unsuccessful trying to connect directly into subfolder of ftp.
it showing
unknown host ftp://ftp2.xxx.com/test/949010. need help please.thanks
SET "Server=ftp://ftp2.xxx.com/test/949010"
SET "UserName=xxx"
SET "Password=x:nj*~A+"
SET "Commands=%TEMP%SendToFTP_commands.txt"
ECHO %UserName%> %Commands%
ECHO %Password%>> %Commands%
ECHO binary >> %Commands%
ECHO put "C:\Users\Desktop\Processed\*" >> %Commands%
REM Close the FTP connection.
ECHO close >> %Commands%
ECHO bye >> %Commands%
REM Perform the FTP.
FTP -d -i -s:%Commands% %Server%
REM Clean up.
IF EXIST %Commands% DEL %Commands%
You should use mput *.* (multiple put), if you have many files to upload
Here are a list of commands you can use.
And of course change this line :
SET "Commands=%TEMP%SendToFTP_commands.txt"
to this :
SET "Commands=%TEMP%\SendToFTP_commands.txt"
I include below to the subfolder
ECHO %UserName%> %Commands%
ECHO %Password%>> %Commands%
REM FTP subfolder of in/
ECHO cd in/%%X>> %Commands%
ECHO binary >> %Commands%
So I am trying to write a small batch program to copy files over ftp to another device
The problem is the devices I am copying to are all different servers, but the information i'm copying stays the same.
How can I write this so when I open the batch program, i specify the IP address of the device, and the batch will connect to the server automatically and copy the directories or files i need copied.
Currently it will allow me to input the IP, connect to the server and open a specific file, but every time it tries to connect to copy files it says invalid directory or incorrect server.
set /p PDTFTP= Enter PDT IP Address:
start "ftp://admin:2p0d0t7#%PDTFTP%/pub/IPSM/fds/log/PDTApplicationLog.txt"
set /p PDTFTP= Enter PDT IP Address:
xcopy "C:\test.txt" "ftp://admin:2p0d0t7#%PDTFTP%/pub/IPSM/fds/"
Is there a way to do this when the ftp server will be different almost every time its used
You could do it like this:
to download the file:
#echo off
set /p ip=IP:
echo username> temp.txt
echo password>> temp.txt
echo get fileToGet>> temp.txt
echo quit>> temp.txt
ftp -s:temp.txt %ip%
del temp.txt
to upload the file:
#echo off
set /p ip=IP:
echo username> temp.txt
echo password>> temp.txt
echo put fileToUpload>> temp.txt
echo quit>> temp.txt
ftp -s:temp.txt %ip%
del temp.txt
I'm writing a batch script for a Windows 7 machine. The goal of the script is to move files from the directory C:\directory\source_dir\ to an ftp server ftpserver.domain.com.
Not all the files should be uploaded to the ftp server, so I'm using regular expression.
File Structure:
From the above structure TF_directory1 and everything inside should be uploaded. As should the files TF_123.CAM555.abc, TF_123.CAM123.zyx and TF_987.CAM555.abc.
Here's my problem:
The ftp put command returns an error on the directory
connected to ftpserver.domain.com
220 Welcome to the ftp server
ftp> user USERNAME
331 Please specify the password
230 Login successful.
ftp> cd new_files
250 Directory successfully changed.
---> CWD new_files
ftp> put C:\directory\source_dir\"TF_123.CAM555.abc"
---> PORT 10,X,X,X,4,240
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
---> STOR TF_123.CAM555.abc
150 Ok to send data.
226 File receive OK.
ftp> put C:\directory\source_dir\TF_123.CAM123.zyx"
---> PORT 10,X,X,X,4,240
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
---> STOR TF_123.CAM555.abc
150 Ok to send data.
226 File receive OK.
ftp> put C:\directory\source_dir\TF_987.CAM555.abc"
---> PORT 10,X,X,X,4,240
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
---> STOR TF_123.CAM555.abc
150 Ok to send data.
226 File receive OK.
ftp> put C:\directory\source_dir\"TF_directory1"
**Error opening local file C:\directory\source_dir\TF_directory1.**
ftp> quit
---> QUIT
221 Goodbye.
set base_dir=C:\directory\
set log_dir=%base_dir%source_dir\
set log_file=%base_dir%log_file.txt
::Function to check if the ftpinfo exists. If not, create it.
echo ########################## entering function :createFTPinfoFile
if not exist %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat (
echo %timestamp% -- Creating ftpinfo.dat file at location %base_dir% >> %log_file%
echo user USERNAME> %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat
echo PASSWORD>> %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat
echo %timestamp% -- Created ftpinfo.dat >> %log_file%
) ELSE (
echo %timestamp% -- %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat was not properly removed - Removing the file >> %log_file%
del %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat
echo %timestamp% -- Creating ftpinfo.dat file at location %base_dir% >> %log_file%
echo user USERNAME> %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat
echo PASSWORD >> %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat
echo %timestamp% -- Created ftpinfo.dat >> %log_file%
echo ############################ finished :createFTPinfoFile
echo ############################ entering function :addFilesToFTPinfo
set num=0
echo %timestamp% -- Starting to add files from %log_dir% to ftpinfo.dat >> %log_file%
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('forfiles /p %log_dir% /m "TF_*.CAM*.*" /d -0 -c "cmd /c echo put %log_dir%#file >> %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat & echo 1" ^| find /c /v ""') do set /a num=%%i-1
echo %timestamp% -- Starting to add folders from %log_dir% to fptinfo.dat >> %log_file%
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('forfiles /p %log_dir% /m "TF_*" /d -0 /c "cmd /c if #isdir==TRUE echo put %log_dir%#file >> %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat & echo 1" ^| find /c /v ""') do set /a num=%num%+%%i-1
echo %timestamp% -- added everything to ftpinfo.dat >> %log_file%
echo ############################ finished :addFilesToFTPinfo
REM::This function creates the connection to the ftp server using the information from ftpinfo.dat
echo ########################## entering function :ftpUploadFiles
if exist %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat (
echo cd new_files >> %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat
CALL :addFilesToFTPinfo
echo quit >> %base_dir%ftpinfo.dat
echo %timestamp% -- Connecting to FTP server to upload files >> %log_file%
ftp -n -s:%base_dir%ftpinfo.dat ftpserver.domain.com
echo ########################## finished :ftpUploadFiles
Does anyone know a better way to do this?
The Windows command-line ftp.exe client does not support recursive operations.
If you want to transfer folders, you have three options:
Do all the hard work in the batch file, generating ftp upload commands for all files and folders. While doeable, this is pretty difficult to implement.
Use an ad-hoc solution for your specific folder(s), like the answer by #SamDenty shows.
Easiest is to use a 3rd party command-line FTP client. Most 3rd party FTP clients do support recursive operations.
For example with WinSCP FTP client, you can use a script like:
open ftp://username:password#ftp.example.com/
put TF_directory1
put TF_123.CAM555.abc
put TF_123.CAM123.zyx
put TF_987.CAM555.abc
And run the script (ftp.txt) from a batch file like:
winscp.com /script=ftp.txt
See the guide for converting Windows FTP script to WinSCP script.
(I'm the author of WinSCP)
You are using put to transfer a folder, but put doesn't support transferring folders, only files as stated by:
**Error opening local file C:\directory\source_dir\TF_directory1**
Instead of using put, try using:
mkdir TF_directory1
cd TF_directory1
mput C:\directory\source_dir\TF_directory1\*
Which would:
Make a directory on the FTP server named TF_directory1
CD into the directory
Copy all files from the TF_directory1 and place them in the new FTP folder
Reference -
Good day all.
I've done a batch script that connects to an FTP and download a file on the same location of the .bat file. everything works fine, now, is there a way to "ask for file overwrite permissions"? I mean, if the user already have a file named in the same way, is it possible to prevent overwrite and ask him what to do? the code actually is :
#echo off
echo user MYUSERNAME> ftpcmd.dat
echo MYPASSWORD>> ftpcmd.dat
echo bin>> ftpcmd.dat
echo cd /www.website.com/>>ftpcmd.dat
echo get afile.txt>> ftpcmd.dat
echo quit>> ftpcmd.dat
ftp -n -s:ftpcmd.dat ftp.website.com
del ftpcmd.dat
You can use if exist "afile.txt" in advance and use choice to let the user decide what to do:
#echo off
if exist "afile.txt" (
choice /C YN /M "Overwrite 'afile.txt'? "
) else (
> nul ver & rem (clear `Errorlevel`)
if not ErrorLevel 2 (
> "ftpcmd.dat" (
echo user MYUSERNAME
echo bin
echo cd /www.website.com/
echo get afile.txt
echo quit
ftp -n -s:ftpcmd.dat ftp.website.com
del "ftpcmd.dat"
However, since there is no -i switch in the ftp command line and the interactive prompt mode should be on as per default, I assume the ftp command would prompt the user anyway...
Corrective Update: The "interactive mode" means that the mget and mput will ask user to confirm transfer of each matching file, not matter if it exists or not. See technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490670.aspx. There are no overwrite confirmations in ftp.exe. [Martin Prikryl]
Use the if exist command to test, if the local file exists already before the transfer.
If it exists, ask an user for confirmation.
#echo off
if not exist afile.txt goto download
echo Overwrite?
set INPUT=
set /P INPUT=Y/N: %=%
If /I "%INPUT%"=="Y" goto download
If /I "%INPUT%"=="N" exit
echo Incorrect input
goto ask
ftp -n -s:ftpcmd.dat ftp.website.com
Though for a long term solution, you better use PowerShell, instead of hacking this in a batch file.
I would like to upload a file to my ftp server if internet is connected
In each run, i prefer:
if (ftp server can be connected){
upload the file "C:\abc.txt" to the ftp server directory "/ABC_DB"
Thus, I am not sure how to check ftp connection, is it possible to run like this:
echo abc > C:\abc.txt
???Check the connection here
OPEN your.ftp.server.com
PUT "C:\abc.txt"
Sorry for asking such silly question, but I am new in batch, hope u can help me =[
Test this: change lines 2,3,4 with your details
#echo off
set "name=your_ftp_user-name"
set "password=your_ftp_password"
set "server=ftp_server_name"
ping %server% |find /i "TTL=" >nul || (echo server offline, aborting&pause&goto :EOF)
set "ftpScript=%temp%\%~nx0.ftp.tmp"
echo open %server%
echo %name%
echo %password%
echo bin
echo CD /ABC_DB
echo PUT "C:\abc.txt"
echo quit
) > "%ftpScript%"
ftp -i -s:"%ftpScript%"
del "%ftpScript%"
BAT file Code is as below:
#echo open "Server"> %SCRIPT_NAME%
#echo "User">> %SCRIPT_NAME%
#echo "Password">> %SCRIPT_NAME%
#echo bin>> %SCRIPT_NAME%
#echo hash>> %SCRIPT_NAME%
#echo mput export.csv>> %SCRIPT_NAME%
#echo y>> %SCRIPT_NAME%
#echo quit>> %SCRIPT_NAME%
#ftp -n -s:%SCRIPT_NAME%
It creates FTP_SCRIPT.DAT file correctly, however command prompt remains blank and FTP does not occur at all. I am using batch scripting for first time. So do not know much details of it. How will this FTP command work?
I don't see any error in your script, but make sure you put the correct ftp direction at open command: "xxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.:PortNum"
Try this:
ECHO open "Server:Port"
ECHO "User"
ECHO "Password"
ECHO bin
ECHO hash
ECHO mput "export.csv"
ECHO close
%WINDIR%\system32\FTP.exe -n -s:"%SCRIPT_NAME%"