Can't connect to Neo - macos

I've installed Docker on OSX and downloaded the neo image. when I run it (using the args in the home page of the image), everything seems to work, but the last lines of the log indicate something like:
00:20:39.662 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - Started
#4761ms 2015-10-05 00:20:39.663+0000 INFO [API] Server started on:
http://022b5f3a38fc:7474/ 2015-10-05 00:20:39.663+0000 INFO [API]
Remote interface ready and available at [http://022b5f3a38fc:7474/]
which seem odd and attempting to connect my browser to either http://localhost:7474/ or the indicated http://022b5f3a38fc:7474/ results in an error
what am I missing here?

You'll want to use the IP address of the docker VM, which you can determine with this command:
docker-machine inspect default | grep IPAddress
The default IP address is
So depending on which port you exposed when running the Neo4j docker container you can access the Neo4j browser at:
Port 8474 is the the binding specified by this command:
docker run -i -t --rm --name neo4j -v $HOME/neo4j-data:/data -p 8474:7474 neo4j/neo4j
which is the example given in the documentation here


docker image running not able to access api in spring boot gradle

I have created a image of spring boot gradle project by using command gradlew jibDockerBuild
I run the image by this command docker run -p 8082:8082 demo:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.Image is running successfully on port 8082.In project server.port is 8082 only.
I am not able accesss api so I have checked in my machine whether this process is running on the port or not by command netstat -a -n -o | find "8082".No process is running on that port.
When you install Docker on Windows by Docker Toolbox by default Docker will run on IP (DOCKER_IP).
You can access all your containers running inside docker with DOCKER_IP on your Host machine ie Windows.
Read more on it here
Regarding your mapping query
You have mapped port, which means your container port will be mapped to DOCKER_IP:PORT
If you were using Docker on Linux or Mac it will get mapped to localhost:port as in those cases Docker is running on localhost.
The same is not true for Windows at least with Docker Toolbox.
As per your configuration, you can access your application on HOST machine by hitting

Can't connect from outside of container to Clickhouse by HTTP on Mac OS

I'm trying to use ClickHouse with docker on Mac OS. I use next command:
docker run -d -p 8123:8123 --rm --name some-clickhouse-server -v /my/config/path/config.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 yandex/clickhouse-server:latest
Container successfully started, but when I try to connect to it by http curl 'http://localhost:8123' I have an error:
Failed to connect to localhost port 8123: Connection refused
When I connect to Clickhouse from Clickhouse-client (also using docker image) everything is OK
I ran Clickhouse-server image in -it mode, installed curl, started server and tried to connect clickhouse-server from inside of container, it's OK too
Also I tried to modify config.xml (which was copied from docker image) settings for listen_host (::,, ::1,
and for every setting I tried to connect by curl for localhost,, - nothing of this solved my problem
Normally, docker desktop write these details of host and container to /etc/hosts, after adding the clickhouse-service as follows has resolved this issue. localhost clickhouse-service
I used Docker Toolbox on Mac OS (in conjunction with VirtualBox). So, I've migrated to Docker Desktop and this has solved my problem

Access a host from within a Docker container on Windows

I use Docker CE for Windows on latest Windows 10 and have built an image with a
script that runs a test against a web server.
(A litmus test suite for a WebDAV server to be exact, but I think the problem
is general.)
I run the web server on a Powershell console:
> wsgidav -p 8080 -H localhost
21:04:19.107 - <13348)> wsgidav INFO : Running WsgiDAV/3.0.0a3 Cheroot/6.4.0 Python/3.6.5
21:04:19.107 - <13348)> wsgidav INFO : Serving on http://localhost:8080 ...
From another Powershell console, I run my script in a Docker container (using FROM alpine).
The script starts and tries to access the endpoint, but does not succeed:
> docker pull mar10/litmus
> docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 mar10/litmus http://gateway.docker.internal:8080
-> running `basic':
0. init.................. FAIL (connection refused by `gateway.docker.internal' port 8080: Operation timed out)
I tried so far
Using the gateway.docker.internal hostname
using -p PORT:PORT
using --net=host
restarting the docker daemon (which interestingly sometimes also was neccessary to
fix timeouts in docker pull)
different IP addresses for the web server (, localhost,, local IP)
Nothing worked so far (although the failure message may be different).
Maybe I just missed a working combination of the above, or any other trick?
FWIW, I was able to solve it by building the container with the --network host option and use a real IP of the client (instead of localhost or
Details here:

How do I SSH to a Docker in Mac container [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
docker: SSH access directly into container
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am running Docker for Mac (Version 1.12.0-rc2-beta16 (Build: 9493)).
I have pulled an image from my local repository, and used 'docker run -d' to create a container. Using 'docker ps' I obtained the 'CONTAINER ID', and then used 'docker inspect <CONTAINER_ID>| grep IPA' to obtain the IP address for the running container.
I now want to connect to the container using SSH with 'ssh root#<IP address>' but the command gives the following error: 'Operation timed out'.
Further investigation shows that I can not ping the <IP address> -> 'Request timeout for icmp_seq 0'
How can I connect to the container using SSH? What is the correct command?
UPDATE: This IS NOT a duplicate (as stated above). The entry that begins "The scenario you described" is the correct solution.
The scenario you have described is the approach that would be used on 'normal' Docker.
As Docker on Mac has been created from scratch specifically for the Mac, it has been tweaked to make it easier to use. Therefore, the IP address of the container cannot be used in this way on the Mac.
The documentation Getting Started with Docker for Mac states that:
Previous beta releases used docker as the hostname to build the URL.
From this release forward, ports are exposed on the private IP
addresses of the VM and forwarded to localhost with no other host name
set. See also, Release Notes for Beta 9.
Therefore, the correct way to SSH into a container is to spin it up on Docker for Mac using a port mapping to the SSH port (22). e.g.
docker run -d -p 2022:22 <Image Name>
And the SSH connection is instigated using this command (N.B. it uses 'localhost' on the port specified instead of having to determine and use the container's IP Address):
ssh -p 2022 root#localhost
N.B. It is NOT possible to simply map port 22 to itself i.e. '-p 22:22' as this caused the following error (at least is did for me!):
docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external
connectivity on endpoint pensive_wilson
Error starting userland proxy: Failed to bind: EADDRINUSE.
To use bash prompt you could use docker exec -ti %container-name-or-id% /bin/bash. If you want to use ssh and ensure that an ssh daemon is up and running you should expose corresponding ports from the container with -p parameter like this: docker run -d -p 22:22 my_image.

How to access web page served by nginx web server running in docker container

We are trying to use docker to run nginx but for some reason I'm unable to access the nginx web server running inside the docker container.
We have booted a Docker Container using the following Dockerfile:
(Its a basic hello world using nginx running on port 8888)
To run the container we used:
docker run -it ubuntu bash
we determined the Container's IP address using the docker inspect command:
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' a9404c168b21
which is:
when I try to visit the container's IP address and the nginx port in a browser we get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
or using curl:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8888: Connection refused
To attempt to solve this we googled extensively but suspect we might be asking the "wrong" questions...
You shouldn't be trying to hit the IP address of the container, you should be using the IP address of the host machine.
What you are missing is the mapping of the port of the host machine to the port of the container running the nginx server.
Assuming that you want to use port 8888 on the host machine, you need a parameter such as this to map the ports:
docker run ... -p 8888:8888 ...
Then you should be able to access you server at http://<HOST_MACHINE_IP>:8888
EDIT: There is another gotcha if you are running on a Mac. To use Docker on a Mac it's common to use boot2docker but boot2docker adds in another layer. You need determine the IP address of the boot2docker container and use that instead of localhost to access nginx.
$ boot2docker ip
The VM's Host only interface IP address is: <X.X.X.X>
$ wget http://<X.X.X.X>:8888
Connecting to <X.X.X.X>:8888... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
EDIT: ... or with docker-machine the equivalent command would be docker-machine ip <machine-name> where <machine-name> is likely to be "default".
You may need to check if your container is running:
docker ps ( you should have an active container)
If no container is active:
docker run -p 80:80 -it /bin/bash
you will then be on your image terminal
start nginx - sudo service nginx start
ctrl p + ctrl q to quit docker without exiting the container
if you are on mac and using boot2docker you cannot use localhost to check your running nginx
so use boot2docker ip
browse using the boot2docker ip
