I'm generating a form from JSON data that I load via $http.get(), hence use bunch of custom/3rd party directives (ui-select, Bootstrap UI, ...) to get the desired end result. Just to make things more interesting, forms are nested, and with ng-repeat, things still feel pretty sloppy, especially on mobile. Form is quite lengthy and I've split it in several sections, so putting ng-if and displaying one section at a time, as well as using bindonce does improve performance a bit, but not to the extent that I find suitable from UX POV.
The catch 22 is that underlying JSON data is unlikely to change, so ideally I'd like to go with the sloppy version in development, but in production I'd like to build/compile the form, and make it load faster.
I know that 3rd party libraries (namely ui-select) introduce bottleneck, but apart from using $templateCache with $compile in app.run() section, or rendering the form with templating engine such as ejs, what other tweaks should I take into consideration in order to improve performance?
U can also go for caching of data using IndexedDb or Local Storage to cache the JSON Data which can result to load form more faster.
I am learning Nextjs which is a framework for developing react applications quickly by providing many functionalities out of the box such as Server Side Rendering, Fast Refresh and many others out of the box without any configuration. It also provides a functionality to optionally generate some web pages statically which are pre rendered at build time instead of rendering on demand. It achieves it by querying the data required for the page at build time. Nextjs also provides an optional argument expressed in seconds after which the data is re queried and the page re rendered. All of it happens on page level rather than rebuilding the entire website.
We cannot know in advance how frequently data would change, the data may change after 1 second or 10 minutes and it is impossible to know in advance and extremely hard to predict. However, it is most certainly not a constant number of seconds. With this approach, I might show outdated information due to higher time limit or I might end up querying the database unnecessarily even if data hasn't changed.
Suppose I have implemented some sort of pagination and I want to exploit the fact that most users would only visit first few pages before going to a different link. I could statically pre render first 1000 pages, so the most visited pages are served statically without going to the database whereas the rest are server side rendered. Now, if my data might change frequently, I would have to re render the first 1000 pages after regular intervals and each page would issue a separate query against the same database or external API which would cause too many round trips. I am not aware of the details of Nextjs but I suspect this would be true because Nextjs does not assume anything about the function which pulls the data and a generic implementation would necessitate it.
Attempted Solution
Both problems can be solved by client or server side rendering because the data would be fetched on demand but we lose the benefits of static generation specifically serving static assets compared to querying the database. I believe static generation would be useful if mutations to my data happen infrequently most of the time but we still want to show the updated information as fast as we can when it becomes available.
If I forget about Nextjs for a a while, both problems can be solved by spawning a new process which listens for mutations to the relevant data and only rebuilds those static assets which needs to be updated; kind of like React updates components but on server side. However Nextjs offers a lot of functionalities which would be difficult to replicate, so I cannot use this approach.
If I want to use Nextjs, problem (1) seems impossible to solve due to (perceived?) limitation of Nextjs which only offers one way to rebuild static pages, periodically re render them after a predetermined time. However, (2) can be solved by using some sort of in memory cache which pulls all the required data from the data store in one round trip and structures it up for every page. Then every page will pull data from this cache instead of the database. However, it looks like a hack to me.
Are there other ways to deal with the problem I might have have missed?
Is there a built-in way to deal with problem (1) and (2) in Nextjs?
Is my assessment of attempted solutions and their viability correct?
I am working on custom SAPUI5 app using ODataModel and for which I have to do the formatting for some of the fields which I will be displaying in List control.
I need to know which approach is good mentioned below is good w.r.t. performance of app.
1) Is it a good idea to use Formatter.js file and write each method for each field for formatting?
Example -
There are 2 fields which should be formatted before showing in UI and hence 2 formatter function.
2) Before binding Model to List - Do the formatting using Loop at each row.
Example -
Loop at OData.
--do formatting here for both the fields
move data to model.
Bind new model to UI
Is there any other way by which we can improve performance - apart from code minification or using grunt.
Appreciate your help.
Replacing Formatters with other solutions is definitely NOT the point to start when optimizing performance not to mention that you will loose a lot of the convenience the ODataModel comes with when manually manipulating the data in it.
Formatter Performance
Anyways using a formatter is of course less performant then pre-formatting your data once after they were loaded. A formatter will be executed on every rerendering of your control. So you might not want to do heavy calculations or excessive looping in a formatter that is executed frequently. But given a normal usage using formatters is absolutely nothing you should worry about or that does noticeably affect end-user experience. Keep enjoying the convenience of formatters (and take a look at the cool Expression Binding).
General Performance Considerations
To improve performance it is first of all very important to identify the real bottle neck. In many cases this is simply the backend, there is usually much more to win with much less effort. Always keep that in mind. UI Code optimization is ridiculous as long as the main backend call runs for say 3s.
Things to improve your UI performance might be:
serve SAPUI5 from a CDN
use a Component-preload, can be generated with grunt-openui5 or gulp-ui5-preload (I think it does not minify XML yet so you could do that additionaly before creating Component-preload)
try to reduce the number of SAPUI5 libraries you are using
be aware of which SAPUI5 libraries you are NOT using and very consequently remove those (don't forget the dependencies section in Component metadata resp. manifest.json)
be aware that sap.ui.layout is a separate independent library (not registering it as such will result in a lot of extra requests)
if you use an ODataModel make sure you set useBatch to true (default in v2.ODataModel)
intelligently design your OData service (if you can influence it)
intelligently use $expands: sometimes it can make sense to preload $expand data on a parent binding that does not actually use it e.g. if you most probably need the data later on
think about bundling your app as native app and benefit from improved caching (Kapsel)
Check Performance: Speed Up Your App and Performance Issues
squeeze out some more bytes and save some requests by minifying/combining custom css or other resources if you have some
If you are generally interested in Web Performance I can recommend Steve Souders books.
I'm totally open for more ideas on SAPUI5 performance improvements! Anyone?
the best practice is to do it this way. The formatter allows you to receive an input and return output. The formatter function will be called in runtime and will be called for each of the rows which are displayed in your list. The reason that it will be called for each of the rows is because that you cannot grantee that the input will be the same for all of the rows in the list.
The concept of binding is to loop on your data model and update the UI accordingly. It is much better to use binding because a lot of reasons like: maintainability, performance, separate the data layer from the presentation layer, core optimizations and more.
I'm starting a new website, using CodeIgniter for the first time. In the views, there is PHP code written. I was thinking of completely separate the code from display, as I did few years ago using Smarty.
I found a template engine provided by CodeIgniter : http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/libraries/parser.html
But inside of the page, I found this note :
Note: CodeIgniter does not require you to use this class since using pure PHP in your view pages lets them run a little faster. However, some developers prefer to use a template engine if they work with designers who they feel would find some confusion working with PHP.
So, I wanted some help to choose the right thing. Should I use pure PHP ? What would be the advantage of using a template engine like this one, when the coding style is already MVC ? Would it be better to use Smarty, that I already know a little ?
The website will need to be very secure AND very fast, a lot of AJAX will be used (I was thinking to install a websocket as well, but there is no link to the current question).
Thanks for your help !
If you require your application to be fast, then you've been quite inspired in choosing Codeigniter, as it's a very lightweight framework and it's going to solve most speed concerns quite easily, when caching isn't involved.
There's a saying that you shouldn't scale unless you need to, and I think that it applies very well here. Unless you're displaying megabytes of data, I don't see how choosing a templating engine might harm the overall speed of your application. In the event that it does happen, you can always have a look at caching some responses/various other bits of information or third party solutions (i.e. Gearman) which may be overkill for now.
If you want to learn something new, go with the Codeigniter templating library; if you need to develop something fast, use the tools that you know best. As a matter of preference, I love Twig, and there is a CI implementation for it, called Twiggy: http://edmundask.github.io/codeigniter-twiggy/
As for security, I'd say it's not as robust as an enterprise level framework, like Symfony or ZF2, which place higher emphasis on that. They are more complete packages in themselves, and with caching, they perform super-fast, but they come with a higher learning curve.
Update: What I meant by the the idea that unless you're displaying huge amounts of data you shouldn't consider the speed of templating engines is that there will be a negligible effect on your page rendering speed. Don't imagine that it's something that a user would ever notice, as the order of 0.0x in execution time isn't noticeable. Take a look here for a comparison between SMARTY and Twig: http://umumble.com/blogs/php/249/
0.058 seconds of execution time for Smarty vs. 0.083 seconds of execution time for Twig. Templating engines always carry an overhead, their facility is that they make development easier, and it helps out when working with designers.
If you want to go with a templating engine, I suggest Twig. http://twig.sensiolabs.org/
I've been asking myself this question for quite a while. Maybe someone has already done some digging (or is involved in WP) to know the answer.
I'm talking about storing objects from WP-functions in PHP variables, for the duration of a page load, e.g. to avoid having to query the database twice for the same result set.
I don't mean caching in the sense of pre-rendering dynamic pages and saving them in HTML format for faster retrieval.
Quite a few "template tags" (Wordpress functions) may be used multiple times in a theme during one page load. When a theme or plugin calls such a function, does WP run a database query every time to retrieve the necessary data, and does it parse this data every time to return the desired object?
Or, does the function store the its result in a PHP variable the first time it runs, and checks if it already exists before it queries the database or parses?
Examples include:
...but also such important functions as bloginfo() or wp_nav_menu().
Of course, it wouldn't make much sense to cache any and all queries like post-related ones. But for the above examples (there are more), I believe it would.
So far, I've been caching these generic functions myself when a theme required the same function to be called more than once on a page, by writing my own functions or classes and caching in global or static variables. I don't see why I should add to the server load by running the exact same generic query more than a single time.
Does this sort of caching already exist in Wordpress?
Yes, for some queries and functions. See WP Object Cache. The relevant functions are wp_cache_get, wp_cache_set, wp_cache_add, and wp_cache_delete. You can find these functions being used in many places through the WordPress code to do exactly what you are describing.
What are some of the common and notable performance issues/bottlenecks that are typically encountered in a web application in both, the front-end layer, and the back-end layer?
An example of what I mean in a database is not having something you are querying on be an index. That would slow down the query. On the front-end it might be something funky going on with JavaScript that makes your application seem slow.
What are the general rules of thumb that help navigate such issues? And what are some good to-do's?
On front-end:
-push all of your assets - css files, images, static content - to a CDN. Edgecast is pretty good and reasonably priced.
-don't use load entire javascript frameworks when you only need a few features from it. only load what's needed.
On back-end
-memcache the results from all database calls by using a hash of the sql query as the key name, and the result set as the value
-make sure you are not making your database tables really 'wide' - tons of columns and column types like 'text' and 'blob'
For the front-end, there are well-known guidelines/rules you can follow, and there are some great tools like YSlow that can help you pinpoint the bottlenecks.
For the back-end, as you've noted, efficient use of indexes is a must. Other optimizations usually involve caching, and basic stuff like avoiding doing stuff within loops that can be done once. I'm sure people here will have suggestions, but remember "premature optimization is the root of all evil!" :-)
Millhouse is on to it. I can also add:
Batch expensive operations up. For example: don't make lots of individual calls to a database if you can do it all in one hit.
Avoid server hops where you can.
Process in parallel if you can (not so common for your 'average' web app but quite possible in larger Enterprise scale apps).
Pre-process: crunching data, pre-puiblishing content etc, the more you can do before it's needed the better.
Use a CQRS-based architecture. CQRS stands for Command/Query Responsability Segregation; it basically means that you have different code (services) for reading from the DB and writing to the DB. A good practice for scalability is to have separate DB's for reading and writing (it actually does make sense, if you read more about CQRS), and you can scale out the reading database by having copies run on multiple servers.
CQRS is not only interesting from a scalability point of view, but also from a code maintenance and clarity point of view. It does take some effort to learn about CQRS and understand it, though.
Check out these links:
convert dynamic contents to static contents. regenerate those static contents if their dependent objects changed. I saw one article said that more than 80 percent contents are static on Amazon website.