JMeter behavior when log file can't be written to - jmeter

During test execution, we run out of space and can't write to log file any more. JMeter triggered via jmeter-maven-plugin hangs. I'd like JMeter to fail and exit, rather than keep hanging. How can this be achieved?

Updated Answer
Make sure that you have disabled unnecessary listeners during
execution and other samplers
Try to use request defaults in your test plan.
Also, try to execute script using command line.
How many threads you are injecting?
Open JMeter.bat in editor and edit following values:
set HEAP=-server -Xms768m -Xmx768m -Xss128k
set NEW=-XX:NewSize=1024m -XX:MaxNewSize=1024m


TortoiseSVN Hook Scripts No Longer Run

A while a go we set up a post_commit hook script in TortoiseSVN, this is a simple batch file, and this worked fine. We are running Windows 10.
Recently (around the beginning of 2023) this stopped working. TortoiseSVN now reports:
The hook script returned an error:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
The script executes fine when run manually.
Changing the script to execute to another batch file or a program, results in the same message.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
The hook script is client side and is configured as:
Working Copy Path:
Command Line To Execute:
Wait for script to finish: True
Hide the script while running: False
Always execute the script: True
The batch file contains the following:
java -jar %USERPROFILE%/SVNFeeder/SvnFeeder.jar -c %USERPROFILE%/SVNFeeder/testrepo_configFile
The java file updates our Jira server with commit messages.
Changing the command line to execute the java file directly results in the same error, even a simple batch file that only creates a folder doesn't execute.
There is nothing wrong with the batch file or the java file as both execute fine outside of TSVN.
I have just found out that Sophos was blocking the execution of the script.
There was no mention of this in the events page, which didn't help track it down.

Jmeter OsProcessSampler

I'm doing a project and I'm trying to test it via JMeter with OS Process Sampler, but this error keeps popping up, I suppose it because there is no input given.
JMeter error
This is the menu I'm using
My question is, how can I set the input that is going to be used in the test?
Here are some images that may help:
Main page
Main(what I'm running
The error comes from your Python script, JMeter executes the script but it fails somewhere somehow (cannot read a file)
Your configuration looks correct.
Given this Python script:
import sys
def hello():
print('Hello, ' + sys.argv[1])
it can be executed successfully in the OS Process Sampler
As you can see the View Results Tree listener contains Python script output.
So maybe you should set the "Working Directory" to where you Python script lives because with your settings it's executed in JMeter's "bin" directory context hence most probably it cannot read some file.
More information: How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter

Jmeter displays doubled results in html report and aggregate report when running in non gui mode

I have a Test plan which when I run in the Gui Mode execute the sampler one time, but when I start the Test Plan from the command line I get the sampler to be running twice.
I have deleted the result.jtl file to insure that the results are not accumulated.
Non gui command:
jmeter -n -t C:\Users\cthakor\Downloads\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\bin\examples\Script.jmx -l C:\Users\cthakor\Downloads\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\bin\examples\result.jtl
jmeter -g C:\Users\cthakor\Downloads\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\bin\examples\result.jtl -o C:\Users\cthakor\Downloads\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\bin\examples\HTMLReport
Test plan image
It's hard to say what's wrong without seeing the .jtl results file contents
It might be the case you're getting an extra result due to redirection or to retrieval of the embedded resource
So most probably the dashboard contains correct number of requests, and in GUI the sub-result is being merged into the main sample result.
If this is not something you want to see in the dashboard you can add the next line to file:
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Results file configuration

How to capture error from the output of a command in batch script when the command fails?

I had a Jenkins job with multiple builds. Some steps were batch and some Powershell, most being batch. In various steps I run some msbuild commands, regular commands like robocopy, zip..., some .bat,.ps1 scripts and some .exe' files.
I want to capture the errors when failed and save them to a file. I want every build step get executed irrespective of their failure. The Jenkins job should be successful.
For this I am force exiting 0 every build step. Before this I am trying capture errors to a file. With powershell it is easier using -errorvariable option or try{}catch{} block.
But in batch I am facing lot of troubles capturing errors from the command outputs, especially for some execuatbles and scripts only when the command fails.
Any help would be grateful.

Is it possible to run a batch file as part of the Run command (i.e. F5)?

I'd like to execute a batch file when I run the solution which will prepare the environment that I'm deploying to. I want this to run first thing when I hit F5 before anything else happens. Is this possible? If so, how?
In the project's property pages, under Debugging tab, set the proper value for Command option. Default value is $(TargetPath), which will run the output executable. Just specify your batch file there.
You will have to run the executable on your own in this case. I suggest passing $(TargetPath) as a parameter to your batch script and then executing the parameter.
