magento unable to print invoice - magento

when i click print invoice in a magento invoice if im in chrome instead of the pdf download it just gives me a blank page, if im in IE it gives me a 500 internal server error.
i already tried the magento cleanup script, reindex, cache and recompile and nothing
can you give me a hand?

did not get many help with you guy's but i will post the awnser that i found for my own problem you just install the patch SUPEE-2629 for compatibility with php 5.4 you can find it here


Lesti's FPC not working with Fishpig get post collection

I've developed a magento website with the fishpig extension, and as soon as I turned on my Lesti's FPC, i got a white page without any errors on the homepage.
I've managed to trace the error down to the post collection, but I don't know how to fix this issue. Someone had any experience with this?
This is what my post collection looks like:
<?php $posts = Mage::getResourceModel('wordpress/post_collection')
I'm pretty sure this error has nothing to do with Lesti FPC. If you have a white page without any errors, this just means that an error has occured but your PHP error display settings prevent it from being displayed. To display the error, open up your Magento index.php file and uncomment the following line:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
This will reveal the PHP error message. That being said, your issue will probably be fixed by performing the following steps:
Upgrade Magento WordPress Integration to the latest version. Also update any add-on extensions for Magento WordPress Integration.
Check System > Configuration > WordPress for any errors/warnings and fix every single one.
Check var/log/ for a wordpress.log file. Delete this file and then go back to the page that triggers the error. See whether any new errors are added to the file.
Please perform these 3 steps (these steps should be followed for any error with Magento WordPress Integration) and see whether the error persists. If the error does remain after following these steps, please update your question with the specific error message (but only after following these 3 steps).

strange issue in category edit/update Magento

Hi i am going through very strange issue in magento , i have several categories i magento with child categories , i need to update a category information ,i am able to update the many categories but when i try to update the first category under the default category , it didn't work and the browser keeps on loading .I have tried to found the issue on google but nothing was there , in some places it was suggested that it happens due to upgrade but i haven't upgrade the magento or any other module .Please suggest me what can be the issue .
This happens in some cases where the category name contains special characters.
This is for sure a javascript error, otherwise you would have got a response from the server, in this case the you are not getting a response and hence the loading continues. What you could do is check the server response and monitor the firebug / inspect element to get some ideas.
You can check for these javascript elements in the
/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/catalog/category/tree.phtml file.
You should add some more info to the question starting with the Magento version, but follow these steps:
Enable error printing in general by adding these lines to your .htaccess
php_value display_errors 1
Enable logging in Magento in System->Confihuration->Developer->Log Settings
Do as Keyut suggested and try to update the erroneous category with the console open, monitoring the XHR calls. Check the response of the call invoked after you clicked "Save" for errors.
Do as Tobias suggested and check the logs found under var/log in your Magento folder.
By now you should have at least found the error, so you can solve it or ask for further help.

After upgrading Magento from to 1.5.1 a successful check out doesn't redirect to the confirmation page

After upgrading Magento to 1.5.1 when a customer orders their screen refreshed, but it doesn't redirect to the confirmation page and customers can push the place order button again and have their card charged again. Has anyone else stumbled onto this problem?
Thanks for looking
After I checkout the server returns the following response:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Mage_Payment_Helper_Data::getZeroSubTotalPaymentAutomaticInvoice() in /var/www/magentobase/app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers/OnepageController.php on line 503
Turns out there was a patched file I made awhile ago that fixed a previous issue that was causing the conflict. The patched file was located in:
I simply removed the file and everything is working fine.

Magento - checkout 404 not found error

I have followed this tutorial :
to bypass the Payment and Shipping Methods im Magento, but this create a 404 error when click on Checkout link (in the toplinks).
How can correct this error ??
Please help !
Always flush the caches after install new extension or sources, this will kill lots of 404 problems.
Then post logs here will be helpful to understand your problem. thanks.

Magento: Checkout redirects to cart before 'Place Order' is pressed (should go to payal)

this is my first actual post on StackOverflow. I'm on here quite often because you guys always solve my queries!
We have a problem in a checkout cart on a Magento site.
We have Magento version and are using the one page checkout and Paypal Standard Checkout.
The problem appears when a customer adds lots of different products to their cart (say 7 or more). When they click on the 'Place Order' button, they should be taken to paypal to complete the order. But instead they are redirected to the cart (the default failure URL)
The checkout works fine when you buy a few items or many of the same item. It doesn't work when you buy multiple different items.
Any help/advice/solution/anything! would be much appreciated!
I to expereinced this issue... We run PHP Version 5.2.10, Magento ver. and use Paypal Website Standard PRO...
We have been optimising the server install APC and tuning MySQL... Uninstalling / reinstalling APC to swap out a version of APC that use spin locks...
After completing these works and running an end to end test the Paypal integration failed to work... Or more to the point on clicking "Place Order" we were redirected to the cart page...
I reviewed the headers sent after pressing "Place order" and found that a 500 error was issued by the server and as Magento is a production configuration this error is not shown and the browser is redirected to the referrer, in this case the basket page...
Our PHP errors are logged to our Apache error_log and on view this I found the following entries:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /home/user/htdocs/lib/Zend/Feed/Abstract.php on line 101
I reviewed this further and discovered DOMDocument and found a post stating that the "PHP-XML Module" is required...
As we had been installing / installing software we ran "yum install php-xml"...
This resolved the issue!!! This is odd as this did work so implying this would not be the issue...
A few more options / areas to look at...
I have experencied busy Magento installs with lots of products and orders, taking an extended amount of time to redirect to Paypal on clicking "Place Order". This is probably your actual problem and upgrading is the way forward, try upgrading to (final 1.4 stable release)... but normally in this circumstance the process would complete after an extended wait (60sec long and more!!!)...
The fact that your checkout redirects to the cart page when you have many items may well be a timeout issue. Magento redirects back to cart from checkout submit when an error occures in the transfer to payment gateway page, so the page timing out or PHP running out of memory would result in you being redirected back to cart...
You should check:-
Apache: "Timeout" normally set at around 120 (secs) consider increasing
PHP: "max_execution_time" 18000 (secs) - Magento friendly figure
Also try increasing PHP setting "memory_limit" in the .htaccess file... setup 64, 128, 256 really increasing past 256 should not be an required.
Also start logging yopur PHP errors: log_errors On
Hope this helps
P.s. My original solution is clearly not correct as your failure only happens when you have multiple products in your cart...
