How can I extend the parameters of the OAuth2 authorization endpoint? - spring

I'm having some trouble regarding the authorization endpoint of my Spring based OAuth2 provider. I need more information from the client than there is currently possible. This is what I want to achieve:
I need the custom parameter in the authentication process later on. Is there any simple way to extend the default parameters with my custom one or do I need to implement a certain class myself?
Did some research on how the authentication endpoint works in the current Spring code. I found that the Authorization Endpoint uses a method named authorize that takes all the parameter that are being set and converts then into an AuthorizationRequest. While looking further into the AuthorizationRequest class I found that it holds a map with extensions that is being filled throughout the authorization process. But it does not seem to get filled with my custom parameter (as shown above). This is in fact by only looking at the code, so I might be wrong.
Would it be a good idea to extend the AuthorizationEndpoint with my custom implementation or is there a better and cleaner way to do this?
Update #1 (07-10-2015)
The place where I'd like to use the custom parameter is in my own implementation of the AuthenticationProvider. I need to information to be available inside the authenticate method of this class.
Update #2 (07-10-2015)
It seems that the AuthorizationProvider gets called before the AuthorizationEndpoint. This means that the custom parameter is obtained after the class where I need it (so that's too late).
Maybe I can get the referral Url by either extending part of the Spring security classes or by obtaining it in the HTML through JavaScript. Is this a good idea or should I use another approach?

So I managed to fix the problem myself by searching some more on Google.
What you need to do is speak to the HttpSessionRequestCache to get the referral URL. This is how I solved it in my own implementation of the AuthenticationProvider
public class CustomProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
private HttpServletRequest httpRequest;
private HttpServletResponse httpResponse;
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
SavedRequest savedRequest = new HttpSessionRequestCache().getRequest(httpRequest, httpResponse);"Referral URL: " + savedRequest.getRedirectUrl());"Parameters: " + savedRequest.getParameterMap().keySet().toString());
This will print out the URL of the request that was called before heading to the login page of spring security. The second log method prints out the parameters that where found in this URL. This question and answer helped me in creating a solution for my problem.


Spring-security 6 - 403 denied because AuthenticationProvider not called

I've recently upgraded a project from using spring-security 6.0.0-M6 to 6.0.0, gradle config if you want to see it.
This project does not use spring-boot.
My securityFilterChain is configured via code and looks approximately like this:
authorizeRequests(). // <-- DEPRECATED
requestMatchers(RAID_V2_API + "/**").fullyAuthenticated().
The full codebase, starting with the FilterChain config, is publicly available.
Note that usage of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter is deprecated, and I have not been using it since the original usage of 6.0.0-M6. So calling stuff like WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.authenticationManagerBean() won't work.
This code works fine, but the call to authorizeRequests() causes a deprecation warning that I want to get rid of.
The deprecation tag says that I should use authorizeHttpRequests() instead, but when I do that - requests that require authorization (via the fullyAuthenticated() specification above) will be denied with a 403 error.
It seems this happens because my AuthenticationProvider instances aren't being called,
because the ProviderManager isn't being called. Since the AuthnProviders don't get called, the security context still contains the pre-auth token instead of a verified post-auth token, so the eventual call to AuthorizationStrategy.isGranted() ends up calling isAuthenticated() on the pre-auth token, which (correctly) returns false and the request is denied.
How do I use the authorizeHttpRequests() method but still have the ProviderManager be called so that my security config works?
My workaround is just to ignore the deprecation warning.
First, your security configuration does not specify any kind of authentication, like httpBasic, formLogin, etc. The AuthenticationManager is invoked by the filters created by those authentication mechanisms in order to authenticate credentials.
Second, the application is probably unwittingly relying on FilterSecurityInterceptor (authorizeRequests) to authenticate the user, which is not supported with authorizeHttpRequests. You need to declare an auth mechanism that collects credentials from the request and authenticates the user.
Because you are using JWT, you might want to consider Spring Security's OAuth2 Resource Server support. You can also refer to our samples repository in order to help you with sample configurations.
Here's a rough outline of what I did to to implement the "just use the resource server" suggestion from the answer.
include the oauth2-resource-server libraries in the build.
create an AuthenticationManagerResolver that replaces what the SecuritycontextRepository and the FilterSecurityInterceptor used to do:
public AuthenticationManagerResolver<HttpServletRequest>
AuthenticationProvider authProvider
) {
return (request)-> {
return authProvider::authenticate;
change AuthenticationProvider implementations to use the BearerTokenAuthenticationToken class as the pre-auth token, it still works basically the same way it used to: verifying the pre-auth token and returning a post-auth token.
hook up the new resolver class in the securityFilterChain config by replacing the old securityContextRepository() config with the new authenticationManagerResolver() config, which passes in the resolver created in step 2:
http.oauth2ResourceServer(oauth2 ->
oauth2.authenticationManagerResolver(tokenAuthenticationManagerResolver) );
I like this new approach because it makes it more obvious how the security chain works.
It's nice to replace the custom pre-auth token implementation with the built-in class too.
Note that it's likely this config can be simplified, but I needed the custom resolver since the project uses different types of bearer token depending on the endpoint called. Pretty sure the auth providers don't need to be AuthenticationProvider any more; the lambda function returned from the resolver serves that purpose - they can probably just be random spring components and as long as the method is SAM-type compatible.
The spring-security multi-tenancy doco was helpful for this.

Spring Security: How to use a UserDetailsService with JwtAuthenticationProvider?

I have a REST service, written using Spring MVC. The server is an OAuth2 resource server and I am using the JwtAuthenticationProvider to have the JWT parsed and turned into the Principal. This all works fine.
However, what I really want to do is to load user details from a database, using the username provided from a Claim in the JWT. Then that new Principal should replace or (ideally) wrap the Jwt so that it is available directly from the SecurityContext.
I am really struggling to see how to do this. The JwtAuthenticationProvider does not seem to work with a UserDetailsService. I also looked at doing this with a Converter - but it is not easy to extend JwtAuthenticationConverter because the convert method is final (why?).
So to be very clear, here is what I ideally want to happen:
Bearer token is presented to service.
Parse Jwt and extract claims
Use one of these claims as a key to my user database, where I can look up attributes, entitlements etc
Turn these into a new Principal object which is available in the SecurityContext's Authentication object.
The configure method in my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter has this:
I cannot be the only person who wants to use a user database along with OAuth2, so I must be missing something fundamental? I am using Spring Security 5.2.0.
The JwtAuthenticationProvider does not support an UserDetailsService because in theory you are not supposed to have UserDetails in an application that does not manage credentials. I'm not saying that you cannot have any type of user, but the UserDetailsService will not be used or autowired by Spring Security.
You could register a bean of type JwtAuthenticationConverter, do whatever you need in the convert method and return your custom authentication token, like so:
public class JwtAuthenticationConverterAdapter implements Converter<Jwt, AbstractAuthenticationToken> {
private JwtAuthenticationConverter jwtAuthenticationConverter = new JwtAuthenticationConverter();
public AbstractAuthenticationToken convert(Jwt jwt) {
var token = this.jwtAuthenticationConverter.convert(jwt);
// build your custom token with the properties from the token above
return customToken;
I agree with your concerns - and I have found it useful to override Spring's default processing. There is a claims extensibility pattern I use with some providers, where JWT handling is only one part.
I have a Spring Boot code sample that you can run - it uses a custom filter and Connect2Id classes - OAuth integration is described here. Happy to answer any follow up questions if it helps

How can I set global context variables in Spring?

So I have a Spring boot application with many api requests.
For a large number of these requests I know want to log the "user-agent" part of the header from the request.
One solution is to do this.
In my controllers I could just put #RequestHeader("user-agent") String userAgent and pass it on to the service layer to be logged.
But it would be much handier if I could add the user agent as a global variable, just like the username is added as a global variable through the SecurityContextHolder.
So my question is, is it possible to add custom global context variables like the authentication details from the Authentication filter class? And if so how?
If you are using Spring MVC then you can Autowire HttpServletRequest and get the request headers from it.
public class HelloService {
private HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest;
public void print() {
Alternatively you can also get hold of request instance from RequestContextHolder:
((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest().getHeader("x-test");

Spring boot, oAuth2 sign up with facebook

I have been following #Dave Syers' excellent tutorial on Spring boot and oAuth2
I have been able to create a log in function, so that protected resources need a login to facebook before they can be accessed.
But now I am trying to create a "sign up" page. On stackoverflow, for example, there is an option to sign up with facebook, so your details are sent to from facebook. How can this be performed with oAuth2? I was able to do this with spring-social, but I cannot wrap my head around how to do this with a direct oauth2 approach.
Please help?
The answer was simpler than I expected. All I needed to do was add my custom AuthenticationSuccessHandler to the filter:
All I had to do was add an AuthenticationSuccessHandler handle to the method that returns a Filter ssoFilter()
private CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler customAuthenticationSuccessHandler;
private Filter ssoFilter() {
OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter facebookFilter = new OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter("/login/facebook");
OAuth2RestTemplate facebookTemplate = new OAuth2RestTemplate(facebook(), oauth2ClientContext);
facebookFilter.setTokenServices(new UserInfoTokenServices(facebookResource().getUserInfoUri(), facebook().getClientId()));
return facebookFilter;
And my CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler was just a component that extended AuthenticationSuccessHandler
public class CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler implements AuthenticationSuccessHandler {
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
Authentication authentication) throws IOException, ServletException {
So in my sign up page, I could simply use the same login action, but in the success handler I created the User and stored her in the DB
Make a integrated jwt-oauth2-signup-login is difficult. There are some easy way:
1, to use satellizer-spring-boot, or satellizer.
2,to use spring social.
3, add jwt to spring oauth2 as separate provider:
This is how to do with 3:
I have not use signup+oauth2 yet(Because I like spring social and it can do same function), but in theory it can be done in a very easy and can be done as follow:
First, when user login (Register on facebook will also lead to login page) form facebook, just import the user's information and write the information to user model. It is can be done with a controller and a view.
On front page, it is easy to make user choose to login, or register a new account: As Spring boot support multiple filter and multiple AuthenticationProvider,That means you can use two filters, one for oauth2,and another (jwt local server) filter for local server register.
1,download a standard spring boot file and put it in your config directory.
2,Make a controller for register new user.
3, make a /login to return jwt token.
3, make two filter, one for oauth2, one for local jwt.
4, make a Sign up link to /register. and a login tag link to /login.
ps: you can copy all the lines form a standard spring boot jwt project, here is one:

How do I setup login service for Spring-social and spring-security over a REST API?

I want to have a JS application in on client-side (no jsps) that will communicate with back-end only with REST calls. I want also to enable users to be able to login with FB, Twitter accounts. In addition, I also want to enable users to register their own accounts. For this purpose I want to use Spring-security and spring-social on backend and Javascript SDK in front to get access_token from the FB, which will be then passed to backend.
The question is: how do I create a REST controller that would authenticate using spring-social and spring-security facilities?
I read through the examples in:
but couldn't really find how I could make use of ProviderSignInController or SpringSocialConfigurer for this purpose. I guess I cannot use the SocialAuthenticationFilter in my case since the "/auth/{providerid}" url is not what I'm looking for. However, I guess the ProviderSingInController seems to be of use here neither. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Ideally I would like to benefit from all capabilities of Spring Security framework.
I will appreciate any suggestions.
Best regards
I would like to follow a flow like here: but using the Spring Social and Spring Security combined.
The front-end application is written in AngularJS
2nd EDIT
It turns out that you can simply make use of all the Spring Social modules benefits out of the box. The only thing a client has to do is call a GET on the auth/facebook or whatever link to fire entire 0auth dance which will eventually return the authentication result. Then you can control the flow easily (register account or return some relevant information to the client to let know registration is needed). So the SpringSocialConfigurer works well in this case (apart from the fact that it doesn't support scope setting yet, however, this can be changed manually, check my pull request #
3rd EDIT - 14.10.2014
As requested, I will share how I managed to make it work.
Given I have configured my security filter in the following way:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
private SpringSocialConfigurer getSpringSocialConfigurer() {
final SpringSocialConfigurer config = new SpringSocialConfigurer();
return config;
Once my application is set up, the only thing I need to call is
with GET request.
"In addition, I also want to enable users to register their own
If you say that you want to allow users to login with their own credentials (without FB/twiter), you need to let them also to create account, and to support forgot password, etc...
If that is the case, maybe this SO thread might be helpful. The auth-flows package also supports REST API.
Create Account, Forgot Password and Change Password
