How to implicitly run a shell script sourced? - macos

I have made a shell script to run as terminal command, but the cd commands inside it is not effective and hence I want to run it with source so that the cd commands take effect.
script name : ""
I added this file to /usr/local/bin, made it executable by chmod +x and it runs fine, but the cd command is not working.
I know it runs in a child process and hence at the end terminal returns back to the starting directory, rendering no effect of cd commands inside
The solutions presented at Sol:1 do not work for me, because they asks me to run source <file>, which is not possible if I want to use it as Bash command.

You use the source command:
source /usr/local/bin/
There's no way to make this happen automatically by typing the script name, that always runs the script in a subprocess. If you don't want to have to type this all out, you could create an alias in your .bashrc to simplify it:
alias project='source /usr/local/bin/'
Then typing project will be translated to that full command.

Of course, source <file> is a Bash command - it uses the source builtin to run script <file> in the context of the current shell rather than in a child process, thus allowing commands in <file> to change the current shell's environment, such as in terms of the working directory (using cd).
Using source, or its alias ., is (ultimately) the only way to achieve that.
If your intent is not to have to invoke <script> explicitly with source, you have two options, both of which are best defined in your Bash profile, ~/.bash_profile (since you're on OS X; on Linux, use ~/.bashrc[1]):
I'll assume that your script is /path/to/foo, and that you want to invoke it sourced as just foo:
Option 1: Define an alias: alias foo='source "/path/to/foo"'
Option 2: Define a function: foo() { source "/path/to/foo"; }
Both aliases and functions execute in the current shell, allowing you to effectively hide the source call behind a single command; aliases are generally a little easier to define, but functions offer more flexibility.
By virtue of the alias / function being defined in your Bash profile, which itself is implicitly sourced, the commands in /path/to/foo will affect your interactive shells' environment.
Note: Either definition of foo will only be available in interactive shells (those that (automatically) source ~/.bash_profile).
Additional steps would be needed to make foo work inside non-sourced scripts as well, but at that point you should ask yourself whether you're obscuring things by not making the fact that /path/to/foo is getting sourced explicit.
If you're writing a script that must be sourced for distribution to others:
Install the sourcing command in the user's shell profile / initialization file (as described above) on installation of your script.
If there is no installation process (and also to enable on-demand installation in general), implement a command-line option for your script such as i (--install) that performs this installation on demand.
Preferably, also implement an uninstallation option.
Either way, build logic into the script so that it refuses to run when run without sourcing, and have the error message contain instructions on how to install sourcing.
See this answer for how to detect sourcing.
A real-world implementation of the above - although more elaborate due to being multi-shell - is my typex utility; source code here.
[1] On OS X, Bash instances started by are login shells, which means that the only (user-specific) file that is automatically sourced on startup is ~/.bash_profile.
By contrast, on most Linux systems Bash instances are non-login shells, where only ~/.bashrc is automatically sourced.
While it is common practice to source ~/.bashrc from one's ~/.bash_profile, this has to be configured manually and therefore cannot be relied upon blindly.


Is there a standard place that the PAGER environment variable is set by default for all users in Ubuntu Linux? [duplicate]

Can I have certain settings that are universal for all my users?
As well as /etc/profile which others have mentioned, some Linux systems now use a directory /etc/profile.d/; any .sh files in there will be sourced by /etc/profile. It's slightly neater to keep your custom environment stuff in these files than to just edit /etc/profile.
If your LinuxOS has this file:
You can use it to permanently set environmental variables for all users.
Extracted from:
man 8 pam_env
man 5 pam_env.conf
If all login services use PAM, and all login services have session required in their respective /etc/pam.d/* configuration files, then all login sessions will have some environment variables set as specified in pam_env's configuration file.
On most modern Linux distributions, this is all there by default -- just add your desired global environment variables to /etc/security/pam_env.conf.
This works regardless of the user's shell, and works for graphical logins too (if xdm/kdm/gdm/entrance/… is set up like this).
Amazingly, Unix and Linux do not actually have a place to set global environment variables. The best you can do is arrange for any specific shell to have a site-specific initialization.
If you put it in /etc/profile, that will take care of things for most posix-compatible shell users. This is probably "good enough" for non-critical purposes.
But anyone with a csh or tcsh shell won't see it, and I don't believe csh has a global initialization file.
Some interesting excerpts from the bash manpage:
When bash is invoked as an interactive
login shell, or as a non-interactive
shell with the --login option, it
first reads and executes commands from
the file /etc/profile, if that file
exists. After reading that file, it
looks for ~/.bash_profile,
~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that
order, and reads and executes commands
from the first one that exists and is
readable. The --noprofile option may
be used when the shell is started to
inhibit this behavior.
When an
interactive shell that is not a login
shell is started, bash reads and
executes commands from
/etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc, if
these files exist. This may be
inhibited by using the --norc option.
The --rcfile file option will force
bash to read and execute commands from
file instead of /etc/bash.bashrc and
So have a look at /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc, these files are the right places for global settings. Put something like this in them to set up an environement variable:
export MY_VAR=xxx
Every process running under the Linux kernel receives its own, unique environment that it inherits from its parent. In this case, the parent will be either a shell itself (spawning a sub shell), or the 'login' program (on a typical system).
As each process' environment is protected, there is no way to 'inject' an environmental variable to every running process, so even if you modify the default shell .rc / profile, it won't go into effect until each process exits and reloads its start up settings.
Look in /etc/ to modify the default start up variables for any particular shell. Just realize that users can (and often do) change them in their individual settings.
Unix is designed to obey the user, within limits.
NB: Bash is not the only shell on your system. Pay careful attention to what the /bin/sh symbolic link actually points to. On many systems, this could actually be dash which is (by default, with no special invocation) POSIXLY correct. Therefore, you should take care to modify both defaults, or scripts that start with /bin/sh will not inherit your global defaults. Similarly, take care to avoid syntax that only bash understands when editing both, aka avoiding bashisms.
Using PAM is execellent.
# modify the display PAM
$ cat /etc/security/pam_env.conf
# BEFORE: $ export DISPLAY=:0.0 && python /var/tmp/myproject/ &
# AFTER : $ python $abc/ &
abc DEFAULT=/var/tmp/myproject

LLDB with Python problem: set PATH exclusively for one executable?

Is there a way of set the PATH variable exclusively for one executable in bash script?
I want to do so because somehow macOS's LLDB requires system-intalled Python, not my Anaconda-managed Python, therefore I need to ensure /usr/bin is at the beginning of PATH. But I prefer Anaconda-managed Python for everyday use, so I don't want to set PATH permanently just to accommodate LLDB.
Temporarily manually writing PATH before and after using LLDB is cumbersome, so I'm thinking about some kind of wrapper script or alias that automates this routine.
P.S. LLDB has the same problem with Homebrew-managed Python.
Environment variables are, by definition, per-process. Each process has a copy of the environment which it can modify for its own reasons.
To override the PATH just for a single invocation, all sh-compatible shells allow you to say
PATH=newvalue executable with arguments
which sets PATH to newvalue for the duration of the execution of executable with arguments, then reverts the value back to its previous state (the current value, or unset if it was unset).
If you want to override something in the environment every time you execute something, you need a wrapper. Assuming you have /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin in your PATH, you could install this in /usr/local/bin/something to override /usr/bin/something with a wrapper:
exec /usr/bin/something "$#"
Remember chmod a+x and of course you need to be root to have write access to this directory in the first place.
For your private needs, a shell function in your .profile or similar is sufficient.
something () {
PATH=newvalue command something "$#"

Getting GNU Make to parse shell config files in OSX?

I've got a makefile for installing my personal repo of config files, part of which is compiling my emacs scripts:
emacs -batch --eval "(progn (load \"~/.emacs\") (byte-recompile-directory \"~/.emacs.d\" 0))"
The problem is, on OSX, I have an alias called "emacs" that points to the binary for use in a terminal, this is defined in my ~/.bash_profile.
Now, no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the shell that Make is calling to read a startup file to load that alias, so that compilation step always fails.
Does anyone know how to do this?
.bash_profile is only read by interactive login shells. Exported environment variables set in it are inherited through the process environment, which means that these settings are generally available to all programs the user starts (if bash is indeed the login shell, of course).
No such inheritance happens for aliases, though. Bash supports exported functions, but that's an obscure feature which can easily break other programs (for example, those which assume that environment variable values do not contain newlines). If you go that route, you may have to use .bashrc instead, to make sure that these functions are exported by interactive bash shells which are not login shells.
I expected the easiest solution is to put a directory like $HOME/bin on the PATH (in .bash_profile or .bashrc, whatever works best) and put an emacs wrapper script into that directory which invokes the actual binary using exec /path/to/ "$#" (or maybe just a symbolic link would do).
That is very strange. Aliases are not exported to sub-shells, and the .bash_profile script is only run by interactive shells: make doesn't invoke an interactive shell (by default). So, it's hard to understand how the shell make invokes would see that alias based on the information you've provided.
Maybe you set the BASH_ENV shell variable somewhere? You should never do that, unless you really know what you're doing.
Maybe you reset make's .SHELLFLAGS variable to force a login shell? You shouldn't to that either.
Anyway, you can try using command which avoids aliases etc. Unfortunately make doesn't know this is a shell-built in, so you have to convince it to run a shell. This will be fixed in the next release of GNU make but Apple will never ship that.
command emacs -batch --eval "(progn (load \"~/.emacs\") (byte-recompile-directory \"~/.emacs.d\" 0))" && true

cron: run a script that sources a function

I have script that does a bunch of stuff. It sources a bunch of functions that are in the directory the script is being run from. i.e.
If I cd into /home/me and run ./ everything works fine. The functions are sourced and do what needs to be done.
However, if I try to run this as a cron job, it will run up until the point I am trying to source the functions, and then it just stops and the process is terminated (if I run it directly from the directory, at least I get some errors).
Like wise, if I try to run this from another directory, I get a bunch of errors. e.g.
cd /opt/
function1: command not found
function2: command not found
I'm sure this has something to do with environmental variables, but I have no idea which ones. I have tried setting (in crontab):
But that doesn't work either. Any help is appreciated. I don't want to hard code in the paths to the functions, and instead make them relative to the path the script is in (preferably the same dir).
Please let me know if you need any more information.
You are most probably aware of this, but just to be clear: A shell function does not have a path. They just need to be loaded into the current shell by sourcing the script that contains them:
source /path/to/functions
cd /path/to/functions
source functions
If you are talking about shell programs (scripts) instead, then you need to account for the fact that on Unix-like OS, the current directory is never in the PATH by default:
cd /path/to/functions
You tagged your question Bash, but note that to be POSIX-compatible (e.g. if using sh), you have to use the . keyword (instead of either . or source on Bash) and the same restrictions regarding the PATH as for command execution apply, see dot:
. ./function1

How do we persist a `source bash_profile` command outside of a ruby script?

What we're trying to do is call source bash_profile to reload a bash_profile file. The script grabs a person's bash_profile and load it onto a person's computer. The problem is that the source bash_profile won't persist outside the ruby script. After the script ends, the terminal looks the same as it did before. How can we make it so that source bash_profile persists outside the ruby script?
The bash_profile usually modifies the bash environment (installing functions, aliases, variables, readline bindings, etc.), and there is really no way to modify the environment of a parent bash process.
So the best you can do is end the ruby script by execing a new bash, specifying the -l (or --login) option to make it a login shell so that it will start by sourcing bash_profile. (You can also do this by making the first character of argument -, usually by setting it to -bash.)
If you have control over the way the ruby script is initiated, you might be able to cause it to be execed, in order that it replaces the parent bash process. That will make for a cleaner process tree.
