implementing stochastic ACO algorithm - algorithm

I am trying to implement a stochastic ant colony optimisation algorithm, and I'm having trouble working out how to implement movement choices based on probabilities.
the standard (greedy) version that I have implemented so far is that an ant m at a vertex i on a graph G = (V,E) where E is the set of edges (i, j), will choose the next vertex j based on the following criteria:
j = argmax(<fitness function for j>)
such that j is connected to i
the problem I am having is in trying to implement a stochastic version of this, so that now the criteria for choosing a new vertex, j is:
P(j) = <fitness function for j>/sum(<fitness function for J>)
where P(j) is the probability of choosing vertex j,
such j is connected to i,
and J is the set of all vertices connected to i
I understand the mathematics behind it, I am just having trouble working out how i should actually implement it.
if, say, i have 3 vertices connected to i, each with a probability of 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 - what is the best way to make the selection? should I just randomly select a vertex j, then generate a random number r in the range (0,1) and if r >= P(j), select vertex j? or is there a better way?

Looking at the problem statement, I think you are not trying to visit all nodes (connected to i (say) ), but some of the nodes based on some probability distribution. Lets take an example:
You have a node i and connected to it are 5 nodes, a1...a5, with probabilities p1...p5, such that sum(p_i) = 1. No, say the precision of probabilities that you consider is 2 places after decimal. Also, you dont want to visit all 5 nodes, but only k of them. Lets say, in this example, k = 2. So, since 2 places of decimal is your probability precision, add 3 to it to increase normality of probability distribution in the random function. (You can change this 3 to any number of your choice, as far as performance is concerned) (Since you have not tagged any language, I'll take example of java's nextInt() function to generate random numbers.)
Lets give some values:
p1...p5 = {0.17, 0.11, 0.45, 0.03, 0.24}
Now, in a loop from 1 to k, generate a random number from (0...10^5). {5 = 2 + 3, ie. precision + 3}. If the generated number is from 0 to 16999, go with node a1, 17000 to 27999, go with a2, 28000 to 72999, go with a3...and so on. You get the idea.

What you're trying to implement is a weighted random choice depending on the probabilities for the components of the solution, or a random proportional selection rule on ACO terms. Here is an snippet of the implementation of this rule on the Isula Framework:
double value = random.nextDouble();
while (componentWithProbabilitiesIterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<C, Double> componentWithProbability = componentWithProbabilitiesIterator
Double probability = componentWithProbability.getValue();
total += probability;
if (total >= value) {
nextNode = componentWithProbability.getKey();
return true;
You just need to generate a random value between 0 and 1 (stored in value), and start accumulating the probabilities of the components (on the total variable). When the total exceeds the threshold defined in value, we have found the component to add to the solution.


Generate random graph with probability p

Write a function in main.cpp, which creates a random graph of a certain size as follows. The function takes two parameters. The first parameter is the number of vertices n. The second parameter p (1 >= p >= 0) is the probability that an edge exists between a pair of nodes. In particular, after instantiating a graph with n vertices and 0 edges, go over all possible vertex pairs one by one, and for each such pair, put an edge between the vertices with probability p.
How to know if an edge exists between two vertices .
Here is the full question
PS: I don't need the code implementation
The problem statement clearly says that the first input parameter is the number of nodes and the second parameter is the probability p that an edge exists between any 2 nodes.
What you need to do is as follows (Updated to amend a mistake that was pointed out by #user17732522):
1- Create a bool matrix (2d nested array) of size n*n initialized with false.
2- Run a loop over the rows:
- Run an inner loop over the columns:
- if row_index != col_index do:
- curr_p = random() // random() returns a number between 0 and 1 inclusive
- if curr_p <= p: set matrix[row_index][col_index] = true
else: set matrix[row_index][col_index] = false
- For an undirected graph, also set matrix[col_index][row_index] = true/false based on curr_p
Note: Since we are setting both cells (both directions) in the matrix in case of a probability hit, we could potentially set an edge 2 times. This doesn't corrupt the correctnes of the probability and isn't much additional work. It helps to keep the code clean.
If you want to optimize this solution, you could run the loop such that you only visit the lower-left triangle (excluding the diagonal) and just mirror the results you get for those cells to the upper-right triangle.
That's it.

Finding a perfect matching in graphs

I have this question :
Airline company has N different planes and T pilots. Every pilot has a list of planes he can fly. Every flight needs 2 pilots. The company want to have as much flights simultaneously as possible. Find an algorithm that finds if you can have all the flights simultaneously.
This is the solution I thought about is finding max flow on this graph:
I am just not sure what the capacity should be. Can you help me with that?
Great idea to find the max flow.
For each edge from source --> pilot, assign a capacity of 1. Each pilot can only fly one plane at a time since they are running simultaneously.
For each edge from pilot --> plane, assign a capacity of 1. If this edge is filled with flow of 1, it represents that the given pilot is flying that plane.
For each edge from plane --> sink, assign a capacity of 2. This represents that each plane must be supplied by exactly 2 pilots.
Now, find a maximum flow. If the resulting maximum flow is two times the number of planes, then it's possible to satisfy the constraints. In this case, the edges between planes and pilots that are at capacity represent the matching.
The other answer is fine but you don't really need to involve flow as this can be reduced just as well to ordinary maximum bipartite matching:
For each plane, add another auxiliary plane to the plane partition with edges to the same pilots as the first plane.
Find a maximum bipartite matching M.
The answer is now true if and only if M = 2 N.
If you like, you can think of this as saying that each plane needs a pilot and a co-pilot, and the two vertices associated to each plane now represents those two roles.
The reduction to maximum bipartite matching is linear time, so using e.g. the Hopcroft–Karp algorithm to find the matching, you can solve the problem in O(|E| √|V|) where E is the number of edges between the partitions, and V = T + N.
In practice, the improvement over using a maximum flow based approach should depend on the quality of your implementations as well as the particular choice of representation of the graph, but chances are that you're better off this way.
Implementation example
To illustrate the last point, let's give an idea of how the two reductions could look in practice. One representation of a graph that's often useful due to its built-in memory locality is that of a CSR matrix, so let us assume that the input is such a matrix, whose rows correspond to the planes, and whose columns correspond to the pilots.
We will use the Python library SciPy which comes with algorithms for both maximum bipartite matching and maximum flow, and which works with CSR matrix representations for graphs under the hood.
In the algorithm given above, we will then need to construct the biadjacency matrix of the graph with the additional vertices added. This is nothing but the result of stacking the input matrix on top of itself, which is straightforward to phrase in terms of the CSR data structures: Following Wikipedia's notation, COL_INDEX should just be repeated, and ROW_INDEX should be replaced with ROW_INDEX concatenated with a copy of ROW_INDEX in which all elements are increased by the final element of ROW_INDEX.
In SciPy, a complete implementation which answers yes or no to the problem in OP would look as follows:
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import maximum_bipartite_matching
def reduce_to_max_matching(a):
i, j = a.shape
data = np.ones(a.nnz * 2, dtype=bool)
indices = np.concatenate([a.indices, a.indices])
indptr = np.concatenate([a.indptr, a.indptr[1:] + a.indptr[-1]])
graph = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(2*i, j))
return (maximum_bipartite_matching(graph) != -1).sum() == 2 * i
In the maximum flow approach given by #HeatherGuarnera's answer, we will need to set up the full adjacency matrix of the new graph. This is also relatively straightforward; the input matrix will appear as a certain submatrix of the adjacency matrix, and we need to add a row for the source vertex and a column for the target. The example section of the documentation for SciPy's max flow solver actually contains an illustration of what this looks like in practice. Adopting this, a complete solution looks as follows:
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import maximum_flow
def reduce_to_max_flow(a):
i, j = a.shape
n = a.nnz
data = np.concatenate([2*np.ones(i, dtype=int), np.ones(n + j, dtype=int)])
indices = np.concatenate([np.arange(1, i + 1),
a.indices + i + 1,
np.repeat(i + j + 1, j)])
indptr = np.concatenate([[0],
a.indptr + i,
np.arange(n + i + 1, n + i + j + 1),
[n + i + j]])
graph = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(2+i+j, 2+i+j))
flow = maximum_flow(graph, 0, graph.shape[0]-1)
return flow.flow_value == 2*i
Let us compare the timings of the two approaches on a single example consisting of 40 planes and 100 pilots, on a graph whose edge density is 0.1:
from scipy.sparse import random
inp = random(40, 100, density=.1, format='csr', dtype=bool)
%timeit reduce_to_max_matching(inp) # 191 µs ± 3.57 µs per loop
%timeit reduce_to_max_flow(inp) # 1.29 ms ± 20.1 µs per loop
The matching-based approach is faster, but not by a crazy amount. On larger problems, we'll start to see the advantages of using matching instead; with 400 planes and 1000 pilots:
inp = random(400, 1000, density=.1, format='csr', dtype=bool)
%timeit reduce_to_max_matching(inp) # 473 µs ± 5.52 µs per loop
%timeit reduce_to_max_flow(inp) # 68.9 ms ± 555 µs per loop
Again, this exact comparison relies on the use of specific predefined solvers from SciPy and how those are implemented, but if nothing else, this hints that simpler is better.

What data structure is conducive to discrete sampling? [duplicate]

Recently I needed to do weighted random selection of elements from a list, both with and without replacement. While there are well known and good algorithms for unweighted selection, and some for weighted selection without replacement (such as modifications of the resevoir algorithm), I couldn't find any good algorithms for weighted selection with replacement. I also wanted to avoid the resevoir method, as I was selecting a significant fraction of the list, which is small enough to hold in memory.
Does anyone have any suggestions on the best approach in this situation? I have my own solutions, but I'm hoping to find something more efficient, simpler, or both.
One of the fastest ways to make many with replacement samples from an unchanging list is the alias method. The core intuition is that we can create a set of equal-sized bins for the weighted list that can be indexed very efficiently through bit operations, to avoid a binary search. It will turn out that, done correctly, we will need to only store two items from the original list per bin, and thus can represent the split with a single percentage.
Let's us take the example of five equally weighted choices, (a:1, b:1, c:1, d:1, e:1)
To create the alias lookup:
Normalize the weights such that they sum to 1.0. (a:0.2 b:0.2 c:0.2 d:0.2 e:0.2) This is the probability of choosing each weight.
Find the smallest power of 2 greater than or equal to the number of variables, and create this number of partitions, |p|. Each partition represents a probability mass of 1/|p|. In this case, we create 8 partitions, each able to contain 0.125.
Take the variable with the least remaining weight, and place as much of it's mass as possible in an empty partition. In this example, we see that a fills the first partition. (p1{a|null,1.0},p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8) with (a:0.075, b:0.2 c:0.2 d:0.2 e:0.2)
If the partition is not filled, take the variable with the most weight, and fill the partition with that variable.
Repeat steps 3 and 4, until none of the weight from the original partition need be assigned to the list.
For example, if we run another iteration of 3 and 4, we see
(p1{a|null,1.0},p2{a|b,0.6},p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8) with (a:0, b:0.15 c:0.2 d:0.2 e:0.2) left to be assigned
At runtime:
Get a U(0,1) random number, say binary 0.001100000
bitshift it lg2(p), finding the index partition. Thus, we shift it by 3, yielding 001.1, or position 1, and thus partition 2.
If the partition is split, use the decimal portion of the shifted random number to decide the split. In this case, the value is 0.5, and 0.5 < 0.6, so return a.
Here is some code and another explanation, but unfortunately it doesn't use the bitshifting technique, nor have I actually verified it.
A simple approach that hasn't been mentioned here is one proposed in Efraimidis and Spirakis. In python you could select m items from n >= m weighted items with strictly positive weights stored in weights, returning the selected indices, with:
import heapq
import math
import random
def WeightedSelectionWithoutReplacement(weights, m):
elt = [(math.log(random.random()) / weights[i], i) for i in range(len(weights))]
return [x[1] for x in heapq.nlargest(m, elt)]
This is very similar in structure to the first approach proposed by Nick Johnson. Unfortunately, that approach is biased in selecting the elements (see the comments on the method). Efraimidis and Spirakis proved that their approach is equivalent to random sampling without replacement in the linked paper.
Here's what I came up with for weighted selection without replacement:
def WeightedSelectionWithoutReplacement(l, n):
"""Selects without replacement n random elements from a list of (weight, item) tuples."""
l = sorted((random.random() * x[0], x[1]) for x in l)
return l[-n:]
This is O(m log m) on the number of items in the list to be selected from. I'm fairly certain this will weight items correctly, though I haven't verified it in any formal sense.
Here's what I came up with for weighted selection with replacement:
def WeightedSelectionWithReplacement(l, n):
"""Selects with replacement n random elements from a list of (weight, item) tuples."""
cuml = []
total_weight = 0.0
for weight, item in l:
total_weight += weight
cuml.append((total_weight, item))
return [cuml[bisect.bisect(cuml, random.random()*total_weight)] for x in range(n)]
This is O(m + n log m), where m is the number of items in the input list, and n is the number of items to be selected.
I'd recommend you start by looking at section 3.4.2 of Donald Knuth's Seminumerical Algorithms.
If your arrays are large, there are more efficient algorithms in chapter 3 of Principles of Random Variate Generation by John Dagpunar. If your arrays are not terribly large or you're not concerned with squeezing out as much efficiency as possible, the simpler algorithms in Knuth are probably fine.
It is possible to do Weighted Random Selection with replacement in O(1) time, after first creating an additional O(N)-sized data structure in O(N) time. The algorithm is based on the Alias Method developed by Walker and Vose, which is well described here.
The essential idea is that each bin in a histogram would be chosen with probability 1/N by a uniform RNG. So we will walk through it, and for any underpopulated bin which would would receive excess hits, assign the excess to an overpopulated bin. For each bin, we store the percentage of hits which belong to it, and the partner bin for the excess. This version tracks small and large bins in place, removing the need for an additional stack. It uses the index of the partner (stored in bucket[1]) as an indicator that they have already been processed.
Here is a minimal python implementation, based on the C implementation here
def prep(weights):
data_sz = len(weights)
factor = data_sz/float(sum(weights))
data = [[w*factor, i] for i,w in enumerate(weights)]
while big<data_sz and data[big][0]<=1.0: big+=1
for small,bucket in enumerate(data):
if bucket[1] is not small: continue
excess = 1.0 - bucket[0]
while excess > 0:
if big==data_sz: break
bucket[1] = big
bucket = data[big]
bucket[0] -= excess
excess = 1.0 - bucket[0]
if (excess >= 0):
while big<data_sz and data[big][0]<=1: big+=1
return data
def sample(data):
idx = int(r)
return data[idx][1] if r-idx > data[idx][0] else idx
Example usage:
weights = [20,1.5,9.8,10,15,10,15.5,10,8,.2];
samples = [0]*len(weights)
data = prep(weights)
for _ in range(int(sum(weights)*TRIALS)):
result = [float(s)/TRIALS for s in samples]
err = [a-b for a,b in zip(result,weights)]
print([round(e,5) for e in err])
print(sum([e*e for e in err]))
The following is a description of random weighted selection of an element of a
set (or multiset, if repeats are allowed), both with and without replacement in O(n) space
and O(log n) time.
It consists of implementing a binary search tree, sorted by the elements to be
selected, where each node of the tree contains:
the element itself (element)
the un-normalized weight of the element (elementweight), and
the sum of all the un-normalized weights of the left-child node and all of
its children (leftbranchweight).
the sum of all the un-normalized weights of the right-child node and all of
its chilren (rightbranchweight).
Then we randomly select an element from the BST by descending down the tree. A
rough description of the algorithm follows. The algorithm is given a node of
the tree. Then the values of leftbranchweight, rightbranchweight,
and elementweight of node is summed, and the weights are divided by this
sum, resulting in the values leftbranchprobability,
rightbranchprobability, and elementprobability, respectively. Then a
random number between 0 and 1 (randomnumber) is obtained.
if the number is less than elementprobability,
remove the element from the BST as normal, updating leftbranchweight
and rightbranchweight of all the necessary nodes, and return the
else if the number is less than (elementprobability + leftbranchweight)
recurse on leftchild (run the algorithm using leftchild as node)
recurse on rightchild
When we finally find, using these weights, which element is to be returned, we either simply return it (with replacement) or we remove it and update relevant weights in the tree (without replacement).
DISCLAIMER: The algorithm is rough, and a treatise on the proper implementation
of a BST is not attempted here; rather, it is hoped that this answer will help
those who really need fast weighted selection without replacement (like I do).
This is an old question for which numpy now offers an easy solution so I thought I would mention it. Current version of numpy is version 1.2 and numpy.random.choice allows the sampling to be done with or without replacement and with given weights.
Suppose you want to sample 3 elements without replacement from the list ['white','blue','black','yellow','green'] with a prob. distribution [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.2]. Using numpy.random module it is as easy as this:
import numpy.random as rnd
sampling_size = 3
domain = ['white','blue','black','yellow','green']
probs = [.1, .2, .4, .1, .2]
sample = rnd.choice(domain, size=sampling_size, replace=False, p=probs)
# in short: rnd.choice(domain, sampling_size, False, probs)
# Possible output: ['white' 'black' 'blue']
Setting the replace flag to True, you have a sampling with replacement.
More info here:
We faced a problem to randomly select K validators of N candidates once per epoch proportionally to their stakes. But this gives us the following problem:
Imagine probabilities of each candidate:
Probabilities of each candidate after 1'000'000 selections 2 of 3 without replacement became:
You should know, those original probabilities are not achievable for 2 of 3 selection without replacement.
But we wish initial probabilities to be a profit distribution probabilities. Else it makes small candidate pools more profitable. So we realized that random selection with replacement would help us – to randomly select >K of N and store also weight of each validator for reward distribution:
std::vector<int> validators;
std::vector<int> weights(n);
int totalWeights = 0;
for (int j = 0; validators.size() < m; j++) {
int value = rand() % likehoodsSum;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (value < likehoods[i]) {
if (weights[i] == 0) {
value -= likehoods[i];
It gives an almost original distribution of rewards on millions of samples:

Discrete optimization algorithm

I'm trying to decide on the best approach for my problem, which is as follows:
I have a set of objects (about 3k-5k) which I want to uniquely assign to about 10 groups (1 group per object).
Each object has a set of grades corresponding with how well it fits within each group.
Each group has a capacity of objects it can manage (the constraints).
My goal is to maximize the sum of grades my assignments receive.
For example, let's say I have 3 objects (o1, o2, o3) and 2 groups (g1,g2) with a cap. of 1 object each.
Now assume the grades are:
o1: g1=11, g2=8
o2: g1=10, g2=5
o3: g1=5, g2=6
In that case, for the optimal result g1 should receive o2, and g2 should receive o1, yielding a total of 10+8=18 points.
Note that the number of objects can either exceed the sum of quotas (e.g. leaving o3 as a "leftover") or fall short from filling the quotas.
How should I address this problem (Traveling Salesman, sort of a weighted Knap-Sack etc.)? How long should brute-forcing it take on a regular computer? Are there any standard tools such as the linprog function in Matlab that support this sort of problem?
It can be solved with min cost flow algorithm.
The graph can look the following way:
It should be bipartite. The left part represents objects(one vertex for each object). The right part represents groups(one vertex for each group). There is an edge from each vertex from the left part to each vertex from the right part with capacity = 1 and cost = -grade for this pair. There is also an edge from the source vertex to each vertex from the left part with capacity = 1 and cost = 0 and there is an edge from each vertex from the right part to the sink vertex(sink and source are two additional vertices) with capacity = constraints for this group and cost = 0.
The answer is -the cheapest flow cost from the source to the sink.
It is possible to implement it with O(N^2 * M * log(N + M)) time complexity(using Dijkstra algorithm with potentials)(N is the number of objects, M is the number of groups).
This can be solved with an integer program. Binary variables x_{ij} state if object i is assigned to group j. The objective maximized \sum_{i,j} s_{ij}x_{ij}, where s_{ij} is the score associated with assigning i to j and x_{ij} is whether i is assigned to j. You have two types of constraints:
\sum_i x_{ij} <= c_j for all j, the capacity constraints for groups
\sum_j x_{ij} <= 1 for all i, limiting objects to be assigned to at most one group
Here's how you would implement it in R -- the lp function in R is quite similar to the linprog function in matlab.
# Score matrix
S <- matrix(c(11, 10, 5, 8, 5, 6), nrow=3)
# Capacity vector
cvec <- c(1, 1)
# Helper function to construct constraint matrices
unit.vec <- function(pos, n) {
ret <- rep(0, n)
ret[pos] <- 1
# Capacity constraints
cap <- t(sapply(1:ncol(S), function(j) rep(unit.vec(j, ncol(S)), nrow(S))))
# Object assignment constraints
obj <- t(sapply(1:nrow(S), function(i) rep(unit.vec(i, nrow(S)), each=ncol(S))))
# Solve the LP
res <- lp(direction="max",,
const.mat=rbind(cap, obj),
const.rhs=c(cvec, rep(1, nrow(S))),
# Grab assignments and objective
sln <- t(matrix(res$solution, nrow=ncol(S)))
apply(sln, 1, function(x) ifelse(sum(x) > 0.999, which(x == 1), NA))
# [1] 2 1 NA
# [1] 18
Although this is modeled with binary variables, it will solve quite efficiently assuming integral capacities.

Combinatorial Optimization - Variation on Knapsack

Here is a real-world combinatorial optimization problem.
We are given a large set of value propositions for a certain product. The value propositions are of different types but each type is independent and adds equal benefit to the overall product. In building the product, we can include any non-negative integer number of "units" of each type. However, after adding the first unit of a certain type, the marginal benefit of additional units of that type continually decreases. In fact, the marginal benefit of a new unit is the inverse of the number of units of that type, after adding the new unit. Our product must have a least one unit of some type, and there is a small correction that we must make to the overall value because of this requirement.
Let T[] be an array representing the number of each type in a certain production run of the product. Then the overall value V is given by (pseudo code):
V = 1
For Each t in T
V = V * (t + 1)
Next t
V = V - 1 // correction
On cost side, units of the same type have the same cost. But units of different types each have unique, irrational costs. The number of types is large, but we are given an array of type costs C[] that is sorted from smallest to largest. Let's further assume that the type quantity array T[] is also sorted by cost from smallest to largest. Then the overall cost U is simply the sum of each unit cost:
U = 0
For i = 0, i < NumOfValueTypes
U = U + T[i] * C[i]
Next i
So far so good. So here is the problem: Given product P with value V and cost U, find the product Q with the cost U' and value V', having the minimal U' such that U' > U, V'/U' > V/U.
The problem you've described is nonlinear integer programming problem because it contains a product of integer variables t. Its feasibility set is not closed because of strict inequalities which can be worked around by using non-strict inequalities and adding a small positive number (epsilon) to the right hand sides. Then the problem can be formulated in AMPL as follows:
set Types;
param Costs{Types}; # C
param GivenProductValue; # V
param GivenProductCost; # U
param Epsilon;
var units{Types} integer >= 0; # T
var productCost = sum {t in Types} units[t] * Costs[t];
minimize cost: productCost;
s.t. greaterCost: productCost >= GivenProductCost + Epsilon;
s.t. greaterValuePerCost:
prod {t in Types} (units[t] + 1) - 1 >=
productCost * GivenProductValue / GivenProductCost + Epsilon;
This problem can be solved using a nonlinear integer programming solver such as Couenne.
Honestly I don't think there is an easy way to solve this. The best thing would be to write the system and solve it with a solver ( Excel solver will do the tricks, but you can use Ampl to solve this non lienar program.)
The Program:
Define: U;
Variables: T=[t1,t2,];
Objective Function: SUM(
For all i: ti integer
SUM( > U
(PROD(ti+1)-1).U > V.SUM(
It works well with excel, (you just replace >U by >=U+d where d is the significative number of the costs- (i.e if C=[1.1, 1.8, 3.0, 9.3] d =0.1) since excel doesn't allow stric inequalities in the solver.)
I guess with a real solver like Ampl it will work perfectly.
Hope it helps,
