and delivery :)
Adding this answer as reference for people who landed here for missing ".smproj" file.
This issue can arise due to various project files missing. For me, it was because of ".smproj" file missing which is Project file for SQL Server Analysis Services(SSAS). I re-installed SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and restarted the Visual studio.
Originally Answered here
Sometimes the SSIS or SSAS Extension in "Manage Extension" is disabled in the settings and must be Enabled manually. And then restart Visual Studio
It happened to me as wel.
You usualy do really need only to reload project in the solution. But in some cases you maybe:
didn't install SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for VS
have to enable SQL Server Data Tools manualy in the Extensions
If you have both things settled then try to reload project again. This happened to me when I moved from VS2019 to VS2022 and extension was somehow disabled.
I am using visual studio 2019 and I was faced with this issue when I reopened my ASP.Net webform App in visual studio after modifying for install SSDT.
this problem happens when Visual studio packages will modify (Especially when SSDT will be installed).
To solve this problem you have to go to you project folder and looking for the folder that named '.vs', this folder is hidden.
Deleting these folder will solve the problem because after that when you will open your project with visual studio, it will create the folder again.
Adding this for those who face issues for SSRS projects in VS2017 from earlier version as this comes up in google search.
In Visual Studio, go to Tools > Extensions and updates. Download the below :
Microsoft Reporting Services Projects
Microsoft RDLC Report Designer
In SSIS 2017, t the upper-right search box, search Microsoft Integration Services Projects.
go to Tools > Extensions and updates.
Enable -"Microsoft Integration Services Projects"
This will help to resolve the issue re-launch the SSIS
For my case, I disabled this extension and turns out, it is needed.
Enabling it resolved my problem.
In VS2019 Before you try any of the above right click the solution and click "Resolve Errors" no kidding that made my tabular model solution being available again.
For me what worked was a variation of #vapcguy solution.
Go to #vapcguy link for Paul Potter and Paul Shaughnessy solution: - I
Follow comment on Paul Potter's post by Albert Romeo
Integration Services Plugin was disabled(as explained before: Goto Tools > Extensions and updates > and search for integration/analysis/reporting and enable application
I had to enable integration services, then reload project. I don't know why since I've been using the same SSIS project several times a week for months.
