What exactly does a HTTP or jquery $.ajax timeout mean? - ajax

When I issue an $.ajax query with a timeout: parameter, and my timeout is met such that error: is invoked, what does that mean?
More specifically:
does that mean the server received the request, but is still processing it? That may mean some effect may occur, so I may have to cancel it on the server, or somehow invalidate data that was already partially written to a database.
Or does that mean I was never able to reach the server at all? This is nice to know since then I don't have to deal with partial data on a server "save"
Or does that mean the request made it part of the way, and now we lost track of it? In this case, I'd have to actually ask the server, "Oh hey, about that request I sent awhile ago... did you get that one? yeah? okay ignore that last save"
OS Commands like tracert make it clear there may be many servers for a TCP command to go through, so if one becomes unresponsive, it's hard to tell if it got it or not. But some protocols require an echo-back to be considered receivable (so I'm not sure if HTTP or Apache is involved in this)

It is how long the client will wait to hear from the server before giving up.
The server may or may not have done its part. The only way for the client to know about that is for the client to be notified. Since you don't want to to leave a process or a human waiting forever, by using a timeout you specify the time to wait for success before giving up.


WebSocket. Which is correct close code for idle timeout?

Then more I research then more I think of it as a hypothetical question.
In my application I try to proceed all command frames correctly. But while building an application I've encountered one issue: NodeJS default http server closes socket after 120 seconds of inactivity. But that's fine, I can easily disable this timeout. But why not to make it actually controllable? So now I implemented an interface to adjust timeout delay. And now I have another issue: server just break the connection. Silently. That is not really good practice for WebSocket protocol, I should send close command frame first. But which status code should I provide?
Documentation describes a set of status codes, but in general they are (1) job is done, (2) server/client going down, (3) some error occurred, (4) protocol reserved:
And it's unclear to me, which one to choose for idle timeout? It sounds like 1001 (going away) is closer one, but I see nothing in documentation, and found no one ever asked this question.
So which one should I choose? Any ideas?
I was puzzled too. Seems to be no answer that is easily googleable here in 2022.
In my case I've decided to go with 1002 Protocol Error, since not answering to ping is basically protocol violation

Can/Should a http read_timeout be retried?

I'm on a network that usually causes a ton of connection timeout issues, and ocasionally I'm running into read timeout issues as well. Retrying the code whenever a connect timeout happens fixes the problem with connecting to the server. Is is safe to retry the code whenever I get a read_timeout, or whould the response become corrupted? I'm using Ruby, with Net::HTTP client, but I guess this could apply to other languages as well.
A read_timeout means that the server did not send any data within the expected timeout. The response becoming corrupted is less likely as this is TCP.
To answer if it's safe or not to retry depends on what operation you're performing and/or any guarantees the service you're interacting with gives you.
In general GET should be safe to retry.
POST/PUT may need special handling (i.e. rereading some state before deciding to retry) as this usually means that something changes on the server.

Web-Api: When getting a request - give a response but then continue do a job related to the request

We have a web-api based server, and the users do requests.
Many requests have consequences that go beyond the answer that we need to give the user.
So we want to give him/her the answer but then continue processing the implications.
Sometimes we need this "next actions" to happen fast. sometimes we can wait a bit.
I though of the following options:
Before giving the response - open another thread for the job
But seems to me very expensive, and maybe even won't work.
Before giving the response - put the job on some queue that listen to
But seems to me that it might postpone the execution to much
Am I right? Am I wrong?
What are the guidelines/best practices for this kind of questions
I think that the best way to do background processing in that case is to use some queue e.g. azure webjobs or maybe something more complex like NServiceBus. You have to just send message/order processing and return response which inform user that this order has been accepted. There is even special HTTP code (202) for such actions.
Opening another thread is not so good because you lose control on that. There is no easy way to monitor that. What if that thread crash or application pool recycle? You lose all data, user will be waiting forever. It's just not reliable

How does Google Docs autosave work?

Okay, I know it sounds generic. But I mean on an AJAX level. I've tried using Firebug to track the NET connections and posts and it's a mystery. Does anyone know how they do the instant autosave constantly without DESTROYING the network / browser?
My guess (and this is only a guess) is that google uses a PUSH service. This seems like the most viable option given their chat client (which is also integrated within the window) also uses this to delivery "real time" messages with minimal latency.
I'm betting they have a whole setup that manages everything connection related and send flags to trigger specific elements. You won't see connection trigers because the initial page visit establishes the connection then just hangs on the entire duration you have the page open. e.g.
You visit the page
The browser established a connection to [example]api.docs.google.com[/example] and remains open
The client-side code then sends various commands and receives an assortment of responses.
These commands are sent back and forth until you either:
Lose the connection (timeout, etc.) in which case it's re-established
The browser window is closed
Example of, how I see, a typical communication:
------- -------
DOC_FETCH mydocument.doc
DOC_CONTENT mydocument.doc 15616 ...
DOC_AUTOSAVE mydocument.doc 24335 ...
IM collaboratorName Hi Joe!
IM_OK collaboratorName OK
AUTOSAVE_OK mydocument.doc OK
Where the DOC_FETCH command is saying I want the data. The server replies with the corresponding DOC_CONTENT <docname> <length> <contents>. Then the client triggers DOC_AUTOSAVE <docname> <length> <content>. Given the number of potential simultaneous requests, I would bet they keep the "context" in the requests/responses so after something is sent it can be matched up. In this example, it knows the IM_OK matches the second request (IM), and the AUTOSAVE_OK matches the first request (AUTOSAVE)--Something like how AOL's IM protocol works.
Again, this is only a guess.
To prove this, use something like ethereal and see if you can see the information transferring in the background.

Is there an alternative of ajax that does not require polling without server side modifications?

I'm trying to create a small and basic "ajax" based multiplayer game. Coordinates of objects are being given by a PHP "handler". This handler.php file is being polled every 200MS, by using ajax.
Since there is no need to poll when nothing happens, I wonder, is there something that could do the same thing without frequent polling? Eg. Comet, though I heard that you need to configure server side applications for Comet. It's a shared webserver, so I can't do that.
Maybe prevent the handler.php file from even returning a response if nothing has to be changed at the client, is that possible? Then again you'd still have the client uselessly asking for a response even though something hasn't changed yet. Basically, it should only use bandwidth and sever resources if something needs to be told to the client, eg. the change of an object's coordinates.
Comet is generally used for this kind of thing, and it can be a fragile setup as it's not a particularly common technology so it can be easy not to "get it right." That said, there are more resources available now than when I last tried it ~2 years ago.
I don't think you can do what you're thinking and have handler.php simply not return anything and stop execution: The web server will keep the connection open and prevent any further polling until handler.php does something (terminates or provides output). When it does, you're still handling a response.
You can try a long polling technique, where your AJAX allows a very large timeout (e.g. 30 seconds), and handler.php spins without responding until it has something to report, then returns. (You'll want to make sure the spinning is not resource-intensive). If handler.php "expires" and nothing happens, have it exit and let AJAX poll again. Since it only happens every 30 seconds, it will be a huge improvement over ~5 times a second. That would keep your polling to a minimum.
But that's the sort of thing Comet is designed for.
As Ajax only offers you a client server request model (normally termed pull, rather than push), the only way to get data from the server is via requests. However a common technique to get around this is for the server to only respond when it has new data. So the client makes a request, the server hangs on to that request until something happens and then replies. This gets around the need for frequent polling even when the data hasn't changed as you only need the client send a new request after it gets a response.
Since you are using PHP, one simple method might be to have the PHP code call the sleep command for 200ms at a time between checks for data changes and then return the data to the client when it does change.
EDIT: I would also recommend having a timeout on the request. So if nothing happens for say 2 seconds, a "no change" message is sent back. That way the client knows the server is still alive and processing its request.
Since this is tagged “html5”: HTML5 has <eventsource> and WebSocket, but the implementation side is still in the future tense in practice.
Opera implemented an old version of <eventsource> called <event-source>.
Here's a solution - use a SaaS comet provider, such as WebSync On-Demand. No server resources to worry about, shared hosting or not, since it's all offloaded, and you can push out the information as needed.
Since it's SaaS, it'll work with any server language. For PHP, there's already a publisher written and ready to go.
The server must take part in this. Check with the hosting provider what modules are available. Or try to convince them to support Comet.
Maybe you should consider a small Virtual Private Server (VPS) for this.
One thing to add on the long polling suggestions: If you're on a shared server, this solution will have limited scalability, as each active long poll will keep a connection (and a server-side process to service that connection) active. Your provider most likely has limits (either policy-defined or de facto) on the number of connections you can have open at a time, so you'll hit a wall if you have more sessions/windows than that playing concurrently.
