explain this shell script to me please - shell

I am confused with this make.sh file. I read previous posts about shell scripts structure but I could not find out about this file. what is the function of this file? ....
Can anyone explain it step by step?
rm out/*
for name in `ls in`
out=`cat in/$name | grep ".o " | tr -s \ | cut -d\ -f2`
inp=`cat in/$name | grep ".i " | tr -s \ | cut -d\ -f2`
echo -n "${name} (i=${inp}, o=${out}) "
if [ $inp -le 12 ]
cat in/$name \
| sed '/.i/d' \
| sed '/.o/d' \
| sed '/.p/d' \
| sed '/.e/d' \
| sed 's/|/ /g' \
| tr -s \ \
| sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' \
> out/${name}.in
tst=`cat out/${name}.in | cut -d\ -f2 | grep - -c`
if [ $tst -ne 0 ]
echo "remove file"
rm out/${name}.in
echo processing...
./unix2dos.exe -q out/${name}.in
example_number=`expr $example_number + 1`
echo " skip"
for name in `grep 2 -l out/*`
echo Remove $name
rm $name
example_number=`expr $example_number - 1`
echo Number of examples is $example_number
# bad files
# apla ( 222? )
# tms
# mainpa...

It is not a Makefile, but a shell script. You can see this from the file extension .sh and from the header
Which is the instruction to use the shell to execute this file.


Writing a comparison BATCH file to verify sha256sum to released code

Trying to write a script that takes 2 arguments ($1 and $2) one to represent the $hash and the $file_name.
I am trying to utilize jq to parse the required data to download and compare PASS or FAIL.
I see to be stuck trying to think this out.
Here is my code
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Sifchain shasum check (revised).
# $1
hash_url=$( curl -R -s https://api.github.com/repos/Sifchain/sifnode/releases | jq '.[] | select(.name=="v0.10.0-rc.4")' | jq '.assets[]' | jq 'select(.name=="sifnoded-v0.10.0-rc.4-linux-amd64.zip.sha256")' | jq '.browser_download_url' | xargs $1 $2 )
echo $hash_url
# $2
hash=$( curl -s -L $hash_url | jq'.$2')
file_name=$(curl -R -s https://api.github.com/repos/Sifchain/sifnode/releases | jq '.[] | .name')
echo $hash | sha256sum
echo $file_name | sha256sum #null why?
echo "\n"
## version of the release $1, and the hash $2
## sha256 <expected_sha_256_sum> <name_of_the_file>
sha256() {
if echo "$1 $2" #| sha256sum -c --quiet
echo pass $1 $2
exit 0
echo FAIL $1 $2
exit 1
# Invoke sha256
sha256 $hash_url $file_name
Ideally this should work for any comparison of hash with correct file, pulling the 2 parameters when the BASH script is invoked.
I can suggest the following corrections/modifications:
#sha file
SHA_URL=$(curl -R -s https://api.github.com/repos/Sifchain/sifnode/releases | \
jq --arg VERSION v0.10.0-rc.4 -r \
'.[] | select(.name==$VERSION) | .assets[] | select(.name |test("\\.sha256$")) | .browser_download_url')
SHA_VALUE=$(curl -s -L $SHA_URL| tr 1 2)
FILENAME=$(curl -R -s https://api.github.com/repos/Sifchain/sifnode/releases | \
jq --arg VERSION v0.10.0-rc.4 -r \
'.[] | select(.name==$VERSION) | .assets[] | select(.content_type =="application/zip") | .name')
#added just for testing, I'm assuming you have the files locally allready
FILEURL=$(curl -R -s https://api.github.com/repos/Sifchain/sifnode/releases | \
jq --arg VERSION v0.10.0-rc.4 -r \
'.[] | select(.name==$VERSION) | .assets[] | select(.content_type =="application/zip") | .browser_download_url')
wget --quiet $FILEURL -O $FILENAME
echo $SHA_VALUE $FILENAME | sha256sum -c --quiet >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "PASS "
echo -n "FAIL "
exit $RESULT
--arg VERSION v0.10.0-rc.4 creates a "variable" to be used in the script
-r - raw output, strings are not quoted
test("\\.sha256$") - regular expresion, used to search for a generic sha256, so you don't have to hardcode the full name
select(.content_type =="application/zip") - I'm assuming that's the file you are searching for
wget is used just for demo purpose, to download the file, I'm assuming you already have the file on your machine
sha256sum -c --quiet >/dev/null 2>&1 - redirecting to /dev/null is necessary because in case of error sha256sum is not quiet

Shell Script do while flow

I have a script whose content is like:
echo $DB_FILE
egrep -n "\\\\connect\ $DB_NAME" $DB_FILE | while read LINE
DB_NAME=$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}')
STARTING_LINE_NUMBER=$(echo $LINE | cut -d: -f1)
egrep -n -m 1 "PostgreSQL\ database\ dump\ complete" | \
head -n 1 | \
cut -d: -f1)
tail -n +$STARTING_LINE_NUMBER $DB_FILE | head -n +$TOTAL_LINES > /backup/$DB_NAME.sql
I know what it is doing. But i have a doubt about the flow of do while in this case. At line egrep -n "\\\\connect\ $DB_NAME" $DB_FILE | while read LINE will egrep runs first or while . Because DB_NAME is empty at start of code.
Could anyone please explain the flow of do while in this case.

Shell script result output to a file

I just faced a problem about shell script output problem. Here is the code
TOTAL_RATING_NUMBER="$(grep -c '<Author>' $1)" #Find how many rating in each file
ALL_AUTHOR="$(grep '<Author>' $1 | sed -e 's/<Author>//'| tr -d '\r')"
ALL_COMMENT="$(grep '<Content>' $1 | sed -e 's/<Content>//'| tr -d '\r')"
ALL_DATE="$(grep '<Date>' $1 | sed -e 's/<Date>//'| tr -d '\r')"
ALL_RATING_FILE="$(grep '<Overall>' $1 | sed -e 's/<Overall>//'| tr -d '\r')"
ALL_VALUE="$(grep '<Value>' $1 | sed -e 's/<Value>//'| tr -d '\r')"
ALL_ROOMS="$(grep '<Rooms>' $1 | sed -e 's/<Rooms>//'| tr -d '\r')"
ALL_LOCATION="$(grep '<Location>' $1 | sed -e 's/<Location>//'| tr -d '\r')"
ALL_CLEANLINESS="$(grep '<Cleanliness>' $1 | sed -e 's/<Cleanliness>//'| tr -d '\r')"
ALL_CHECKIN="$(grep '<Check in / front desk>' $1 | sed -e 's/<Check in / front desk>//'| tr -d '\r')"
ALL_SERVICE="$(grep '<Service>' $1 | sed -e 's/<Service>//'| tr -d '\r')"
ALL_BUSSINESS="$(grep '<Bussiness service>' $1 | sed -e 's/<Bussiness service>//'| tr -d '\r')"
echo "INSERT INTO UserRating (Author,Comment,Date,Overall,Value,Rooms,Locations,Cleanliness,Checkin,Service,Bussiness)" >> hotelreviews.sql
echo $($ALL_AUTHOR | sed "${COUNTER_A}q;d") >> hotelreviews.sql
read_each_user_rating $1
I can output
echo "INSERT INTO UserRating (Author,Comment,Date,Overall,Value,Rooms,Locations,Cleanliness,Checkin,Service,Bussiness)" >> hotelreviews.sql to the file. But why i can output "echo $($ALL_AUTHOR | sed "${COUNTER_A}q;d") >> hotelreviews.sql" part to file too?
echo $($ALL_AUTHOR | sed "${COUNTER_A}q;d") >> hotelreviews.sql
is malformed. The expression inside $() must be a valid command (of which $ALL_AUTHOR is almost certainly not).
More likely you need something such as:
echo "$ALL_AUTHOR" | sed "${COUNTER_A}q;d"
inside the $().
In this case however, it's almost certainly not necessary to invoke a sub-command at all when you can simply do:
echo "$ALL_AUTHOR" | sed "${COUNTER_A}q;d" >>hotelreviews.sql

" echo" in bash script empty file

I have problem with echo command I need export data to csv but its empty file
while read domain
ownname= whois $domain | grep -A 1 -i "Administrative Contact:" |cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed 's/ //' | sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/ \n/,/;ta'
echo -e "$ownname" >> test.csv
done < dom.txt
You need to use command substitution to store command's output in a shell variable:
while read domain; do
ownname=$(whois $domain | grep -A 1 -i "Administrative Contact:" |cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed 's/ //' | sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/ \n/,/;ta')
echo -e "$ownname" >> test.csv
PS: I haven't tested all the piped commands.

Too many arguments error in shell script

I am trying a simple shell script like the following:
up_cap=$( cat result.txt | cut -d ":" -f 6,7 | sort -n | cut -d " " -f 2 | sort -n)
down_cap=$( cat result.txt | cut -d : -f 6,7 | sort -n | cut -d " " -f 6| sort -n)
for value in "${down_cap[#]}";do
if [ $value > 80000 ]; then
cat result.txt | grep -B 1 "$value"
echo " All done, exiting"
when I execute the above script as ./script.sh, I get the error:
./script.sh: line 5: [: too many arguments
All done, exiting
I have googled enough, and still not able to rectify this.
You want
if [ "$value" -gt 80000 ]; then
You use -gt for checking if A is bigger than B, not >. The quotation marks I merely added to prevent the script from failing in case $value is empty.
Try to declare variable $value explicitly:
declare -i value
So, with the dominikh's and mine additions the code should look like this:
up_cap=$( cat result.txt | cut -d ":" -f 6,7 | sort -n | cut -d " " -f 2 | sort -n)
down_cap=$( cat result.txt | cut -d : -f 6,7 | sort -n | cut -d " " -f 6| sort -n)
for value in "${down_cap[#]}";do
declare -i value
if [ $value -gt 80000 ]; then
cat result.txt | grep -B 1 "$value"
echo " All done, exiting"
