How can I spoof the user agent on demand in Internet Explorer via VBScript? There is a site I want to access that is intended for mobile only devices. My goal is to spoof an iOS mobile device. I need to be able to fake the agent, display the page, ad interact with it. Google is failing me.
This snippet of code connects to pretending to be an iPhone 6 and prints the output of the site:
Dim o : Set o = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
o.Open "GET", "", False
o.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25"
WScript.Echo o.ResponseText
I didn't have an iPhone 6 to hand so I used this question to determine the user agent.
Managed to piece together a working solution to my prob (example using windows phone):
set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Visible = True
ie.Navigate "",0,0,0,"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows Phone 8.0; Trident/6.0; IEMobile/10.0; ARM; Touch; NOKIA; Lumia 920)"
Now this solution exists on the internet. lol
Environment to reproduce
Windows 8,10,11
"vue": "2.5.16"
"ag-grid": "18.1.2"
"ag-grid-vue": "26.2.0"
Chrome 96.0.4 +
Providing a Reproducible Scenario
Set the windows display resolution to scale to 125% or 150% Open the
chrome and open the app
Now try to scroll to bottom of the grid bodyScrollEnd is not
triggering when scroll reaches the end
CodeSandBox link:
Current behavior
bodyScrollEnd event is working fine on MacOS BigSur(11.6) and Windows (on 100% scaling) on every browser
Expected behavior
bodyScrollEnd event should be triggered on reaching end or scroll irrespective of OS and browser
AG Grid version: 18.1.2
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36'
Language: [ES6/7]
I've seen in the logs of my site the following user agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 12.4.1; en_US; ) AppleWebKit/0.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/0.0; GmmClient:google_ios/,3/iOS-AppStore
What app can be generating this traffic?
The part GmmClient:google_ios/ probably indicates that traffic is generated from Google Maps for iOS, when THe website is opened in a webview inside this app.
But I can't find any documentation referencing GmmClient so I can't confirm it.
What is the user-agent string added when we open LinkedIn app from an IOS mobile. I want to detect LinkedIn app from IOS using user-agent string, is that achievable. Are there unique user-agent strings for different devices for LinkedIn app
It doesn't seem like LinkedIn has a specific user agent string for the app browser.
From using udger (opening an udger link from LinkedIn Messages on native mobile App for iPhone) I got the following:
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_2_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/13D15
Which differs heavily from one you get from the FB browser which looks like this:
Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU iPhone OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X; en_US) AppleWebKit (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile [FBAN/FBForIPhone;FBAV/4.1.1;FBBV/4110.0;FBDV/iPad2,1;FBMD/iPad;FBSN/iPhone OS;FBSV/5.1.1;FBSS/1; FBCR/;FBID/tablet;FBLC/en_US;FBSF/1.0]
The main difference being the Mobile/13D15, but unfortunately that has no correlation with LinkedIn, but only with the Mobile Build number.
If you've gotten any new progress on this issue feel free to reply!
We have been in the situation where we needed to quickly find the UAs for facebook, Twitter and other apps that use webviews on iOS.
We ended up using a service on
This gives you the string quickly if you open the site in the service. (send yourself a facebook message with the link or something like that.)
I am sure that there are multiple other services like udger, but that was the one we ended up on.
I'm using this code to open url in my app
var task = new WebBrowserTask();
task.Uri = new Uri(Link, UriKind.Absolute);
now I have requirement to open this page in desktop version. How can I do that?
In iOS I set user agent, but there's no such param for browsertask on WP.
That is not possible by any means. System settings (in this case Internet Explorer settings) cannot be changed by your application.
If you are the owner of the website, you can specify some special query parameter that will force desktop mode. If this is a general purpose app, you might as well forget about it.
This can do it !
public void MyBrowser()
webBrowser1.Navigate(new Uri(""), null, "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; XBLWP7; ZuneWP7)");
i want to view something in the internet, how can i do it?
If all else fails, route your WLAN over a box on which you install a network sniffer. Dump the HTTP traffic. That's the last resort solution, but for sure works.
Generally user agent sniffing is the only method used to detect iPhones. You can use the develop menu in Safari to change your user agent string. An example iPhone user agent string is
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5
Alternatively, you can add a bookmarklet by Shaun Inman to Mobile Safari that allows you to view source code on your device (or just visit the page directly).