Error ITMS-90168: “The binary you uploaded was invalid.” - xcode

During uploading binary to AppStore I receive an error:
Error ITMS-90168: “The binary you uploaded was invalid.”
I can't upload my binary. Nothing helps.
Tried creating new project. Tried uploading from another computer.
Have anybody succeeded in dealing with this issue?
Any help is appreciated.

Lazy solution!!
I had downloaded Application Loader from a link in the iTunes Connect app submission page. This gave me version 3.0, where I ran into the error.
Instead you can go to Xcode, and open Application Loader from there, which gives version 3.6, where the problem magically disappeared.
You can find it from the top menu: Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader

cd ~/.itmstransporter
rm update_check*
mv softwaresupport softwaresupport.bak
cd UploadTokens
rm *.token
I tried in accordance with this method, but still reported the same mistake


Error exporting Xcode archive since version 13.2.1

We have been getting an error in exporting an archive since the release of Xcode 13.2.1, and are also seeing it in 13.3. (13.1 works great)
The error is:
Reached end of file while looking for: Mach-O slice.
I get this when exporting on our jenkins/fastlane server as well on my development machine.
Curious if anyone has found a solution for this?
It can be an internal issue with malformed library files, try to reload it.
You can try: export_xcargs: "-allowProvisioningUpdates"

Archive fails with error archive Unable to read GoogleService-Info.plist at path Xcode 10.1

It's the first time I go through the process of archiving my app and myy problem is that when I build the projects it builds fine, it runs fine both on simulator than physical iPad, but when I do choose Archive it fails with the error message Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code 31merror: Unable to read GoogleService-Info.plist at path.
Following other posts here on SO, I made sure that in Build Phases/Copy Bundle Resources GoogleService-Info.plistis present. I also checked that GoogleService-Info.plist Target Membership is correctly selected.
I tried to delete, throw it into trash and re-add it to the project by drag and drop. I restarted Xcode but nothing solved it.
Any ideas on what else I should have a look at?
Could it be related to my developer's certificate?
As always many thanks.
I tried uninstalling the pods and reinstalling them but with no changes.
I downloaded again the GoogleService-Info.plistfrom Firebase but also that didn't make a difference.
Update 2:
I deleted the firebase app and recreated one.
Re-downloaded the GoogleService-Info.plistand it's working ok..both on iPad and simulator.
but still archive fails not been able to read the GoogleService-Info.plist..
I'm actually deploying for iOS 9.3 and up..can it have something to do with it?
After a few days of comparing this app with the other one, part of the same bundle, that Archives without a problem, I finally found the problem: A second Fabric script ..that should be used for Answers which was giving me problems and I just put aside using for the moment. I forgot to delete the script for it.
Now that I think about the script could be well be the reason for Answersnot to be working ..time to investigate it ..
Well.. hopefully this will be of help to others..
The incriminated script:
"${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/upload-symbols" -gsp "${PROJECT_DIR}/GoogleService-Info.plist" -p ios "${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME}"
In my case, the very same error message "Unable to read GoogleService-Info.plist at path [...]" was happening during a simple build, and in my case, that was because my build path had a space in its name like "username/path/to/build/Blabla v0.0/GoogleService-Info.plist".
The executed command in Fabric didn't liked it and was unable to find the file GoogleService-Info.plist.

Run react native app on Xcode 10

I get this error when i want to run my react native app hello world app on Xcode 10 (new beta version), can you help me?
The error :
error: Build input file cannot be found:
Screen shot from my Xcode
This helped me:
Remove and add again libfishhook.a from Xcode and the path issue will resolve.
This issue is caught by the stricter xcode 10 new build system.
A temporary fix while react-native really fix the issue is to switch back to using the old build system
In Xcode, Select File -> Project/Workspace Setting. You will see a Build System option to select the Legacy Build System as shown below
Clear your project and "Derived Data" Build and Run your project
BONUS Point: If you are using a CI/CD pipeline you can also add the xcodebuild argument -UseNewBuildSystem='NO' to the cli or via fastlane xcargs: "-UseNewBuildSystem='NO'"
Manually copypasting libfishhook.a into the correct folder, as suggested here, worked for me:
For a solution, I copied the file from my ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/libfishhook.a and pasted it into ../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/WebSocket/ and got the build. I hope it helps.
Daniel's answer helped me to solve problem. Just note that if it's tvOS, then the same action of removing and adding should be done of RCTWebSocket-tvOS.a

Not able to copy and install android studio on mac

I have downloaded android stdio setup from android developer site i.e. of version 3.1.2.
When I started the installation, it ask for copy android stdio to "Application" folder. when I do that mac give error like
"The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items."
Please let know how to install.
I also faced similar issue.
Drag it to Desktop. Then move it to Applications folder. and it will work fine.
Best of luck
I tried the above solution and it did not work. I got it to work by accident. The last action i did was:
Drag the .dmg into the Applications folder, and back into Downloads
Drag the Android Studio icon into Applications and it worked.
I had similar issues.
First, repair disk permissions with Disk Utility, for both volumes!
If that doesn't fix the problem, then right-click (or control-option-left click) on the folders. Then select Get Info, and then check the Sharing & Permissions for them. There you want to see Read & Write, in case you see Read Only, then change it!
Had the same issue with the installer getting to 528MB and then the same error as in your screenshot:
"The operation can't be completed because you don't have permission to access some of the items."
I was installing version 3.1.4 so change the below so that the paths are correct:
sudo rsync -rvzPKh /Volumes/Android\ Studio\ 3.1.4/Android\ /Applications/
That will copy all the files into place, but you will still get an error related to a missing dylib if you try launch via terminal.
For some reason there is a symlink that does not get copied over so we have to patch that:
cd /Applications/Android\
sudo ln -s ../Home/jre/lib/jli/libjli.dylib libjli.dylib
Now just launch the app from Applications as you usually would. That should get you moving.
Personally, I've been having other issues with my other intellij platforms like PyCharm and WebStorm that give me an error intermittently when I try to launch them. Namely a popup containing:
Start Failed: Internal error. Please report to
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager
at com.intellij.util.lang.UrlClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at com.intellij.ide.Bootstrap.main(
at com.intellij.idea.Main.main(
However since I feel this issue is specific to me I think it might work for some of you out there. Would be interested to know if this works for anyone, please let me know in the comments.
I have the same problem yesterday and here's how I solve it today.
open the
enter "sudo spctl --master-disable" and enter the password
System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Allow apps downloaded from: -> select "Anywhere"
install again, and it will be fine.

How do I Compile a Framework in Xcode?

Ever since I switched to Yosemite, I have been getting an Xcode quit unexpectedly error whenever I try to run SDL2. I can't even get a "hello world" to run.
I am trying the fix it by following the directions on this page:
Xcode 5 crashes when running an app with SDL 2
But I don't know how to "Compile the "Framework" target in Xcode/SDL/SDL.xcodeproj" I tried just simply building it but that doesn't seem to work because I don't see any framework file showing up.
Can someone help me figure out how to get rid of this error?
I assume you have got the latest version of the code either by doing hg clone or by downloading the latest snapshot from
This should give you a directory called SDL which contains the source and all of the projects. You will want to open 'Xcode/SDL/SDL.xcodeproj'
Then ensure the following is set as your build target - Framework > My Mac (64-bit) You can change it by clicking on it.
Then hit CMD+B (or select Product->Build from the menu) to build the framework. You will then be able to find the SDL2.framework in the following location:
Copy the framework to /Library/Frameworks
