Installing cosmos-gui - user-interface

Can you help me with installing cosmos-gui? I think you are one of the developers behind cosmos? Am I right?
We have already installed Cosmos, and now we want to install cosmos-gui.
In the link below, I found the install guide:
Under subchapter “Prerequisites” is written
A couple of sudoer users, one within the storage cluster and another one wihtin the computing clusters, are required. Through these users, the cosmos-gui will remotely run certain administration commands such as new users creation, HDFS userspaces provision, etc. The access through these sudoer users will be authenticated by means of private keys.
What is meant by the above? Must I create, a sudo user for the computing and storage cluster? And for that, do need to install a MySQL DB?
And under subchapter “Installing the GUI.”
Before continuing, remember to add the RSA key fingerprints of the Namenodes accessed by the GUI. These fingerprints are automatically added to /home/cosmos-gui/.ssh/known_hosts if you try an ssh access to the Namenodes for the first time.
I can’t make any sense about the above. Can you give a step by step plan?
I hope you can help me.

First of all, a reminder about the Cosmos architecture:
There is a storage cluster based on HDFS.
There is a computing cluster based on shared Hadoop or based on Sahara; that's up to the administrator.
There is a services node for the storage cluster, a special node not storing data but exposing storage-related services such as HttpFS for data I/O. It is the entry point to the storage cluster.
There is a services node for the computing cluster, a special node not involved in the computations but exposing computing-related services such as Hive or Oozie. It is the entry point to the computing cluster.
There is another machine hosting the GUI, not belonging to any cluster.
Being said that, the paragraphs you mention try to explain the following:
Since the GUI needs to perform certain sudo operations on the storage and computing clusters for user account creation purposes, then a sudoer user must be created in both the services nodes. These sudoer users will be used by the GUI in order to remotely perform the required operations on top of ssh.
Regarding the RSA fingerprints, since the operations the GUI performs on the services nodes are executed in top of ssh, then the fingerprints the servers send back when you ssh them must be included in the .ssh/known_hosts file. You may do this manually, or simply ssh'ing the services nodes for the first time (you will be prompted to add the fingerprints to the file or not).
MySQL appears in the requirements because that section is about all the requisites in general, and thus they are listed. Not necessarily there may be relation maong them. In this particular case, MySQL is needed in order to store the accounts information.
We are always improving the documentation, we'll try to explain this better for the next release.


Ranger syncing with unix users

I have created two empty groups on two differentt nodes of my cluster, just one on each node. My ranger service uses unix user synchronization, when I restart the Ranger service I cant see my added groups to cluster nodes in Ranger UI, I use HDP 2.5. How to sync my ranegr with unix users?
As you try to sync users, you already seem to understand that there are users for the os, and users for the hadoop platform.
Typically OS users are admin/ops people who need to manage the environment, while most platform users are engineers, analysts, and other who want to do something on the platform. This large group of users is something you typically want to sync.
As already indicated by #cricket you can integrate with LDAP/AD as explained here:

how users should work with ambari cluster

My question is pretty trivial but didnt find anyone actually asking it.
We have a ambari cluster with spark storm hbase and hdfs(among other things).
I dont understand how a user that want to use that cluster use it.
for example, a user want to copy a file to hdfs, run a spark-shell or create new table in hbase shell.
should he get a local account on the server that run the cooresponded service? shouldn't he use a 3rd party machine(his own laptop for example)?
If so ,how one should use hadoop fs, there is no way to specify the server ip like spark-shell has.
what is the normal/right/expected way to run all these tasks from a user prespective.
The expected way to run the described tasks from the command line is as follows.
First, gain access to the command line of a server that has the required clients installed for the services you want to use, e.g. HDFS, Spark, HBase et cetera.
During the process of provisioning a cluster via Ambari, it is possible to define one or more servers where the clients will be installed.
Here you can see an example of an Ambari provisioning process step. I decided to install the clients on all servers.
Afterwards, one way to figure out which servers have the required clients installed is to check your hosts views in Ambari. Here you can find an example of an Ambari hosts view: check the green rectangle to see the installed clients.
Once you have installed the clients on one or more servers, these servers will be able to utilize the services of your cluster via the command line.
Just to be clear, the utilization of a service by a client is location-independent from the server where the service is actually running.
Second, make sure that you are compliant with the security mechanisms of your cluster. In relation to HDFS, this could influence which users you are allowed to use and which directories you can access by using them. If you do not use security mechanisms like e.g. Kerberos, Ranger and so on, you should be able to directly run your stated tasks from the command line.
Third, execute your tasks via command line.
Here is a short example of how to access HDFS without considering security mechanisms:
ssh user#hostxyz # Connect to the server that has the required HDFS client installed
hdfs dfs -ls /tmp # Command to list the contents of the HDFS tmp directory
Take a look on Ambari views, especially on Files view that allows browsing HDFS

What's the right way to provide Hadoop/Spark IAM role based access for S3?

We have Hadoop cluster running on EC2 and EC2 instances attached to a role which has access to S3 bucket for example: "stackoverflow-example".
Several users are placing Spark jobs in the cluster, we used keys in the past but do not want to continue and want to migrate to role, so any jobs placed on the Hadoop cluster will use role associated with ec2 instances. Did a lot of search and found 10+ tickets, some of them are still open, some of them are fixed and some of them do not have any comments.
Want to know whether it's still possible to use IAM role for jobs(Spark, Hive, HDFS, Oozie, etc) placing on Hadoop cluster. Most of the tutorials are discussing passing key (fs.s3a.access.key, fs.s3a.secret.key) which is not good enough and not secured as well. We also faced issues with credential provider with Ambari.
Some references:
That first one you link to HADOOP-13277 says "can we have IAM?" to which the JIRA was closed "you have this in s3a". The second, HADOOP-9384, was "add IAM to S3n", closed as "switch to s3a". And SPARK-16363? incomplete bugrep.
If you use S3a, and do not set any secrets, then the s3a client will fall back to looking at the special EC2 instance metadata HTTP server, and try to get the secrets from there.
That it: it should just work.

Hadoop User Addition in Secured Cluster

We are using a kerborized CDH cluster. While adding a user to the cluster, we used to add the user only to the gateway/edge nodes as in any hadoop distro cluster. But with the newly added userIDs, we are not able to execute map-reduce/yarn jobs and throwing "user not found" exception.
When I researched through this, I came across a link , which says to execute the yarn jobs in the secured cluster, we might need to have the corresponding user in all the nodes as the secure containers execute under the credentials of the job user.
So we added the corresponding userID to all the nodes and the jobs are getting executed.
If this is the case and if the cluster has around 100+ nodes, user provisioning for each userID would became a tedious job.
Can anyone please suggest any other effective way, if you came across the same scenario in your project implementation?
There are several approaches ordered by difficulty (from simple to painful).
One is to have a job-runner user that everyone uses to run jobs.
Another one is to use a configuration management tool to sync /etc/passwd and /etc/group (chef, puppet) on your cluster at regular intervals (1 hr - 1 day) or use a cron job to do this.
Otherwise you can buy or use open source Linux/UNIX user mapping services like Centrify (commercial), VAS (commercial), FreeIPA (free) or SSSD (free).
If you have an Active Directory server or LDAP server use the Hadoop LDAP user mappings.

EC2 database server failover strategy

I am planning to deploy my web app to EC2. I have several webserver instances. I have 1 primary database instance. I have 1 failover database instance. I need a strategy to redirect the webservers to the failover database instance IP when the primary database instance fails.
I was hoping I could use an Elastic IP in my connection strings. But, the webservers are not able to access/ping the Elastic IP. I have several brute force ideas to solve the problem. However, I am trying to find the most elegant solution possible.
I am using all .Net and SQL Server. My connection strings are encrypted.
Does anybody have a strategy for failing over a database instance in EC2 using some form of automation or DNS configuration?
Please let me know.
tells you how to use the Elastic IP public DNS.
Haven't used EC2 but surely you need to either:
(a) put your front-end into some custom maintenance mode, that you define, while you switch the IP over; and have the front-end perform required steps to manage potential data integrity and data loss issues related to the previous server going down and the new server coming up when it enters and leaves your custom maintenance mode
OR, for a zero down-time system:
(b) design the system at the object/relational and transaction levels from the ground up to support zero-down-time fail-over. It's not something you can bolt on quicjkly to just any application.
(c) use some database support for automatic failover. I am unaware whether SQL Server support for failover suitable for your application exists or is appropriate here. I suggest adding a "sql-server" tag to the question to start a search for the right audience.
If Elastic IPs don't work (which sounds odd to say the least - shouldn't you talk to EC2 about that), you mayhave to be able to instruct your front-end which new database IP to use at the same time as telling it to go from maintenance mode to normal mode.
If you're willing to shell out a bit of extra money, take a look at Rightscale's tools; they've built custom server images and supporting tools that handle database failover (among many other things). This link explains how to do it with MySQL, so will hopefully show you some principles even though it doesn't use SQL Server.
I always thought there was this possibility in the connnection string
This is taken (but not yet tested) from How to add Failover Partner to a connection string in VB.NET :
If you connect with ADO.NET or the SQL
Native Client to a database that is
being mirrored, your application can
take advantage of the drivers ability
to automatically redirect connections
when a database mirroring failover
occurs. You must specify the initial
principal server and database in the
connection string and the failover
partner server.
Data Source=myServerAddress;Failover Partner=myMirrorServerAddress;
Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=True;
There is ofcourse many other ways to
write the connection string using
database mirroring, this is just one
example pointing out the failover
functionality. You can combine this
with the other connection strings
options available.
To broaden gareth's answer, cloud management softwares usually solve this type of problems. RightScale is one of them, but you can try enStratus or Scalr (disclaimer: I work at Scalr). These tools provide failover solutions like:
Backups: you can schedule automated snapshots of the EBS volume containing the data
Fault-tolerant database: in the event of failure, a slave is promoted master and mounted storage will be switched if the failed master and new master are in the same AZ, or a snapshot taken of the volume
If you want to build your own solution, you could replicate the process detailed below that we use at Scalr:
Is there a slave in the same AZ? If so, promote it, switch EBS
volumes (which are limited to a single AZ), switch any ElasticIP you
might have, reconfigure replication of the remaining slaves.
If not, is there a slave fully replicated in another AZ? If so, promote it,
then do the above.
If there are no slave in same AZ, and no slave fully
replicated in another AZ, then create a snapshot from master's
volume, and use this snapshot to create a new volume in an AZ where a
slave is running. Then do the above.
