Solr query conundrum - linq

I've recently swapped from using Lucene for Sitecore to Solr.
For the most part it has been smooth, but the way I was writing some queries (using Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq) abstraction now don't seem to be compatible.
Specifically, I have a situation where I've got "global" content and "regional" content, like so:
Home (000)
Regions (ID: 111)
Region 1 (ID: 221)
Region 2 (ID: 222)
My code worked on Lucene, but now doesn't on Solr. It should find all "global" and a single region's content, excluding all other region's content. So as an example, if the user's current region was Region 1, I'd want the query to return content X, Y, Z, A, B.
Sitecore's Item Crawler has a field for each item in the index called "_path" which is a multivalued string field of IDs, so as an example, Region 1's _path field value would be [000, 111, 221 ].
When I write this using the Linq abstraction it comes out as below which doesn't return results.
-_path:(111) OR _path:(221)
But _path:(111) does return result. Mind blown.
When I use the Solr interface and wrap each side of the OR in extra brackets like below (which I'd consider redundant) it works! Mind blown v2.
(-_path:(111)) OR (_path:(221))
Firstly, what's the difference between those queries?
Secondly, my real problem is I can't add these extra brackets as I'm working in an abstraction Linq so the brackets will be "optimized" out.
Any advice would be awesome! Cheers.

The problem here is, lucene's negative queries don't work like you think they do. They only remove results from what has been found. -_path:111 doesn't find all documents which aren't in 111, it doesn't find anything at all. It only removes results. So you are finding all results with path "221", then removing any that also have path "111", which from your heirarchy, I assume is all of them. See my answer here for a bit more on that topic.
The OR makes it seem like it ought to work, but really -_path:(111) OR _path:(221) is the same as -_path:(111) _path:(221). The moral here is: Don't use Lucene's AND/OR/NOT syntax, if you can help it. Use +/-. +/- syntax actually expresses how the query operates, AND/OR/NOT doesn't. It attempts to shoehorn it into a different, SQL-like retrieval model and leads to some unexpected behavior like this.
So, what about: (-_path:(111)) OR (_path:(221))
Well, first, does it actually work? Or does it just get some results?
If it just gets some results, but just seems to get the same results as _path:221: The reason is -_path:111 gets no results, so your query is, in practice, something like: (nothing) OR (_path:221), which is equivalent to _path:221
If it really does get the results you expect (I'm guessing it probably does): Something is translating your query into something like: (*:* -_path:111) (_path:221). Solr does have some logic along these lines, though I'm not quite sure in this case. Essentially, it puts a match-all in front of any lonely negative queries it finds, allowing them to do what you were expecting. If the implicit *:* makes you nervous about performance, well, it should. But lucene is an inverted index, it does well with finding matches on a term quickly. Getting everything that doesn't match goes against the grain of that retrieval model, and will pretty much have to do a full scan of the index.


Spring Data JPA fetching list always returns at least a single result

I've noticed a slight problem with how my API is working where I'm using Spring Data JPA.
My query looks something along the lines of:
#Query("SELECT AS id, COUNT(l) AS likes FROM Post p LEFT JOIN Like l ON = p WHERE = ?1")
My actual query is bigger, this this contains everything necessary to explain what the issue is. This query will return a list, but assume the location does not exist, it should return null or an empty list, correct? Oh, how wrong you are, my sweet summer child!
This query will instead always return a list of at least one element, regardless of whether or not there are any posts linked to said location.
[{"id": null, "likes": 0}]
That is what the result looks like when serialized to JSON. I am not quite sure what to do about this little predicament, as I obviously don't want to return a list with faulty data, but needing to use processing to filter out duds also seems dumb and unnecessary.
Is there any way to prevent this that I've yet to find? If it is of any relevance, I am using projections currently for my responses.
What I've tried so far:
Adding a not null condition for fields. Does not work, ignored by COUNT.
Adding constraints to all fields #NotNull. Does not work, will still become null.
For what it's worth, I've tried different kinds of joins, though anything but LEFT JOIN doesn't make much sense.
I haven't been able to find any other case which resembles this either, although it most likely exists, but is drowned out by everything else. I'm not quite sure what can be done in this regard, so I'm curious if it's just a quirk with the framework, or if there is an actual solution.
It might be possible to solve through native queries, but I would prefer not to use them.
I'm no SQL expert but I believe that a left join will give you this result if the ID does not exist.
Have you run the query in your DB? Doesn't it give you one row in your result set for IDs that do not exist?
I believe this is intended to say there is a 0 match.
You might want to validate your query before running it. Meaning checking that the location exists first.
As the issue is inherently due to a COUNT and CASE keyword in my real query, resulting in there always being at least one row, and I can't find any method of doing this automatically, the solution I've used is the following:
List<Item> items = repository.customQuery(id);
if (0 < items.size() && null == items.get(0).getId()) {
The first condition is arbitrary as I know there is always at least one entry, but is done just as a safety measure. A try-catch block would do the trick as well. In the case where you use a primitive int instead of Integer, you'd need to initialize the value in the constructor to something which would normally never be present in the database, such as -1.
If anyone knows of a better method, I'd love to know about it.

IFTTT JavaScript filter - How to make case insensitive searches + How to search Include and Exclude sets of terms

First off I'm a total novice for Javascript, so please go gently. I'm aware of how people feel about having to now pay for IFTTT, but it's perfect for what I need.
I am using a more expansive version of this code below to capture certain keywords from Tweets to then generate emails if the search returns a positive result. This search works very nicely, except it is case sensitive which is a problem.
Yes, I know you can manipulate the twitter search to pick up specific words or phrases. I am very proficient in achieving searches this way. I am casting a wide net to pick up approx 120 search words or phrases which is too long to achieve through "OR" Twitter search parameters alone which is why I'm using this.
Q1 - I have tried adding item.toLowerCase() and just .toLowerCase() in various parts of the code so it wouldn't matter if the sentence case of the search term is different to that of the original tweet text case. I just can't get it to work though. I've seen various posts on here but I can't get any of them to work in IFTTT. I believe IFTTT doesn't accept REGEX either, which is annoying.
Any advice of how to get this code running so it's case-insensitive for text within IFTTT?
Q2 - I have approx 120 search terms for the tweet text to return positive results. There is a lot of junk that comes through with that. Does anyone know how to add a second layer of 'and exclude' search terms?
I have something like 300-400 words and specific phrases which would be used to stop the email from being triggered - so it'd be something like "IF tweet text contains a, b, c BUT text ALSO contains x, y, z... do not send the email"
let str=Twitter.newTweetFromSearch.Text;
let searchTerms=[
let foundOne=0;
if(searchTerms.some(function(v){return str.indexOf(v)>=0;})){
I have looked at the Twitter API, but that is a step too far for my coding ability which is why I'm using IFTTT.
Any help is very much appreciated
Thank you.
I'm playing with IFTTT Filter myself at the moment, so here are some thoughts about solving your solution.
If you want to do a case insensitive seatch on the original text, convert the original text to lowercase, then have all your search terms in lowercase.
Plus I think you want to iterate over the searchTerms array, and use the includes() method. Ok, just realised that .some() does the iteration for you, but I prefer includes() over indexof().
let str=Twitter.newTweetFromSearch.Text.toLowerCase();
let searchTerms=[
let foundOne=0;
if(searchTerms.some(function(term){return str.includes(term);})){
Or you could just skip having the foundOne variable, and do the search in the if() statement.
let str=Twitter.newTweetFromSearch.Text.toLowerCase();
let searchTerms=[
if(!searchTerms.some(function(term){return str.includes(term);})){

DMQL2 Query Syntax for PHRets v2 Seach() to include filter arguments?

(It's been a while since I've been here.)
I've been using the first version of PHRets v1 for years, and understood it well enough to get by, but now I'm trying to understand the advantages of v2.6.2. I've got it all installed and the basics are working fine. My issues are pretty much with comprehending fine points of query syntax that goes into the rets=>Search() statement. (I'm much more familiar with SQL statements). Specifically, I'd like to have a query return a list of properties, EXCLUDING those which already have the status of "Sold".
Here's where I am stuck: If I start with this
`$results = $rets->Search('Property', 'A','*',['Select' => 'LIST_8,LIST_105,LIST_15,LIST_19,listing_office_shortid']);`
That works well enough. BUT I'd like to fit in a filter like:
"LIST_15 != Sold", or "NOT LIST_15=Sold"...something like that. I don't get how to fit/type that into a PHRets Search().
I like PHRets but it is so hard to find well-organized/complete documentation about specific things like this. Thanks in advance.
As in my comment above I've figured out that the filter goes in the third argument position ('*', as in the original question). The tricky thing was having to find a specific "sold" code for each class of properties and placing it in that position like so: '(LIST_15=~B4ZIT1Y75TZ)', (notice the =~ combination of characters that means "does not equal" in this context). I've found the code strings for each of the property types (not clear WHY they would need to be unique for each type of property: "Sold" is Sold for any type, after all) but the correct code for a single-family residential property (type 'A' least for the MLS in which I have to search is:
$results = $rets->Search('Property', 'A','(LIST_15=~B4ZIT1Y75TZ)',['Select' => 'LIST_8,LIST_105,LIST_15,LIST_19,listing_office_shortid']);
(again, the code to go with LIST_15 will be different for the different types of properties.) I think there is a better answer that involves more naturalistic language, but this works and I guess I will have to be satisfied with it for now. I hope this is of some use to anyone else struggling with this stuff.

How to ignore "stop words" while sorting in MarkLogic?

Is there any way to ignore "stop words" while sorting.
For example:
I have words like
the marklogic
On sorting in descending order the result should be
singla, the marklogic, dixit
As in the above example the is ignored.
Any way to achieve this?
Stop word can occur at any place.
for example
the MarkLogic
MarkLogic is the best
the MarkLogic is awesome
while sorting should not consider any stop word in the text.
Above is just a small example to describe the problem.
In actual I am using search:search API.
For sorting, I am using sort-order search options.
The element on which I have to perform sorting is dynamic. There are approx 30-35 elements.
Is there any way to customize the collation at this level like to configure some words (stop words) which will be ignored while sorting.
There is no standard collation URI that is going to do this for you (at least none that I've ever seen). You can do it dynamically, of course, by sorting on the result of a function invocation, but if you want it done efficiently at scale (and available to search:search), then you need to materialize the sortable string into your document. I've often done this as an attribute on the element:
<title sortable="Great Gatsby, The">The Great Gatsby</title>
Then you put a range index on the title/#sortable attribute.
You can also use the "envelope pattern" where materialized metadata like this is maintained in its own section of the document with the original kept in its own section. For things like this, I think it's a bit more elegant to decorate the elements directly, to keep the context.
If I understand your question correctly you're trying to get rid of the definite article when sorting your result-set.
In order to do this you need to use some additional functions and create a 'sort' criteria. My solution would look like this (I'm also including some sample documents so that you can test this just by copy-pasting):
xdmp:document-insert("/peter.xml", <person><firstName>Peter</firstName><lastName>O'Toole</lastName><age>60</age></person>);
xdmp:document-insert("/john.xml", <person><firstName>John</firstName><lastName>Adams</lastName><age>18</age></person>);
xdmp:document-insert("/simon.xml", <person><firstName>Simon</firstName><lastName>Petrov</lastName><age>22</age></person>);
xdmp:document-insert("/mark.xml", <person><firstName>Mark</firstName><lastName>the Lord</lastName><age>25</age></person>);
for $person in /person
let $sort := fn:reverse(fn:tokenize($person/lastName, ' '))[1]
order by $sort
(: return $person :)
return $person/lastName/text()
Notice that now the sort order is going to be
- Adams
- the Lord
- O'Toole
- Petrov
I hope this will help.

solr query for field value starting with a number

I have to modify a query that searches for a value starting with a letter (relevant snippet fo the query): &fq=Organization:"+letter+"*&
If I pass 'A' as the letter param I'll get 'ABC Hardware', something that start with an A.
How would i modify the letter variable to return only something that starts with a number, as '1A Widgets'.
Tried things like letter = '[0 TO 5]', but I honestly have no idea if I'm on the right track with that.
Seems like a dupe of this question
For cases like this, my favourite approach is to index another boolean field called "StartsWithNumber" and then it's a simple boolean filter. This might not work for you if you can't reindex all of your documents.
For a brute force approach, you could do something like:
fq=Organization:0* OR Organization:1* OR Organization:2* OR .. etc
Not pretty, but fq's get cached so at least it should be fast.
