About Cyclic Permutation - algorithm

I studied math, and I come up with this problem.
There are two permutations A and B and a integer M.
We say A almost equal to B if we can make from A to B doing following operations.
-1 Choose a M-length segment of the permutation A.
-2 Perform a cyclic shift on it towards the right.(So,if sub segment is "1 2 3 4 5"(m=5), then after this operation , it will be "5 1 2 3 4".)
Question : Does A almost equal to B?
I think it is typical , but I couldn't find the answer.
How to solve it?(not brute force!)
number of elements in the permutation<=10^5
A "1 2 3"
B "2 3 1"
answer YES
explain "1 2 3"->"2 1 3"->"2 3 1"

Here's a proof of my conjecture. Let n be the length of the permutations and m be the length of the windows that we are allowed to rotate, where 1 ≤ m ≤ n. Permutations P and Q are almost equal if there exists a sequence of window rotations that transforms P into Q. Almost equality is an equivalence relation. Here's the claimed characterization of the equivalence classes.
(1) m = 1: P almost equals Q if and only if P = Q
(2) m = n: P almost equals Q if and only if they're rotations of each other
(3) 1 < m < n, m odd: P almost equals Q if and only if they have the same parity
(4) 1 < m < n, n even: P almost equals Q
The first two claims are obvious. As for (3), the necessity of the parity condition follows from the fact that rotating a window of odd length is an even permutation.
The meat of the argument here is to find an algorithm for when n = m + 1 ≥ 4, since in general, we can use an algorithm similar to insertion sort to transform P so that all but the last m + 1 elements match Q, and specifically, the case (n, m) = (3, 2) can be solved by inspection. In case m is even, we ensure further that the transformation matches the parity of Q, by rotating the last m elements once if necessary. (For m odd, we just assume equal parities.)
We need a technique for moving fewer than m elements at once. Suppose that the state is as follows.
1, 2, 3, 4, ..., m, m + 1
Rotate the second window m - 1 times (i.e., once in reverse).
1, 3, 4, ..., m, m + 1, 2
Rotate the first window m - 1 times.
3, 4, ..., m, m + 1, 1, 2
Second, twice.
3, 2, 4, ..., m, m + 1, 1
3, 1, 2, 4, ..., m, m + 1
We've succeeded in rotating the first three elements. This suffices in combination with conjugation by rotations to "insertion sort" the first m - 1 elements of Q into place. The other two are in the right order by the parity match.


Number of pair in array that satisfy Bitwise Equation

I found this problem in a contest. The question is:
You are given an array of N non-negative integers (A1, A2, A3,..., An) and an integer M. Your task is to find the number of unordered pairs of array elements (X,Y) that satisfies the following bitwise equation:
2 * set_bits(X|Y) = M + set_bits(X ⊕ Y)
set_bits(n) represents the number of ones in the binary represenataion of an integer n.
X|Y represents the bitwise OR of integer X and Y.
X ⊕ Y represents the bitwise XOR of integer X and Y.
The unordered pair of array elements is pair (Ai, Aj) where 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N.
Print the number of unordered pairs of array elements that satisfy the above bitwise equation.
Sample Input 1:
N=4 M=2
arr = [3, 0, 4, 5]
Sample Output: 2
2 pairs are (3,0) and (0,5)
Sample Input 2:
N=8 M=2
arr = [3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1, 8]
Sample Output: 9
Is there any other way except brute force to solve this equation?
A solution with time complexity O(n) exists if the time complexity of set_bits is O(1).
First, we are going to rephrase the condition (the bitwise equation) a bit. Assume a pair of elements (X, Y) is given. Let c_01 represent the number of digits where X is 0 but Y is 1, c_10 represent the number digits where X is 1 and Y is 0, and c_11 represent the number of digits where X and Y are 1. For example, when X=5 and Y=1 (X=101, Y=001), c_01 = 0, c_10 = 1, c_11 = 1. Now, the condition can be rewritten as
2 * (c_01 + c_10 + c_11) = M + (c_01 + c_10)
because set_bits(X|Y) is equal to c_01 + c_10 + c_11 and set_bits(X^Y) is equal to c_01 + c_10.
We can reorder the equation into
c_01 + c_10 + 2*c_11 = M
by moving the term on the right to the left side. Now, realize that set_bits(X) = c_10 + c_11. Applying this information on the equation we get
c_01 + c_11 = M - set_bits(X)
Now, also realize that set_bits(Y) = c_01 + c_11. The equation becomes
set_bits(Y) = M - set_bits(X)
set_bits(X) + set_bits(Y) = M
The problem has turned into counting the number of pairs such that the number of set bits in the first element plus the number of set bits in the second element is equal to M. This can be done in linear time assuming you can compute set_bits in constant time.

Permutations: Possibility of a permutation to be obtained from a given sequence [duplicate]

I studied math, and I come up with this problem.
There are two permutations A and B and a integer M.
We say A almost equal to B if we can make from A to B doing following operations.
-1 Choose a M-length segment of the permutation A.
-2 Perform a cyclic shift on it towards the right.(So,if sub segment is "1 2 3 4 5"(m=5), then after this operation , it will be "5 1 2 3 4".)
Question : Does A almost equal to B?
I think it is typical , but I couldn't find the answer.
How to solve it?(not brute force!)
number of elements in the permutation<=10^5
A "1 2 3"
B "2 3 1"
answer YES
explain "1 2 3"->"2 1 3"->"2 3 1"
Here's a proof of my conjecture. Let n be the length of the permutations and m be the length of the windows that we are allowed to rotate, where 1 ≤ m ≤ n. Permutations P and Q are almost equal if there exists a sequence of window rotations that transforms P into Q. Almost equality is an equivalence relation. Here's the claimed characterization of the equivalence classes.
(1) m = 1: P almost equals Q if and only if P = Q
(2) m = n: P almost equals Q if and only if they're rotations of each other
(3) 1 < m < n, m odd: P almost equals Q if and only if they have the same parity
(4) 1 < m < n, n even: P almost equals Q
The first two claims are obvious. As for (3), the necessity of the parity condition follows from the fact that rotating a window of odd length is an even permutation.
The meat of the argument here is to find an algorithm for when n = m + 1 ≥ 4, since in general, we can use an algorithm similar to insertion sort to transform P so that all but the last m + 1 elements match Q, and specifically, the case (n, m) = (3, 2) can be solved by inspection. In case m is even, we ensure further that the transformation matches the parity of Q, by rotating the last m elements once if necessary. (For m odd, we just assume equal parities.)
We need a technique for moving fewer than m elements at once. Suppose that the state is as follows.
1, 2, 3, 4, ..., m, m + 1
Rotate the second window m - 1 times (i.e., once in reverse).
1, 3, 4, ..., m, m + 1, 2
Rotate the first window m - 1 times.
3, 4, ..., m, m + 1, 1, 2
Second, twice.
3, 2, 4, ..., m, m + 1, 1
3, 1, 2, 4, ..., m, m + 1
We've succeeded in rotating the first three elements. This suffices in combination with conjugation by rotations to "insertion sort" the first m - 1 elements of Q into place. The other two are in the right order by the parity match.

Dividing N items in p groups

You are given N total number of item, P group in which you have to divide the N items.
Condition is the product of number of item held by each group should be max.
example N=10 and P=3 you can divide the 10 item in {3,4,3} since 3x3x4=36 max possible product.
You will want to form P groups of roughly N / P elements. However, this will not always be possible, as N might not be divisible by P, as is the case for your example.
So form groups of floor(N / P) elements initially. For your example, you'd form:
floor(10 / 3) = 3
=> groups = {3, 3, 3}
Now, take the remainder of the division of N by P:
10 mod 3 = 1
This means you have to distribute 1 more item to your groups (you can have up to P - 1 items left to distribute in general):
for i = 0 up to (N mod P) - 1:
=> groups = {4, 3, 3} for your example
Which is also a valid solution.
For fun I worked out a proof of the fact that it in an optimal solution either all numbers = N/P or the numbers are some combination of floor(N/P) and ceiling(N/P). The proof is somewhat long, but proving optimality in a discrete context is seldom trivial. I would be interested if anybody can shorten the proof.
Lemma: For P = 2 the optimal way to divide N is into {N/2, N/2} if N is even and {floor(N/2), ceiling(N/2)} if N is odd.
This follows since the constraint that the two numbers sum to N means that the two numbers are of the form x, N-x.
The resulting product is (N-x)x = Nx - x^2. This is a parabola that opens down. Its max is at its vertex at x = N/2. If N is even this max is an integer. If N is odd, then x = N/2 is a fraction, but such parabolas are strictly unimodal, so the closer x gets to N/2 the larger the product. x = floor(N/2) (or ceiling, it doesn't matter by symmetry) is the closest an integer can get to N/2, hence {floor(N/2),ceiling(N/2)} is optimal for integers.
General case: First of all, a global max exists since there are only finitely many integer partitions and a finite list of numbers always has a max. Suppose that {x_1, x_2, ..., x_P} is globally optimal. Claim: given and i,j we have
|x_i - x_ j| <= 1
In other words: any two numbers in an optimal solution differ by at most 1. This follows immediately from the P = 2 lemma (applied to N = x_i + x_ j).
From this claim it follows that there are at most two distinct numbers among the x_i. If there is only 1 number, that number is clearly N/P. If there are two numbers, they are of the form a and a+1. Let k = the number of x_i which equal a+1, hence P-k of the x_i = a. Hence
(P-k)a + k(a+1) = N, where k is an integer with 1 <= k < P
But simple algebra yields that a = (N-k)/P = N/P - k/P.
Hence -- a is an integer < N/P which differs from N/P by less than 1 (k/P < 1)
Thus a = floor(N/P) and a+1 = ceiling(N/P).

Know repetitions in multiset by its sum

I'm given the size N of the multiset and its sum S. The elements of the set are supposed to be continuous, for example a multiset K having 6 (N=6) elements {1,1,2,2,2,3}, so S=11 (the multiset always contains first N repeating natural numbers).
How can I know the total changes to make so that there can be no repetitions and the set becomes continuous?
For the above example the multiset K needs 3 changes. Hence, finally the set K will become {1,2,3,4,5,6}.
What I did is, I found out the actual sum (i.e. n*(n+1)/2) and subtracted the given sum. Let it be T.
Then, T=ceil(T/n), then the answer becomes 2*T, it is working for most cases.
But, I guess I'm missing some cases. Does there exists some algorithm to know how many elements to change?
I'm given only the size and sum of the multiset.
As you already noticed, for a given N, the sum should be S' = N * (N-1) / 2. You are given some value S.
Clearly, if S' = S the answer is 0.
If S'- S <= N - 1, then the multiset that requires least changes is
{1, 2, ..., N-1, X}
where X = N - (S' - S), which is in the range [1, N-1]. In other words, X makes up for the difference in sum between the required and the actual multiset. Your answer would be 1.
If the difference is larger than N-1, then also N-1 cannot be in the multiset. If S'- S <= (N - 1) + (N - 2), a multiset that requires least changes is
{1, 2, ..., N-2, 1, X}
where X = N + (N - 1) - (S'- S), which is in the range [1, N-2]. Your answer would be 2.
Generalizing, you would get a table like:
S' - S | answer
[ 0, 0] | 0
[ 1, N-1] | 1
[ N, 2N-3] | 2
[2N-2, 3N-6] | 3
and so on. You could find a formula to get the answer in terms of N and S, but it seems much easier to use a simple loop. I'll leave the implementation to you.

Represent a number as sum of primes

I am given a large number n and I need to find whether it can be represented as sum of K prime numbers.
Ex 9 can be represented as sum of 3 prime number as 2+2+5.
I am trying to use variation of subset sum but number is too large to generate all primes number till then.
The problem is from the current HackerRank contest. The restrictions are 1 <= n, K <= 10^12
For K = 1, the answer is obviously "Yes" iif N is prime
For K = 2, according to the Goldbach conjecture, which is verified for N up to around 10^18, the answer is "Yes" iif N is even and N >= 4 or if N - 2 is prime.
The interesting case is K = 3. Obviously if N < 6, the answer is "No" because the smallest number expressible as the sum of three primes is 2 + 2 + 2 = 6.
If N >= 6, then either N - 2 or N - 3 is even and >= 4, so we can apply Goldbach's conjecture again.
So for K = 3, the answer is "Yes" simply iif N >= 6.
Via induction (hint: just use K - 3 times the prime 2), we can show that for K >= 3, the answer is "Yes" iif N >= 2*K, so only the cases K = 1 and K = 2 are non-trivial and require just a simple primality check, e.g. via Miller–Rabin in O(log^4 N).
EDIT: As a bonus, this proof also gives a constructive algorithm to output the partition. We use a number of 2's and maybe one 3 to get to K = 2. The tricky K = 2, N even case is not as hard as it looks: We know from computational verification of the Goldbach conjecture that for N >= 12, there is a Goldbach partition with a prime < 5200 or so. There are less than 700 such primes, so we can check them all in a reasonable amount of time.
The concept you are looking for is called the prime partitions of a number. The formula to compute the number of prime partitions of a number is \kappa(n) = \frac{1}{n}\left(\mathrm{sopf}(n) + \sum_{j=1}^{n-1} \mathrm{sopf}(j) \cdot \kappa(n-j)\right); I gave that in LaTeX notation because I don't know how to do it in html. The sopf(n) function is the sum of the distinct prime factors of n, so sopf(42) = 12, since 42 = 2 * 3 * 7, but sopf(12) = 5, since 12 = 2 * 2 * 3 but each prime factor is counted once.
I discuss this formula at my blog.
Your input are n and K. There are many cases :
K > n : impossible
K = n : the K prime numbers are all 1
K < n : 4 subcases :
a. n and K are odd
b. n is even, K is odd
c. n is odd, K is even
d. n and K are even
Case a: select any prime p < n and p > 2. The problem reduces to the same problem with input n-p and K-1 instead of n and K respectively, and we fall in case b
Case b: The problem reduces to the same problem with input n-2 and K-1 instead of n and K respectively, and we fall in case d
Case c: idem than b, but we fall in case a instead of d
Case d: if n = 2K, then 2, 2, ..., 2 taken K times is your solution (ie your primes are 2, 2, ..., 2). Otherwise n can be written
n = (\sum_{i=1}^{i=K-2} 2 ) + p + q
where we add the prime 2 (K-2) times in the sum. Then the problem reduces to the same problem with input n-2(K-2) instead of n and 2 instead of K. But this is Goldbach. You can solve it in O(n sqrt(n)) like this : take p and q both equal to n/2. Increment p and decrease q by 1 at each step until they are both prime.
