Assesing feasibility for OS X port - macos

I need to figure out if porting an application to Mac OS X (not iOS) is feasible. I wrote some code for Mac around 20 years ago, but what I'm looking at now is completely different, and may require a complete re-write, which I cannot afford. After googling for some time, I found a variety of APIs, which appearing and get deprecated so often, that I feel completely lost.
The application draws through copying small fragments of bitmaps to the window. This is accomplished with BitBlt() on Windows or XCopyArea() on X11. In both cases, the source is stored in the video memory, so copying is really fast, 500K copies per second on a decent card, possibly more. On Mac, there used to be CopyBits() function which did the same, but it is now depreacted. I found CGContextDrawImage() which looks it's getting deprecated too, but copies from the user memory, and can only copy the whole image (not fragments). Is there any way to accomplish bitmap copying at decent speed?
I see everything is 64-bit. I would want to keep it in 32-bit for a number of reasons. 32-bit applications still seem to be supported, but with the fast pace deprecation, Apple may stop supporting at any time. Is this a correct assesment?
Software distribution. I cannot find any information on this. Looks like you need to be a member of the Apple Development program to be able to install your software on user's computers. Is this true? In some other places, I have read that any software must undergo Apple approval. Is this correct?
Thank you for your help.

So much has changed in the past twenty years, that it may indeed be quite difficult to port your app directly to modern OS X. You may be better served by taking the general design concept and application objectives, and create a fresh implementation using up-to-date software technology.
Your drawing system might be much easier to do with modern APIs, but the first step is deciding which framework to use. Invest some time in reading the documentation and watching the many videos available on the Developer website. A logical place to start is Getting Started with Graphics & Animation, but you may also wish to explore Metal Programming Guide and SpriteKit.
The notion of 64-bit vs 32-bit is irrelevant. All Mac computers run 64-bit code.
If you don't purchase a Developer program membership, you can still create an unsigned application with Xcode. It can be installed on another user's computer, but they'll need to specifically change the setting in System Preferences -> Security to "Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere".
The WWDC videos are very useful in understanding the concepts and benefits of advancements in these frameworks made over the past few years.

After some investingation, it appears that OS X graphics is completely different from others. Screen is regarded as a target for vector graphics, not bitmap.
When the user changes the screen resolution, the screen resolution doesn't really cange (as it would in Linux or Windows) and remains native, but the scale at which the vector graphics is rendered changes. Consequently, it's perfectly possible to set screen "resolution" to be higher than the native one - you just see the things renderd smaller.
When you take a screenshot, the system simply renders everything to an off-screen bitmap (which can be any size), so you can get nice smooth screenshots at any size.
As everything is vectored, the applications that use bitmap graphics are at a huge disadvantage. It is very hard to get to native pixels without much overhead, and worse yet, an application that uses native pixels will behave strange because it won't scale when the user changes screen resolution. It also will have problems when screenshots are taken. Is it possible to make it work? I guess I won't find out until I fork over $2K for Macbook Pro and try it.
32-bit apps seems to be supported, and I don't think there's an intent to drop the support.
As to code distribution, my Thawte Authenticode certificate is supposed to work on OS X as well, so I probably don't need to become a member of Apple Developer program to distribute software, but again there's no definitive answer to that until I try.


General tips in running a Unity3D-Animation on Microsoft Hololens

I'm going to have the task to make sure that an animation created for in Unity3D can be run on a Microsoft Hololens. I don't have any further information about the animation yet but I wanted to ask in advance if there are any big things i should keep in mind.
In the animation you're playing a "character" in first person mode, controlled by wasd or the arrow keys and you can look up, down, left, right with the mouse. There are (as known to me) no special interactions besides colliders.
And another question: is it easier to test the animation on the actual hololens or to use a hololens-emulator on my laptop?
I know it's a lot to ask right now without any code or stuff but I still hope that some of you can give me a little advide :)
In my experience it is difficult to say. The HoloLens, besides it is an awesome device with nice specs for that size, has quite limited graphical power. Try to minimize your model's vetices to a reasonable low amount (e.g. using Blender's decimate feature). Set down the quality in Unity's quality setting as proposed in the Dev-Guide.
For your emulation question: The emulator does not emulate the HoloLens' specs (like processor, memory...), but emulates input concepts etc., while running a Hyper-V virtual machine. So the performance in the emulator is dependent to your computer's hardware and is not related to the actual performance on a HoloLens.
Also take a look at the performance guidelines from Microsoft
I worked on HoloLens for a couple of projects. A few points that can be useful for you:
the first big thing I would keep in my mind is understanding if the character has to move in a VR environment. In this case HoloLens is almost useless because its lenses will allow you to see the surroundings [the real ones] distracting you from the virtual world. This is exactly what happens with their pre-installed HoloTour. Nice attempt but you will not totally feel in Roma or Machu Picchu
the second big thing that I would consider is the fact that - at least for the first release - HoloLens has a very limited field of view, that "amounts to the size of a monitor in front of you – equivalent to 15 inches" [source]. It is likely that - in a situation where the character will look in every direction - the objects that you put in the AR space will end up being cut or invisible
about testing: the emulator is really exceptional, I didn't find great differences between it and the real device. Of course if you already have the real HoloLens I would use that. But if not I would first develop and test on the emulator to understand if the project is worth the purchase

swf to exe, real world experience

i'm facing a challenge of rebrushing and updating an almost 10-years old Screenweaver project, and looking for a decent modern swf-exe convertor. Don't have much time to evaluate all the options, therefore i'd like to hear responses with actual working experience with such a tool.
Since WinAPI interaction is a must, the default projector is not an option.
Similar questions (no concrete answers there)
Package SWF into an EXE or APP
Create an EXE from a SWF using Flex 3 without requiring AIR?
Many thanks
UPD: 300 bounty for anyone who can help me with a practical answer.
I've been experimenting with different SWF projectors for a long time now, and so far I think I've tried most if not all of them. I've explained in more detail the best projectors I have used below.
MDM Zinc
I remember back in when I had Vista that MDM had quite a few bugs running under that OS. It took a while for them to fix those bugs - the bugs didn't stop it from running, but really interfered with the functioning of some methods in the program. For this reason, I decided not to continue testing Zinc and moved on to another projector. Saying that though, I'm certain they have fixed those bugs now.
The program itself has a nice intuitive interface, and allows you create screensaver as well as EXEs (which is obviously good for you).
The product is pricey - currently at $349.99, so this put me off.
You can also generate Mac and Linux projectors which is very attractive, but requires an additional license for each which does cost a lot of money.
SWF Studio
This was one of the projectors I really enjoyed working with. It's fully featured, has great community support and the developers are always on hand to help. The projectors it generates are compatible with all Windows operating systems, and I've never had any problems with bugs on this one.
Northcode also offer a student license for SWF Studio for $49. I nearly purchased a license with these guys but the only reason why I didn't was because I found another projector which was better for my scenario which I will come onto in a moment.
I can tell you that one of the reasons why I didn't use this projector (it does sound trivial) is because it had a large file size. SWF Studio allows you to select what size projector you want in terms of filesize - with options like tiny and compact I think but the smaller file types might have dependencies with other files in the directory. This means that you would have to bundle your application with some folders and additional files as well as the EXE itself.
SWF Studio also has the option to create screensavers.
mProjector has gone up a version (from 3 to 4) since I last used it, so it may incorporate a lot more features in this version. I remember that the product is very good with transparency, and showcases some 'screen buddies' which use transparency to virtually walk about your screen. The reason why I didn't use this projector is because it didn't have as many Actionscript functions as I would have liked, but I believe it has a lot more nowadays. In your project this wouldn't be so much of a problem because you want a screensaver.
It is reasonably priced at $399 for both Windows and Mac compatibility, but you can buy just Windows or Mac if you wish for a cheaper price.
Janus Flash
I was going to explain this product in more detail but I have now realised that the website no longer exists! Janus is the projector I liked the most and ended up using because of the sheer amount of features available for use in your code.
Like all the projectors I have mentioned above, each one adds functionality to flash which you don't usually get with an SWF. Each product includes pre-built actionscript methods which can interface with the operating system itself to do things you can't do in the Flash sandbox. For example, each one of these projectors allows you to manipulate files (add, edit, delete e.t.c.) on the computer. Janus had the most methods available out of all the projectors I tried. This is partially because Janus used the .NET framework (which meant that .NET 2.0 was required on the system you were executing the projector on).
Also like MDM Zinc, this product allowed you to create applications for the Mac too. I managed to get a cheaper price too when I contacted them directly explaining that I was a student. I recently contacted Janus-Flash to ask about the future of the product, and they said that they may re-release Janus in the future, but for now it's off the market.
Some other products I have used which are worth a mention but I haven't explained in detail: SWFKit, Jugglor, F-IN-BOX (more developer releated as it required cutting code).
A quick search brings up these which might be worth a look: Flash2Me, Flash EXE Builder and SWF to Screensaver.
For your project I think the best option would be SWF Studio. It has lots of nice scripting features you can use to interface with the OS, and is nicely priced too at $299 for a full license.
I hope this helps in your decision for what projector to use, and will save you from trying out many different projectors like I did over several months!
We support a lot of Win32 functionality directly in our core API so chances are you may not even have to make a direct API call, but if you do...
SWF Studio has an advanced Plugin API that allows you to write custom plugins in C++, C# or VB.NET so you can call win32 or .NET functions. We created our own ummanaged to managed code shim so you can write a native .NET plugin and call it from SWF Studio just as easily as you can write a Win32 plugin.
There's no difference between how you call a SWF Studio function in AS2 or AS3. We have maintained 100% backward compatibility in our API. Whether you're using AS2 or AS3, your calls will just work. And they'll continue to work.
However, the place we really shine is support. I created SWF Studio and I'm still in the forums EVERY day answering questions and fixing bugs.
My experience here is from a year ago.
Having worked with mProjector I can tell you that the AS3 API is quite robust and easy to use. I was able to wrap a large swf-based project using external assets up into an EXE without a lot of problems. The UI for mProjector's project gui leaves something to be desired, but the actual hooks to the file system were easy to use.
The difficulty is that not all of it is documented. In fact there were as of a year ago a lot of undocumented packages.
My only real problem with mprojector was that in AS3 there wasn't any support for SharedObjects. Someone in their community worked around this and made their solution available. It does of course make use of storing a file on the local system.
This overall compared favorably against Zinc which was extraordinarily complex, slow to compile, and worse than having no documentation all the docs I needed were flat-out wrong.
I ruled out Jugglor almost immediately. It never successfuly compiled anything.
Since this is an old project you're talking about, and written in AS2, I can't speak to that side of it. I can say however that programs like Zinc and mProjector have been around a lot longer than AS3 has, and that the same hooks that are available in AS3 seemed to be available in AS2 also. The possibility exists that there may be more such hooks in AS2 since it's been supported for longer, but I cannot vouch for this at all.
I have used all of these applications, but most of all I liked theFlajector - a program that converts flash movies (swf) to exe files. You can include a flash player in generated applications and they will use it. In other words, the applications will work even if no flash player is installed. Also, Flajector can create windowless applications from flash movies. You can extend your applications using plugins. Using standard classes you can work with files and more.

How hard would it be to port a directx 7 application to run on Windows 7?

We had an arcade/redemption game running on Win98, but hardware which can run it has finally gone obsolete. The game used a number of scaling effects, some through the 3D path, and played some tricks moving things in and out of video memory. If I was to undertake porting it to run on Windows 7, how much trouble would it likely be? Would it mostly be recompilation, or have the APIs undergone such transformation that I might as well re-write the device interfaces?
Don't think of it as porting to Win7. Just simply port to DX9 and let DX do the work with the Win7 parts. Infact, you could probably just leave it as is and it shuold run -- but you mention you do crazy things with video memory that I assume has nothing to do with DX. (ie either through GDI or some other hack?). Anyway, the DX7, 8 and 9 APIs all have quite drastic differences. But the nice thing is they're all backwards compatible. If the code you have is pure dx7, try compiling against the latest SDK and see if it works on win7 straight off.
It's been a while since I've written any DirectX7 code (or Direct X code at all) but if I recall there were some significant API changes event between 7 and 8 - let along 9 or 10 - that would make such a change a bit more difficult. Specifically I think the major change was that they refactored the system after 7 to merge DirectDraw into Direct3D so that the two systems were no longer completely separate between 7 and 8. I haven't look at it since then, but I suspect that given the number of new coding methods and like that the API has change quite a bit so it is probably going to be a bit of a project to make these changes rather than mostly recompilation like you might have hoped.
You EVER moved things in and out of video memory? shudder
Still ... its quicker to do that now than when DX7 was around. What exactly were you doing? From your description its impossible to say how easy it would be. A DX7 app should still run on Windows 7, I can't think of what odd features you may have used that would cause it to break.
Also converting an application to DX9 from 7 is not actually all that hard (Converting to DX10+ would be a nightmare). They are still relatively similar ... the main thing that has changed since those days is the shortening of things like D3DTRANSFORMSTAGESTATE_* or D3DRENDERSTATE_* to D3DTSS_* or D3DRS_*.
Edit: The biggest change I can think of that has happened since DX7 is that graphics card manufacturers have dropped support for palettised textures which "could" break some old apps on modern machines. That really is a very simple fix though ...
Edit2: Decompressing things from disk into a texture can be a bit of a pain. Your main issue is the fact that you end up suffering A performance hit when you create the texture. However if you have a load of textures already created and open then you can load to the relevant texture as and when you please. You only suffer a lock/unlock hit. That can be mitigated by loading a resource a few frames in advance. If you do this, though, it will no doubt require multi-threading and calling D3D from multiple threads. If you do this set the multi-thread flag on the device.

How can I learn about cross platform game development?

How do companies like Valve manage to release games to all three major gaming platforms? I am interested in the best-practices regarding code sharing specifically between Windows, Xbox360 and PS3, since the ideal solution is to reuse as much code as possible instead of rewriting the whole thing for every platform.
It's not any different than writing platform-independent code in other contexts. Hide platform-specific details (input, window interaction, the main event loop, threading, etc) behind generic interfaces, and test regularly on all the platforms you intend to support.
Note that the Cell's threading model is unusual enough that doing threading "generically" takes some care. I am not a Valve employee and I know none of their secrets, but it's my understanding that most game developers who want to target the PS3 use a job queue that the individual cell processors grab tasks off of as needed. This isn't necessarily the best way to use the Cell, but it generalizes nicely to more conventional threading models (like, frex, the one that thet PC and the 360 both use).
There's a bunch of Game Developer Magazine articles and GDC talks on the subject. In fact, since you mentioned Valve, they delivered a talk describing their approach at GDC08.
This is really a huge subject that I could (and have) talk about for hours upon hours, but elevator summary is:
Determine which parts of the engine are completely platform-specific and put them behind an abstraction. File and asset loading, for example, need to be rewritten for each console; but you can hide that behind an IFileSystem interface which provides a uniform API that the game code talks to.
The PS3 makes this hard because its abstraction point has to be someplace completely different from the other platforms. Even game features like collision and nav will have to be written differently for the Cell.
Try to keep leaf game code (entities, AI, sim) as platform-agnostic as possible...
But accept that even the leafiest of game code will sometimes need some platform-specific #ifdefs for perf or memory or TCR reasons. A lot of UI will have to be rewritten because the manufacturers have conflicting certification requirements.
Anyone who says the words "I'm not worried about performance" or "memory isn't an issue" shouldn't be on the payroll.
This question can be divided up into two separate questions. "How can I write portable code?" and "What are the divergent requirements of mainstream gaming platforms?".
The first question is relatively easy to answer. Best practices for abstracting your non-portable code are covered in Write Portable Code:
Turning theory into practice, the Quake 3 source code does a pretty good job of dividing out different platforms into separate areas for a C codebase, available at However, it does not demonstrate C++ patterns such as abstract interfaces, implemented once per platform.
The second part of your question, "What are the divergent requirements of mainstream gaming platforms?" is tougher. However, it is notable that your largest areas of change are still your renderer, your audio subsystem and your networking.
Each console platform has a series of certification requirements, available under an agreement with the respective console owners. The requirements drive consistency in user experience and are not focused on gameplay or qualitative, high level issues. For instance, your game may need to display a reasonably interesting animating loading screen, and black screens are unacceptable.
Getting your hands on this documentation as soon as possible is key to making the right choices in developing for a specific console platform.
Finally, if you can't get your hands on a console devkit, I suggest you port your code to the Mac from Windows. The Mac gets you an OS port ensuring you are not tied to Windows as well as a processor port if you support universal binaries. This ensures your code is endian agnostic.
If you support both PC and Mac, you will be well positioned to support a third platform, should you gain access to it in the future.
Addendum You wrote:
the ideal solution is to reuse as much
code as possible instead of rewriting
the whole thing for every platform
In many game porting scenarios, the ideal solution is not to reuse as much code as possible, but to write the optimal code for each platform. Code can be reused between projects and is relatively inexpensive as compared to the content that the engine takes in. A more reasonable goal is to aim for lowest common denominator content that runs on all platforms without modification (a build phase that packs the content for media is okay).
It's great to do simultaneous development. You find all kinds of bugs you wouldn't find doing just one platform.
I remember that programmers in DOS had null pointers all the time because writing to low memory didn't immediately crash them. When you ported to an Amiga, Atari ST, or Macintosh, boom! I remember telling a DOS programmer that he had a couple null pointers on an aready-shipped game. He thought for a couple seconds and grinned, "That explains a few things."
Now that games have such large budgets, it's important to ship them all at the same time so you don't waste marketing and ad budgets.
My advice on simultaneous development is to pick one lead platform, but never let the other platform(s) get more than a week behind. It will become obvious as you program which parts of the code are common to all platforms and which are different. Pull out the differences into one or more platform-specific areas.
My experience is in C/C++. It's a bigger problem if you have to port against different languages (say, Java and Objective-c).
A few years ago the Opera CEO said in an interview that the key to developing for independent platforms is to move away from any single OS/platform libraries. He went on and said that they developed their own libraries that improve OS performance.
My assumption is that big companies will have a common, Xbox, PS, windows, FooOS, separate teams. Each platform needs to be tweaked differently and requires different implementation methods. I don't think they do one source for all platforms; rather, they build one for each OS thereby, improving efficiencies. I remember EA used to release some console games earlier than the PC versions and vice versa.
Another issue is that different consoles have different hardware thus requiring different programming techniques.
there are two extremes, build one source that fits all (java for instance) but you run the risk of inefficiency or write 40 versions; one optimized for each platform
Back when I had a friend into educational computer games (before The Learning Company gutted the field), he was a great fan of creating cross-platform libraries for doing everything.
This is easier for games than other apps. If you have a word processing app to run on the Mac and Windows, for example, it really does need to look and behave like a Mac app on the Mac, and a Windows app on Windows. Write a game, and it doesn't have to conform to the native behavior, look, and feel.
If you want open source examples, you could look at source code of Quake 1, 2 and 3 engines. They are structured quite portably. (Of course, no ps3 or xbox360 support, but same principles apply)

Has anyone tried their software with ReactOS yet?

The Free MS Windows replacement operating system ReactOS has just released a new version. They have a large and active development team.
Have you tried your software with it yet?
if so what is your recommendation?
Is it time to start investigating it as a serious Windows replacement?
Targeting ReactOS specifically is a bit too narrow IMO -- perhaps a better focus is to target compatibility with WINE. Because ReactOS shares so many of its usermode DLLs with WINE, targeting WINE should result in the app running just fine on ReactOS.
Of course, there will always be things that WINE can't emulate well (hence the need for ReactOS). In this way, it seems that if something runs in WINE, it will run in ReactOS, whereas the fact that something runs in ReactOS doesn't mean that it will necessarily run in WINE.
Targeting WINE is well documented, perhaps easier to test, and by definition, should make your app compatible with ReactOS as a matter of course. In this way, you're not only gathering the rather large user base of current WINE users, but you're future-proofing yourself for whenever anyone wants to use your app with ReactOS.
In their homepage, at the Tour you can see a partial list of office, tools and games that already run OK (or more or less) at ReactOS. If you subscribe to the newsletter, you'll receive info about much more - for instance, I was quite surprised when I read most SQL Server 2000 tools actually work on ReactOS!! Query Analyzer, OSQL and Books Online work fine, Enterprise Manager and Profiler are buggy and the DBMS won't work at all.
At a former workplace (an all MS shop) we investigated seriously into it as a way to reduce our expenditure in licenses whilst keeping our in-house developed apps. Since it couldn't run MSDE fine, we had to abandon the project - hope in the future this will be solved and my ex-coworkers can push it again.
These announcements might as well be also on their homepage - I couldn't find them after 5 mins. of searching, though. Probably the easiest way to know all these compatibility issues is to join the newsletter, or look for its archives.
I have been tracking this OS' progress for quite some time. I believe it has all the potential to really bring an OSS operating system to the masses for it breaks the "chicken and egg" problem: it has applications and drivers from the very beginning (since it aims to have full ABI compatibility with MS Windows).
Just wait for their first beta, I won't be surprised if they surpass Linux in popularity really soon after that...
Post Edit: Found it! Look at section Support Database, it's the web place to go look for whether a particular piece of hardware of some program works on ReactOS.
ReactOS has been under development for a long long time.
They were in some hot water earlier because some of their code appeared to be line by line dissasembly of some NT kernel code, I think they have replaced all of it.
I wouldn't bother with cross platform testing until they hit the same market penetration as Linux, which I would wager is never.
Until ReactOS doesn't randomly crash just sitting there within 5 minutes of booting, I won't worry about testing my code on it. Don't get me wrong, I like ReactOS, but it's just not stable enough for any meaningful testing yet!
No, I do not think it is time to start thinking of it as a Windows replacement.
As the site states, it's still in the Alpha stages. More importantly, whos Windows replacement? Yours? Your users? The former is one thing, the latter is categorically a no-go.
As an aside, I'm not really sure who this OS is targetting. It has to be people who rely on Windows software but don't want to pay, because people who simply don't want Windows can use MacOS / Linux, and the support (community or otherwise) for these choices is good.
Moreover, if you use Linux you already have some amounts of Windows software support via Wine.
Back to people who rely on Windows software but don't want to pay. If they are home users they can just simply pirate it, if they are large business users they already have support contracts and trained people etc. It's hard enough for large businesses to be OK to update to new versions of Windows, let alone an open source replacement.
So I suppose that leaves small businesses who don't want to obtain illegal copies of MS software, can't afford the OS licences and rely on software that only runs on Windows and has bad of non-existent Wine compatibility.
It is a useful replacement for Windows when it runs 'your' software without crashing. At the moment it is not a general purpose os as it is too unstable (being only alpha) but people have used ReactOS successfully in anger for specific tasks already. As a windows replacement it has multiple potential uses, sandbox systems, test and development systems, multiple virtual instances, embedded devices, even packaging/bundling legacy apps with their own compatible o/s. Driver and application compatibility, freed from Microsoft's policy of planned obsolescence and regular GUI renewal, what's not to like?
