Elasticsearch triggers refresh_mappings when deleting indices - elasticsearch

We're dealing with a huge number of shards (+70k), which makes our ES (v 1.6.0, replica 1, 5 shards per index) not so reliable. We're in the process of deleting indices, but we're noticing that there's a spike of refresh_mapping tasks after each individual delete (if it matters, these delete actions are performed via the REST api). This can be a problem, because subsequent DELETE request will be interleaved with the refresh-mapping tasks, and eventually they will timeout.
For example, here's the output of _cat/pending_tasks when deleting an index.
3733244 1m URGENT delete-index [test.class_jump.2015-07-16]
3733245 210ms HIGH refresh-mapping [business.bear_case1validation.2015-09-19][[bear_case1Validation]]
3733246 183ms HIGH refresh-mapping [business.bear_case1validation.2015-09-15][[bear_case1Validation]]
3733247 156ms HIGH refresh-mapping [search.cube_scan.2015-09-24][[cube_scan]]
3733248 143ms HIGH refresh-mapping [business.bear_case1validation.2015-09-17][[bear_case1Validation]]
3733249 117ms HIGH refresh-mapping [business.bear_case1validation.2015-09-22][[bear_case1Validation]]
3733250 85ms HIGH refresh-mapping [search.santino.2015-09-25][[santino]]
3733251 27ms HIGH refresh-mapping [search.santino.2015-09-25][[santino]]
3733252 9ms HIGH refresh-mapping [business.output_request_finalized.2015-09-22][[output_request_finalized]]
3733253 2ms HIGH refresh-mapping [business.bear_case1validation.2015-08-19][[bear_case1Validation]]
There are two things which we don't understand:
Why are refresh_mappings being triggered? Maybe they are always triggered, but now visible because they are queued behind the URGENT
task. Is this the case?
Why are they triggered on "old" indices which do not change anymore? (the indices being refreshed are from one to two weeks old. The one being deleted is two weeks old as well)
Could this be caused by load rebalancing between nodes? It seems odd, but nothing else comes to mind. Moreover, seems that there are few documents (see below) in there, so load rebalancing seems an extreme longshot.
_cat/shards for test.class_jump.2015-07-16
index state docs store
test.class_jump.2015-07-16 2 r STARTED 0 144b st-12
test.class_jump.2015-07-16 2 p STARTED 0 108b st-16
test.class_jump.2015-07-16 0 p STARTED 0 144b st-10
test.class_jump.2015-07-16 0 r STARTED 0 108b st-01
test.class_jump.2015-07-16 3 p STARTED 1 15.5kb st-03
test.class_jump.2015-07-16 3 r STARTED 1 15.5kb st-18
test.class_jump.2015-07-16 1 r STARTED 0 144b st-08
test.class_jump.2015-07-16 1 p STARTED 0 144b st-00
test.class_jump.2015-07-16 4 r STARTED 1 15.6kb st-19
test.class_jump.2015-07-16 4 p STARTED 1 15.6kb st-07
Is there any way in which these can be suppressed? And more importantly, any way to speed up Index Deletion?

It looks like you're experiencing the same problem as reported in issue #10318 and it is due to the cluster trying to keep mappings in synch between master and data nodes. The comparison runs on a serialized version of the mappings and the fielddata part is a Java Map that is being serialized.
Since Maps don't guarantee any ordering, the serialization will yield syntactically different mappings everytime and for that reason ES thinks the mappings are different between master and data nodes, hence it tries to refresh mappings all over the place all the time.
Until you migrate to 2.0, it seems that the "fix" is to set indices.cluster.send_refresh_mapping: false in elasticsearch.yml on all your nodes and restart them.


How to add another shard to production for tarantool Database, without downtime?

We use tarantool database (sharded using vshard) in production. We started directly with 4 shards. Now we want to increase it to 6 without downtime. But, after adding two more shards, rebalancer kicks in and it doesn't allow reads/writes to happen. Is there any way, that rebalancing can happen supporting all kinds of operations? We can afford to increase the operation time. But it should be a success. What is the best practice to add a shard to tarantool with the minimum inconvenience caused in the product front?
Currently, the Only solution we can think of is to go into maintenance mode and have the rebalance to finish with minimum time possible!!!
You can not write to a bucket that is being transferred right now, but you cant write to other buckets (so it's not like the whole shard is locked up).
Moreover, you can mitigate the effect by
- making buckets smaller (increase bucket_count)
- making rebalancing slower so that that less buckets are transferred simultaneoulsy (rebalancer config).
Suppose, you have 16384 buckets and your dataset is 75GB. It means that average bucket size is around 5 Mb. If you decrease rebalancer_max_receiving parameter to 10, you'll have only 10 buckets (50Mb) being transferred simultaneously (which makes him locked for writes).
This way, rebalancing will be pretty slow, BUT, given that your clients can perform retries and your network between shards is fast enough, the 'write-lock' effect should got unnoticed at all.

Creating high throughput Elasticsearch cluster

We are in process of implementing Elasticsearch as a search solution in our organization. For the POC we implemented a 3-Node cluster ( each node with 16 VCores and 60 GB RAM and 6 * 375GB SSDs) with all the nodes acting as master, data and co-ordination node. As it was a POC indexing speeds were not a consideration we were just trying to see if it will work or not.
Note : We did try to index 20 million documents on our POC cluster and it took about 23-24 hours to do that which is pushing us to take time and design the production cluster with proper sizing and settings.
Now we are trying to implement a production cluster (in Google Cloud Platform) with emphasis on both indexing speed and search speed.
Our use case is as follows :
We will bulk index 7 million to 20 million documents per index ( we have 1 index for each client and there will be only one cluster). This bulk index is a weekly process i.e. we'll index all data once and will query it for whole week before refreshing it.We are aiming for a 0.5 million document per second indexing throughput.
We are also looking for a strategy to horizontally scale when we add more clients. I have mentioned the strategy in subsequent sections.
Our data model has nested document structure and lot of queries on nested documents which according to me are CPU, Memory and IO intensive. We are aiming for sub second query times for 95th percentile of queries.
I have done quite a bit of reading around this forum and other blogs where companies have high performing Elasticsearch clusters running successfully.
Following are my learnings :
Have dedicated master nodes (always odd number to avoid split-brain). These machines can be medium sized ( 16 vCores and 60 Gigs ram) .
Give 50% of RAM to ES Heap with an exception of not exceeding heap size above 31 GB to avoid 32 bit pointers. We are planning to set it to 28GB on each node.
Data nodes are the workhorses of the cluster hence have to be high on CPUs, RAM and IO. We are planning to have (64 VCores, 240 Gb RAM and 6 * 375 GB SSDs).
Have co-ordination nodes as well to take bulk index and search requests.
Now we are planning to begin with following configuration:
3 Masters - 16Vcores, 60GB RAM and 1 X 375 GB SSD
3 Cordinators - 64Vcores, 60GB RAM and 1 X 375 GB SSD (Compute Intensive machines)
6 Data Nodes - 64 VCores, 240 Gb RAM and 6 * 375 GB SSDs
We have a plan to adding 1 Data Node for each incoming client.
Now since hardware is out of windows, lets focus on indexing strategy.
Few best practices that I've collated are as follows :
Lower number of shards per node is good of most number of scenarios, but have good data distribution across all the nodes for a load balanced situation. Since we are planning to have 6 data nodes to start with, I'm inclined to have 6 shards for the first client to utilize the cluster fully.
Have 1 replication to survive loss of nodes.
Next is bulk indexing process. We have a full fledged spark installation and are going to use elasticsearch-hadoop connector to push data from Spark to our cluster.
During indexing we set the refresh_interval to 1m to make sure that there are less frequent refreshes.
We are using 100 parallel Spark tasks which each task sending 2MB data for bulk request. So at a time there is 2 * 100 = 200 MB of bulk requests which I believe is well within what ES can handle. We can definitely alter these settings based on feedback or trial and error.
I've read more about setting cache percentage, thread pool size and queue size settings, but we are planning to keep them to smart defaults for beginning.
We are open to use both Concurrent CMS or G1GC algorithms for GC but would need advice on this. I've read pros and cons for using both and in dilemma in which one to use.
Now to my actual questions :
Is sending bulk indexing requests to coordinator node a good design choice or should we send it directly to data nodes ?
We will be sending query requests via coordinator nodes. Now my question is, lets say since my data node has 64 cores, each node has thread pool size of 64 and 200 queue size. Lets assume that during search data node thread pool and queue size is completely exhausted then will the coordinator nodes keep accepting and buffering search requests at their end till their queue also fill up ? Or will 1 thread on coordinator will also be blocked per each query request ?
Say a search request come up to coordinator node it blocks 1 thread there and send request to data nodes which in turn blocks threads on data nodes as per where query data is lying. Is this assumption correct ?
While bulk indexing is going on ( assuming that we do not run indexing for all the clients in parallel and schedule them to be sequential) how to best design to make sure that query times do not take much hit during this bulk index.
We did try to index 20 million documents on our POC cluster and it took about 23-24 hours
That is surprisingly little — like less than 250 docs/s. I think my 8GB RAM laptop can insert 13 million docs in 2h. Either you have very complex documents, some bad settings, or your bottleneck is on the ingestion side.
About your nodes: I think you could easily get away with less memory on the master nodes (like 32GB should be plenty). Also the memory on data nodes is pretty high; I'd normally expect heap in relation to the rest of the memory to be 1:1 or for lots of "hot" data maybe 1:3. Not sure you'll get the most out of that 1:7.5 ratio.
CMS vs G1GC: If you have a current Elasticsearch and Java version, both are an option, otherwise CMS. You're generally trading throughput for (GC) latency, so if you benchmark be sure to have a long enough timeframe to properly hit GC phases and run as close to production queries in parallel as possible.
Is sending bulk indexing requests to coordinator node a good design choice or should we send it directly to data nodes ?
I'd say the coordinator is fine. Unless you use a custom routing key and the bulk only contains data for that specific data node, 5/6th of the documents would need to be forwarded to other data nodes anyway (if you have 6 data nodes). And you can offload the bulk processing and coordination handling to non data nodes.
However, overall it might make more sense to have 3 additional data nodes and skip the dedicated coordinating node. Though this is something you can only say for certain by benchmarking your specific scenario.
Now my question is, lets say since my data node has 64 cores, each node has thread pool size of 64 and 200 queue size. Lets assume that during search data node thread pool and queue size is completely exhausted then will the coordinator nodes keep accepting and buffering search requests at their end till their queue also fill up ? Or will 1 thread on coordinator will also be blocked per each query request ?
I'm not sure I understand the question. But have you looked into https://www.elastic.co/blog/why-am-i-seeing-bulk-rejections-in-my-elasticsearch-cluster, which might shed some more light on this topic?
While bulk indexing is going on ( assuming that we do not run indexing for all the clients in parallel and schedule them to be sequential) how to best design to make sure that query times do not take much hit during this bulk index.
While there are different queues for different query operations, there is otherwise no clear separation of tasks (like "only use 20% of the resources for indexing). Maybe go a little more conservative on the parallel bulk requests to avoid overloading the node.
If you are not reading from an index while it's being indexed (ideally you flip an alias once done): You might want to disable the refresh rate entirely and let Elasticsearch create segments as needed, but do a force refresh and change the setting once done. Also you could try running with 0 replicas while indexing, change replicas to 1 once done, and then wait for it to finish — though I'd benchmark if this is helping overall and if it's worth the added complexity.

Elastic 6.1 replication speed capped?

I'm playing with Elastic 6.1.1 and testing the limit of the software.
If I take an index of ~ 300GB with 0 replicas and 10 data nodes, and then decide to add a replica, all Elastic instances are massively using network (but not CPU). This is a normal behaviour :)
But it appears network usage is somewhat "capped" - considering network graphs - to 160Mbps (20MiB/sec). This limit is strange as it was default throttle limit on previous versions of Elastic (indices.store.throttle.max_bytes_per_sec), but this variable was deleted starting with Elastic 2.X
I wonder what is this cap, and how I could remove it.
I tried raising index.merge.scheduler.max_thread_count with no effect ...
Do you see any other tuning that can be done in that end ?
Any feedback welcome !
You have this - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.1/recovery.html - which limits the transfer rate of anything related to copying shard from node to node. You can start playing with it by increasing it gradually and see what the impact is on the cluster performance.
Also, you have https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.1/shards-allocation.html#_shard_allocation_settings which also affects the traffic between nodes when copying shards.

Elasticsearch nodes not participating in indexing

With our Elasticsearch nodes, I've noticed very high CPU usage per I/O throughput when indexing documents (queries seem to be ok). I was able to increase throughput via vertical scaling (adding more CPUs to the servers) but I wanted to see what kind of increase I would get by horizontal scaling (doubling the number of nodes from 2 to 4).
I expected to see increased throughput with the expanded cluster size but the performance was actually a little worse. I also noticed that half of the nodes reported very little I/O and CPU usage.
I saw that the primary shard distribution was wonky so I shuffled some of them around using the re-route API. This didn't really have any effect other than to change which two nodes were being used.
The _search_shards API indicates that all nodes and shards should participate.
I'm not sure why only two nodes are participating in indexing. Once a document has been indexed, is there a way to see which shard it resides in? Is there something obvious that I'm missing?
Servers: 2 CPU, 10g JVM, 18G RAM, 500G SSD
Index: 8 shards, 1 replica
Routing Key: _id
Total Document Count: 4.1M
Index Document Count: 50k
Avg Document Size: 14.6K
Max Document Size: 32.4M
files-v2 4 r STARTED 664644 8.4gb es-qa-03
files-v2 4 p STARTED 664644 8.4gb es-qa-01
files-v2 7 r STARTED 854807 10.5gb es-qa-04
files-v2 7 p STARTED 854807 10.2gb es-qa-02
files-v2 0 r STARTED 147515 711.4mb es-qa-04
files-v2 0 p STARTED 147515 711.4mb es-qa-01
files-v2 3 r STARTED 347552 1.2gb es-qa-04
files-v2 3 p STARTED 347552 1.2gb es-qa-02
files-v2 1 p STARTED 649461 3.5gb es-qa-03
files-v2 1 r STARTED 649461 3.5gb es-qa-02
files-v2 5 r STARTED 488581 3.6gb es-qa-03
files-v2 5 p STARTED 488581 3.6gb es-qa-01
files-v2 6 r STARTED 186067 916.8mb es-qa-02
files-v2 6 p STARTED 186067 916.8mb es-qa-01
files-v2 2 r STARTED 765970 7.8gb es-qa-04
files-v2 2 p STARTED 765970 7.8gb es-qa-03
Make sure that JVM + Elastic configurations are same on all nodes.
For testing purpose - try to make all nodes to hold all data (in your case set number of replicas to 3).
About document-shard relation:
OK, so I think I found it. I'm using Spring Data's Elasticsearch repository. Inside their save(doc) method, there's a call to refresh:
public <S extends T> S save(S entity) {
Assert.notNull(entity, "Cannot save 'null' entity.");
elasticsearchOperations.refresh(entityInformation.getIndexName(), true);
return entity;
I bypassed this by invoking the API without Spring's abstraction and the CPU usage for all nodes was much, much better. I'm still not quite clear why a refresh would have effect on 2 nodes (instead of 1 or all) but the issue appears to be resolved.

Why use shards when there is replicas

I am using Solr and have a single collection with dynamic fields.
My goal is to setup a SolrCloud, and SolrWiki recommend this:
From my understanding replications gives you load balancing and redundancy, since it is a straight copy.
Sharding gives you load balancing and acquires half the memory for the index but you are dependent of both working.
So when they set up the cluster like this with 4 servers, would the requests be approximately 4 times faster?
If you only have 1 shard with 4 replicas, does it get 4 times faster with more redundancy?
I took for granted that there is no point in having virtual servers because it wouldn't give you more CPUs to work simultaneously.
In SolrCloud adding more replicas improves concurrency and adding more shards improves query response time.
In other words, if your original query returned in 1 second, adding more replicas will probably not improve the response time but will give you more results per time period.
But, splitting your index into more shards will defiantly reduce the response time.
So, if you split you index from 1 shard into 4 shards you will get almost 4 times faster queries.
But if you choose to have 1 shard with 4 replicas your query response time will probably improved only slightly.
