I have a Jython script calling wsadmin libraries to configure a WAS server.
I have these functions:
def createWasObject(was_object_type, was_path, object_params):
if isinstance(was_path, basestring):
was_path = AdminConfig.getid(was_path)
str_params = '['
for k,v in object_params.items():
str_params = str_params + '[' + k + ' "' + v + '"] '
str_params = str_params + ']'
return AdminConfig.create(was_object_type, was_path, str_params)
def createJdbcProviders(was_path, jdbc_providers):
was_object_type = 'JDBCProvider'
for jdbc_provider in jdbc_providers:
jdbc = createWasObject(was_object_type, was_path, jdbc_provider['params'])
print jdbc
for datasource in jdbc_provider['datasources']:
ds = createWasObject('Datasource', jdbc, datasource['params'])
The "print jdbc" prints:
Teradata JDBC Provider(cells/jsr-websphere-1Cell01/nodes/jsr-websphere-1Node01/servers/jsr-business|resources.xml#JDBCProvider_1444648929602)"
Which looks like a correct object ID
However, when using it to create a datasource, I get the following error:
WASX7017E: Exception reçue lors de l'exécution du fichier "/root/jsr_auto_deployment/jsr.py" ; informations sur l'exception : com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: Invalid object name: "Teradata JDBC Provider(cells/jsr-websphere-1Cell01/nodes/jsr-websphere-1Node01/servers/jsr-business|resources.xml#JDBCProvider_1444648929602)"
I am using Jython 2.7 through a Thin client. Reusing an object returned by AdminConfig.create() was working well with a Jython script ran through wsadmin.sh
My problem was on that line:
was_path = AdminConfig.getid(was_path)
Most of the time I was passing a string but this time I was already using an ID. So I removed the AdminConfig.getid in the function and added it in the calls when necessary only.
I am having trouble to access Azure container from Azure/Databricks.
I follow instructions from this tuto, so I started to create my container and generate sas.
Then on a databricks notebook I delivered the following command
dbutils.fs.mount( source = endpoint_source, mount_point = mountPoint_folder, extra_configs = {config : sas})
where I replace endppoint_source, mountPoint_folder, sas by the following
container_name = "containertobesharedwithdatabricks"
storage_account_name = "atabricksstorageaccount"
storage_account_url = storage_account_name + ".blob.core.windows.net"
sas = "?sv=2021-06-08&ss=bfqt&srt=o&sp=rwdlacupiytfx&se=..."
endpoint_source = "wasbs://"+ storage_account_url + "/" + container_name
mountPoint_folder = "/mnt/projet8"
config = "fs.azure.sas."+ container_name + "."+ storage_account_url
but I ended with the following exception:
shaded.databricks.org.apache.hadoop.fs.azure.AzureException: shaded.databricks.org.apache.hadoop.fs.azure.AzureException: Container $root in account atabricksstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net not found, and we can't create it using anoynomous credentials, and no credentials found for them in the configuration.
I cannot figure out why databricks cannot find the root container.
Any help would be mutch appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The storage account and folder exist, as can be seen from this capture, so I am puzzled out.
Using the same approach as yours, I got the same error:
Using the following code, I was able to mount successfully. Change the endpoint_source value to the format wasbs://<container-name>#<storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net.
endpoint_source = 'wasbs://data#blb2301.blob.core.windows.net'
mp = '/mnt/repro'
config = "fs.azure.sas.data.blb2301.blob.core.windows.net"
sas = "<sas>"
dbutils.fs.mount( source = endpoint_source, mount_point = mp, extra_configs = {config : sas})
My bad..., I put a "/" instead of "#" between the container_name and the storage_account_url and inverse the order, so the right synthax is:
endpoint_source = "wasbs://"+ container_name + "#" + storage_account_url
I am trying to create jython script that will load list of properties and will customize the server-> JVM -> custom properties.
I managed to create a script using the AdminConfig tasks, the problem is that some of the values contains non-English characters (Hebrew to be more precise), and the Jython does not managed to read them correctly
The solution was combined-
The loading of the properties files was done with InputStreamReader that used UTF8 character set-
inStream = javaio.FileInputStream(propsFil)
instreader = javaio.InputStreamReader(inStream, "UTF8")
propFil = util.Properties()
After that I needed to use the AdminTask instead of AdminConfig-
AdminTask.setJVMSystemProperties('[-serverName '+ server + ' -nodeName '+ node+ ' -propertyName '+ config_property +' -propertyValue ' + config_value + ' ]')
TL;DR: What Database.FileFormat constant should I use for an MS Access 2000-2003 database, when creating the Database object?
I have built a SAMBA test application using jCIFS. It allows me to create/overwrite files if given the correct authentication credentials, regardless of on which PC in the domain I use it.
I also have an application that uses uCanAccess/jackcess to connect to an MDB on a network share. However (from what I understand), it uses the credentials of the logged-in user, a number of whom have read-only access. Only system/network administrators have write permission.
The database in question is not password-protected. (I don't need to enter a password when opening it.)
My intention is to have the app ask for the administrator's Samba credentials before it writes to the DB, using those in the uCanAccess connection, so that it doesn't throw a java.nio.channels.NonWritableChannelException, as per the below stack trace:
at sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl.write(FileChannelImpl.java:747)
at com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.PageChannel.writePage(PageChannel.java:310)
at com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.PageChannel.writePage(PageChannel.java:247)
at com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.TableImpl.writeDataPage(TableImpl.java:1980)
at com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.TableImpl.addRows(TableImpl.java:2229)
at com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.TableImpl.addRow(TableImpl.java:2067)
at net.ucanaccess.converters.UcanaccessTable.addRow(UcanaccessTable.java:44)
at net.ucanaccess.commands.InsertCommand.insertRow(InsertCommand.java:101)
at net.ucanaccess.commands.InsertCommand.persist(InsertCommand.java:148)
at net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessConnection.flushIO(UcanaccessConnection.java:315)
at net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessConnection.commit(UcanaccessConnection.java:205)
at net.ucanaccess.jdbc.AbstractExecute.executeBase(AbstractExecute.java:217)
at net.ucanaccess.jdbc.Execute.execute(Execute.java:46)
at net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessPreparedStatement.execute(UcanaccessPreparedStatement.java:228)
at myapp.db.Digger.addTransaction(Digger.java:993)
at myapp.tasks.TransactionRunnable.run(TransactionRunnable.java:42)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Update: I have tried using the smbFileChannel class by Gord Thompson and J. T. Alhborn, shown here. My code, based off the main class shown in that answer, looks like this:
// Ask the user for login credentials and the path to the database
String smbURL = (chosenDir.endsWith("/") ? chosenDir : chosenDir + '/')
+ dbName;
System.out.println("DB Path to use for URL: " + smbURL);
URL u = new URL(smbURL);
try (
// construct the SMB DB URL
SmbFileChannel sfc = new SmbFileChannel(smbURL);
Database db = new DatabaseBuilder().setChannel(sfc)
) {
// Model the table
Table tbl = new TableBuilder("Transactions")
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("TransactionID", DataType.LONG).setAutoNumber(true))
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("ControllerID", DataType.LONG).setAutoNumber(false))
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("ReaderID", DataType.LONG).setAutoNumber(false))
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("Event", DataType.LONG).setAutoNumber(false))
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("Timestamp", DataType.SHORT_DATE_TIME).setAutoNumber(false))
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("Number", DataType.LONG).setAutoNumber(false))
.addIndex(new IndexBuilder(IndexBuilder.PRIMARY_KEY_NAME).addColumns("TransactionID").setPrimaryKey())
// Add the row
Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("ControllerID", cid);
values.put("ReaderID", rid);
values.put("Event", evtNum);
values.put("Timestamp", ts); // Long; must be converted to DataType.SHORT_DATE_TIME
values.put("Number", accNum);
} catch (IOException IOEx) {
"Failed to write record to Transactions table in database: "
+ IOEx.getMessage()
} catch (Exception ex) {
'[' + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + "]: Failed to write record to "
+ "Transactions table in database: " + ex.getMessage()
Executing the above code results in the following output:
DB Path to use for URL: smb://machine.vpnName/Storage/me/dbs/DBName.mdb
Failed to write record to Transactions table in database: Logon failure: account currently disabled.
jcifs.smb.SmbAuthException: Logon failure: account currently disabled.
at jcifs.smb.SmbTransport.checkStatus(SmbTransport.java:546)
at jcifs.smb.SmbTransport.send(SmbTransport.java:663)
at jcifs.smb.SmbSession.sessionSetup(SmbSession.java:390)
at jcifs.smb.SmbSession.send(SmbSession.java:218)
at jcifs.smb.SmbTree.treeConnect(SmbTree.java:176)
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.doConnect(SmbFile.java:911)
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.connect(SmbFile.java:957)
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.connect0(SmbFile.java:880)
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.open0(SmbFile.java:975)
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.open(SmbFile.java:1009)
at jcifs.smb.SmbRandomAccessFile.<init>(SmbRandomAccessFile.java:57)
at jcifs.smb.SmbRandomAccessFile.<init>(SmbRandomAccessFile.java:42)
at samba.SmbFileChannel.<init>(SmbFileChannel.java:30)
at samba.SambaLanWriteTest.writeTest(SambaLanWriteTest.java:130)
at samba.SambaLanWriteTest.main(SambaLanWriteTest.java:181)
I have write access to a test copy of the database file in question when using Windows File Explorer. I am choosing that one when prompted.
Update 2: I realised that I neglected to add my username and password to the smb:// URL, as Thompson's example shows. I changed to code to this:
String smbCred = "smb://" + auth.getUsername() + ":" + auth.getPassword() + "#",
fixer = chosenDir.replace("\\", "/").replace("smb://", smbCred),
smbURL = fixer + dbName;
System.out.println("DB Path to use for URL: " + smbURL);
// URL u = new URL(smbURL);
The next problem I had was that my password contains special illegal characters (such as '#', ':', ';', '=' and '?'). I escaped these by using java.net.URLEncoder.encode() on auth.getUsername() and auth.getPassword() so the code doesn't throw a MalformedURLException when creating the SmbChannel. However, the next exception I encountered is as follows:
Failed to write record to Transactions table in database: File format GENERIC_JET4 [VERSION_4] does not support file creation for null
java.io.IOException: File format GENERIC_JET4 [VERSION_4] does not support file creation for null
at com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.DatabaseImpl.create(DatabaseImpl.java:444)
What Database.FileFormat constant should I use for an MS Access 2000-2003 database, when creating the Database object?
It turns out that I needed to use Database.FileFormat.V2000.
After that, it was all plain sailing (although I still need to work out how to get the Long timestamp to convert correctly).
I am getting an error on writing a script in an attempt to get data into influxDB. The following creates executeScript syntax error which seems to work fine sending the line through the API.
20:17:13Z",fetch="2018-07-24 16:17:23-04:00" 1532541609
Inserted the following script in nifi ExecuteScript but it keeps throwing the following error:
Failed to process session due to javax.script.ScriptException: <eval> Missing space after numeric literal line = line + inputType="json" + " " + ",aID="2312321" + ",cType="text" + ",pub="2018-07-24 13:09:12" + ",fetch="2018-07-24 13:20:02" + " " + Date.now() * 1000000;
Any help or thoughts please.
I'm using WebSphere and jython
I need to change the 'Container-managed authentication alias', unfortunatelly I can't find anything in API, inspecting attributes of existing DataSources or any example for that task.
I have succesfully changed the 'composant-managed authentication alias' with:
AdminConfig.modify(DataSourceProvider, '[[name "basename"] [authDataAlias "' + nameNode + '/' + aliasJaas + '" ] ')
How can i do that?
thank you!
Here is some logic which you could use to solve your problem.
# Create new alias
cellName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.list("Cell"), "name")
security = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:' + cellName + '/Security:/')
myAlias = 'blahAlias'
user = 'blah'
pswd = 'blah'
jaasAttrs = [['alias', myAlias], ['userId', user], ['password', pswd ]]
print AdminConfig.create('JAASAuthData', security, jaasAttrs)
print "Alias = " + myAlias + " was created."
# Get a reference to your DataSource (assume you know how to do this):
myDS = ...
# Set new alias on DataSource
AdminConfig.modify('MappingModule', myDS, '[[authDataAlias ' + myAlias + '] [mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping]]')
Note that if you can figure out how to do a given task in the Admin Console, you can use the "Command Assist" function to get a Jython snippet to do the equivalent via wsadmin. See here.