building boost with clang 3.8 on windows - boost

From some Googling around it seems that clang's support for windows has been improving recently and boost's support for clang may also have improved. But I'm fairly new to all this heavy-lifting compiler configuration stuff and new to boost, so I'm not sure what the current status really is.
I'm trying to run the command:
b2 --build-dir=build toolset=clang --build-type=complete stage
as suggested in section 5.2.4 in
This does work to some extent, but watching the logs being printed to screen I see a few worrying things:
statements starting clang-linux.compile.c++.... even though I am on windows.
12 warnings generated. (or similar) perhaps always these are -Wunused-local-typedef, but I'm not sure.
2 warnings and 8 errors generated (or similar) surely if there are errors the build has failed? How am I supposed to know which component of boost has not built properly and what can I do to fix this?
I'm not clear whether I need MSVC the compiler, Visual Stufio the IDE, and/or MinGW and whether I need to manually set flags to pass to the compiler? Perhaps clang+boost is not ready for windows yet?
Ultimately I want to use boost.python, and at a later date maybe boost.coroutine.
Presumably if I want to use clang for my own projects I need to compile boost with clang too?

bootstrap --with-toolset=clang-win
b2 toolset=clang-win
Make sure that clang.exe is on your PATH.


Should I compile GCC with latest version?

I have to compile 3 versions of gcc, say 9, 10 and 11.
My system gcc is version 8 (let's say).
Question : do I have any advantage on compiling gcc-v9 with gcc-v8, gcc-10 with gcc-v9 and gcc-v11 with gcc-v10 ?
Or I don't have any advantage and I can compile them all the gcc-v8 ?
Thank you for pointing out some directions for further research.
GCC has a "bootstrap" build process. So when you try to build gcc-11 with only gcc-8 installed, it will build a temporary "stage 1" version of gcc-11 using gcc-8, then compile gcc-11 again using gcc-11-stage1. Thus no matter what you start with, the version of gcc-11 that comes out of the build process was effectively compiled with itself.
So all that matters is that gcc-8, or whatever "system compiler" was previously installed, is able to build a stage1 version of gcc-11 that runs well enough to compile the stage 2 version. It doesn't matter whether your system compiler is good at optimizing, and gcc's source code is deliberately written to use a fairly minimal set of language feature (at least for stage 1), so you are not likely to run into trouble with your system compiler having missing or buggy support for obscure corners of the language. Historically, the "system compiler" was often not gcc at all, but some compiler provided by the computer vendor or an unrelated third party, and so one couldn't rely much on its quality; gcc was designed with that in mind.
Theoretically your system compiler could have a bug which miscompiles gcc-11-stage1 in such a way that it appears to work, but itself miscompiles stage2. This is unlikely, and it's even less likely that it would happen in a way that wasn't obvious (e.g. the stage2 compiler simply segfaulting). If worried, there's an option to have stage2 build a stage3 compiler, and then check that both versions are identical. So as long as the build completes, you can be pretty confident that the final installed compiler is fine and unaffected by bugs in the original system compiler. (All that said, a reference to Ken Thompson's "Reflections on Trusting Trust" is obligatory here.)
So in practice, you don't need to worry about the version of gcc used to build a new version. Whatever you happen to have installed already, within reason, will be fine.

How to install wxWidgets with Code::Blocks?

I'm a windows developer and I need to use Code::Blocks
to develope multiplataform C++ GUI applications.
After installing Code::Blocks and wxWidgets in my first try to do a simple "Hello World" application, the IDE show me a box with $(#wx)
What is the $(#wx) ?
Googling for tutorials I see this
What is the -g ?
Finally the following error message appear:
For 3 days I'm trying over and over again without success !
I even try wxPack. Nothing works !
With VC++, C++Builder and even wxDev-C++ this is straightforward
Only Code::Blocks is so difficult !
Googling, I find many people with the same error, but the advices they get didn't work for me !
Can someone tell me step by step what I must do?
Thank you.
Your frustration comes, as usually does, from your ignorance. If your are required to learn about C::B, well, that's life. Don't waste time on getting so angry, life is short.
CodeBlocks are not tied to a compiler. You can use VC++, MinGW, TDM-GCC, GCC, etc. Thus, you must tell C::B the compiler to use. You may use different compilers for different "targets" (see below).
C::B is not tied to any library either. If you want to use wxWidgets you must tell C::B about the needed files and where to find them.
It's very common that people who use C::B use MinGW as the compiler. That's why when you first install C::B it searches for MinGW and, if found, set it as the default compiler. You can set your own preference in Settings->Compiler. Same goes for the debugger, usually GDB.
As a side note, be aware that MinGW is ONLY 32 bits. There's a different compiler (MinGW 64). TDM-GCC offers both compilers (and their GDB versions) at once, I recommend installing 32/64 versions in different folders and setting them in C::B as different compilers. For Linux, the "mother" GCC is the de-facto standard.
When you build your app you must define a target. This is nothing else but a way of telling things like "I want a 32 bit library" or "I want a 64 executable". In your required project you may set several targets. Select the desired one before compiling (combobox in the main tool bar).
While developing it's very advisable to set a target as a "debug". This means you want to use the debugger. This requires to use "debug symbols". With GCC (or one of its "children", MinGW...) you acomplish it but adding -g as a flag to the compiler.
Now you understand that probably you set not only one, but several targets like "release 64 exe", "debug 32 exe" etc. Right?
wxWidgets joins in scene
Despite C::B is made with wxWidgets, it doesn't ship with it. Download the version you like from wxWidgets site. While some binaries are offered, if you use some other compiler or some other parameters then you need to compile wxWidgets on your own. See the docs/msw/install.txt and learn about the different configurations (release, debug, static/dynamic lib, etc). Your "target" must match the wxWidgets configuration, so better build several versions, same as your targets. And don't forget to use the same parameters for your app target as you used to each wxWidgets target. You can do this at Project->Build options.
As with any compiler you must tell where to find the libraries and the headers. And the libraries you want to use. The Windows libraries (kernel32, user32, etc, they are a lot, ask in another thread) and the wxWidgets libraries.
When you update your app perhaps you use a newer wxWidgets version, but also want to support an older version with other wxWidgets version. You have several folders. For your project you should update all directories. Can this be done shortly? Yes. in C::B you can define variables(e.g. $wx31dir) and use them like $(wx31dir)/include. Redefining the var saves you a lot of typing.
You can use a global var $(#wx31dir) or several, project fitted vars. Your decision.
Finally, C::B offers a project template for a wxWidgets app. It will ask you some locations (wx dirs) and vars. If you don't understand well what it does, better don't use it and set everything on your own. First time is hard, I know. Go ahead and you'll get it if you pay attention to needed steps.
Have you read the CodeBlocks manual?
Since you having hard time using C::B, I suggest you switch to CodeLite which I find simpler to start with than C::B (My experience). Everything you need is documented on CodeLite Wiki. Creating project is well documented with screenshots but before you compile, open environment variables (Settings->Environment Variables) and add line WXWIN=/path/to/your/wxwidgets/installation and compile as it is explained there.
You do not need to interact with code::blocks at all to use wxwidgets.
You can simple download wx header and binary package (depends of your compiler), place it on directory and import (with #include) it in your source code.
I do not see what is relevant to C::B? You can use any library without compiling and setting any variable in your editor (IDE) - but then you lack of lot of feuters.
I hope that
Using wxWidgets Pre Built Binary in CodeBlocks at wxWidgets wiki
Using wxWidgets (MSW) 3.0 Binary with Code::Blocks Scripted Wizard
would be best and useful answer for your question.
Even I want to use wheel for my convenience every day, but I don't want to invent the wheel every day again and again.
Even that your question is about wxWidgets and Code::Blocks for MS Windows, and that the answer links are of the wxWidgets and Code::Blocks own,
For recommended stability, I include the full screenshot of this document of wxWidgets own wiki
this of Code::Blocks own wiki

Issues compiling libf2c w/ latest mingw-get-inst (3.16.11), gcc

I'm trying to port some very old fortran code to windows. I'd like to use mingw and f2c, which has no problem converting the code to usable C on OS X and Ubuntu. I used f2c.exe as distributed by netlib on a fresh install of mingw, and it translated the code fine. I have a "ported" version of libf2c that seems to still contain some unresolved references -- mostly file i/o routines (do_fio, f_open, s_wsfe, e_wsfe) and, peculiarly, one arithmetic routine (pow_dd). To resolve these issues, I tried to build libf2c from source, but ran into an issue during the make process. The make proceeds to dtime_.c, but then fails due to a dependency on sys/times.h, which is no longer a part of the mingw distro. There appears to be a struct defined in times.h that defines the size of a variable in dtime_.c, specifically t and t0 on lines 53 and 54 (error is "storage size of 't' isn't known"; same for t0).
The makefile was modified to use gcc, and make invoked with no other options passed.
Might anyone know of a workaround for this issue? I feel confident that once I have a properly compiled libf2c, I'll be able to link it with gcc and the code will work like it does on linux and os X.
FOLLOW-UP: I was able to build libf2c.a by commenting out the time related files in the makefile (my code does not contain any time related functions, so don't think it will matter). I copied it to a non-POSIX search directory as show in -print-search-dirs, specifically C:\MinGW\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.5. That seems to have fixed the issue on the unresolved references, although the need to eliminate the time files does concern me. While my code is now working, the original question stands -- how to handle makefiles that call for sys/times.h in mingw?
Are you sure the MinGW installation went correct? As far as I can tell the sys/times.h header is still there, in the package mingwrt-3.18-mingw32-dev.tar.gz. I'm not familiar with the gui installer, but perhaps you have to tick a box for the mingwrt dev component.

Migrating from Winarm to Yagarto

This question must apply to so few people...
I am busy mrigrating my ARM C project from Winarm GCC 4.1.2 to Yagarto GCC 4.3.3.
I did not expect any differences and both compile my project happily using the same makefile and .ld files.
However while the Winarm version runs the Yagarto version doesn't. The processor is an Atmel AT91SAM7S.
Any ideas on where to look would be most welcome. i am thinking that my assumption that a makefile is a makefile is incorrect or that the .ld file for Winarm is not applicable to Yagarto.
Since they are both GCC toolchains and presumably use the same linker they must surely be compatable.
I agree that the gcc's and the other binaries (ld) should be the same or close enough for you not to notice the differences. but the startup code whether it is your or theirs, and the C library can make a big difference. Enough to make the difference between success and failure when trying to use the same source and linker script. Now if this is 100% your code, no libraries or any other files being used from WinARM or Yagarto then this doesnt make much sense. 3.x.x to 4.x.x yes I had to re-spin my linker scripts, but 4.1.x to 4.3.x I dont remember having problems there.
It could also be a subtle difference in compiler behavior: code generation does change from gcc release to gcc release, and if your code contains pieces which are implementation-dependent for their semantics, it might well bite you in this way. Memory layouts of data might change, for example, and code that accidentally relied on it would break.
Seen that happen a lot of times.
Try it with different optimization options in the compile and see if that makes a difference.
Both WinARM and YAGARTO are based on gcc and should treat ld files equally. Also both are using gnu make utility - make files will be processed the same way. You can compare the two toolchains here and here.
If you are running your project with an OCD, then there is a difference between the implementation of the OpenOCD debugger. Also the commands sent to the debugger to configure it could be different.
If you are producing an hex file, then this could be different as the two toolchains are not using the same version of newlib library.
In order to be on the safe side, make sure that in both cases the correct binutils are first in the path.
If I were you I'd check the compilation/linker flags - specifically the defaults. It is very common for different toolchains to have different default ABIs or FP conventions. It might even be compiling using an instruction set extension that isn't supported by your CPU.

Cross compile Boost 1.40 for VxWorks 6.4

I'm trying to migrate a project which uses Boost (particularly boost::thread and boost::asio) to VxWorks.
I can't get boost to compile using the vxworks gnu compiler. I figured that this wasn't going to be an issue as I'd seen patches on the boost trac that purport to make this possible, and since the vxworks compiler is part of the gnu tool chain I should be able to follow the directions in the boost docs for cross compilation.
I'm building on windows for a ppc vxworks.
I changed the user-config.jam file as specified in the boost docs, and used the target-os=linux option to bjam, but bjam appears to hang before it can compile. Closer inspection of the commands issued by bjam (by invoking it using the -n option) reveal that it's trying to compile with boost::thread's win32 files. This can't be right, as vxworks uses pthreads.
My bjam command: .\bjam --with-thread toolset=gcc-ppc target-os=linux gcc-ppc is set in user-config to point to the g++ppc vxworks cross compiler.
What am I doing wrong? I believe I have followed the docs to the letter.
If it's #including win32 headers instead of the pthread ones, there could be a discrepancy between the set of macros your compiler is defining and the macros the boost headers are checking for. I had a problem like that with the smart pointer headers, which in an older version of boost would check for __ppc but my compiler defined __ppc__ (or vice versa, can't remember).
touch empty.cpp
ccppc -dD -E empty.cpp
That will show you what macros are predefined by your compiler.
I never tried to compile boost for VxWorks, since I only needed a few of the headers.
Try also adding
The documentation you mention is for Boost.Build -- which is standalone build tool -- and the above flag is something specific to Boost.Thread library. What do you mean by "hang"? Because Boost libraries are huge, it sometimes take a lot of time to scan dependencies prior to build.
If it actually hangs, can you catch bjam in a debugger and produce a backtrace? Also, log of any output will help.
