Place a block of HTML above the Megamenu in Joomla! 3.4.0 Purity_III template - joomla

I need to place a block of HTML above the Megamenu. This block of HTML occupies the whole horizontal space above the Megamenu. I am using Joomla! 3.4.0 and the Purity_III template.
Anyone here can please tell how this can be done?

I have tried to modify the file:
I added the following code after the code <div class='container'>:
<div style='margin-bottom: 10px; font-family: arial; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 20px;'>
Indeed, this writes above the megamenu, but then the megamenu starts appearing hover the text of the site.
Yes, I know I have to write CSS code. The question is I don't know what to write!
The file header.php is a custom file for the purity template. I didn't write it myself.


Wkhtmltopdf Snappy - Set Page Borders for all Pages

I am using Laravel-Snappy for generating pdfs with wkhtmltpdf. I want to add a border in all pages that are created in the pdf file. At the moment, I have added this to the css:
body.pdf {
border: 1px solid #000;
My pdf html is like this:
<title>{{ $title }}</title>
<body class="pdf">
With the above css, the border shows fine if it is a single page pdf. However, when it has multiple pages, the border breaks at the bottom of the first page and no more border shows from page 2 onwards after the page-break. I also read the documentation and I dont think there is an feature to add borders using setOption().
Is there a way to resolve it so the border appears in all pages when pdf is generated?
Please take look at here, you can find all available options available including border.
You didn't mentioned how you used page break.
I am using this way
page-break-after: always;
page-break-inside: avoid;
Working fine for me

where to put shadowbox modal CSS in SASS SMACSS

i am new to SMACSS. i am using sass and i want to import the shadowbox modal css using SMACSS.
I am a bit confused as where to put the shadowbox.css file.I mean in BASE or somewhere else.
I read the documentation but it still is quite confusing.
please support.
Best way to add sub-class in MODULES for modal as you 'extend' parent module with extra features.
.modal-shadow {
box-shadow: 0 0 10px #000;
and use it in HTML like
<div class="modal modal-shadow">

IE8 doesnt display some images

I'm trying to edit a wordpress theme and I'm getting some problems with some images that just don't want to appear on IE8. Other versions of IE render the website as it should, but IE8 gives me this headache that I don't know how to cure.
Please take a look.
I really don't have any clues why this is happening.
The problem is caused by the images having this CSS rule:
max-width: 100%;
To fix it, you can remove that rule altogether if you don't actually need it, remove it just for Internet Explorer 8 (see this question), or add these two CSS rules to the parent a tag:
display: block;
width: 300px;
You have issue with your CSS on IE8. Try adding "width:30%;" on the div that holds the image something like this:
<div class="hentry post publish post-1 odd author-admin category-oferte-pelerinaje" id="post-32">
<div style="float: left; width: 30%;">
<A title="Pelerinaj la Schitul Sfantului Ierarh Modest – Judetul Arges" href=""><IMG class="archive-thumbnail featured" alt="Pelerinaj la Schitul Sfantului Ierarh Modest – Judetul Arges" src="" width=300 height=225></A>

Image in jQuery Mobile Header

I am trying to add an image in the header of my jQuery Mobile based web page.
I want the image to be aligned to the right edge and using CSS for this purpose. But the results are not satisfactory.
(Problem*)There is a big gap between the image and the edge and it is also not aligned with the header text.
Here is the header code:
<header data-role='header'><h1>My App<img src="my_logo.png" alt="Low resolution logo"class="align-right"/></h1></header>
and here is the CSS code for class align-right:
margin-right: 5px;
No need to add custom styling or such. Jquery-Mobile already has built-in solutions for this. Just add the class 'ui-btn-left' or 'ui-btn-right' to your image (as if it were a button) and you're all set.
<header data-role="header">
<h1>My App</h1>
<img src="my_logo.png" class="ui-btn-right" />
I know the question has been asked way before, but I figured this might help those who are still looking for solutions. Besides, the question wasn't set as answered.
Based on your code example, you need a space between the alt attribute and the class attribute.
You have:
alt="Low resolution logo"class="align-right"
Should be:
alt="Low resolution logo" class="align-right"
Also, it is probably better to not have the <img /> tag inside of your <h1> element.
Check out the docs for more information on custom headers:
Something like this should work:
body{ margin: 0; }
.align-right{ float:right; margin-right: 0px;}
<div data-role='header'><h1>My App<img src="my_logo.png" alt="Low resolution logo"class="align-right"/></h1></div>
In my case, I was using a link as a button in my Header, and I wanted the same results where the image would show in the top right corner. I also wanted additional attributes added to the image such as no text, no corners, no disc, etc. Using ui-btn-right alone broke those other attributes. The fix was to include both ui-btn and ui-btn-right to the class, as shown below:

Magento topSearch doesn't work in template

I want to take topSearch from the header and copy it to a content page, so I cut from header.phtml and added to 3columns.phtml:
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('topSearch'); ?>
It doesn't work, though. Any ideas?
I found solution for change the search bar position header to top links.
go to:-
replace this code
reference name="header"
with this
reference name=""
Changes css according to your design.
it woks for me
margin-left: 899px;
margin-top: 8px;
position: absolute;
add the above css
let the search box on the header itself
just using the absolute property you can play to display its position
contact me on my email for furthur help.
Suraj Mishra
Magento Extension Developer
