Does Eloquent handle caching of related entities? - caching

I'm exploring Laravel's Eloquent as a drop-in replacement for my project's current, home-grown active record data layer. Currently, I have a class User that supports a many-to-many relationship with another class, Group. My current implementation looks something like:
class User {
protected $_groups; // An array of Group objects to which this User belongs
public function __construct($properties = []){
public function groups() {
if (isset($_groups))
return $_groups;
return $_groups = fetchGroups();
private function fetchGroups() {
// Lazily load the associated groups based on the `group_user` table
public function addGroup($group_id) {
// Check that the group exists and that this User isn't already a member of the group. If so, insert $group_id to $_groups.
public function removeGroup($group_id) {
// Check that the User is already a member of the group. If so, remove $group_id from $_groups.
public function fresh() {
// Reload user and group membership from the database into this object.
public function store() {
// Insert/update the user record in the `user` table, and insert/update/delete records in `group_user` based on the contents of `$_group_user`.
public function delete() {
// If it exists, delete the user record from the `user` table, and delete all associated records in `group_user`.
As you can see, my class:
Performs lazy loading of related groups, caching after the first time they're queried;
Maintains an internal representation of the User's relationship with their Groups, updating in the database only when store is called;
Performs sanity checks when establishing relationships, making sure that a Group exists and is not already related to the User before creating a new association.
Which, if any of these things, will Eloquent automatically take care of for me? Or, is my design flawed in some way that Eloquent can solve?
You can assume that I will re-implement User as User extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model and use Eloquent's belongsToMany as a replacement for my current fetchGroups method.

Eloquent caches the results of relationships internally, yes. You can see that in action in the Model::getRelationValue() method.
Eloquent also provides you with methods to help you manage the many-to-many relationship. You could implement this functionality inside your existing API. However, here are some things to look out for:
When using attach(), detach(), etc., the queries are performed immediately. Calling the parent User::save() method would only save the User's details, not the many-to-many relationship information. You could work around this by storing the IDs passed to your API temporarily, and then act upon them when you call User::store().
No sanity checks are performed when using attach/detach/etc. It would be good to apply these in your API if they're needed.
Adding or removing an ID to/from a many-to-many relationship will not affect the cached results of the initial relationship query. You would have to add in logic to insert or remove the related models into the collection.
For example, let's say a User has two Groups. When I load the user, I can access those groups using $user->groups. I now have a Collection of Groups cached inside the User model. If I call for $user->groups again, it will returned this cached Collection.
If I remove one Group using $user->detach($groupId), a query will be performed to update the join table, but the cached Collection will not change. Same goes for adding a group.


Laravel Relationship with OR case

Assume I have a User model, and also I have Couple model which forms of 2 users, father_id and mother_id which are essentially user_ids
On User model, I have
public function kids() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Kid', 'father_id');
However, I want to check if user_id is either father_id or mother_id, return the related Kid model.
Is there a way to achieve it with a single relationship? What is the proper way of handling this scenario, so I can use $user->kids that would check for both cases?
There is a way, but you wouldn't typically use it to "check" if there are related models.
If you have a field that determines if the model is representing a father or mother, such as is_father, you could do:
public function kids()
return ($this->is_father)
? $this->hasMany(Kid::class, 'father_id')
: $this->hasMany(Kid::class, 'mother_id');
Essentially, the relationship method MUST return a relationship instance. But you can do logic before you return this.
NOTE: The relationship is cached, so even if the is_father value changes in the same thread run, it will utilize the same relationship that it did before. This can cause unwanted bugs.

Laravel / Eloquent - custom relation method

I have a class Report which has a belongsToMany relation to Metric. Report also additionally has a belongsTo relation to Metric.
Normally, the model returned by the belongsTo relation is the same as one of the models in the belongsToMany relation. When this is true I'd like it to be the case that each of the two relations actually looks at the same object instance (this also saves an extra trip to the db).
So, in basic terms - is there a way to get one relation to check another first, to see if a model has already been loaded, and if so, point to that object rather than creating a new one.
I tried putting some code in the belongsTo relation method for Metric but I can't get round the fact it needs to return an instance of belongsTo, which needs various things passed as constructor arguments (ie. a query object), which aren't relevant in that case that the model has already been loaded in the belongsToMany relation.
I thought of ditching the belongsTo relation and adding data horizontally in the pivot table for the belongsToMany relation, but it isn't a many-to-many relation required so that seems a bit wrong.
The idea here is to write a function which would check if a relationship is loaded and return that relationship, otherwise it will return the belongsToMany. This would go in your Report class. This is also for Laravel 5. If you have 4, just remove the namespaces from the model names.
public function metric()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Metric');
public function metrics()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Metric');
public function getMetric()
if(array_key_exists('metric', $this->getRelations())) {
return $this->metric;
return $this->metrics()->first();
If you do decide to just go with a belongsToMany only, I'd suggest putting a unique key on your pivot table for both ID's to keep from getting any duplicates in the pivot table.

Laravel / Eloquent hasMany relationship with no foreign key

I have a model (Client) with a hasMany relationship to another (Client_option).
The two tables are in different databases (so there is a list of clients, and then each client has their own database with an options table within).
In my Client class I want my options() method to return the entire contents of the options table (it knows which client db to look for). As it is I get an error because the column client_id does not exist in the options table. I can of course create that column and populate every row with the client's id, but I'd only be doing it to keep Eloquent happy so would rather avoid that little messiness.
Thanks in advance for any input!
This will allow you to work with it as a relation, call it as dynamic property $user->options, bulk save with push method and so on:
public function options()
// it will use the same connection as user model
$options = ClientOption::on($this->getConnectionName())->get();
// if options model has its own, then simply
// $options = ClientOption::get();
$this->setRelation('options', $options);
return $options;
public function getOptionsAttribute()
return (array_key_exists('options', $this->relations))
// get options from the relation, if already loaded
? $this->getRelation('options')
// otherwise call the method and load the options
: $this->options();

Yii2 authentication based on record level

Within yii2 I need some RBAC access control also on record level. As a yii2 beginner I'm searching for the best point to enter the logic but struggle through the documents.
A table Children mentions a child, besides lots of other children.
A child usually has two parents in table Parents.
Besides other access control with yii2-admin/user these two parents can view and manipulate the record of their own child/ren but not others.
the logged in user is a parent.
Example table Children:
Example table Parents:
Example table Xref (Relation to Children and Parents):
I think the activeRecord class Children would be the the right place for a behaviour like that, right?
Does someone have an example code to point me to the right direction for an efficient code,
where Paul and Anna could modify the record for 'Max' but not for 'Moritz'?
I hardly ever use relational DBs with Yii2 but I will illustrate what I meant as best as possible:
I'm going to illustrate the Parent Class as the child will be roughly similar (appart from the relationship direction):
class ParentModel extends ActiveRecord
* #return string the name of the table associated with this ActiveRecord class.
public static function tableName()
return 'Parents';
public function getChildren()
// ParentModel has_many ChildModel via Xref.child_id -> id
return $this->hasMany(ChildModel::className(), ['id' => 'child_id'])
->viaTable('Xref', ['parent_id' => 'id']);
With this you can get all children by using (for example):
$user = ParentModel::findOne($userID);
$children = $user->children;
You can then use all RBAC functionalities to make sure you users can't access an edit form action/view. Or use RBAC rules to make sure only the appropriate content is being handled.
Or you could write your own checks to make sure (for example) that the children being handled really belong to the Parent accessing the controller action. (by say... comparing the user's children to the ones being handled, though depending on your structure this could be handled by RBAC Rules)
But regardless of the actions, that logic should remain on the controller layer. On some very rare occasions you might have to put access right logic in your models but the models should have that logic separated and not related to the RBAC system. I've personally had this issue with graph traversal logic which is on an ActiveQuery level. But that's another issue in it's own right.

Laravel save / update many to many relationship

Can anyone help me on how to save many to many relationship? I have tasks, user can have many tasks and task can have many users (many to many), What I want to achieve is that in update form admin can assign multiple users to specific task. This is done through html multiple select input
The catch here is that through the same form (input) you can add/remove users, that's why I have to use sync().
Maybe I should start from the beginning but don't know where to start...
This is my User model:
public function tasks()
return $this->belongsToMany('Task','user_tasks');
Task model
public function taskParticipants()
return $this->belongsToMany('User','user_tasks');
public function update($task_id)
if (Input::has('taskParticipants'))
foreach(Input::get('taskParticipants') as $worker)
$task2 = $task->taskParticipants->toArray();
$task2 = array_add($task2,$task_id,$worker);
This is structure of tables
tldr; Use sync with 2nd param false
Many-to-many relationship is belongsToMany on both models:
// Task model
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany('User', 'user_tasks'); // assuming user_id and task_id as fk
// User model
public function tasks()
return $this->belongsToMany('Task', 'user_tasks');
In order to add new relation use attach or sync.
Difference between the two is:
1 attach will add new row on the pivot table without checking if it's already there. It's good when you have additional data linked to that relation, for example:
User and Exam linked with pivot table attempts: id, user_id, exam_id, score
I suppose this is not what you need in your situation:
$user->tasks()->getRelatedIds(); // [1,2,3,4,5,6]
// then
$user->tasks()->getRelatedIds(); // [1,2,3,4,5,6,5,6,7]
2 sync on the other hand, will either remove all relations and set them up anew:
$user->tasks()->getRelatedIds(); // [1,2,3,4,5,6]
// then
$user->tasks()->getRelatedIds(); // [1,2,3]
or it will setup new relations without detaching previous AND without adding duplicates:
$user->tasks()->sync([5,6,7,8], false); // 2nd param = detach
// then
$user->tasks()->getRelatedIds(); // [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
Here's my notes on how to save and update on all the Eloquent relationships.
in One to One:
You have to use HasOne on the first model and BelongsTo on the second model
to add record on the first model (HasOne) use the save function
example:    $post->comments()->save($comment);
to add record on the second model (BelongsTo) use the associate function
example:    $user->account()->associate($account);    $user->save();
in One to Many:
You have to use HasMany on the first model and BelongsTo on the second model
to add record on the first table (HasMany) use the save or saveMany functions
example:    $post->comments()->saveMany($comments);
to add record on the second model (BelongsTo) use the associate function
example:    $user->account()->associate($account);    $user->save();
in Many to Many:
You have to use BelongsToMany on the first model and BelongsToMany on the second model
to add records on the pivot table use attach or sync functions
both functions accepts single ID or array of ID’s 
the difference is attach checks if the record already exist on the pivot table while sync don’t
example: $user->roles()->attach($roleId);
in Polymorphic One to Many:
You have to use MorphMany on the main model and MorphTo on all the (***able) models
to add records on all the other models use the save
example:    $course->tags()->save($tag);
the pivot table should have the following columns:
. main model ID
. (***able) ID
. (***able) Type
in Polymorphic Many to Many:
You have to use MorphByMany on the main model and MorphToMany on all the (***able) models
to add records on all the other models use the save or saveMany
example:    $course->tags()->save($tag);
example:    $course->tags()->saveMany([$tag_1, $tag_2, $tag_3]);
the pivot table should have the following columns:
. main model ID
. (***able) ID
. (***able) Type
in Has Many Through (shortcut):
You have to use HasManyThrough on the first table and have the normal relations on the other 2 tables
this doesn’t work for ManyToMany relationships (where there’s a pivot table)
however there’s a nice and easy solution just for that.
Here's an article I wrote, inspired by this answer. Important to check it:
syncWithoutDetaching([$id_one, $id_two, $id_three]); is what you are looking for. Actually it does the exact thing [sync with 2nd param false] does!
Solved: Use the updateOrInsert(array $attributes, array $values = [])
'col' => $someValue
'otherColumn' => $otherVlaue,
The sync function obliterates the exiting relationships and makes your array the entire list of relations. You want attach instead to add relations without removing others.
for those who are searching for adding pivot attributes (the middle table attributes), you can use syncWithPivotValues and it also has the second parameter like this
$user->tasks()->syncWithPivotValues($tasksIDs,['day_number' => $day],false);
