How do I center a textbox inside a panel in visual studio? - visual-studio

When I set the textbox's anchor to top,bottom,left,right the textbox still stays on the top. I don't understand, this seems to work for labels and buttons. I kinda need this anchor property for it to adapt well to a form resize.
I'm sorry if I'm missing something incredibly obvious.

If I understand your question, you want a single line textbox to appear centered vertically and horizontally in your form. Still without showing more than one line. In this case you could set just the Anchor Left and Right property to have you textbox centered horizontally on the form, but for the vertical position you need to work with code adjusting the Iop property of the textbox in the Resize event of the form
For example, after the call to InitializeCompoment of your form you could add the following code to center your textbox (C# but easily convertible to VB.NET)
textBox1.Left = 10;
textBox1.Width = yourForm.ClientSize.Width - 20;
textBox1.Top = (yourForm.ClientSize.Height / 2) - yourForm.Height / 2;
textBox1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
and then add the event handler for the resize event of your form where you could call again the vertical repositioning of the textbox
protected void yourForm_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox1.Top = (this.ClientSize.Height / 2) - textBox1.Height / 2;


move TRectangle with mouse (FMX, Win32)

I have an FMX form with a TLayout on it aligned to client. On the TLayout I have a TRectangle. I can move the TRectangle easily with the following code in a button click event:
Rectangle1->Position->X = Rectangle1->Position->X + 10;
Is there a clean way for me to do this (move the rectangle) with the mouse? Like click on the Rectangle and move it around to a new location? I'm just playing around trying to make a little drawing program to learn....
Using C++Builder 10.2 Version 25.0.29899.2631 and building in Win32.
UPDATE: I took Hans approach and ended up making it work nicely. I've added the full code as an answer below. Yay!
A way to drag components is to store the offset between the mouse position and the control position on mouse down, then use this offset to calculate the position of the control in the mouse move event.
In semi-pseudo code it would look like this:
Add the following to your TForm class:
fMouseIsDown: boolean;
fMouseDownOffset: TPointF;
procedure OnRectangleMouseDown(X,Y)
fMouseIsDown := true;
fMouseDownOffset := PointF(Rectangle.Position.X-X, Rectangle.Position.Y-Y)
procedure OnRectangleMouseMove(X,Y)
if fMouseIsDown then
Rectangle.Position.X := X+fMouseDownOffset.X;
Rectangle.Position.Y := Y+fMouseDownOffset.Y;
procedure OnRectangleMouseUp(X,Y);
fMouseIsDown := false;
Here is the complete code needed to left-click on and move a TRectangle on an FMX form in Win32 (haven't tried it on mobile yet). Just create a new FireMonkey multi-device application and put a TRectangle and a TButton on it.
Code to add to the forms's class declaration (in the .h file just under class TForm1 : public TForm {):
bool fMouseIsDown; // gets set to TRUE when left mouse click on the rectangle
TPointF fMousePosGlobal; // this is the mouses position relative to the screen
TPointF fMousePosForm; // this is the mouse pos relative to the form
TPointF captionOffset; // this is a small offset necessary since the form's TOP and LEFT are outside of form's client area due to caption bar and left edge of form
TPointF fMouseInRectAtClick; // this is the mouse pos relative to the rectangle (top left of rectangle is 0,0)
Code to add to the rectangle's Rectangle1MouseDown event:
if (Button == 0) { // 0 for left mb, 1 for right mb
fMouseIsDown = true;
fMouseInRectAtClick.X = X; //mouse pos with respect to rectangle at time of click
fMouseInRectAtClick.Y = Y;
Code to add to the rectangle's Rectangle1MouseMove event (add to the form's FormMouseMove too or sometimes you lose the rectangle on a fast drag):
fMousePosGlobal = Screen->MousePos(); //mouse global pos
fMousePosForm.X = fMousePosGlobal.X - Form1->Left; // mouse pos relative to the form
fMousePosForm.Y = fMousePosGlobal.Y - Form1->Top;
if (fMouseIsDown) {
Form1->Rectangle1->Position->X = fMousePosForm.X - captionOffset.X - fMouseInRectAtClick.X;
Form1->Rectangle1->Position->Y = fMousePosForm.Y - captionOffset.Y - fMouseInRectAtClick.Y;
Code to add to the Rectangle1MouseUp event:
fMouseIsDown = false; // add this to the form's MouseUp too in case you "lose" the rectangle on a drag. That only happened when i forget to set the offsets.
Code to add to the Button's Button1Click event:
captionOffset.X = 8.0; // this accounts for the width of the form left edge
captionOffset.Y = 30.0; // this accounts for the height of the form caption
// if you don't add this your "drag point" on the rectangle will jump as soon as you start the drag.
Thanks to Hans for the direction to start!
Also, i noticed the drag wasn't smooth when moving across other controls. If this bothers you then you need to set those other controls "HitTest" false so they ignore it. Add TEdit boxes if you want to see all the TPointF coordinates as you move mouse and rectangle - helps a bunch when trying to figure out coordinates.

Xamarin Forms - How to animate show/hide of item in StackLayout?

I've got a Xamarin Forms cross-platform application (iOS and Android), and on one of the screens I want a list with details:
Heading 1
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Heading 2
Detail 1
Heading 3
Detail 1
Detail 2
As you can see, the amount of detail under each heading is variable.
I want the page to display at first with just the headings:
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
And then when the user presses on a heading, the details for that particular heading appear. Pretty standard stuff.
I've tried several different ways to get this to work, the only path that seems open to me is to have a StackLayout where I define a bunch of labels:
new StackLayout
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
Children =
new Label { Text = "Heading 1" },
new Label { Text = " Detail 1\n Detail 2\n Detail 3", IsVisible = false },
new Label { Text = "Heading 2" },
new Label { Text = " Detail 1", IsVisible = false },
new Label { Text = "Heading 3" },
new Label { Text = " Detail 1\n Detail 2", IsVisible = false }
I then add a TapGestureRecognizer to the heading labels, and when tapped I toggle the value of IsVisible for the detail labels. It works!
The only thing I don't like, is that there is no transition. I click on the heading label and BAM the detail label appears (correctly pushing down all the following labels to make space for itself). I would like an animation so that when I click on the header, the space beneath the header "slowly" opens up to reveal the detail.
As I read about animations online, one possibility is to set the HeightRequest of the detail labels to zero (instead of hiding them with IsVisible=false) and then creating an animation that "slowly" changes the HeightRequest from zero to the actual height of the label. And that's where I run into a problem.
I can't figure out how to get Xamarin to tell me the height of my "details" label.
If I inspect the Height and HeightRequest properties of my details label right after creating it, they are both -1 (no big surprise there). If I inspect those same two properties when I click on the heading, they are still -1. The only way I've found to get the height of my detail label, is to set the detail label visible, call ForceLayout() on my stack layout, store the detail label height, and then set the detail label invisible again. The problem with that is that I sometimes see the detail label flash visible for an instant while I do this.
What's the best/recommended way to accomplish my desired UI?
You can use the Animation API.
Read the blog about it - Creating Animations with Xamarin.Forms.
In particular for your scenario you can use the FadeTo method to animate the Opacity property of a Visual Element.
Eg :
await image.FadeTo (1, 4000);
For more information, see Animation.
In your case my suggested approach would be for showing a label, to set opacity of label to 0, then make it visible, and then use FadeTo to make the opacity to 1.
Use the opposite to hide the label, set opacity 0 via FadeTo, then set IsVisible to false.
If I understand right your problem the only thing you need is to avoid the flash on the label, if this is the case then you can set the Opacity to 0, in this way the label will not be visible until you set again the opacity to 1.
I can suggest you to make a custom XF control (to use as item DataTemplate) as follow:
2 vertical parts:
The header part (A) (when you click on it it will show the second part)
The second part is a 'Listview' control (B) that is empty at the beginning
When you click on (A):
it will show (B)
It will start to populate (B) with your details elements
The trick in my mind is to implement a method that populate the listview (B) item by item (getting them from your viewmodel) with some delay (a few milliseconds) between each insertion and maybe a 'fadeTo' effect too in the same time.
You can see here what I mean (see the "Fade" section):
Insert / fade list item effect sample in HTML
You can improve your template as you want, by embedding the two parts into a 'border' for instance, to make a graphical separation...
Tell me if it's unclear, all you need is time :)
And maybe if you are ready, you can try to make native controls / animations...

Is it possible to set the alignment of kendo datepicker's dropdown calendar in kendo grid with respect to the textbox

When the datatype is Date, the kendo grid uses a kendo datepicker with dropdown calendar for the column.
The datepicker's dropdown calendar usually aligns itself flush with the left edge of the input box. If there isn't room for that, it is moved to the left, but not quite enough. This presents a problem when the rightmost column in the grid is a Date, and the grid is occupying 100% of the width available on the screen: the Saturday column in the dropdown calendar gets "cut off". See pic attached.
Is it possible to tell the calendar dropdown (for a particular column) to align itself flush with the right edge of the text input?
I know that bug. Your datepicker animation container is hidden under right scrollbar. If you set body overflow to hidden, you will not have a scrollbars and calendar will fit and touch right border of screen, like in this example:
However if you can't turn off the body scrollbars you need to set calendar position manually dirty way like this:
open: function(e) {
//setTimeout to let kendo make k-animation-container element at first open
var animationContainer = $("#" + e.sender.element.attr("id") + "_dateview").parent();
var left = e.sender.element.offset().left + e.sender.element.closest('.k-datepicker').width() - animationContainer.width();
animationContainer.css('left', left);
//turnoff the animation to avoid strange visual effects
animation: {
open: {
duration: 0
Running example:

PopUp in Windows Phone 7

I want to use popUp element in windows phone (C#) to view a message on screen
I did the following:
popUpBanner = new Popup();
popUpBanner.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
popUpBanner.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
But the popup element appears in the top left of the screen .. not at the center
How can I solve this
In Windows Phone the Pop up is not a UserControl class. Instead of centering the popup you want to center the ui elements within the popup's child element...
To be more specific, I updated my code and hope it helps you.
First lets get the screen size(i.e. Width & Height)
var width = System.Windows.Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth;
var height = System.Windows.Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight;
Lets create a StackPanel, adding background color to it and re-sizing the StackPanel according to the device screen resolution.
StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel();
stackPanel.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
stackPanel.Height = height / 4;
stackPanel.Width = width / 2;
Finally Create a Popup and add it as a children to the StackPanel.
Popup Popup1 = new Popup();
Popup1.IsOpen = true;
You are done. Modify your StackPanel size according to your need, since you got the screen resolution here.

Set SWT Check/Radio Button Foreground color in Windows

This is not a duplicate of How to set SWT button foreground color?. It's more like a follow up. I wrote follow-up questions as comments, but did not get any responses, so I thought I'd try to put it up as a question, and hopefully some expert will see it.
As is pointed in the referenced question, windows native button widgets do not support setting the foreground color (in fact, after more further research (more like experiments), it's been revealed that setForeground() works under the Classic Theme, but not others).
The answer/suggestion given in the referenced question is a good one (a.k.a providing a paint listener and drawing over the text with the correct color). I gave it a whirl but ran into a world of problems trying to decide the coordinate at which to draw the text:
It appears that - in addition to SWT attributes like alignment etc. - Windows has some rather hard-to-figure-out rule of deciding the location of the text. What makes it worse is that the location appears to be dependent on the windows theme in effect. Since I need to draw the text exactly over the natively-drawn windows text in order to override the color, this is a huge problem.
Please, can someone provide some much-needed help here? It'd be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
On the same PaintListener you use to paint the coloured background, you have to calculate the position and draw the text. Here's how we do it here:
public void paintControl( PaintEvent event ) {
// Is the button enabled?
if ( !isEnabled() ) {
// Get button bounds.
Button button = (Button)event.widget;
int buttonWidth = button.getSize().x;
int buttonHeight = button.getSize().y;
// Get text bounds.
int textWidth = event.gc.textExtent( getText() ).x;
int textHeight = event.gc.textExtent( getText() ).y;
// Calculate text coordinates.
int textX = ( ( buttonWidth - textWidth ) / 2 );
int textY = ( ( buttonHeight - textHeight ) / 2 );
* If the mouse is clicked and is over the button, i.e. the button is 'down', the text must be
* moved a bit down and left.
* To control this, we add a MouseListener and a MouseMoveListener on our button.
* On the MouseListener, we change the mouseDown flag on the mouseDown and mouseUp methods.
* On the MouseMoveListener, we change the mouseOver flag on the mouseMove method.
if ( mouseDown && mouseOver ) {
// Draw the new text.
event.gc.drawText( getText(), textX, textY );
// If button has focus, draw the dotted border on it.
if ( isFocusControl() ) {
int[] dashes = { 1, 1 };
evento.gc.setLineDash( dashes );
evento.gc.drawRectangle( 3, 3, buttonWidth - 8, buttonHeight - 8 );
In the end, I decided to implement it as a custom Composite with a checkbox/radio button and a label. Not ideal, but I'll have to make do.
