How to get user email address using pinterest authentication api? - pinterest

i am using pinterest api to register a user on my website. i get user id, first name, last name and url. but email is not given in the response. how can is there any api to get email of pinterest user?

You cant get email address of Authenticated user via API. Pintrest do not provide that detail through API.


How can i get the "userId" of google account to impact with their api?

i can't find out my userId of gmail account to use Gmail API.
So someone can find. Can you tell me?
userId string The user's email address. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
The user id / email can be found from the current authenticated user. When the user logs in you have access to some information about them. You can always use me if you are requesting information about the current user.
How to find userid / email of the current user
With the gmail api you can use getprofile to get some basic information about the user who is currently logged in.
"emailAddress": "",
"messagesTotal": 66327,
"threadsTotal": 13902,
"historyId": "4599500"
Using this method you can find the users actual email address if you wish to use that instead of using me.
Your user Id is your email address, or whatever you use in the user id field when using a Google login form.

How do I get the Google user ID from an email address?

I want to display the GMail avatar of the user in my app. I can easily get the image URL, using the Google People API. But this API expects a user ID.
Which other Google API can I use to pass in an email address, and get back the user ID?
The Google people api is technically hooked up to Google Contacts. So if you authenticate your user and they have added themselves with a picture you will see it that way.
The Google+ api will work the same way you authenticate the user and if they have added a picture you will be able to see it.
Which other Google API can I use to pass in an email address, and get back the user ID?
NONE. There is no way Google or any other company is going to give you an api that is going to let you search on peoples email addresses and return a picture or any information about said person you may want to consult GDRP
Email address is private user information and is only accessible by being authenticated.

How to select particular account while making oauth api call in google?

For Eg: Using google drive api i made an API call to get permission from user and generate access token and got user details using that token. In that case before getting permission from user if i logged in into multiple google accounts in my browser and i tried through particular mail Id through my app. I need to display only that mail id for permission , Not to display all the logged in mail ids. How to filter for particular mail id through api call.
My sample api call: +&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI &scope=email+profile+
I just removed prompt=select_account keyword from this api call. but it still display all accounts. How to filter for particular mail id?
You add the login_hint parameter with an account value to the authentication request.

TweetSharp - Get User Email ID after login

I am using TweetSharp for user login in my mvc web app. All works fine but after login I need to save the user data in my DB as well. I cant find email from TwitterUser object after loging. How can i get user's email once the user is authenticated?
You cannot. The Twitter API doesn't return email addresses for users.
Take a look at the users/show documentation to see all the information you can retrieve.
If your app is whitelisted, you can now retrieve the email as part of verify_credentials

Google Api - Get Users Email id

I am using Google API - PHP client to connect to Google Analytics API. Is there any way i can get the email Address of the User while Authenticating the user and Granting the permissions ?
Use the Google Management API for Analytics. When you make the authenticated call to, you will receive back (among other things) a username which is defined as "Email address of the authenticated user".
