Say we have a n x n chess board (or a matrix in other words) and each square has a weight to it. A piece can move horizontally or vertically, but it can't move diagonally. The cost of each movement will be equal to the difference of the two squares on the chess board. Using an algorithm, I want to find the minimum cost for a single chess piece to move from the square (1,1) to square (n,n) which has a worst-case time complexity in polynomial time.
Could dikstras algorithm be used to solve this? Would my algorithm below be able to solve this problem? Diijkstras can already be ran in polynomial time, but what makes it this time complexity?
We have some empty set S, some integer V, and input a unweighted graph. After that we complete a adjacency matrix showing the cost of an edge without the infinity weighted vertices and while the matrix hasn't picked all the vertices we find a vertex and if the square value is less then the square we're currently on, move to that square and update V with the difference between the two squares and update S marking each vertices thats been visited. We do this process until there are no more vertices.
Since you are trying to find a minimum cost path, you can use Dijkstra's for this. Since Dijkstra is O(|E| + |V|log|V|) in the worst case, where E is the number of edges and V is the number of verticies in the graph, this satisfies your polynomial time complexity requirement.
However, if your algorithm considers only costs associated with the beginning and end square of a move, and not the intermediate nodes, then you must connect all possible beginning and end squares together so that you can take "short-cuts" around the intermediate nodes.
How would one going about finding a least cost path when the destination is unknown, but the number of edges traversed is a fixed value? Is there a specific name for this problem, or for an algorithm to solve it?
Note that maybe the term "walk" is more appropriate than "path", I'm not sure.
Say you have a weighted graph, and you start at vertex V1. The goal is to find a path of length N (where N is the number of edges traversed, can cross the same edge multiple times, can revisit vertices) that has the smallest cost. This process would need to be repeated for all possible starting vertices.
As an additional heuristic, consider a turn-based game where there are rooms connected by corridors. Each corridor has a cost associated with it, and your final score is lowered by an amount equal to each cost 'paid'. It takes 1 turn to traverse a corridor, and the game lasts 10 turns. You can stay in a room (self-loop), but staying put has a cost associated with it too. If you know the cost of all corridors (and for staying put in each room; i.e., you know the weighted graph), what is the optimal (highest-scoring) path to take for a 10-turn (or N-turn) game? You can revisit rooms and corridors.
Possible Approach (likely to fail)
I was originally thinking of using Dijkstra's algorithm to find least cost path between all pairs of vertices, and then for each starting vertex subset the LCP's of length N. However, I realized that this might not give the LCP of length N for a given starting vertex. For example, Dijkstra's LCP between V1 and V2 might have length < N, and Dijkstra's might have excluded an unnecessary but low-cost edge, which, if included, would have made the path length equal N.
It's an interesting fact that if A is the adjacency matrix and you compute Ak using addition and min in place of the usual multiply and sum used in normal matrix multiplication, then Ak[i,j] is the length of the shortest path from node i to node j with exactly k edges. Now the trick is to use repeated squaring so that Ak needs only log k matrix multiply ops.
If you need the path in addition to the minimum length, you must track where the result of each min operation came from.
For your purposes, you want the location of the min of each row of the result matrix and corresponding path.
This is a good algorithm if the graph is dense. If it's sparse, then doing one bread-first search per node to depth k will be faster.
Given N points in a map of edges Map<Point, List<Edge>>, it's possible to get the polygons formed by these edges in O(N log N)?
What I know is that you have to walk all the vertices and get the edges containing that vertex as a starting point. These are edges of a voronoi diagram, and each vertex has, at most, 3 artists containing it. So, in the map, the key is a vertex, and the value is a list where the vertex is the start node.
For example:
Points: a,b,c,d,e,f,g
Edges: [a,b]; [a,c]; [a,d], [b,c], [d,e], [e,g], [g,f]
My idea is to iterate the map counterclockwise until I get the initial vertex. That is a polygon, then I put it in a list of polygons and keep looking for others. The problem is I do not want to overcome the complexity O(N log N)
You can loop through the edges and compute the distance from midpoint of the edge to all sites. Then sort the distances in ascending order and for inner voronoi polygons pick the first and the second. For outer polygons pick the first. Basically an edge separate/divide 2 polygons.
It's something O(m log n).
If I did find a polynomial solution to this problem I would not post it here because I am fairly certain this is at least NP-Hard. I think your best bet is to do a DFS. You might find this link useful Finding all cycles in undirected graphs.
You might be able to use the below solution if you can formulate your graph as a directed graph. There are 2^E directed graphs (because each edge can be represented in 2 directions). You could pick a random directed graph and use the below solution to find all of the cycles in this graph. You could do this multiple times for different random directed graphs keeping track of all the cycles and until you've reached a satisfactory error bounds.
You can efficiently create a directed graph with a little bit of state (Maybe store a + or - with an edge to note the direction?) And once you do this in O(n) the first time you can randomly flip x << E directions to get a new graph in what will essentially be constant time.
Since you can create subsequent directed graphs in constant time you need to choose the number of times to run the cycle finding algorithm to have it still be polynomial and efficient.
UPDATE - The below only works for directed graphs
Off the top of my head it seems like it's a better idea to think of this as a graph problem. Your map of vertices to edges is a graph representation. Your problem reduces to finding all of the loops in the graph because each cycle will be a polygon. I think "Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm" will be of use here as it can do this in O(v+e).
You can find more information on the algorithm here
I'm looking for an algorithm which I'm sure must have been studied, but I'm not familiar enough with graph theory to even know the right terms to search for.
In the abstract, I'm looking for an algorithm to determine the set of routes between reachable vertices [x1, x2, xn] and a certain starting vertex, when each edge has a weight and each route can only have a given maximum total weight of x.
In more practical terms, I have road network and for each road segment a length and maximum travel speed. I need to determine the area that can be reached within a certain time span from any starting point on the network. If I can find the furthest away points that are reachable within that time, then I will use a convex hull algorithm to determine the area (this approximates enough for my use case).
So my question, how do I find those end points? My first intuition was to use Dijkstra's algorithm and stop once I've 'consumed' a certain 'budget' of time, subtracting from that budget on each road segment; but I get stuck when the algorithm should backtrack but has used its budget. Is there a known name for this problem?
If I understood the problem correctly, your initial guess is right. Dijkstra's algorithm, or any other algorithm finding a shortest path from a vertex to all other vertices (like A*) will fit.
In the simplest case you can construct the graph, where weight of edges stands for minimum time required to pass this segment of road. If you have its length and maximum allowed speed, I assume you know it. Run the algorithm from the starting point, pick those vertices with the shortest path less than x. As simple as that.
If you want to optimize things, note that during the work of Dijkstra's algorithm, currently known shortest paths to the vertices are increasing monotonically with each iteration. Which is kind of expected when you deal with graphs with non-negative weights. Now, on each step you are picking an unused vertex with minimum current shortest path. If this path is greater than x, you may stop. There is no chance that you have any vertices with shortest path less than x from now on.
If you need to exactly determine points between vertices, that a vehicle can reach in a given time, it is just a small extension to the above algorithm. As a next step, consider all (u, v) edges, where u can be reached in time x, while v cannot. I.e. if we define shortest path to vertex w as t(w), we have t(u) <= x and t(v) > x. Now use some basic math to interpolate point between u and v with the coefficient (x - t(u)) / (t(v) - t(u)).
Using breadth first search from the starting node seems a good way to solve the problem in O(V+E) time complexity. Well that's what Dijkstra does, but it stops after finding the smallest path. In your case, however, you must continue collecting routes for your set of routes until no route can be extended keeping its weigth less than or equal the maximum total weight.
And I don't think there is any backtracking in Dijkstra's algorithm.
The minimum Manhattan distance between any two points in the cartesian plane is the sum of the absolute differences of the respective X and Y axis. Like, if we have two points (X,Y) and (U,V) then the distance would be: ABS(X-U) + ABS(Y-V). Now, how should I determine the minimum distance between several pairs of points moving only parallel to the coordinate axis such that certain given points need not be visited in the selected path. I need a very efficient algorithm, because the number of avoided points can range up to 10000 with same range for the number of queries. The coordinates of the points would be less than ABS(50000). I would be given the set of points to be avoided in the beginning, so I might use some offline algorithm and/or precomputation.
As an example, the Manhattan distance between (0,0) and (1,1) is 2 from either path (0,0)->(1,0)->(1,1) or (0,0)->(0,1)->(1,1). But, if we are given the condition that (1,0) and (0,1) cannot be visited, the minimum distance increases to 6. One such path would then be: (0,0)->(0,-1)->(1,-1)->(2,-1)->(2,0)->(2,1)->(1,1).
This problem can be solved by breadth-first search or depth-first search, with breadth-first search being the standard approach. You can also use the A* algorithm which may give better results in practice, but in theory (worst case) is no better than BFS.
This is provable because your problem reduces to solving a maze. Obviously you can have so many obstacles that the grid essentially becomes a maze. It is well known that BFS or DFS are the only way to solve mazes. See Maze Solving Algorithms (wikipedia) for more information.
My final recommendation: use the A* algorithm and hope for the best.
You are not understanding the solutions here or we are not understanding the problem:
1) You have a cartesian plane. Therefore, every node has exactly 4 adjacent nodes, given by x+/-1, y+/-1 (ignoring the edges)
2) Do a BFS (or DFS,A*). All you can traverse is x/y +/- 1. Prestore your 10000 obstacles and just check if the node x/y +/-1 is visitable on demand. you don't need a real graph object
If it's too slow, you said you can do an offline calculation - 10^10 only requires 1.25GB to store an indexed obstacle lookup table. leave the algorithm running?
Where am I going wrong?
We are given a weighed graph G and its Shortest path distance's matrix delta. So that delta(i,j) denotes the weight of shortest path from i to j (i and j are two vertexes of the graph).
delta is initially given containing the value of the shortest paths. Suddenly weight of edge E is decreased from W to W'. How to update delta(i,j) in O(n^2)? (n=number of vertexes of graph)
The problem is NOT computing all-pair shortest paths again which has the best O(n^3) complexity. the problem is UPDATING delta, so that we won't need to re-compute all-pair shortest paths.
More clarified : All we have is a graph and its delta matrix. delta matrix contains just value of the shortest path. now we want to update delta matrix according to a change in graph: decreased edge weight. how to update it in O(n^2)?
If edge E from node a to node b has its weight decreased, then we can update the shortest path length from node i to node j in constant time. The new shortest path from i to j is either the same as the old one or it contains the edge from a to b. If it contains the edge from a to b, then its length is delta(i, a) + edge(a,b) + delta(b, j).
From this the O(n^2) algorithm to update the entire matrix is trivial, as is the one dealing with undirected graphs.
Although they both consider increase and decrease. Increase would make it harder.
On the first one, though, page 973, section 3 they explain how to do a decrease-only in n*n.
And no, the dynamic all pair shortest paths can be done in less than nnn. wikipedia is not up to date I guess ;)
Read up on Dijkstra's algorithm. It's how you do these shortest-path problems, and runs in less than O(n^2) anyway.
EDIT There are some subtleties here. It sounds like you're provided the shortest path from any i to any j in the graph, and it sounds like you need to update the whole matrix. Iterating over this matrix is n^2, because the matrix is every node by every other, or n*n or n^2. Simply re-running Dijkstra's algorithm for every entry in the delta matrix will not change this performance class, since n^2 is greater than Dijkstra's O(|E|+|V|log|V|) performance. Am I reading this properly, or am I misremembering big-O?
EDIT EDIT It looks like I am misremembering big-O. Iterating over the matrix would be n^2, and Dijkstra's on each would be an additional overhead. I don't see how to do this in the general case without figuring out exactly which paths W' is included in... this seems to imply that each pair should be checked. So you either need to update each pair in constant time, or avoid checking significant parts of the array.