How to additionally deploy to bintray with maven? - maven

I have SCM connection in maven configuration for deploying artifacts into internal repositories. But on release I want to deploy artifacts to bintray repository additionally. I found gradle-bintray-plugin for gradle and want to use same approach in maven. Do you now how to solve this problem?
Thank you

This post might help. It explains how to deploy your artifacts to your bintray repository from a maven project:

Here is a simple plugin for deploying artifacts to Bintray. Now you can deploy to your internal repositories and Bintray repository on release.


Maven - creating and sharing packages between projects

If I am working for a large organization, when is a situation where I would want to create my own Maven packages and share them with other projects inside my organization?
As I understand it a maven Package is just a maven project that you mvn deploy, then you can add the JAR to other projects. Is that it, or is there more to it?
You'll need an artifact repository such as Artifactory or Nexus. Once you setup artifact repo, you'll have to configure your projects to deploy artifacts there. This is done through your pom.xml file. Then when you run mvn deploy the artifacts will be published to your repo.
Other projects can declare your artifacts as dependencies the same way you do with any other dependencies, but to resolve them they need to know about your artifact repo. This is done in settings.xml

Add Gradle cache to Sonatype Nexus

Is there an option available to add the Gradle dependency cache to Sonatype Nexus repository so that i can use that cached dependencies for my project later.
The easiest way will be writing a Gradle script, that will exact all the artifacts from Gradle cache using Gradle Artifact Query APIĀ and save them in a Maven layout. Then you can import them to Nexus or Artifactory.

Relation between Jenkins and Nexus

Can someone please let me know what is the relation between Jenkins and Nexus. I'm new to this area so pardon me if this is a stupid question.
Jenkins - a continuous integration (CI) platform.
Nexus - a repository manager.
You also tagged Maven so I guess in short Jenkins triggers Maven, Maven builds your packages, while doing it downloads dependencies from Nexus and also uploads artifacts back to Nexus.
Take Nexus as package repository to distribute your artifacts and Jenkins just as a build machine to build the artifacts.

How to configure pom.xml so deploy custom artifact to remote repo (archiva)

How do I deploy an artifact into my archva repository? I want to configure my pom.xml to do this but I'm not sure how to set the groupdId and artifactId and version.
I'm under the impression this artifact must first be copied to my local repo via the install phase. How does it then get deployed to my archiva repo?
Take a look here - Archiva have a nice guide, explaining how to deploy your artifact into it.
I hope it will help.

Nexus Suggested Repositories

I setup an internal Nexus Maven repo and I had a question about which additional Maven repos I should include from the initial setup. What are some suggested Maven repos? So far I have added JBoss, Apache Releases, and Codehaus Releases.
As far as I know , all of these repos are synced with Central. You can verify this by looking up Apache or JBoss artifacts using the maven central search engine.
