Jersey 2.13 + Bean Validation - spring

I'm using gradle and the following libs:
ext.library['jersey'] = "org.glassfish.jersey:project:2.13"
ext.library['jersey_jettison'] = ""
ext.library['jersey_jackson'] = ""
ext.library['jersey_spring'] = "org.glassfish.jersey.ext:jersey-spring3:2.13"
ext.library['jersey_bean_validation'] = "org.glassfish.jersey.ext:jersey-bean-validation:2.13"
I created the bean validation structure, but its not validating at all. No error messages, nothing. This is the structure I've created:
public class MergeSchedulesDto {
#NotNull(message = "validation.invalid.mergeFrom")
private Long mergeFrom;
#NotNull(message = "validation.invalid.mergeTo")
#NotEmpty(message = "validation.invalid.mergeTo")
private List<Long> mergeTo;
The Service
#Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response merge(#Valid MergeSchedulesDto dto, #QueryParam("units") List<Long> units) {
The config
public class ApplicationJAXRS extends Application {
public ApplicationJAXRS() {
public Map<String, Object> getProperties() {
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
return properties;
public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
Set<Object> singletons = new HashSet<>();
singletons.add(new Jackson1Feature());
singletons.add(new ValidationExceptionMapper());
return singletons;
EDIT I forgot the provider:
public class ValidationExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<ConstraintViolationException> {
public Response toResponse(ConstraintViolationException exception) {
return Response.status(BAD_REQUEST).entity(exception.getMessage()).build();
EDIT 2: I removed the JUnit test because I didnt test using Jersey Test Framework.
The problem here is that the ValidationExceptionMapper is not beeing called.

Put "#Valid" in your, like this:
public Response insert(#Valid T obj) throws Exception{
This works here.


Writing a test to Spring boot REST API that retrieve data from a DB

I have a spring boot REST API with a GET method that returns data available in a DB. I am attempting to write an integration test to test this API method. I have configured the test to use the H2 database. I am trying to add some mock data to the database before the test is executed and see if the API retrieves that data. Following is the code I have written so far.
#TestPropertySource(locations = "")
public class MetaControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private ProvinceDAO provinceDAO;
public void addData () {
Province southern = getProvinceEntity("Southern", "දකුණ", "தென்");
public void testGetProvinces() throws Exception {
MvcResult result = mvc.perform(get("/meta/provinces"))
However, when I run this code, I am getting an error saying "org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: No transactional EntityManager available; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: No transactional EntityManager available"
I have also attempted using #MockBean instead of #Autowired to bind the provinceDAO. Even though this prevents the error, it does not persist the entity in the database.
How should I write my testcase to test my method here?
spring.datasource.url = jdbc:h2:mem:test = org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
Entity ->
#Table(name = "w4a_province")
public class Province {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "id")
private int id;
#Column(name = "province_name")
private String name;
#Column(name = "province_name_si")
private String nameSi;
#Column(name = "province_name_ta")
private String nameTa;
public class GenericDAO<T> implements IGenericDAO<T> {
private EntityManager em;
public Session getCurrentSession() {
return this.em.unwrap(Session.class);
public T findByPrimaryKey(Class<T> clazz, Object primaryKey) {
return getCurrentSession().find(clazz, primaryKey);
public List<T> findAll(Class<T> clazz) {
DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(clazz);
return criteria.getExecutableCriteria(getCurrentSession()).list();
public T createEntity(T entity) {
return entity;
public class ProvinceDAOImpl extends GenericDAO<Province> implements ProvinceDAO {
public class MetaController {
private final MetaService metaService;
public MetaController(MetaService metService) {
this.metaService = metService;
public ResponseEntity<List<ProvinceDTO>> getProvinces() {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Retrieving list of provinces.");
List<ProvinceDTO> provinces = metaService.getProvinces();
return ResponseEntity.ok(provinces);
public class MetaServiceImpl implements MetaService {
private final ProvinceDAO provinceDAO;
public MetaServiceImpl(ProvinceDAO provnceDAO) {
this.provinceDAO = provnceDAO;
public List<ProvinceDTO> getProvinces() {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Obtaining a list of provinces from database.");
List<Province> entities = provinceDAO.findAll(Province.class);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Converting province entities to dtos.");
List<ProvinceDTO> dtos = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
Province entity = entities.get(i);
if (LocaleContextHolder.getLocale().getLanguage().equals(
GlobalConstants.LanguageIdentifiers.SINHALA_LANGUAGE_TAG)) {
dtos.add(new ProvinceDTO(entity.getId(), entity.getNameSi()));
} else if (LocaleContextHolder.getLocale().getLanguage().equals(
GlobalConstants.LanguageIdentifiers.TAMIL_LANGUAGE_TAG)) {
dtos.add(new ProvinceDTO(entity.getId(), entity.getNameTa()));
} else {
dtos.add(new ProvinceDTO(entity.getId(), entity.getName()));
return dtos;
I managed to feed the database with the required data by placing a SQL script data-h2.sql with insert queries at the test/resources folder. This prevented the requirement to use an EntityManager or a DAO.
Furthermore, I added the following property to the file.
In Order to test Rest Api You can try functional test as well as integration test.
You can prepare your own response formate as required and check whether the same is returned or else you can also verify whether the data from db is fine or not.Plz check the below example
#SpringBootTest(classes = FactsMain.class)
public abstract class BaseTest {
protected MockMvc mvc;
WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
protected void setUp() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext).build();
protected String mapToJson(Object obj) throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(obj);
protected <T> T mapFromJson(String json, Class<T> clazz)
throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
return objectMapper.readValue(json, clazz);
In First test case i am forming the response format and trying to return the same and then validating the same.Here i don't need the db data so i have kept service as mock instead of auto wired.And used ObjectMapper for converting json to java and then java obj to json from base Test class.
public class PersonalDetailsControllerTest extends BaseTest {
private IPersonalService service;
private static final String URI = "/api/personalDetails";
public void setUp() {
public void testGet() throws Exception {
PersonalDetailsEntity entity = new PersonalDetailsEntity();
List<PersonalDetailsEntity> dataList = new ArrayList<PersonalDetailsEntity>();
FactsAdminResponse<PersonalDetailsEntity> dataResponse = new FactsAdminResponse<PersonalDetailsEntity>();
entity.setName(“Anthony Holmes”);
RequestBuilder requestBuilder = MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(URI)
MvcResult mvcResult = mvc.perform(requestBuilder).andReturn();
MockHttpServletResponse response = mvcResult.getResponse();
String expectedJson = this.mapToJson(dataResponse);
String outputInJson = mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString();
assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK.value(), response.getStatus());
assertEquals(expectedJson, outputInJson);
In below case we are getting the actual data in json format as we are doing rest api call and then just validating the status apart from status you can also cross check the data
public class PersonalDetailsControllerTest extends BaseTest {
private static final String URI = "/api/personalDetails";
public void setUp() {
public void getGet() throws Exception {
MvcResult mvcResult = mvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(URL)
int status = mvcResult.getResponse().getStatus();
assertEquals(200, status);
String content = mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString();
//you got the content in string format now you can also validate the data

How to inject service inside supplier. Repository is null

I created a factory pattern using supplier. That's ok and it worked fine. The path of the right service is OK, but inside the service that will calculate, the repositories are null. It seems is not being autowired.
I tried to autowire and annotate the classes with #Service and #Component and still not work.
public class Service {
public responseDTO calculate(Contract contract, Request request) {
Supplier<TypeFactory> type = TypeFactory::new;
return type.get().getCalculationMethod(contract.getId()).calculate(request);
public class TypeFactory {
final static Map<Integer, Supplier<Calculator>> calculationTypeMap = new HashMap<>();
static {
calculationTypeMap.put(1, ContractOneType::new);
calculationTypeMap.put(2, ContractTwoType::new);
public Calculator getCalculationMethod(Integer type) {
Supplier<Calculator> method = calculationTypeMap.get(type);
if (method != null) {
return method.get();
throw new IllegalStateException("Type not found");
public interface Calculator {
ResponseDTO calculate(Request Request);
public class ContractOneType implements Calculator {
private ContractRepository contractRepository;
public ResponseDTO calculate(Request request) {
ResponseDTO responseDTO = new ResponseDTO();
Contract contract = contractRepository.findById(request.getId()).orElseThrow(() -> new NotFoundException("id not found"));
//some calculations here with the contract
return responseDTO;
The contractRepository is null, is not being autowired. It must be.
Error messages from my code:
2019-07-08 10:19:33.078 ERROR
[-,21fa294c89e1e207,21fa294c89e1e207,false] 19477 ---
[nio-8080-exec-1] c.l.d.t.s.h.GeneralExceptionHandler :
msg="Exception", stacktrace="java.lang.NullPointerException
I found a solution changing my supplier that is creating new instances, I just create instances for my implementations and set #Autowired for them.
And that's why my repository is not being #Autowired.
Here's my code:
public class TypeFactory {
final static Map<Integer, Supplier<Calculator>> calculationTypeMap = new HashMap<>();
ContractOneType contractOneType;
ContractTwoType contractTwoType;
static {
calculationTypeMap.put(1, contractOneType);
calculationTypeMap.put(2, contractTwoType);
public Calculator getCalculationMethod(Integer type) {
Supplier<Calculator> method = calculationTypeMap.get(type);
if (method != null) {
return method.get();
throw new IllegalStateException("Type not found");
public class ContractOneType implements Calculator {
private ContractRepository contractRepository;
public ResponseDTO calculate(Request request) {
ResponseDTO responseDTO = new ResponseDTO();
Contract contract = contractRepository.findById(request.getId()).orElseThrow(() -> new NotFoundException("id not found"));
//some calculations here with the contract
return responseDTO;
public interface Calculator {
ResponseDTO calculate(Request Request);

Bean not getting overridden in Spring boot

I am trying to write and test an application that used spring-cloud with azure functions following this tutorial.
I am tryign to write a testcase and override the bean.
Here is the application class having function and handler Bean function.
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.package" })
public class DataFunctions extends AzureSpringBootRequestHandler<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>, Data> {
public HttpResponseMessage addDataRun(
#HttpTrigger(name = "add", methods = {
HttpMethod.POST }, authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.FUNCTION) HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> request,
final ExecutionContext context) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
context.getLogger().info("Java HTTP trigger processed a POST request.");
try {
handleRequest(new GenericMessage<Optional<String>>(request.getBody()), context);
} catch (ServiceException ex) {
ErrorMessage em = new ErrorMessage();
return request.createResponseBuilder(handleException(ex, em)).body(em).build();
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.CREATED).build();
MyService mService;
public Consumer<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>> addData() {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
return req -> {
SomeModel fp = null;
try {
fp = mapper.readValue(req.getPayload().get(), SomeModel.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServiceException(e);
I want to test by overriding the above bean.
Cosmosdb spring configuration
public class CosmosDBConfig extends AbstractDocumentDbConfiguration {
private String uri;
private String key;
private String dbName;
private Boolean connectDirectly;
public DocumentDBConfig getConfig() {
ConnectionPolicy cp = ConnectionPolicy.GetDefault();
if (connectDirectly) {
} else {
return DocumentDBConfig.builder(uri, key, dbName).connectionPolicy(cp).build();
Here is the configuration
#PropertySource(value = "", encoding = "UTF-8")
public class TestConfig {
public Consumer<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>> addData() {
return req -> {
System.out.println("data mock");
public DocumentDBConfig getConfig() {
return Mockito.mock(DocumentDBConfig.class);
Finally the test class
//#SpringBootTest //Enabling this gives initialization error.
public class TempTest {
DataFunctions func;
MyService mService;
public void setup() {
private Optional<String> createRequestString(final String res) throws IOException {
InputStream iStream = TempTest.class.getResourceAsStream(res);
String charset="UTF-8";
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(iStream, charset))) {
return Optional.of(br.lines().collect(Collectors.joining(System.lineSeparator())));
public void testHttpPostTriggerJava() throws Exception {
final HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> req = mock(HttpRequestMessage.class);
final Optional<String> queryBody = createRequestString("/test-data.json");
doAnswer(new Answer<HttpResponseMessage.Builder>() {
public HttpResponseMessage.Builder answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
HttpStatus status = (HttpStatus) invocation.getArguments()[0];
return new HttpResponseMessageMock.HttpResponseMessageBuilderMock().status(status);
final ExecutionContext context = mock(ExecutionContext.class);
// Invoke
final HttpResponseMessage ret = func.addDataRun(req, context);
// Verify
assertEquals(ret.getStatus(), HttpStatus.CREATED);
For this case instead of test configuration addData the actual bean is called from DataFunctions class. Also the database connection is also created when it should use the mocked bean from my test configuration. Can somebody please point out what is wrong in my test configuration?
I was able to resolve the first part of cosmos db config loading by marking it with
public class CosmosDBConfig extends AbstractDocumentDbConfiguration {
Also had to mark the repository bean as optional in the service.
public class MyService {
#Autowired(required = false)
private MyRepository myRepo;
Didn't use any spring boot configuration other than this.
public class FunctionTest {
For the second part of providing mock version of Mock handlers, I simply made the test config file as spring application as below.
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.boeing.da.helix.utm.traffic" })
public class TestConfiguration {
public static void main(final String[] args) {, args);
public Consumer<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>> addData() {
return req -> {
System.out.println("data mock");
and made use of this constructor from azure functions library in spring cloud in my constructor
public class AppFunctions
extends AzureSpringBootRequestHandler<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>, List<Data>> {
public AppFunctions(Class<?> configurationClass) {
public AzureSpringBootRequestHandler(Class<?> configurationClass) {
Hope it helps someone.

spring-data-rest: Validator not being invoked

I am using springboot 2.0.1.RELEASE with spring-data-rest and followed the workaround mentioned here and my Validator is still not being invoked. Here are the details:
ValidatorRegistrar: Workaround for a bug
public class ValidatorRegistrar implements InitializingBean {
private static final List<String> EVENTS;
static {
List<String> events = new ArrayList<String>();
EVENTS = Collections.unmodifiableList(events);
ListableBeanFactory beanFactory;
ValidatingRepositoryEventListener validatingRepositoryEventListener;
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
Map<String, Validator> validators = beanFactory.getBeansOfType(Validator.class);
for (Map.Entry<String, Validator> entry : validators.entrySet()) { -> entry.getKey().startsWith(p)).findFirst()
.ifPresent(p -> validatingRepositoryEventListener.addValidator(p, entry.getValue()));
Validator class:
public class BeforeSaveBidValidator implements Validator {
public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
return Bid.class.equals(clazz);
public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {
Bid bid = (Bid)target;
if (!bid.getAddendaAcknowledged()) {
"addendaAcknowledged is not true");
Custom RestController for Bids:
#RequestMapping(path = "/bids")
public class BidController {
private BidRepository bidRepository;
public BidController(
BidRepository bidRepository) {
this.bidRepository = bidRepository;
public Bid update(#RequestBody #Valid Bid bid) {
Rest Client Test Code:
Bid bid = new Bid()
Map<String, String> uriVariables = new HashMap<String, String>()
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders()
HttpEntity<Bid> entity = new HttpEntity<>(bid, headers)
ResponseEntity<String> response =
"/bids/{id}", HttpMethod.PUT, entity, Bid.class,
// Expected: response.statusCode == HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST
// Found: response.statusCode == HttpStatus.OK
// Debugger showed that Validator was never invoked.
Any idea what I am missing?
You are trying to use your validator with custom controller, not SDR controller. In this case you can just add it to your controller with #InitBinder annotation:
public class BidController {
#InitBinder("bid") // add this parameter to apply this binder only to request parameters with this name
protected void bidValidator(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.addValidators(new BidValidator());
public Bid update(#RequestBody #Valid Bid bid) {
#Component annotation on your validator is not necessary as well as ValidatorRegistrar class.
How to use validators with SDR controllers you can read in my another answer.

Spring MongoRepository is Null

I have the following code which attempts to save a POJO object (Actor) into MongoDB using Spring Mongo Repository, but the repository object is always Null. I have followed multiple examples but mainly this one
The POJO class:
#Document(collection = "actors")
public class Actor
private String id;
//setters & getters
The repository:
public interface ActorRepository extends MongoRepository<Actor, String>
public Actor findByFNameAndLName(String fName, String lName);
public Actor findByFName (String fName);
public Actor findByLName(String lName);
The service that uses the repository:
public class ActorService
private ActorRepository actorRepository;
public Actor insert(Actor a)
And I access the service from a REST controller class:
public class Controllers
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Controllers.class);
private static final ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(SpringMongoConfig.class);
private ActorService actorService = new ActorService();
#RequestMapping(value="/createActor", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody String createActor(#RequestParam(value = "fName") String fName,
#RequestParam(value = "lName") String lName,
#RequestParam(value = "role") String role)
return actorService.insert(new Actor(null,fName,lName,role)).toString();
The error that I get is NullPointerException from this line: return; in the ActorService.insert() method.
Any Idea why is this happening?
EDIT: Here is the Spring Configurations
public class SpringMongoConfig extends AbstractMongoConfiguration
public GridFsTemplate gridFsTemplate() throws Exception
return new GridFsTemplate(mongoDbFactory(), mappingMongoConverter());
protected String getDatabaseName()
return "SEaaS";
public Mongo mongo() throws Exception
return new MongoClient("localhost" , 27017 );
public #Bean MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() throws Exception
return new MongoTemplate(mongo(), getDatabaseName());
The problem is that you are not using Spring to get the ActorService dependency -instead you have manually instantiated the dependency using
private ActorService actorService = new ActorService();.
The following code is the easiest fix in order to inject the ActorService dependency into the controller.
public class Controllers
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Controllers.class);
private static final ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(SpringMongoConfig.class);
private ActorService actorService;
#RequestMapping(value="/createActor", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody String createActor(#RequestParam(value = "fName") String fName,
#RequestParam(value = "lName") String lName,
#RequestParam(value = "role") String role)
return actorService.insert(new Actor(null,fName,lName,role)).toString();
