Chaining Map Reduce Program - hadoop

I have a situation, during one POC I want to create a nested MapReduce within one Job. Like a Map M1 O/P to Reducer R1 O/P then that R1 output goes to M2 and final output will come with either M2 or we can run R2 with M2 O/P.
Single Job ID - M1->R1->M2->R2...Final output will be in a single O/P file.
Can we do it without Oozie?

You can chain multiple jobs in your Driver class. First, create a job for first MapReduce, by defining all the required configuration. Then start the job as usual by calling:
This is wait until the job is finished. Now check the final status of the first job, whether failed or succeeded for appropriate next action.
If the first job is completed successfully, then launch the next MapReduce in the same way. First define the required parameters and launch the job with:
The important thing will be output path of the first will be input for the second job. This is serial (sequential) job chaining, because both the jobs will be running one after another.

You can also make use of job control where in you can execute a number of map reduce jobs in a sequence. In your case there are two mappers and two or one reducers. You can have two map reduce jobs and for the second job you can use set the number of reducers to zero if you don't require reducers.


How to allocate specific number of mappers to multiple job in Hadoop?

I am executing multiple PIG Scripts say script1, script2, script3, script4. In that I script1 is executing independently and script2,3,4 executing parallely after scripts get executed.
I am giving input file of size 7-8 GB. So after executing script1, I am observing that instead of parallely executing script 2,3,4 only script2 is executing as it is consuming 33-35 mappers. Other remain in like queue (means script3,4 have not get mapper allocation). Due to this too much time requires to execute all scripts.
So what I am thinking is that If I am able to set the limit of mapper to each script then may be time require to execute wll be less as all scripts may get allocation of mappers.
So is there any way to allocate specific number of mappers to multiple scripts?
If your map number is correctly set (according to your core/node and disks/node values), then having 1 job consuming all your maps or having N job consuming MapNumber / N maps will have the same result. But if you really want to distribute your maps on an amount of jobs you can set the per job map number (mapreduce.job.maps in mapred-site.xml i think).
Considering you still have free map slots, there are some config to enable jobs parallel executions like discussed here : Running jobs parallely in hadoop
You can also set a map number for each job (even if I am not sure it really works) if you provide a job.xml in which you set your map number to your hadoop command.
you can add the following line at the beginning of your script :
set 8
and this will let all of your scripts to run concurrently.
please note that if your machine is saturated this will not affect how long all the scripts run

Mapreduce dataflow Internals

I tried to understand map reduce anatomy from various books/blogs.. But I am not getting a clear idea.
What happens when I submit a job to the cluster using this command:
..Loaded the files into hdfs already
bin/hadoop jar /usr/joe/wordcount.jar org.myorg.WordCount /usr/joe/wordcount/input /usr/joe/wordcount/output
Can anyone explain the sequence of opreations that happens right from the client and inside the cluster?
The processes goes like this :
1- The client configures and sets up the job via Job and submits it to the JobTracker.
2- Once the job has been submitted the JobTracker assigns a job ID to this job.
3- Then the output specification of the job is verified. For example, if the output directory has not been specified or it already exists, the job is not submitted and an error is thrown to the MapReduce program.
4- Once this is done, InputSplits for the job are created(based on the InputFormat you are using). If the splits cannot be computed, because the input paths don’t exist, for example, then the job is not submitted and an error is thrown to the MapReduce program.
5- Based on the number of InputSplits, map tasks are created and each InputSplits gets processed by one map task.
6- Then the resources which are required to run the job are copied across the cluster like the the job JAR file, the configuration file etc. The job JAR is copied with a high replication factor (which defaults to 10) so that there are lots of copies across the cluster for the tasktrackers to access when they run tasks for the job.
7- Then based on the location of the data blocks, that are going to get processed, JobTracker directs TaskTrackers to run map tasks on that very same DataNode where that particular data block is present. If there are no free CPU slots on that DataNode, the data is moved to a nearby DataNode with free slots and the processes is continued without having to wait.
8- Once the map phase starts individual records(key-value pairs) from each InputSplit start getting processed by the Mapper one by one completing the entire InputSplit.
9- Once the map phase gets over, the output undergoes shuffle, sort and combine. After this the reduce phase starts giving you the final output.
Below is the pictorial representation of the entire process :
Also, I would suggest you to go through this link.

Query regarding shuffling in map reduce

How does a node processing running the mapper knows that it has to send some key-value output to node A (running the reducer) & some to node B (running another reducer)?
Is there somewhere a reducer node list is maintained by the the JobTracker?
If yes, how does it chooses a node to run the reducer?
A Mapper doesn't really know where to send the data, it focuses on 2 things:
Writes the data to disk. Initially the map output is buffered in memory, and once it hits a certain threshold it gets flushed to disk. But right before going to disk, the data is partitioned by taking a hash of the output key which corresponds to which Reducer it will be sent to.
Once a map task is done it will notify the parent task tracker to say it's done, which will then notify the job tracker itself. So the job tracker has the complete mapping between map outputs and task trackers.
From there, when a Reducer starts, it will keep asking the job tracker for the map outputs corresponding to his partition until it has retrieved them all. Whenever a map output is available, the reduce task will start copying it, and gradually merge as it copies.
If this is still unclear, I will advise looking at the reference book on Hadoop which has a whole chapter describing this part, here is a schema extracted from it that could help you visualize what happens in the shuffle step:
The mappers do not send the data to the reducers, rather the reducers pull the data from the task trackers where successful map tasks ran.
The Job Tracker, when allocating a reducer task to a task tracker, knows where the successful map tasks ran, and can compile a list of task tracker and map attempt task results to pull.

Pass the maximum key encountered across all mappers as parameter to the next job

I have a chain of Map/Reduce jobs:
Job1 takes data with a time stamp as a key and some data as value and transforms it.
For Job2 I need to pass the maximum time stamp that appears across all mappers in Job1 as a parameter. (I know how to pass parameters to Mappers/Reducers)
I can keep track of the maximum time stamp in each mapper of Job1, but how can I get the maximum across all mappers and pass it as a parameter to Job2?
I want to avoid running a Map/Reduce Job just to determine the maximum time stamp, since the size of my data set is in the terabyte+ scale.
Is there a way to accomplish this using Hadoop or maybe Zookeeper?
There is no way 2 maps can talk to each other.So a map only job( job1) can not get you global max. timestamp.However,I can think of 2 approaches as below.
I assume your job1 currently is a map only job and you are writing output from map itself.
A. Change your mapper to write the main output using MultipleOutputs and not Context or OutputCollector.Emit additional (key,value) pair as (constant,timestamp) using context.write().This way, you shuffle only the (constant,timestamp) pairs to reducer.Add a reducer that caliculates max. among the values it received.Run the job, with number of reducers set as 1.The output written from mapper will give you your original output while output written from reducer will give you global max. timestamp.
B. In job1, write the max. timestamp in each mapper as output.You can do this in cleanup().Use MultipleOutputs to write to a folder other than that of your original output.
Once job1 is done, you have 'x' part files in the output folder assuming you have 'x' mappers in job1.You can do a getmerge on this folder to get all the part files into a single local file.This file will have 'x' lines each contain a timestamp.You can read this using a stand-alone java program,find the global max. timestamp and save it in some local file.Share this file to job2 using distrib cache or pass the global max. as a parameter.
I would suggest doing the following, create a directory where you can put the maximum of each Mapper inside a file that is the mapper name+id. The idea is to have a second output directory and to avoid concurrency issues just make sure that each mapper writes to a unique file. Keep the maximum as a variable and write it to the file on each mappers cleanup method.
Once the job completes, it's trivial to iterate over secondary output directory to find the maximum.

Map Reduce: ChainMapper and ChainReducer

I need to split my Map Reduce jar file in two jobs in order to get two different output file, one from each reducers of the two jobs.
I mean that the first job has to produce an output file that will be the input for the second job in chain.
I read something about ChainMapper and ChainReducer in hadoop version 0.20 (currently I am using 0.18): those could be good for my needs?
Can anybody suggest me some links where to find some examples in order to use those methods? Or maybe there are another way to achieve my issue?
Thank you,
There are many ways you can do it.
Cascading jobs
Create the JobConf object "job1" for the first job and set all the parameters with "input" as inputdirectory and "temp" as output directory. Execute this job:
Immediately below it, create the JobConf object "job2" for the second job and set all the parameters with "temp" as inputdirectory and "output" as output directory. Execute this job:
Two JobConf objects
Create two JobConf objects and set all the parameters in them just like (1) except that you don't use
Then create two Job objects with jobconfs as parameters:
Job job1=new Job(jobconf1); Job job2=new Job(jobconf2);
Using the jobControl object, you specify the job dependencies and then run the jobs:
JobControl jbcntrl=new JobControl("jbcntrl");
ChainMapper and ChainReducer
If you need a structure somewhat like Map+ | Reduce | Map*, you can use the ChainMapper and ChainReducer classes that come with Hadoop version 0.19 and onwards. Note that in this case, you can use only one reducer but any number of mappers before or after it.
I think the above solution involves disk I/O operation, thus will slow down with large datasets.Alternative is to use Oozie or Cascading.
