Sort hash by key, ignoring accents - ruby

I have a hash like:
dict = {
"someKey" => [ ... ],
"anotherKey" => [ ... ],
"yetAnōtherKéy" => [ ... ]
I want a new hash by sorting the original. Sorting should ignore the accents (done by replacing the accented characters with their un-accented version),
replacements = [
["ā", "a"], ["á", "a"], ["à", "a"], ["ǎ", "a"],
["ō", "o"], ["ó", "o"], ["ò", "o"], ["ǒ", "o"],
["ī", "i"], ["í", "i"], ["ì", "i"], ["ǐ", "i"],
["ē", "e"], ["é", "e"], ["è", "e"], ["ě", "e"],
["ū", "u"], ["ú", "u"], ["ù", "u"], ["ǔ", "u"]
but the keys in the resulting hash should keep the original keys. How is that possible?
I tried
dict = Hash[dict.sort_by{|k,v| k}]
This works and does sort the hash. However, it doesn't ignore the accents, i.e., the words starting with an accented character go to the bottom.
Another attempt is:
replacements.each {|replacement| z.gsub!(replacement[0], replacement[1])}

Code corrected following Cary Swoveland's comment.
replacements ={|_, k| k}.merge(replacements.to_h)
dict.sort_by{|k,_| k.gsub(/./, replacements)}.to_h

Use the unidecoder gem.
require 'unidecoder'
Hash[dict.sort_by{|k,v| k.to_ascii }]

Override the sort method by passing in a block in which you first perform your substitutions gsub (if necessary) and then do your comparison <=>. The sort will return the original items of the enum sorted. A solution I arrived at by reading the documentation ri Hash.sort.


using each_slice and sort Ruby

I need to reorganize an array into slices of 2 elements and then sort each slice alphabetically using each_slice
I've managed to get the each_slice correctly but I can seem to then sort each sub array.
What am I doing wrong here?
array.each_slice(2).to_a { |el| el = el.sort}
You just need to create a new array with the output that you want.
For instance:
# $ array = ["b", "a", "d", "c", "k", "l", "p"]
arr = []
array.each_slice(2) { |el| arr << el.sort}
# $ arr
# => [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["k", "l"], ["p"]]
Pointed in the comments (by #mu is too short), you can also do:
arr = array.each_slice(2).map(&:sort)

Zip all array values of hash

I'd like to zip all the array values of a hash. I know there's a way to zip arrays together. I'd like to do that with the values of my hash below.
current_hash = {:a=>["k", "r", "u"],
:b=>["e", " ", "l"],
:c=>["d", "o", "w"],
:d=>["e", "h"]
desired_outcome = "keder ohulw"
I have included my desired outcome above.
current_hash.values.then { |first, *rest|*rest) }.flatten.compact.join
An unfortunate thing with Ruby zip is that the first enumerable needs to be the receiver, and the others need to be parameters. Here, I use then, parameter deconstruction and splat to separate the first enumerable from the rest. flatten gets rid of the column arrays, compact gets rid of the nil (though it's not really necessary as join will ignore it), and join turns the array into the string.
Note that Ruby zip will stop at length of the receiver; so if :a is shorter than the others, you will likely have a surprising result. If that is a concern, please update with an example that reflects that scenario, and the desired outcome.
Here I'm fleshing out #Amadan's remark below the horizontal line in is answer. Suppose:
current_hash = { a:["k","r"], b:["e"," ","l"], c:["d","o","w"], d:["e", "h"] }
and you wished to return "keder ohlw". If you made ["k","r"] and [["e"," ","l"], ["d","o","w"], ["e", "h"]] zip's receiver and argument, respectively, you would get "keder oh", which omits "l" and "w". (See Array#zip, especially the 3rd paragraph.)
To include those strings you would need to fill out ["k","r"] with nils to make it as long as the longest value, or make zip's receiver an array of nils of the same length. The latter approach can be implemented as follows:
vals = current_hash.values
#=> [["k", "r"], ["e", " ", "l"], ["d", "o", "w"], ["e", "h"]]
#=> "keder ohlw"
a = [nil]*
#=> [nil, nil, nil]
#=> [[nil, "k", "e", "d", "e"],
# [nil, "r", " ", "o", "h"],
# [nil, nil, "l", "w", nil]]
One could alternatively use Array#transpose rather than zip.
vals = current_hash.values
idx = (
#=> [0, 1, 2] { |a| a.values_at(*idx) }.transpose.flatten.compact.join
#=> "keder ohlw"
See Array#values_at. Note:
a = { |a| a.values_at(*idx) }
#=> [["k", "r", nil],
# ["e", " ", "l"],
# ["d", "o", "w"],
# ["e", "h", nil]]
#=> [["k", "e", "d", "e"],
# ["r", " ", "o", "h"],
# [nil, "l", "w", nil]]

Combining words in a string into anagrams using ruby

I wanted to make a program in which I would be able to sort and store the characters which are anagrams into individual groups. For ex for the string:
"scream cars for four scar creams" the answer should be:
[["scream", "creams"], ["cars", "scar"], ["for"], ["four"]]
For the above I used the code:
here = self.split()
there = here.group_by { |x| x.downcase.chars.sort}.values
And I got the required answer. But when I change the code to:
here = self.split()
there = here.group_by { |x| x.downcase.chars.sort}
I get the answer:
{["a", "c", "e", "m", "r", "s"]=>["scream", "creams"], ["a", "c", "r", "s"]=>["cars", "scar"], ["f", "o", "r"]=>["for"], ["f", "o", "r", "u"]=>["four"]}
I would like to know that why it is like this now? I got to the answer using hit-and-trial method.
As commented by Yevgeniy Anfilofyev , values is a method and hence it
Returns a new array populated with the values from hash
While, if we remove the method values then we get the whole hash and not only the array of values.

Ruby Hash to array of values

I have this:
hash = { "a"=>["a", "b", "c"], "b"=>["b", "c"] }
and I want to get to this: [["a","b","c"],["b","c"]]
This seems like it should work but it doesn't:
hash.each{|key,value| value}
=> {"a"=>["a", "b", "c"], "b"=>["b", "c"]}
Any suggestions?
Also, a bit simpler....
>> hash = { "a"=>["a", "b", "c"], "b"=>["b", "c"] }
=> {"a"=>["a", "b", "c"], "b"=>["b", "c"]}
>> hash.values
=> [["a", "b", "c"], ["b", "c"]]
Ruby doc here
I would use: { |key, value| value }
hash.collect { |k, v| v }
#returns [["a", "b", "c"], ["b", "c"]]
Enumerable#collect takes a block, and returns an array of the results of running the block once on every element of the enumerable. So this code just ignores the keys and returns an array of all the values.
The Enumerable module is pretty awesome. Knowing it well can save you lots of time and lots of code.
It is as simple as
#=> [["a", "b", "c"], ["b", "c"]]
this will return a new array populated with the values from hash
if you want to store that new array do
array_of_values = hash.values
#=> [["a", "b", "c"], ["b", "c"]]
#=> [["a", "b", "c"], ["b", "c"]]
hash = { :a => ["a", "b", "c"], :b => ["b", "c"] }
hash.values #=> [["a","b","c"],["b","c"]]
There is also this one:
hash = { foo: "bar", baz: "qux" } #=> ["bar", "qux"]
Why it works:
The & calls to_proc on the object, and passes it as a block to the method.
something {|i| }

Why does the Array allocation my_arr[0,3] work while my_arr[3,0] fails?

I want to pull two values out from an array based on their index.
Unfortunately this fails when the last index is zero and I don't undertand why.
my_array = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"]
# => ["b", "c"]
# => ["a", "b"]
# => []
Why does the last allocation fail to pull out elements 2 and 0?
I suspect my operation is not in fact doing what I think at all since adding a third index makes the whole thing fail:
# => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (3 for 1..2)
What am I actually doing with the array[var1, var2] syntax and what should I be doing?
my_array[start,length][docs] is the slice syntax:
returns a subarray starting at start and continuing for length elements
This is a short syntax for my_array.slice(start, length);
You should do this instead:
my_array.values_at(2, 0)
=> ["c", "a"]
See Array#values_at and Array#slice
